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On her knee sat a pallet of paints, a blank canvas and the trees, slowly her eyes closed into the emerald depths,

Once not long ago, the splendour of winters nature witch was in silent slumber on crisp meadows, gone are blood berries of Holly’s frozen clusters, I see hedges spiked and glossy leaves,
Awake I am moving past the trees, nowever will I wonder in glades of silver and green, I am a gentle jewel entwined within trees

High pitch calls of the little owls are peeking, the woods be alive
Little Robin Ruby Red breast is showing a deep chest, serenading me,
A badger munching and crunching yonder I see,
Tiny oak trees sprouting upward, a little gift from the squirrel’s scurrying year

High above, a Raven black ink to my eyes.
A jet feather is floating free, a gift from my beloved woods in mind
Feeling the leaves dancing among big oaks trees, maples, beech and twigs are spiraling down enchanting on me,
Whispering are the leaves that move, now dark, now light

In the morn Wildwood tear drops of sliver hung on clever leaves, fairies are laughing hither tither and yon, sun catching their smiles in glitter,
Golden rays bow to the dancers in the green glens and groves
Apple and pear trees laden with blossom perfume the air,
Sweet grass is tickling my legs, and lady bird red wing sings in the passing warm breeze, gazing upon Blue bell carpets just for me

Into nights spell

A voice wind runs through my hair, come and dance by the edge of the sea,  I will guild you on a moon beam a bride to be, cooling the passion you feel, Beech nut husks crunch at my feet, and acorns marbles are laughing at me

Wildwood possessed dew drop lips, majestic of night in the glades of silver green,
Summer’s evening fire warming the passion you feel, dressed in cotton, wire and silks purple be,  I am who you invoke and have always been, come to the edge of the Wildwood's near the sea to dance come be thee

── Gently her eyes fluttered open, lifting her brush, smiling she began her self-portrait among the trees.

© Arnay Rumens / A Sol Poet  T20.2014
Back yard porch light
Burns bright with a dim light,
                                                     Amongst the hollow trees.
Shadows swimming out of sight
malicious in their whipping bite,
                                                           ­  Calm the forest that can not be.
A flutter of flurries swarms the night
I'm improching on the source of white
                                                           ­       Free the moth that's not your moon.
So soon be gone my dusty paresite
Flee these woods of wrong turn fright,
                                                         ­          For soon that light will be your guide to stay.
And your moon will dull and fade into the starlight
Beseech your home, it puts up a fight,
                                                          ­        Away away you flitter the fray.
Your dusted coat of chalk sheet blight
tethers away like thoughts of yesternight,
                                                    ­                   Leaving specks of musk alomg the tree line.
not sure if done yet
This sorrow that's  inside
I try to take it's pride,
make it hide,
but it won't die.
Everything's a lie
Covered up in filthy flies.
Can't you find,
anyone one who'll make it die?
Days turn into weeks,
As weeks turn into months,
To Years and so forth
Till you've wasted your whole life
Waiting with nothing to show
Or leave behind,
But the faith you had in another
Who lived their life forgetting you.
The things we value most, are the things with no valuable worth
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