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I can't wait
to finally see you...
til we recognize one another...
to see your smile...
I can't wait
to walk towards you...
to be held in your arms...
to hold you close to my heart...
I can't wait
to lay my head on your chest...
to hear your heart beating...
to feel your breath gently graze my hair...
I can't wait
to look into your eyes...
to kiss you passionately...
to lace our fingers together, as we hold hands...
I can't wait
to snuggle and cuddle with you...
to lie next to you...
to have a man stand beside me...
I can't wait
to become your wife...
to be 'as one'...
to never let you go...

Oh yeah, for you, Baby...
I can wait!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I Can't Stop
thinkin' of you!
Nor do I want to!
I Can't Stop
when I love you
so much!
I want your friendship
and your love!
Without the second;
how can I just
have the first?
I can't have one
without wantin' the other,
but you can't fully
give me both!
I can wish,
I can dream,
and Oh Baby, I can want!
No matter what we have-
whatever we call "us";
I feel like a
happier woman-
knowing I still have you
even if in the smallest
of ways!
I don't want to lose you!
I can't...
I'm not ready to!
Maybe someday-
but possibly not!
I Can't Stop
thinkin' of you!
Nor do I want to!
I Can't Stop
when I love you
so much!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
How They First Meet~

She wants to hear 'her song'
one more time, that Saturday-
She calls up her favorite station
hoping she'll get her way!

She gets the wrong dj man-
or might... he actually be the right?
They laugh and talk alot-
as she called him twice that night!

He asks for her number
by the end of their call.
She quickly gives it to him,
not waiting to stall!

He calls her, as he drives home.
Her phone rings...
She smiles, knowing 'its him'-
by the song that it sings!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I feel hopeless
and mostly helpless...
I do admit-
I don't know how to do
all this on my own...
And I don't know how to ask
for some help...
Why does it have to be
so hard to be a single mommy?
I love my children
with all my heart!
I don't know who or where
I'd be in this life of mine,
without them...
I'm a Mommy
and now a Grandma, too!
But beyond those 'titles'
who am I...?
What is my life about...?
What is suppose to happen...?
What is suppose to be
of me...?
I find myself asking out loud
"Now what?"
And I'm asking it again now...?
Maybe I'm asking it
in the form of a Prayer...
But I still don't
seem to be getting any answers!
I feel lonely most of the time
and oh so lost...
I feel like almost
just giving up-
but my children keep me
strong enough!
I've got a lot of
wants for my life...
but I don't know
how to achieve what I want!
I dream of how I'd like
my life to be...
but I don't know
how to reach my dreams!
I don't think
my purpose in this life
is to feel so ****
hopeless and helpless...
I need someone's guidance,
but I don't know
how to ask for it
or who I can really go to,
who I can really call
'that one friend'...
I know I have friends,
but one to bear my soul to,
all my failures to,
open up all of my fears to...
I don't know if I have
'that one friend',
that is within my reach!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Once a son, a brother, a father, and a best friend-
he was here until the end...
A depressed and confused soul-
missing something from within, to feel whole...
Known from place to place-
by the many expressions upon his face...
His troubles seemed to become too tough-
he'd come to realize, he'd had enough...
Didn't know which path to follow-
deep inside, feeling empty and hollow...
He thought he'd heard his last calling-
uncertain to knowing which way he'd be falling...
His judgement had not been right-
he had chosen the darker of light...
Thinking he had nothing to win or gain-
just seeking to be free of his pain...
Not knowing how to find his way-
he decided he couldn't take it just one more day...
Not enough time in a day to borrow-
he left all he knew, in their heartache and sorrow...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
She feels like a young woman,
once again...
It's not like its
her first kiss,
first date,
or first love-
but it feels like
Her First All Over Again...
Its almost; as if,
she's gone back in time.

Her hands are cool,
palms sweaty-
Her heart is beating rapidly,
her tummy full of lil' butterflies-
She's a woman now-
but, the excitement, is just the same.
Should she have these feelings,
as she is, even though,
she isn't a young one anymore?

Her and her beau
are sitting on her bed-
He leans towards her,
she closes her eyes-
as he brushes his lips upon hers.
His lips...
so warm, soft, and giving!

He puts a hand through her hair,
along her neck, pulling her towards him-
closer, to deepen their kiss!
She puts a hand on his chest,
the other on the back
of his head-
keeping him right where she wants him.

They kiss for several long moments...
She moans softly,
he pulls her upward
and gently sits her upon his lap.
They melt into one another!

Each kiss;
more intense and increasingly
demanding, as the previous one-
he wants to taste her fully-
he flicks his tongue along her upper lip-
coaxing her to open up to him,
hoping she'll allow him access-

She parts her lips
with a hunger like no other
she had felt before!
Oh, the passion they feel...
the enticement that builds-
His tongue teases hers
with a seductive tangle...

as their internal heat is high,
their clothing; too constricting-
they undress one another-
throwing articles of clothing
this way and that-
They have this bite of Heaven-
these stolen cherished moments
to just him and her... alone!

Passion, and pure desire
heightens them to anew.
The friendship
these two have built;
has been turning into this love
they now feel.
This love these two
feel, has been growing
for several months,
is right at their hands;
becoming deeper-
making them come alive!

Feeling so right, he takes her-
entering her in one full deep movement-
claiming her as only his!
Taking their passion
to a high- neither
could remember feeling before-

As they ****** together,
and lay in one another's arms'
totally satisfied- they cuddle
and close their eyes just for a few moments-
Then, he tells her he's never felt
so loved before!
And the twinkle in her eye
tells him she feels just the same!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
"Goochey Goochey Goo
Mommy, I Love You!"
When I love you,
I say...
"Goochey Goochey Goo!"
When I hear you,
I say...
"Goochey Goochey Goo!"
When I see you,
I say...
"Goochey Goochey Goo!"
When I know that your near me,
I say...
"Goochey Goochey Goo!"
When I know that your coming,
I say...
"Goochey Goochey Goo!"
"Goochey Goochey Goo
Mommy, I Love You!"

(Wrote this for MY Mommy...
when I was just a little girl!
I'm guess by my original hand-writing
that I must have been maybe 7-9 years old!)


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
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