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 Apr 2020 Julia
 Apr 2020 Julia
Set foot, stand on ground
Wakes up early before kickdawn
Rich in culture, filled with bask
Thanks god, for every grain, for
every rain,for every ray and another day.
Back to fields , growing seeds
Plucking the mist of irrational deeds
Running the treadmill of ounce dearth.

okay,let's count
when no rain, an unreasonable pain
Unseasonable rain, yet it flood the drains
Glimmering sun, adhesive air,
verdant emerald of vegies and corn
Filled with sweat of one's brow

They live life in a dense mess 
Farmers are in complete distress 
Apparantly with no fruitful harvest 
The whammy bankers further oppress. 
Their light erades like a blaze
They in darkness try to elope
But whirls in deep evil-twin
And find life hard to cope 
then they pick up a rope 
And hang-up all their hopes!
With this, one less counts the population
And this is how it will end,
the population count will decrease
No doubt with cost of an earnest gem!
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