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Ayeglasses Apr 2019
Our bodies a series where touch makes a trilogy. We're running down spines for the release of our titles.
Both of your legs are bookends and I read between your lines.
We have no covers to judge by so we fill the air with a plot.
Tension ever rising as you flip through my pages.
A story that I cannot help but give such regard.
Ayeglasses Apr 2019
Confessions unseen
I'm swaying past the windmills
To be beside you
Ayeglasses Mar 2019
Small and unassuming, you would be downed by the fell of my trunk.
I remain upright for fear of the saw.
You claw into my bark and drain me of my wildlife.
Could it have been the sap?
Or merely the scratching of those insects within?
Nevertheless, you tear off my leaves.
I remain docile for fear of the bruise.
You claw into my scalp, draining me of my sanity.
Could it have been my fault?
Or merely my mental state a target?
My wildlife drained.
My body violated.
Cut into submission.
Ayeglasses Mar 2019
Whether a funeral or a wedding,
I cannot spar with this.
Totems strewn about listlessly,
as if to mimic a kaleidoscope.

I writhe from the ghost of her touch.
Squirm at the memory of her hands.
Retreat due to her force. Totem one.

A consolidation of both kinds.
Her understanding and familiarity.
The common ground and the calm.
Kind breaths to my lungs. Totems two.

My path a cardioid.
I come close for only a moment.
Her gravity keeps me in orbit,
I see my malignant shadow cast on the darting eyes of those guards. Totem three.

A monsoon.
The sun and stars.
Grassy hills.
Ayeglasses Mar 2019
I'm good at being a memory.
For those remembering me as a son.
I'm good at being a memory.
By those remembering me as a friend.
I'm good at being a memory.
Thought by those who loved me.
Yet a memory I will be.

I'm a memory for those of my family.
A memory for all those past friends.
A wisp in the mind of a lover.
I'm a bad memory for them in the end.
Ayeglasses Mar 2019
I am riddled with bullets.

With wretched caliber I haven't felt.
Struck with haunting sound, my skin tears gracefully under the direction of your barrel.

That had I been, would have guided those horsemen towards my body with grip taught by the pulling of your hand.
Ayeglasses Mar 2019
Two blind eyes behind the lens of a beholder.
One for familiarity,
The other for rarity.
The city bathes in a candlescape
no longer seen by those wetted pupils.
The moisture reflecting the city back as a mirror.
A small offering for frames still worn,
and the magical warmth of such candles.
Beauty in Both. Om.
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