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Tenshi Jul 2024
small things of appreciation,
which could be overseen so easily,
a sign of love and care,
Creating meaning by just being there.

~Umi ❤️
Tenshi Oct 2023
A lost soul wondering through the darkness of the night,
without knowing where to go,
peacefully and quietly looking around,
searching for the reason why she came here in the first place,
flying through the moonlit starry sky,
full of hopes and dreams,
enjoying the gentle breeze,
overwhelmed from the frequencies and the beauty of nature itself,

Tenshi Aug 2023
it hurts like thousands needless,
like an endless flame
which is burning you slowly down,
feels like you are shattered from the inside out into tiny pieces,
a pressure too much to bear,
hopelessness and darkness dancing around each other,
despair is growling deeper and deeper into you,
this feeling tears you Apparat,
till nothing is left except an empty chell

Tenshi Aug 2023
a burning sensation,
destruction is all over the place,
hatred and despair walking hand in hand,
sadness and sorrow are everything that's left,
worries over worries spinning in your head it's an endless circle,
which brings you even more plain,
the only way not being hurt like this is to ignore the concerns,which brings you nothing, than despair,
so leave them alone even if it is the hardest thing to do,
it seems better to be not concerned as to try to help,

Tenshi Jul 2023
No matter the complications nor the difficulties which we will encounter,
Despite the circumstances or how hard it will become,
We will face them together,
I'm always be your side,
You will never be alone,
We will fight till the very end,
regardless how hard we try and fail,
We will stand up and repeat the process until we reach our destination,
Nothing will be too troublesome for us as long as we are together,
I'm so thankful and happy that you are by my side,
I'm always there for you and love you wholeheartedly my stunning dear ❤️

Tenshi Jul 2023
A gentle breeze,
the sooft and refreshing sent
from the surrounding forest,
The soothing sound from the rain,  
cozy and warm underneath the blanket with a hot chocolate,
everything is at peace and harmony,

* Tenshi
Tenshi Apr 2023
Everything is flashing by,
fast and without a moment of enjoyment,

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