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atticus wilson Mar 2020
Yet another dream about him and I

A few months ago was the first
Where in class we planned an art heist
Leading us to some “alone time”

Last night I had another
Just as vivid as the first
I could smell the wood of the pencils
Be blinded by the classroom projector
Hear the footsteps of the approaching teacher
Feel the cold plastic of the chairs on my skin

Here I am
Wondering why I dream of him
When we’ve grown so far apart
I still haven’t told him about the first dream, and now there’s another story to tell.... what does it mean
atticus wilson Mar 2020
One question was asked:
“How can I develop and open myself to my personality and not be embarrassed?”
Just be you
If people truly care about you
They won’t leave, they’ll support you
This isn’t to say that you should go and do anything you want
But as long as it’s safe and you know it’s morally and lawfully right, I say go for it

Don’t hide behind a mask
Show yourself and all your beauty!
Love yourself!
Sorry it’s half an hour later than I meant to post. Don’t hide yourself in fear, true friends will stay with you through thick and thin
atticus wilson Mar 2020
“Too many questions” Aughra said
She can’t answer mine
But I may be able to answer yours
Ask away
If you want it to be anonymous:
I’ll post another with the answers to these tomorrow at midnight PST
atticus wilson Mar 2020
I am now stuck here
Inside my home
With nothing to do but think
And all my thoughts have grown dark
atticus wilson Mar 2020
This was unexpected
A sudden break between acts
The stage goes dark
The curtain falls
And nobody knows when it will rise again
atticus wilson Mar 2020
It’s 2016 again
I’m in 8th grade
The last time I was truly myself
— Truly happy—

Standing at that desk
Just talking to my old best friend, Nick,
Though he went by Nicky then
About the sound of one hand clapping
The election, and how ****** up Trump is
Our plans to hang out and play D&D over the weekend

Ms. Johnson, my favorite teacher, walking in with her tea
The brown liquid perfectly poured into a clear glass mug
Tom raises his hand
“Ms. J, are you drinking whiskey?”
We all laugh at the preposterous question
And we go on with our day

English, math, history, science, PE, and Spanish
The classes fly by
Tristian and I go to my house
Sit in front of the Tv and play Mario Bros
Not a care in the world
Homework could wait until tomorrow

When he leaves I start prepping for tomorrow’s game
My parents come home and cook dinner
My sister emerges from her room to eat
We watch a show
And I go to bed

Things were simpler then
Things were better then
Can we go back?
I never thought I’d be without Nick, once we became friends, the bond lasted for 10 years. We used to speak, if not daily, weekly. Now we never talk.
I often wonder what happened to Tom, and his dream to go into the army. We were never friends, but not enemies either. We knew each other too well to be mere acquaintances.
Tristian and I had a bit of a falling out, which is too bad. He and I were close friends.
I wish I could talk to Ms. J again, if nothing else just to say hi, and thank her for everything.
Ah to be in 2016 again, without a care in the world
atticus wilson Mar 2020
Every adult does it
Some major event happens
“Oh you don’t need to worry about it!
You’re too young to need to know about this!”

Actually, I do need to know
I need to know **** that affects me
“Govn. To Close Schools 7 Weeks”
7 weeks without school
Stuck in my house
What’s the plan for my education?
How long is my graduation delayed?
Will school be closed for longer?
I need to know this

“Don’t worry about it!”
It’s affecting my life
I need to know what’s happening
I’m smart enough to know
That we aren’t 100% ******, but just how ****** are we?
Don’t brush me off
Inform me
Without knowledge, how am I to survive
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