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Sep 2020 · 102
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2020
You stare me in the face as you mock my desire,
You laugh as I yearn for the touch from another…
Deep within the core of who I am, comes a cry of who I am destined to be
But SSENILENOL won't see me free.

You poke and **** as at my wildest dreams
No peace you want for me it seems
The walls appear to be closing in
And with an eerie voice in my ear you sing…

Half truths about what my future holds
Lies about what will unfold
So with a smirk you mock my desire
And laugh as I yearn for the touch from another

You hide away in the darkest places
And then appear with different faces
No one seems to know who or what you are
But LONELINESS I've seen you coming from a far.
Sep 2020 · 82
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2020

Tomorrow I return, to a place that seems forgotten. How will it receive me? I won't know for sure as the script remains unwritten.
Tomorrow I return, to a place that once called out my name, and with joy I'd answer, but now things aren't the same. Through muzzled lips with muffled words my name it whispers.
Tomorrow I return, to a place where I'll wish it was still today and tomorrow is delayed, and though my wish may sound selfish; many would gain…
Tomorrow… if it comes, I return to a place that I now remember...
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2020

Why do we tend to always remember the things we try hard to forget?
While we carefully try to live a life of no regrets...
Sometimes the very thing  from which we run, is what becomes our saving grace,
But it's hard to see it face to face...
Just to erase the parts that you don't wish to recall,
So that depression won't be your portion after all...
If with the mind, bad things and people we could make disappear,
None of us would live a life of fear...
But things have a way of coming right back,
And it's when it's least expected that it attacks...
When you thought it was gone, it was only suppressed,
Then it shows up at dinner as an uninvited guest...
You try very hard to put it back in the box,
But there's not much one can do with broken locks.
So now you remember and it brings lots of pain,
And you promised yourself not to cry over this memory again...
You try to send it back from whence it came,
But only if you remember, your life will never be the same.
Jul 2020 · 102
Tell me how you feel
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2020
My heart is aching...                          I'
My hands are shaking...                  M
My head is spinning..          
My soul is breaking...                        H
I must be dreaming...                        U
My chest is tight...                              R
Can't sleep at night...                         T
For joy I fight...                                    I
I can't see the light...                          N
Take this pain, restore my sight...   G
Jun 2020 · 121
I'm done
Kimeisha Paisley Jun 2020
Heart Break
           Break up
                           ­  Backdrop
                                      Drop dead.
Jun 2020 · 210
I care too much
Kimeisha Paisley Jun 2020
It hurts a lot when the one you care about doesn't care about you
You asked for my heart and I was quick to give, now that it's broken I don't want to live.
Jan 2020 · 102
I saw too much
Kimeisha Paisley Jan 2020
From the sound of the guns
To the smell of blood
From the screams of the neighbors as the body of their kin hits the ground with a thud...
From men walking with riffles too and fro my backyard
I have seen it, I have seen it all.
Dogs barking in a distance become very near
People screaming and running for their lives in fear...
Schools closed on the account of war
Gangs and law enforcers together in a brawl
It was a lot to see, but I have seen it all.
Who would I become when crime and violence have been engraved in my mind?
When the hate and torment around me is all that I could find?
Not what is expected of me as my environment dictates
But a role model to society no matter what it takes...
Because I have seen it, and seen it all
To crime and violence I will not fall.
Jan 2020 · 83
Kimeisha Paisley Jan 2020
It's been a while since I have written
A year ago to be exact.
Things has been so topsy turvy,
I had given up on writing as a matter of fact.

Not another word or thought came to me,
I lost my zeal as I watched my muse disappeared.
It can be devastating when you lose the ones you love,
But to lose yourself is even more than what one can bear.

After realising that I am my own muse,
And I am all that I needed,
I decided to pick myself up and push with all that I got
I made myself an offer that I couldn't refuse.

Note to self:
Writing is what you do best
So never allow anyone to tell you less
You may feel defeated at times but you're not done yet
So whenever you feel like you have something to say
Grab a pen and some paper and say it without delay
You are too good of a writer to keep your mouth shut,
And even the best of writers fall in a rut
So promise me you will never again put your pen down
Because soon and very soon, for your writing, you'll be given a crown.
Let no one stand in the way of your dreams
Jan 2019 · 158
Get up, don't trip up
Kimeisha Paisley Jan 2019
If I keep tripping over the same wire, why don't I move it out of the way?
You'd think I would have learned the first few times I've fallen by the scars left behind…
But still I get up, lick my wound and somehow manage to fall one more time.

Is it that I am stupid or just broken inside, that one would think that I like it when I fall?
But like a broken record I am stuck on replay, doing it again and again, not remembering how it felt the last time I took a fall.

Why don't I move the **** wire?! How do l even move it?
Day after day, night after night I dream of a time when I fall no more
But I can't seem to get that **** wire out the door

Why can't I walk another way? How about going left instead of right today?
I see the wire ahead and I know I will fall,
But I just can't seem to divert from it any at all…

Like a magnet to metal I am being pulled in its path,
And I want to break away from it but I don't know where to start
I tried my best but it just wasn't strong enough,
And so I fell again over the same stupid stuff
Oct 2018 · 162
Suicidal Cat
Kimeisha Paisley Oct 2018
I saw a cat sitting in the dead center of a two way street,
And I wondered what tragedy it would meet...
For no one seemed to care that it was sitting right there,
As they drove pass without a stare...
It didn't flinch a bit as the vehicles passed by, but in my heart I wondered why...
Why is it there? I pondered... Is life so bad that death is the only solution it was rendered?
But then I remembered when I was like that cat, sitting in the dead center of the busy street of life.
Crying out for help but everyone passed me by... On days when I wanted to die...
People have become so selfish and inhumane, only the carcass of the cat now remains...
Why didn't they save it? Why didn't they reach out to others like me?
Sitting in the dead center of the busy street of life, waiting for someone to come and rescue me.
To all my friends out there, I just want you to know that death is not the answer... Search your heart and you will find that there is none like you as you are one of a kind.
Oct 2018 · 156
Kimeisha Paisley Oct 2018
The eyes are the windows of the soul
you look, you see, and soon you feel
you are drawn to what you see and hope that it will be real.
First sight produces connection, in ways more than one
But if sight isn't returned, what you feel will become an unsung song.

You look, you see and soon you feel and hope that they feel it too.
But when sights collide there is nothing one can do.
Small talks and soft smiles, quiet whispers and silent cries, all evolved from that first sight.
That first sight of love...
You look, you feel and soon you'll see, through the windows of the soul and you separate what's fake from what’s real.

I saw your heart and I've detected how you feel, with a soft kiss you have seal the deal. With no pressure nor force you have opened your heart, to the one you love or so you thought.
When love becomes unrequited and truths become lies, the heart becomes hardened, withers and eventually dies.
Talks become fights smiles become frowns, and you wonder how did it came about. Because you looked, you saw and you felt, what love does to a person for whom it wasn’t sent.

No one truly understand, the matters of the heart of what you love is right from the start.
Instead, you look and feel from what you see, even if it wasn't meant to be. Don’t go chasing love because your heart says so but wait on love to find you and then you’ll know.
Sep 2018 · 158
Where is Mr. Right
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2018
So here I lay in my dark cold room, looking at them four walls…
Wondering if this is how my life will always be,
Come home from work, rest a bit, eat something then watch TV…
With No one to talk to or call my own, I check the messages on my phone…
No recent texts except from Flow, and looking on my page there isn't anyone that I really know…
Wouldn't be nice to just have a man around? To chit chat with and turn your frown upside down…
I am nice, and very attractive too, so why is that I don't have a boo?
Mr Right my love where art thou?
I am patiently waiting,  and to purity I took a vow…
Are you not ready to deal with my mess? because I can assure you that I will be at my best…
I really wonder how you'd be, arms so strong, strong enough to carry me… You'll be a good and Godly man that's sent from above, with a heart so big and kind and filled with love…
A provider, a leader and a protector you'll be, taking care of the things that concerns me…
You won't be perfect, but I will love all your flaws,
So you better come find me as that is the natural law…
So here I lay in my dark cold room, looking at them four walls…
Wondering if this is how my life will always be,
Waiting for Mr Right to come and find me.
Aug 2018 · 178
The Visit
Kimeisha Paisley Aug 2018
Hey you, do you know who I am?

No... Should I? Aren't you the same as any other man?

Nah... You see, that's where you have me wrong... For I am the type that will love you no matter what you may have done wrong...

But how can you love me and me you don't even know?... The things that I have done, the places I'd go...

My love is boundless, with it there is no end...

So what do you want from me?

All I wants is to be your friend...
You see, I know you, even though you think I don't... I have been with you the whole time, wanting you to let me in but you wont...

You've been here the whole time and you watched me suffered? Why should I trust you when i believe nothing you've uttered?
The people who caused me pain, my nights in the rain, were you really there to see? So why didn't you show up there to help me?

Times and times again I have tried to help, but you've always rejected me so I sat and watched you dealt...

Who do you think you are to show up now? When I am battered and bruised and broken in despair... What could you possibly want from me when my life has been a living nightmare?

I only want your heart...

My heart? But it's shattered and broken beyond repair...

It's perfect just the way it is... For I will make it new, I will remove the broken fragments and repair it with my special glue...
You may feel hopeless and broken beyond repair, you may have hit rock bottom, but I was always there... Though you didn't know me, from before the womb I knew your name, and though this may sound creepy, the hairs on your body, I have numbered them and none of them are the same...

Why me and not those people over there?

I chose you! and not that I don't love them , but to me you are dear...

But I still don't know why you'd do this for me...

All I want is for you to experience true liberty. For you to feel what true love is supposed to be; to not worry about things beyond your control; to know what it's like to feel whole.

Who are you and would you really do that for me?

My name is Jesus and yes I want to set you free...
Just open  your heart and let me in,
for I will take all you pains and wash away your sins...
On a tree, I died for all you've done,
so the price has been paid for your sins to come.
I love you so much and this is why I came,
so that your life will never be the same.
I want you to live life abundantly,
so that one day you'll share you story.
So will you please let me in so I will be you guide?
In me, all your insecurities you can also hide.

Ok... You win... I am letting you in... I surrender all.
But please don't let me fall...

From today hand in hand we will walk this path,
and your life now has a brand new start.
Things for you will never be the same,
All you have to do is call my name.
Aug 2018 · 139
The darkness of light
Kimeisha Paisley Aug 2018
In the very darkness there is a light
That though seems dim, it flickers very bright
It shows the things that I wish to share
But the more it flickers, I am filled with fear.

A part of me I wish to give
While deep inside I am dying to live
My flesh so weak but my will is strong
To do what's right and not what's wrong.

Stuck between if and when
In times when there isn't a friend
Then you appear to give me hope
Showing me how to cope

And right through me you obviously see
The true reflection of who I want to be
It shouldn't be hard to let you in
But somehow I just can't give in

Some things still feel obscure
But I don't wish to make a detour
A sense of who you are I wish to feel
To know for certain that this is for real

One should never travel on a one way street
But in the middle the two should meet
You desire for me to move ahead
But I will only walk the path you've led.
Aug 2018 · 179
Gone to the wild.
Kimeisha Paisley Aug 2018
Oh what joy it was meeting you,
And immediately I was attached to you..
I took you home and made you mine,
Not thinking I was crossing the line.

A home so grand for you I made,
On perches so high, your head you laid...
Your constant chatter, it made my day,
And the sound of your voice melted my heart away.

Who knew our time would be short lived?
To have you here with me, anything I'd give...
But the world outside is larger than a cage,
And who am I to stop you from turning that page...

Like a sparrow, you took off full speed ahead,
No looking back, from my sight you fled...
Did I hurt you or make you sad?
You were the best friends I've had...

I didn't get to see you grow,
Nor your little ones did I get to know...
I had plans for us to do great things,
But who knew what the future would bring...

So out in the wild, you now choose live,
I hope Mother Nature will be accommodative...
Enjoy your time and make me proud,
And do your best to stand out in the crowd.

Goodbye to you my little friends,
I hope that this isn't the end...
Visit as often as you can,
But if you can't, I do understand.
Goodbye to my Budgies Maggie and George
Jul 2018 · 172
Eyes wide shut
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
I open my eyes, and what do I see?
A whole new world looking back at me..
With daisies dancing diligently so,
And heavenly storehouses laden with snow.

The rushing river racing down the brook,
The striped tail bandit looking like a crook...
The sunflower lifts her head to the rays of the sun,
And see the birds playing hit and run

A place so green, I could stay forever,
But a life in the wild would not be clever...
The wet below I wish to explore,
To see jumbo shrimps and a whole lot more.

The heated vents spread their garments wide,
Devouring even those who tries to hide...
A thing so beautiful doesn’t really exist,
But I will continue to dream if you insist.

As slow as a tortoise, the night creeps in,
And the race for light will now begin..
I close my eyes and it’s  gone away
Only to return the following day...
Jul 2018 · 189
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
I was shattered but I never broke...
I was deep under but I didn't drown...
I have collected
my broken pieces
so that
I can repair my crown...
Jul 2018 · 151
Out in the open
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
Don't wear make-up to cover up your scars,
I want to see you for who you are...

Don't turn off the lights when we make love,
I want to see all of you, the way you were sent from above...

When I saw you, I saw the you beneath it all,
so when you look at me, see me the way I see you.
Jul 2018 · 147
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
I thought the hurt was gone,
but it was only covered.
Now the tears are flowing in showers.
Jul 2018 · 176
If I Fail
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
If I fail it wouldn't be because I didn't try,
It would be because I tried and the option chosen didn't work...

If I fail it wouldn't be because I gave up before I reached the end,
It would be because I gave my all and didn't take a hand from a friend...

But failure is just a stepping stone to even greater success,
And so you must always do your best...

If I tried 100 times and failed 99,
It simply means that I have succeeded once, but those failed ideas are also mine.

But what have I learnt from those 99 times?
How not to give up when things get hard, and to always try.
Always remember that failure is a part of growth,
So if you fail today, remember that tomorrow is another day for you to try.
Jul 2018 · 153
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
So they told me that R.I.P. means Rest In Peace,
But I want to change that if you please...

For it is impossible to find peace when your mind is at war,
And everything and everyone around you seems so far.

So as you sleep, I won't say rest in peace,
But I will say Rise in Power if you please...

Rise in Power over depression...
Rise in Power over fear...
Rise in Power over the things that try to control you
Just Rise in Power if you dare.

For if you Rise in Power over all these things you are sure to find peace,
And resting would not be so hard as you'll have sweet sleep.
Jul 2018 · 164
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
Not because your eyes open each day does it means that you're alive...
The moment you start living and not existing; that's when you come to life.
Jul 2018 · 147
Kimeisha Paisley Jul 2018
You plugged yourself into me, and like the blades of a fan, you spun with complete force, because of the power I gave to you...
But then you thought that you could do without me and unplugged yourself...
Now, although your blades are spinning, you are without power, slowly shutting down... Eventually, you will be motionless.
Mar 2018 · 158
It's hard being me...
Kimeisha Paisley Mar 2018
No one really sees the real me when they look at me,
They see my smile but not what lies beneath...
To be the example and practice what I preach, the bar they set for me is hard to reach...
No one is always happy, but I dare not wear a frown, even when I feel as though I am about to drown...
It's hard being me and I wish they could see, that not all my smiles are what they appear to be...
Feb 2018 · 700
My Black is Beautiful
Kimeisha Paisley Feb 2018
Momma gave birth to a dark skinned baby girl,
She said go out there baby and conquer the world…
With that in mind, little Suzie went off to school,
She paid attention and learned the golden rule…

At 9 years old, teacher asked Suzie what she'd like to be,
Oh that's easy miss, I will work in the bank on Market Street
Child please! With that tar skin and ***** hair?
Ha! You just might give the customers a scare!

Heart broken Suzie went home and told her mom,
She had many questions about where she came from…
Is something wrong with the colour of my skin?
Why is it so hard for me to fit in?

At 18 years old Suzie went out to see the world,
Wow! You're pretty! For a little black girl…
Enough is enough! I am proud of the colour of my skin,
It's obvious that you want to go where I have been…

Don't say my black isn't beautiful, when you spend hours in a tanning booth,
Don't say my black isn't beautiful, when you know I speak the truth…
The curl of my lips, and the curve of my hips, many of you desire,
So with many surgeries, and doctor visits, my image you try to acquire...  

Afraid to see and admit how beautiful my chocolate skin is,
they try to brainwash me into believing that I am not His…
You're too dark, or she's too light,
Just look at her! Her complexion isn't right…

Now my brothers and sisters are trying to look like you,
Using chemicals and creams to lighten their colour that's true…
What more do you want of us?
About our thick curly hair you make a fuss…

Making relaxers and extensions for us to use,
Who can I call because this is abuse!
You seem to be very insecure,
That is why my chocolate skin you cannot ignore…

Tired seeing us on the cover of Vogue?
I bet you'd prefer if I were a rogue…
Stop beating down on the colour of my skin,
And try to know the person that is within…

Black, white, pink or blue,
My colour should not matter to you…
My black is beautiful and of it I am proud,
So I will stand tall with my head up and declare it loud…

My black is beautiful and I love every part,
And whether you agree or not, I am a work of art…
My black is beautiful, I just want you to know,
That I will wear it proudly wherever I go!
Jan 2018 · 192
True Reflection
Kimeisha Paisley Jan 2018
I look in the mirror and I ask who are you?
You look like someone I know, but the things you say aren't the things you do…
It's amazing how you tell others it is well and they believe, but those very words to your heart they never cleave… Tell me now, are you really who you appear to be?
Because looking at this mirror it doesn't seem that way to me…
You quickly get jittery when things appear to be out of control, you second guess your God and put a damp in your soul… Who are you really, I do need to know, because the courage you have in that mirror, on the outside it needs to show…
If God said to relax then you need to do just that, and stop trying to fix things because you don't know squat…
Quit worrying about things that are not even here as yet, and give yourself a break, because your best hasn't come yet.
Kimeisha Paisley Jan 2018
You said you wanted to talk and I am here listening,
Your lips are moving but I'm hearing nothing...

Blah, blah, blah
All I hear is you babbling,
It's best you quit while you're ahead because I am done listening...
Jan 2018 · 300
Good Girl Gone Bold
Kimeisha Paisley Jan 2018
So it was my first time see,
I sat in that chair and waited patiently…
Doing something l have never done before,
No turning back now, I have gone through the door ..

They all watched as she applied the potion,
I held my breath because I chose the option…
Now to see the big reveal
I wondered how my mom would feel…

Ten minutes later and I am all done,
No turning back now, nowhere to run…
Was I afraid or even a bit scared?
Will I be OK, or will they look at me weird?

I was told to face my fears,
To take a chance, to change the gears...
So I will step into the new year,
With my freshly bleached hair!
Dec 2017 · 351
If Dreams Could Talk
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
What if dreams could talk, would you allow them to freely speak?
They'd probably tell you how to get what you truly seek...
If my dreams could talk they would say to me,
Please do not give up on me...

We see that you are trying to make us come alive,
And we appreciate every stride…
But now at a crossroad we are standing still,
And the very things that make us unique, they are trying to ****...

Through disappointments and discouragements we have seen you stand,
And made things happen for us, even if no one gives a hand…
But lately you have stopped fighting, and we feel as if we are drifting away,
So we are asking you please not to stop fighting for us, so that we won't melt away…

My dreams are pleading, because I stopped believing…
My passion for success is fading, because of moments that were disappointing…
Do something, you're giving up on us!
Don't let us die; fight for us, you must!

Dreams deferred due to financial lack,
Broken promises, disappointing moments and views of loved ones’ back…
But who will fight to keep my dreams alive if not me?
I have to make them a reality…

I can't give up even when all hope is lost,
I have to keep fighting no matter the cost…
My dear dreams, I will fight for you,
Because one day you will all come true.
Dec 2017 · 236
You Said You Loved Me
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
When you said you loved me, I didn't know it would cause me pain...
When you said you loved me, all I felt was agony and strain...
When you said you loved me, I didn't expect to give something in return...
When you said you loved me, my life; for the worst, it took a turn...

With only your version of love, you can only expect,
That anyone who use those words to me will encounter reject...
Why would I share in the love from another,
When love seems so painful? So why bother?

When I hear the words, I expect pain and hurt,
Or to see you dressed only in your shirt...
Now I hear them frequently and I am a bit confused,
Because they make me happy, instead of used and abused...

When He said He loved me, I felt like I could walk on air,
Because I knew that He truly cared...
When He said He loved me, that I truly believed,
Because this is the best love that anyone could ever receive.
Dec 2017 · 260
Are They For Real?!
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
Ever been through hurt and the culprit pretended as though it never happened?
Ever had someone lied to your face or better yet, lied on you and swore it was the truth?
Ever had someone mentally abusing you and made it seem as if you were the one with the problem?
And you ask yourself, are they for real?!
Then you find yourself thinking that it was your fault, believing the lies, or maybe you overreacted...
Nah... It's them... Not you...
Dec 2017 · 215
The Love Letter
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
My Dearest Love,
Words alone cannot express the love I have for you,
But I will try to say it in just a few…
I love you not because of your physical beauty,
But because of the way you care even when you are off duty…
The light in your eyes that glows when you are around the ones you love,
And even those who may have caused you hurt, you show them love from above.
The size of your heart is like none that I have seen before,
You touch the lives of those you meet from their very core…
I love the way you tilt your head slightly to the right when you are a bit confused,
I am mesmerized by your eyes and lips, you are my muse…
I love the arch of your back and how your legs are slightly bowed,
What I am trying to say is, I love you from your head to your toes!
Dec 2017 · 198
Just Be You :)
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
No one really cares about your actions until they are affected...
No one really cares about what you look like until the real you is reflected...
No one wants to be with you until you reject them...
So what's the point of caring about what others want then?
The truth is... Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter...
Just be who you are and everything will come after...
Dec 2017 · 323
From colour to grey scale
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
Do people really change?
Nah dude... They only show you who they really are...
They meet and greet you, wine and dine you
then what was inside all along  is revealed to you...
Where did it come from? Is this something new?  
Nah dude... It's just the true image of a broken facade...
Dec 2017 · 315
When Anger wins...
Kimeisha Paisley Dec 2017
Darkness has consumed the core of my soul,
Causing me to see nothing but hate, anger, bitterness and death…
I felt nothing… No fear, no hurt, or pain…
The blood in my veins went immediately cold..

I was no longer me when anger overtook me,
so I wasn't afraid of what he would do when he was coming towards me...

Anger, you pushed me to the ledge,
And with one dumb statement, I stepped off the edge…
I didn't see the end of my life but the end of his,
I was quite sure, he was tired to live…

Totally consumed with nothing but rage,
Nothing that was said made sense at this stage...
Everything around me has lost its colour,
And it all went black as if its the midnight hour...

Anger causes you to be out of control,
And the things you do and say aren't from your soul...
You can't take them back after they're gone from you
So do not let anger control you.
Nov 2017 · 300
Come Away My Love
Kimeisha Paisley Nov 2017
It's been so long since you have been with me,
To be in my presence, basking in my glory…
I have longed for you, where have you been?
You have closed the doors and have not let me in…

I longed for the days when we used to be,
Together all alone, locked away in unity…
Come away my love, I have much for you,
But you can only get it, if you want it too

I want to take you to a place, where I can get all of you,
To pour my love and grace all over  you…
My table I have set with all you can eat,
And this will be all my treat…

Come away my love and drink of my wine,
You need nothing more because I am the true vine...
A time to feel my warm embrace,
And feel my presence upon your face…

Come away my love, in me you will find rest,
Just lay your head upon my breast...
In my ***** I will hold you close,
And pamper you from your head to your toes…

Come away my love, like you used to do,
I really miss spending time with you…
Let this be a day a new,
Where it is only me and you…
Come away my love, come away...
Oct 2017 · 215
Keeping Faith
Kimeisha Paisley Oct 2017
What more do I need You ask?
How about some help completing this task?
I look up and all I see is the back of that chair
Moving slowly in the air…

You said I'd know and soon to understand,
But truly I can't seem to figure out this plan…
Each time I go forward, it feels like ten spaces back
So please tell me dear Sir, what do I lack?

You make promises that I know you'll keep,
But at times I wonder if You have fallen asleep…
Things feel out of place and have gone awry,
I am so overwhelmed it makes me want to cry.

Tell me now, what I am supposed to do,
Other than waiting and trusting in You…
Your office door seem to be closed with a do not disturb sign attached,
So now I feel like everything is detached.

Tell me what to do Mr corner office man,
At least please explain this part of Your plan…
I have been waiting and trusting just as You asked
But suddenly I feel as though I won't last…

The time is near and many things left to be done,
I honestly feel to drop everything and run…
But because I know exactly who You are,
I will stand here and wait, and see You take me real far.
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
CEO, Big boss, Man in charge…
All names given to You…
Taking care of the things that no one else can,
While enlarging my territory and expanding my lifespan.

Sometimes I see You as that man upstairs in that corner office,
Though busy at work there is nothing that You ever miss…
You put things into place way before I see,
That most of the work was done for me.

At times I wonder how You do it all,
And still find time for me every time l call..
No wonder You are the boss as You have all things set,
So when troubles come I don't have to fret.

In Your office in the sky, behind Your big desk,
Mapping out the plan for where l go next…
You stamp every document and seal every plan,
Most of which l am yet to understand.

Many people around, they fear their boss,
But for a wretch like me, You died on a cross…
What can l give to the man upstairs?
When He has everything more than combined billionaires.

A gift without price is for all He asks,
And in His presence daily, we should bask…
So why do we  choose to give Him what's left?
When all that we need is found in His cleft.

I lift my hands to You Mr Corner Office man,
Because You take care of me, the way no one else can…
I hope someday, I will be sitting next to You,
Upstairs, corner office, with a really nice view.
Sep 2017 · 248
The Candyman
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
He did it mom, I thought you'd want to know,
Why I've become withdrawn and my face I don't want to show...
You didn't believe when I told you at first,
So now here you are looking at the hearse...

My only candy, from me he took,
And after eating it, he gave me that look...
To never speak a word, or make even a sound,
Each time he is near, my heart begins to pound...

The fear that crippled my aching soul,
Each time I remember the candy he stole...
Why would you take candy from a babe?
Couldn't you find some place where they are made?

The little girl inside wanted to be free,
But each time she tries, it's him that she sees...
So when I was older, I tried to take it back,
So with the kitchen knife I launched my attack...

I didn't realize that my candy was forever gone,
But the pain in losing it, in me forever lives on...
I am sorry it took his death to make you see,
That my candy was important to me...

Although it's gone, I am happier now, because he is gone too,
And on no other candy he can now chew...
I hope one day, me, you will forgive,
But he had to die ,so I can live...
Parent and guardians please pay attention to your children... If you do not look out for them, who will?
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
Nobody asked so she never told a soul.
It was their little secret and she promised to keep it...
Moments arose, and to tell would be fit.
But to ruin lives was never her goal.

She struggled to keep it all together, but things kept falling apart.
No one could imagine what she was going through on the inside...
On her face she wore a smile, but it is her pain that she tried to hide.
She tried to console herself, but who knew the cure for a bleeding heart?

Each time she remembered the things that were said and done,
How much she had to put up with, and how she had to pretend…
There were moments when she thought that it would be best for life to end…
But she was young and unwise, and didn't know that her life has only just begun.

How can she tell when she's sworn to secrecy?
Or better yet, break a bond that was made by a threat…
But with a heart heavy, bursting with regret,
She describes it all sacrilegiously…

It's amazing that she is still standing after going through her pain.
Through many sessions of counseling, she began to heal…
But the scars and residue of her ordeal she can still see and feel.
So when clouds break,  outside she'll be,  because no one can see her tears while dancing in the rain.

Finally free and she is ready to fly,
To find the place where she truly belongs…
In her heart she sings many a songs,
Because now life has more meaning, she will live and not die.
Sep 2017 · 219
Back To Work Blues
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
Here I am in a place where I don't want to be,
Seeing faces that l didn't want to see.  
So how do I handle fitting in, in a place where I no longer belong?
Hoping that my actions do not put me in the wrong…

Make a difference you say,
In a place where I don't want to stay…
To be with people who aren't sincere,
Even when I try to care…

It feels like too much to handle this time around,
In my heart I am screaming but no one can hear a sound…
I hoped to feel alive, but instead all feel like death,
Now I am going under and I can't catch my breath…

Is it just me? Or are there others who feel the same?
Who feel as though you're caught in an accident without an insurance claim…
Stuck and the only way out is to go forward, but you linger behind,
Because to do your duties, you have to be in the right state of mind…

Not sure what to do, so I lift my head up,
And asked the great One above, to let me pass this cup…
There is more for you to do just before you go,
So hold on a little while longer and I will help you to grow…

So with a heavy heart, I sit at my desk,
Thinking about what to do and where to go next…
Finally the answer came in just one word,
Nothing I would have expected to have heard

Home… Repeated once, or twice before it sank,
A word never sounded better, and that was my thought to be frank…
So I grabbed my bag and went through the door
Even though I was to leave at four…

Now to prepare for the days ahead,
I would really much rather to be in bed…
I have to get it together, and do it real fast,
Because tomorrow morning at 8, begins my first class.
Sep 2017 · 311
The Aftermath
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
Now that the storm is over, what's left to rebuild?
From broken dreams and hearts and a deep hole to fill...
To find all the pieces that were blown away,
To put them together and to make them stay...

How can I start over when I don't know where to start?
Will anyone help me by doing their part?
As I search to find all that I have lost,
I realized that all that I have left is a pendant of the cross...

There are others like me you see, who have to start a fresh,
Wishing and hoping that their hopes and dreams can be refreshed...
Though the memory of the horror still burns our mind,
With hands and hearts together, our effort is combined

To rise again as a nation stronger than before,
To open and reopen every closed door...
The news only shows a bit of what's there to see,
But what we have left is our reality...

You never know when disaster will hit,
And take away the places that you once sit...
No one really knows what or how you truly feel
Until they have the experience of your ordeal.

So as we rebuild our lives once more,
Our cries for help, please do not ignore...
Our hope and faith is what we have to keep us strong,
But a kind word or deed, will surely help us go on.
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
Running to and fro making squeaking sounds,
every time I hear you my heart just pounds...
I don’t know what you are, a bat, a lizard or a mouse,
but you’re acting as if you own this house...

You stay here rent free, and you come and go as you please,
But from your late night bickers I could do with an ease...
You scamper across the roof all night long,
As if you’re dancing to the freedom song.

I hurry to see what you are, but you are never seen,
You become very quiet once I get on the scene...
Show yourself you annoying little freak!
I have no time to play hide and go seek...

Your identity you have not revealed to me,
So I don’t know how to set you free...
This is my house and I am not going anywhere,
So you better find a different tactic, if it’s me you want to scare...

I thought the two of us could maybe exist,
But from your scampering you could not desist...
You probably tried, but I have my doubts
So pack your things and get the hell out.
Sep 2017 · 181
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
Irma my dear, what have we done to make you mad?
You have hit us so hard with all that you had...
With boisterous winds and torrential rains,
You have left many of us hurting and stranded for days...

Like a woman scorned you have unleashed your fury,
And had no mercy for judge nor jury...
Buildings flat, water reaching the roof,
It must be something that you are trying to prove

You skipped from isle to isle searching for what, we don’t know
But obviously, you are livid, because your anger really shows...
You completely destroyed all that’s in your path,
But somehow we (ANU)have managed to miss your wrath...

Was it heartbreak from your beloved Harvey?
Or you’re just trying to make us pay for the pain you now carry?
Whichever way, it doesn’t make it right,
To destroy lives and nations out of spite...

For how long will you be in this rage?
Behaving like an animal out of its cage...
So many people are in fear,
But your heart is so heavy, there is no room to care...

You will look back and see what you have done,
And probably smile and say, you have only just begun...
But sooner or later you will have to quit,
Because rage and anger makes you unfit...

Your time will be over when a younger woman comes
By then you’ll be old and thirsty with no air in your lungs...
Quit while you’re ahead and leave us in peace,
And don’t allow your anger to make the devastation increase.
Sep 2017 · 217
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017

Whoever said that waiting was not easy made an understatement...
As you sit in anticipation waiting to hear your fate, every beat of your heart is almost a second late... Your nerves they run awry and your breathing almost cease, only the news you want to hear will put your heart at ease...
The door opens and shuts, but it's still not your turn, everyone waiting with you or came after you are now gone... But still you sit in silence with your heart beating as loud as a drum, waiting in almost fear to hear your final outcome...
Finally the door swings open and out comes the boss, with files in hand, at you he looks across... You rise from your seat as he signals you to come, your heart beating faster as you're seconds away from hearing the outcome...
Your files we have seen, but we still need more time to decide... Give us a few more days and all knots should be tied.
Just when you thought the wait was over, it has only begun, so you set your heart at ease and start over, and the thought of giving up, from your mind you shun...
It isn't over until somebody sings, so strengthen yourself in the process, because the faint of heart never wins...
You may be waiting awhile for the things you need, but getting them is only half the process, the other half is how waiting made you feel... Stronger, more patient or a nervous wreck, at the end of it all you're a certified roughneck.


— The End —