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Her hair is grey
She's getting old.
She'll love me for always
I am told,
She's here for me
to love and cherish.
And my love for her
will never parish.
At times,
when I am bad,
I look into her eyes-
so sad,
and see the tears
that I have brought.
How could I,
after all that she's taught?
Someday I know
that I will learn
to banish all those tears
that burn.
For will there
be another,
as my own sweet
loving mother?
I love you!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Love at first sight;
it came to me so clear...
This love of ours,
I do not fear...
With you by my side,
I will never shed an unhappy tear...
Pull me close,
and hold me near...
One day I know,
we will have a marriage so dear...
My dream is to be-
in time, celebrating our fiftieth year...
Cheek to cheek,
as you whisper softly in my ear...
Forever and a day,
is what I long to hear...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I miss you so...
I want you so...
I'm falling,
where I told myself I couldn't go anymore...
Cause when one falls;
it usually ends with heartache, too!
But, I'm falling anyways...
I wanna see you...
You're far away...
Far away...
Out of my reach...
Where are you now, My Love... come to me...
I wanna feel you close to me,
hold you, kiss you, and always love you!
How can I get to you?
Are we meant to be...?
If we are- God will help us, find a way...
When I think of you,
I see you, in my memory's picture book...
Oh, there you are!
Come here to me...
Come into my open waiting arms...
Someday, I'm going to see you!
I'm hoping and wanting to see you...
You're too far away!
Far away...
Too far away...
I've been waiting
to meet you...
I've been waiting for you...
Waiting for you...
Waiting... for you!
You're far away...
Too far away...
Far away...
From me!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I say, "Baby, I'm fallin'....!"
"Fallin' where?" You ask-
"Fallin' in love again!"
"Who is he?" You ask-
"Baby, I'm fallin' in love with you!"
"Why me?" You ask-
"Cuz I'm crazy about you!"
"Ooohhh, but why me?" You ask-
"Cuz I love everythin' about you, Baby!"
"Like what?" You ask-
"Your eyes, your smile, your voice,
Your laugh, your sense of humor;
Need I go on?"
"Ohhh no, that's quite enough." You say-
"Baby, that's good! Cuz I'm
Already fallin'.... fallin' in love again!"

You say, "Hey Darlin', I'm fallin....!"
"Fallin' where?" I ask-
"Fallin' in love again!"
"Who is she?" I ask-
"Darlin', I'm fallin' in love with you!"
"Why me?" I ask-
"Cuz I'm also crazy about you!"
"Aaahhh, but why me?" I ask-
"Cuz I love everythin' about you, too, Darlin'!"
"Like what?" I ask-
"Your sense of humor, your laugh,
Your voice, your smile, your eyes;
Need I go on?"
"Ahhh no, that's quite enough." I say-
"Darlin', that's good! Cuz I'm
Already fallin'.... fallin' in love again!"

"Baby, what do we do now?" I ask-
"How about this, Darlin'? He asks-
And he kisses her~


(wishful thinkin' here)

COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
dear daddy,
you won't recognize that title for a
few more months still, but yet it is me.
this is "your baby"!
i can recognize your voice, though.
just this morning, i asked mommy, "where's my daddy?" mommy said, "i'm not even sure."
she then explained to me about you helping 'america'
put out a disasterous fire.

"memo of love"

i am writing to tell you that i care...
let's get to know each other better.
this morning, i showered a brilliant sunrise
with all the colors of the rainbow into your eyes,
hoping to get your attention. but you hardly noticed!
that afternoon, as you sat with your friends, i warmed you in sunshine...
flowers still blooming with God's love. yet, you didn't notice me!
i wanted to speak with you so i shook the world
with my heart of wonder and made you a beautiful rainbow.
yet, you never noticed me!
tonight, i tried desperately to move you with a full moon
to lighten your sad face and a cool breeze to delight you.
you wouldn't believe your eyes, unless you heard it from me...
i even put you and mommy's star out,
hoping to see a warming smile upon your face
you never looked up!
in your sleep, i gave you
your dreams so lovely that a smile then appeared on your face.
i was amazed!
i'm here to watch over you, to guide you,
to reassure mommy, and to love you.
when you are ready for me,
please remember i'm waiting for you, in the care of mommy's love
for the both of us!!!
she loves you daddy-
and take care, i'll be watching you!!!

love, your little one,
"your baby"


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,

Elisha is my daughter.
Just as beautiful as can be.
My baby is so cuddly,
Yet, so deary independant.

Elisha is not quite four months old.
Just as tiny as you can see.
My girl is so truly mine.
I hear her breathing, so peacefully.

Her heartbeat keeps in
Rhythm with mine.
Her ****** features are those of mine.
Elisha will always be my little one as you know...
I am her loving mommy!
Love, Mommy~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
dear daddy,
this is to inform you of the up-coming
arrival. have you remembered? you better
have!! you're a BIG part of this special
happening. you're my "daddy". you don't
have to listen to other peoples' advice-
follow your own, i bet its' the best. i am
YOUR baby!
there's nothing anyone can do to hurry up
and get me out of this dark lonely place,
is there? i can hear you, feel your warmth,
your pressure, and recognize your voice.
what else could i do, but absolutely
love you?
mommy loves you, too. she's constantly telling
me "mommy and daddy love you". i believe her!
and when you rub over me and say "ELISHA, i love you"
it makes me feel so good.
you are going to be a good daddy to me. i
just know it!! i can tell already. i'm glad
you'll be in the room when i'm born. i really
wanna see how you look. i wanna see it for myself.
mommy says you're **** good lookin' should i
believe her or just hope for the best in you?
no matter what i think of you, i know "i luv u".
you've got to be the best person to be my daddy
or mommy wouldn't have picked you to have me with,
or she wouldn't have accepted your perposal back
in july last year. yeah, mommy's told me all
about that. and one more thing before mommy catches
me with my hands out of here again, you can't hurt me.
i love the feeling. knowing you do love her is the greatest.
i love you dada!!

love your little girl,
your daughter,
Elisha Teres~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
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