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1.6k · Nov 2019
Three Words
AngryTeen Nov 2019
The three words that mean the world to someone

The most difficult three words you'll ever have to say
you might just stutter or whisper them

The ones you have to hype yourself up to say
be prepared cause there's no going back

The ones that make you nervous and
make you want to curl up into a ball

The three words that you probably will regret
cuz I'm fine

I tell myself I really don't need it
but I let myself slip



391 · May 2019
Dear Life,
AngryTeen May 2019
You always beat me up, and I was always too cowardly to leave you. But I'm done with that -- with you.

It's time to face the facts, your abusive and this won't work out. I've met a much nicer guy, Death, who actually might make me happy. I think it's time to see different people.

It's not me, it's you.

Love, Angryteen

P.S. I hate you.
I thought this was pretty cute.
269 · May 2019
Text Messages (1)
AngryTeen May 2019
Depression: has entered the conversation

"My Will To Live" has left the conversation
255 · May 2019
AngryTeen May 2019
I can smell the smiles,
Widen across the faces

I hear the crazed laughter
Their beautiful raspy voices

The time is ticking, the clock still rings
Life is a marathon, we're all running races

Bliss is like a bell
Its ringing is lovely and shrill

All these peoples
and their thrills

Second-hand happiness
can ****
209 · Dec 2019
Solo Player
AngryTeen Dec 2019
If life has taught me anything
It is to wander

It is better to leave than be left
So it's better to be the goner

Nothing is permanent
And nothing will stay

Sure there are limits
And you'll have to go away

But you'll protect yourself first
And maybe you won't get hurt along the way

So sometimes you'll have to break
And have to be the traitor

But if that's what it takes to survive
"Just so we're clear, I'm a solo player"
Quote: Kirito from SAO I
179 · Jul 2020
AngryTeen Jul 2020
does anyone ever wonder

if the dreamer gets tired

of figures dancing before their eyes

of sunflowers and butterflies

of battlefields and bloodshed

of the illusions and the false reality

how they’re trapped in their world of fake walls,

and madeup landscape

with no escape
178 · May 2019
AngryTeen May 2019
He's just another boy wearing a mask to hide his pain
Because for every Batman there is a Bruce Wayne
167 · May 2020
AngryTeen May 2020
you weren't there for me then

and i got by

so what makes you think

i need you now
163 · Mar 2020
anger issues.
AngryTeen Mar 2020

you have to slam a wall

to keep your fist to yourself
159 · Jul 2020
car crash.
AngryTeen Jul 2020
sometimes it feels like

i'm backseat driving

in my own body

and all i can do is

watch the car crash

over and over.
156 · May 2019
AngryTeen May 2019
A feathered creature
with its lovely brown feathers, red chest, orange beck

The bird danced around putting on a show
I watched intently

Slowly I approached, the bird taking a few steps back
It teases me, giving me just enough hope to try again
because maybe, just maybe I'll be able to grasp it
have it all to myself

Becoming impatient I reach out for it - nearly grabbing it


It flew away, leaving me watching until I couldn't see it anymore

Now every day I wake up to its beautiful song
haunting me
149 · Jul 2020
Man in The Mirror
AngryTeen Jul 2020
I’m angry
With the man in the mirror

But at least now
It’s only shattered glass.
147 · Jun 2020
AngryTeen Jun 2020
our world is burning around us

and our parents expect us to sit at home

it's not our fault

we don't want to live in ashes

that we want to put out the fire

before it consumes us all
147 · Jul 2020
AngryTeen Jul 2020
does anyone ever
reach their hands up to the sky
tricking their brain
into touching high places

brushing their fingers
over places, they’ll never reach

the impossibility of the vertical

and the inability of it all.
142 · Jul 2020
third party.
AngryTeen Jul 2020
there is this battle
in some people
where their instinct is to survive
while their mind wants to shrivel up and die.

this you see, is how people lose themselves
and become
a third party in their own body
128 · May 2019
Batman: A Sonnet
AngryTeen May 2019
He was like a shadow, running from light
Protecting the place of his home Gotham City
No one knew his name, for he was Dark Knight
He was a lone wolf, he took no one’s pity

He always slashed and burned his past
Leave no trace of your lonely history
That broken heart of his doesn’t get a cast
When it was stolen is a mystery

His doesn’t speak of his past, don’t ask for it
Sleeping is impossible, you stay wake
He grew up burdened with two caskets
Remembering makes him sick, he will quake

He lays awake, his past haunting him
Behind his smile lays something much more grim
116 · Feb 2020
AngryTeen Feb 2020
sometimes when you are bored of breaking bones

you break hearts

sometimes when you are tired of breaking yourself

you break other people

sometimes you forget you can't break

back to happiness


but at least it's amusing.
114 · Mar 2020
. . . _ _ . . .
AngryTeen Mar 2020
if you can,

before it's too late
... _ _ _ . . .
114 · Jun 2020
happy pride
AngryTeen Jun 2020
(sorry i know i'm a day late)
114 · Mar 2020
City of Blood
AngryTeen Mar 2020
There once was a man

who searched for a crown

In a pile of bone

He wished to

be the king of

rubble and stone

Nevermind the

stains of

dirt and mud

When you can rule

the lonely

city of blood
110 · Apr 2020
AngryTeen Apr 2020
sorry if I have an accent

my native language is -sshole

~ Me, @ like 11:36 pm
109 · Feb 2020
# 10
AngryTeen Feb 2020
it's only broken if you can't fix it

but what if no one wants to fix it?
105 · Feb 2020
AngryTeen Feb 2020
All music starts with silence

But it hurts,

When it ends with it too
104 · Mar 2020
# 14
AngryTeen Mar 2020
The only way you can learn how to fix something

Is to break it first
103 · Apr 2020
AngryTeen Apr 2020
spiritual but we don't pray,

running till we're breathless

we're young renegades

but you can call us

(btw. this is my 69th poem. yay.)
102 · May 2020
fix me.
AngryTeen May 2020
sometimes i look in the mirror

and i want to chop my hair off

and rip off my own skin

and hope, that something right

shows up

101 · Jan 2020
Burning House
AngryTeen Jan 2020
Sometimes what people don't understand is that

When the house is on fire

You don't sit and discuss it

You get out of the ******* house

Or put out the fire


In short:

I don't wanna discuss it
98 · Feb 2020
AngryTeen Feb 2020
"A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other." Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

I find comfort in the fact that there is a part of me, that is mine, something to keep to myself
96 · Mar 2020
# 12
AngryTeen Mar 2020
perhaps the most dangerous part

of wanting something

is getting it

— The End —