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This key to my heart
is meant to be
a cherished gift-
not one thought of
as a simple possession!
Within your hand-
I'll give you my only key
to open a lifetime
full of dreams
and mystery!
Are you ready to take
this key to my heart?
Are you willing to be
the keeper of my key?
If you accept this key-
all I'd ask of you,
is to hold it close to
your heart and
never let it go...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Just to hear you
say my name...
Just to hear you
call me Babe,
Baby, or Honey...
Just to be close
to you and
feel your body heat...
Just to smell your
'only you' scent...
And oh-
Just to feel
these tingles,
then I get the shivers...
Just to feel
this heat all through me-
this fire in me,
that hasn't fully gone out...
Just to close my eyes
and see when it was
you and I,
not too long ago...
Just to have you
touch or caress me
in a non-friendly way...
Just to have
these wants of
you and I,
always so close to the surface,
but still from deep inside of me...
Just to think
what you keep
awakening in me-
over and over
or yet, every now and then...
Just to have this want
in me that has
never died away...
And knowing you
still feel something
for me-
And then
Just to wonder
how your lips would feel on mine-
if you took me
in a kiss...
Just to wonder
how you'd feel
in my arms...
Just to wonder
how I'd feel
in yours...
Just to wonder
how you'd feel
against me,
up close to me-
as close as two could be...
Just to have us
crossing back over
that thin line of friendship
time and time again...
Just to feel this
built up tension
going on between us...
Just to realize
how close we've
almost been...
Just to think
how much
I'd want to...
Oh why, ***,
do you still make me
feel these ways...
Knowing you don't
quite want
what I so want-
Oh what I could give to you-
Therefore, I can't have
you ever as mine!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You're everything
I want and long for in
Just One Man!
You're a picture
for always
in my heart!
After all these years
of yearning for
and searching-
finally I've found you!
I feel this
completeness in me
when I'm with you!
And I know
you must be
feeling it, too!
We started out
as friends,
and within a few weeks,
you've become someone
in my dreams
(but not just in my sleep)
and now...
I'm finding myself
needing more of you
in my life!
I want you
to be mine!
But I know you're
Just One Man...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I dream of a love so bonding,
that him and I will never part...
I dream for the kind of love,
that'll last a lifetime...
I dream for one to hold me,
and never let me go...
I dream of a love to be like,
a never-ending story...
I dream for my heart,
to finally become whole...
I dream many dreams,
of finding my soulmate...
I dreamed until,
you came along...
I dreamed day and night,
for someone like you...

Our love is the beginning
of something special,
with all of my dreams
finally coming true-
Just me and you...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
One Kiss~
Just one last kiss
Upon my lips,
Along my skin!

One hug~
Just one last hug?
In my arms,
Your arms around me!

One touch~
Just one last touch
And everywhere!

One time~
Just one last time
With you,
And every time!

One kiss, one hug,
One touch, one time
With you!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I wanna run on the beach
with you;
chasing one another along the shore,
stopping to build our dream castle
in the sand,
and making sand angels-
allowing our fingertips to brush
one another's...

I wanna openly show affection
towards one another,
no matter where we are-
holding hands, kissing one another,
and telling each other 'I love you'...

I wanna take the time
to get to know everything about you;
your every dream, every wish,
every want, every desire, and every fantasy-
then one by one,
I wanna make each one come true...

I wanna be with you
but not just once upon a dream;
I wanna hold you tightly,
close to my heart-
and never let you go...

I'm gonna run on the beach
with you...
I'm gonna openly show affection
towards you...
I'm gonna take the time
to get to know everything about you...
I'm gonna be with you,
but not just once upon a dream...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Baby, oh Baby,
I wanna be there!
I wish I was
The One
laying beside you-
The One
you'd be holdin'
and cuddlin'
in your arms...
I wanna be there!

Oh Baby, oh,
I wanna be there!
I know I'd love to be
the woman
beside you
sharin' our bed.
I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
Instead; Baby,
I am here-
rockin' myself
to sleep,
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

Baby, I wanna be there!
to have you
holdin' me close!
You and I
makin' love
And then,
us cuddlin' one another
in the after-glow
of our love makin'!
I wanna be there, Baby!

I wanna be there!
I wanna be...
Baby, I wanna be...
Oh Baby, I wanna be...

I wanna be there!
Instead; Baby,
I am here-
rockin' myself
to sleep
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

Baby, baby,
I wanna be there!
But now...
I'm always at wonder;
'Is she in your
arms tonight?'
"Did you give her
the lovin'
I want to have
as mine?'
'Are you cuddlin' her
as I long to be
holdin' you?'
Baby, I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
but I'm here-
I wanna be there
with you!
Oh Baby, I wanna be...

I wanna be there!
Instead, Baby,
I am here-
rockin' myself
to sleep,
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

My Baby, oh
I wanna be there!
I've never had anyone
to really count on-
I'm tired of feelin'
so alone!
Of always bein' last...
I wanna be first!
I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
I wanna be...
Oh, I wanna be...
Oh Baby, I wanna be...

I wanna be there!
Instead; Baby,
I'm here-
rockin' myself
to sleep,
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
Holdin' you
as you'll be
a'holdin' me-
I wanna be there!
I wanna be there!
Baby, I wanna be...
Oh Baby, I just wanna be...
There! (whispered)


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
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