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I'm lost in a moment,
without your love...
It must be with the angels,
waiting, in Heaven above...
If I could be held in your arms,
it would all be alright...
Until then, once again,
I'll be dreaming of you tonight...
Your expressions of love, from your heart
to mine, are a special endearment...
I'm lost in your love,
without a moment...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I long for one to hold and cradle me,
oh so close,
til we are almost as one...
I long for nights that I feel
so complete, so whole...
I long for a time when I can look back
on my life and think 'wow, this is finally it!"
I long for someone to be just mine;
one who I can love, trust, and count on...
I long to have someone;
who is the one, who I can 'see' at my side...
I long to know I have my best friend,
my soulmate, and my destiny right beside me...
I long to give my heart and soul-
filled with so much love, to one...
I long to have my dreams become
a part of my reality...
I long to give my heart a place to call home,
a place where it truly belongs...
I long to find the love, peace,
and happiness I dream of...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Feeling quite lost, a lonely angel sits
with a confused heart, buried deep in her thoughts;
loving and wanting this man so much,
yet realizing it isn't right...

As the hustle and rush
of the day's end is done,
along comes in another depressing
seemingly endless night...

Will her dreams of ever-lasting love
ever come true?
She knows what she wants with him-
her chest feels so tight...

She's tired of trying to pretend
or deny her longings aren't there;
Not knowing what to feel anymore-
She stands for a moment, then takes flight...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Loneliness burrows in your heart
and it hurts more than most realize...
It gives you such heartache,
you can't begin to even explain...
Loneliness has it's own power-
when it gets you, it practically consumes you...
You feel like it controls
your heart, mind, and soul...
Loneliness can make you believe
someone is true in what they are telling you,
when it's usually only part of the truth or just a lie...
It makes you feel empty inside,
you can't sleep, and don't want to eat...
Sometimes you walk around as if in a fog;
feeling dazed and quite alone...
Loneliness lies heavy in your whole body;
solitude becomes your best friend...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
One slips away
followed by another,
no longer alone
but obviously lonely.

Tears slipping down...
her cheeks are wet
her eyes are red
her heart so full.

Lightening and thunder
in the predawn,
she sits in the darkness
as the rain falls outside.

She cannot count how many
have slipped away
as she wipes her cheeks dry
by the sleeve of her lovers shirt.

Her tears no longer lonely
as she smiles;
remembering the love and friendship
they'd always share.


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Livin' my nights...
Layin' in my empty bed,
All alone-
I could reach over
And pull you close to me-
Rememberin' the nights
When you were, once mine.

Those nights of bein'
With you~
As close as we could be!
Wantin' you, needin' you,
Kissin' you, holdin' you,
Lovin' you, feelin' you,
Touchin' you, tastin' you,
Desirin' you, achin' for you~

Now I'm dreamin'
My nights' away-
Wishin' for times again
When I wasn't so lonely!
When I had you,
For once, as mine~
The way I'd long
For your kisses, to see you,
To be with you, to touch you again!

I wanted to be
Your everythin'!
Now I'm
Wishin' I was
Your somethin';
Your someone!

Your someone~
To dream with, share with,
To hold for always.
To chase away
Those empty lonely nights'.
Fillin' my dreams
With everythin'
I've dreamed of wantin' in you!

You're my tears!
Tears I wouldn't shed
If you were finally mine!

Don't you wanna
Hold me, feel me,
Touch me, kiss me-
Once again?

Reachin' for you-
Wantin' you in my arms
As we'd lie together!

Searchin' to feel for you,
Needin' to feel
Your heart beatin',
Feelin' your breath
Against my bare skin-

Yearnin' for your arms to be
Drawin' me beside you.
Hearin' you sigh-
Lettin' a moan escape
From my dreams,
(day and night)
As I remember the times
We shared!

Lovin' the way
You felt beside me-
The way I felt
Beside you~

Achin' for the ways
You'd be touchin' me, teasin' me,
Pleasin' me, kissin' me,
Wantin' me, needin' me-
As I do you!

Makin' me feel
Whole and complete!
Will I ever
Feel you this way

Or is it all now
Just a recent
Livin' my nights away
Dreamin' of you-
Til you are, once again


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'd take every
in every day,
that I had
with you,
and make each
last a lifetime
in our hearts~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
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