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1.4k · Mar 2018
Pk Mar 2018
If every noble cause,
Is mocked by the commoners themselves;
If every good inference,
Is taunted and berated relentlessly;
If all one gets by trying,
Is being brought down using the name of almighty himself,
I don't wanna be good in this world.

If every selfless devotion,
Is only to be taken granted;
If egoistic attention,
Is all that deserves love;
If love is no more,
Than a squabble and a source of hideous pleasures:
I don't wanna be good in this world.

If procurement
Has become more important than the heart;
If anxiety,
Is something people use for diligence;
If sympathy and sorrow,
And not care
And ONLY care
Is what one uses for getting love;
this is something taht I feel from my heart, and want to shout in front of the people concerned
I hope this prove an useful platform.
466 · Oct 2018
Gandhi's Country
Pk Oct 2018
Thats Right its gandhi's country
Proving intolerance to the person who called us so.
Shirtless actors and leather jacketed alcoholics are fine
But a girl in a short skirt,"thats a ***!!"

We got the best soil and a heavy talent.
Also the most ingenious minds and the best gene pool.
still hunger and poverty grab us like bugs
and we're wannabe amercians coz we thinks its cool.

walks a man alone, walks a man tall.
but the whole ******* country, hell bent on proving him wrong.
im no more scared of the darkness outside,**** it!
coz  those my brothers who put me on a ship to the inchcape rock.

corruption, treachery,scams and money laundering
but demonetisatin,coz notes are the real problem isnt it?
oh please would you cut the *******?

there can be peaceful processions and hunger strikes
but who cares when we can burn buses and **** children
nepotism is the real trend today
also true talent- that aint nothing worth a million!

Where the head is held high,and the mind is without fear,
applies to the evil, rich or the cruel.
we can have the largest domes and the biggest missiles,
where cast based reservation still prevails withe suicides as a fuel.

Mob lynching is a everyday problem now,also rapes.
it goes on to anti nationalism, corruption and prostitution.
And here is gandhi's country,much like this sonnet
with only problems and no real solution.
These are my thoughts on what is happening in the worlds largest democracry. here is a glimpse of what india is internally.
this is my country and im proud of it, but at the same time true and purest from of patriotism would be to critisize your country to perfection
215 · Nov 2019
Pk Nov 2019
I'm leaping towards faith
Running to the edge
Taking life's bait
Away from my mind's carnage

Maybe it's a trap
Or maybe its all an illusion
I'm probably totally powerless
Walking straight to the conclusion

People's voice overrides my own no more
I listen to what my mind says
Still there's scope for introspection
Praise the lord and his mysterious ways

Still I stand sword in my hands
Dealing with lifes rotten lemons
Sharing is no longer a boon
For people are the real demons

Arrows shower the field
Oceans bring the largest tide
But if I stand tall
And I smile wide
For I am a warrior
For I am a warrior
139 · Aug 2019
Pk Aug 2019
There needs to be a better vision. A vision for the greater good.
I dont really understand how things should be.
What should i do?
Should i do the right thing today and
maybe destroy the possibility of something better tomorrow because I did the right thing today?
Or should i look to the future
while cruelly overlooking
the wrong that is being done today?
Do I become a futurist?Or a hero?
An impulsive failure? Or a cold blooded winner?

— The End —