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4.1k · Jun 2013
Stacey L Jun 2013
What is money,
when we die?

What was the point of money
when our soul moves on?

Why are items loved,
and people objectified?

In true thought
an object can be priced
but a life can not.

Why are we focused
on the materialism?
The brainwash of the man
in the suit is what has made us.

But a body is a body
and a soul...
is a soul.
What is a body without a soul?
When the beauty lies within?
2.1k · Dec 2010
The Witch
Stacey L Dec 2010
A ***** is just a witch,
that knows how to play..
Without spells and a broom
to make ones feel some gloom.
She is after all, nothing but green with envy,
She'll always stay just some blonde with a chevy.
You might feel bad,
But she is wickedly mad,
you know.
Without her magic-
she's lost her logic!
Don't pay a dime,
for it's not a crime
worth caring for.
1.9k · Dec 2010
Stacey L Dec 2010
they say.
Yet drag her...
all the way.
she is.
is not her intention.
is what she's wanted.
Once comes a chance,
never lasts forever.
to the shackles of obedience.
1.8k · Dec 2010
We Are.
Stacey L Dec 2010
We are the curious and the wild,
The adventurous and never mild.
We live in the moment,
Optimism runs through the mind.
We make our accomplishment
Yet we love to unwind.
1.8k · Feb 2011
Cheese and Wine
Stacey L Feb 2011
Oh the mutedly loud
The warmness and romance of the space;
Red velvet,
Dimmed lights,
Set tables,
Waiters in tuxedos.
A mingling party.
Wine and cheese,
Contrast with compliment.
I feel as if to walk out the double doors to a sweet scented garden under the stars, with a stone path, sides outlined by glimmering candles. 
A night to remember, 
For I'm with loved ones 
At a unique event.
1.3k · Feb 2011
Stacey L Feb 2011
The music fades
Suddenly murky as it plays 
In the background
Like the dancers

Strobe lights flash
Leaving us like ash
Fists still pumping
And we're somehow jumping 

As I'm spinnin' 'round,
Rooms whirling 
Cause I'm falling down
Soon I'll hit the ground

This kaleidoscope keeps turning
so I'm learning
Just like a merry-go-round
And soon I'll be never again to be found

Lost control
And I don't feel whole
Sensation so numb 
Yet I still hum
1.2k · Jan 2011
Stacey L Jan 2011
Someplace someone 
Someone Somewhere
Somebody someday...
1.2k · Jan 2011
Stacey L Jan 2011
I'd like to fall to slumber,
And never wake up.
I don't want to regret or rue,
Since only in a dream can desire always come true.
It's nothing too personal-
I'd just love to run away with you. 
No worries,
No hate.
As long as its not too late.
Because it can turn into a nightmare,
And control your avid mind.
Make into paranoid and crazy,
it's not kind!
When heaven gets taken over, 
It may be the end. 
I don't care for cover..
I'd like to fall to slumber,
And never wake up.
1.1k · Jan 2011
Smell the Roses
Stacey L Jan 2011
I had the feeling, 
Like once you get home, 
From a flight or a vacation.
I missed this.
But I've been here the whole time..
Now I watch out my open-wide 13th floor window..
Taking it all in. 
The feeling of home.. 
The senses of surroundings-
All in one.
The air moist and cool as it carresses my face.
The wind, warm and comforting like a summers breeze.
Yet the smell is fresh, slightly of pine and mint.
Perfectly cut grass surrounds the smooth, dark, pavemented roads. 
City lights and holiday decora brighten up the vista. 
On the edge, the skylines shimmer with life,
Pointing up to the navy fogged space.
The moon, nowhere in sight. 
If you listened closer, you could hear the crickets songs..
Sleek cars pass by, overpowering the no-beat melodies with their traction, while mimicking the streetlights above.
Sounds of silence, and some of metropolis. 
Fly with freedom,
I could sit here all night, 
Let my legs hang out through transparacy,
Grasping on to a bar,
As if I were on the front row cart of a stopped rollercoaster.
1.1k · Mar 2014
Stacey L Mar 2014
you are forever the memories in my heart
you are forever the great(x) grandchildren
you are forever the elements of the earth
you are forever the stardust in the universe
you are forever
This was written after my love had a breakdown- thanataphobia. I'd also like to say as a side note- never hide your fears. never suppress or repress emotion. Being emotional is part of being human, no matter who you are.
1.1k · Mar 2011
Decisions decisions...
Stacey L Mar 2011
Well, let's not. 
Because we can't.
And so we won't.
Therefore: end of complication.
980 · Oct 2011
Stacey L Oct 2011
The ones who were never hurt before,
Always try harder
To protect themselves.
950 · Jan 2011
Rabbit In A Waistcoat
Stacey L Jan 2011
Feels a fairytale
The sweetness of your love
Dozens of roses
A garden of colours,
Except you stand out to me
With the glow of a million stars
Gives me butterflies all over.
I'm an Alice in Wonderland, 
A girl in a world they never told
Discovered the fall
Down a dark rabbit hole
Awaken to a beauty
Left unexplained
But a song and by words
Yet it isn't enough to
Describe it all myself
A picture holds a thousand words unsaid
If we have each frame
Of a movie,
Even all those won't reach 
The extremeness of
My love for you're
I've fell in, 
Don't want to get out
'till we have a happily ever after.
I'm glad that rabbit in a waistcoat
Couldn't wait to bring me down.
927 · Jul 2011
Hating, hating him.
Stacey L Jul 2011
I hate the way he's so sarcastic. 
I hate the way he isn't the jealous type. 
I hate the way he has his own smirk. (which I claim the awesomest.)
I hate his too perfect face. 
I hate his laugh.
I especially hate his voice over the phone. 
I just plain HATE his chill personality.
His comfort. 
The annoying way he breaks down because he thinks that we've fallen too far, because we simply are far. 
I hate, hate, HATE how we always had our ways to stay okay.

And most of all, I hate how now there's no him.
911 · Jan 2011
Cat's Eye Glimpse
Stacey L Jan 2011
Full moon circles,
Glimmer goldly at me,
Cats eye glimpse.

Wandering all over,
Curiously switching,
Cats eye glimpse.

Not knowing of horrid,
Cats eye glimpse.

Cats eye glimpse.
878 · Jun 2013
Mirage d'un Oasis
Stacey L Jun 2013
Il me manque;
Le soleil qui sourit
Le vent qui balaie
L'atmosphère qui allumait
C'est une utopie.

Je me demande,
Si le paradis était vrai.
Est-ce que je peux reviens?
Une jour, j'irai
la bas à paradis.

I miss
The sun that smiles
The wind that sweeps
The atmoshphere that lit up
It's a utopia

I wonder
If the paradise was real
Can I go back?
One day, I will
back to paradise.
866 · Mar 2011
Coyote Pup
Stacey L Mar 2011
White misty fog surrounds the dark bare forest of maples, firs, oaks, and pines
Under an overcast rainy sky day
With the burnt grass
Mixing in to the new spring earth.
A wheat field's horizon ends with a road that leads to civilization,
Reflecting sky from downpour, 
Revealing sounds of traction and the frequent hard raindrops,
As different cars drive by every once in a while. 
A coyote pup in the distance, 
Stands strikingly alert.
Glancing at me from his side eye and his ears attentively upwards, 
Listening for any movement, still overshadowed by the constant noise of rain.
Just as the pup relaxes down on four, 
I rise from my premented spot on the edge of wheat field, quickly placing my blue inked pen into the binding of my black leather covered notebook. 
I begin to make my way towards the curious creature, which has gotten off from laying down calmly.
Eyeing me closely 
While standing ground.
Hoping I'll go in the other direction. 
My pace steady,
With every step I appear ever so closer to the scrutinizing being. 
I am now only a couple feet away. 
I kneel down,
Arm stretching,
Hand reaching,
To stroke his rough wet fur. 
He sniffs my hand and gets used to my unatured scent of the outer world.
Cautiously, he slowly inches closer towards my warm body heat,
And whimpers.
One glimpse into the forest.
A mere flash by a big oak tree,
So intruiged, 
I am fearless to follow. 
Yet just as I get up, 
The pup barks to get my attention 
And bites at my red coloured converse shoe. 
Feeling watched, the dangerous sense foreboards on us both. 
I pick him up, and on we walk,
Treading through the wheat fields to the road on the horizon,
Where a bus stop awaits
So I'm thinking of adding a book including this. I still would like to hear some thoughts on it to be sure it'd be an enjoyable book of linked poems. Although, not all the poems will be as long as this one. Thanks!
833 · Feb 2012
Stacey L Feb 2012
The black sleek shine of their car reflected the lights of a streetlamp.
It's in a newly settled road in a neighborhood.
These are newer, better, bigger houses,
But it's more quaint than it seems...

For there are people,
Hungry people.
They slowly drive, down the road, and come to a stop in front of one house.
Dark, as it seems. Lights are out, and no lights lit on the exterior.
Yet, it is night. The house owner is getting ready to sleep.

Right out of the corner of his drowsy eye, the black sleek shine of their car is caught.
He steps to the window, for full view.
He sees them watching, as the hairs raise on his back as if he were a cat; then reality hits him.

Suddenly, a screeching of tires burning the pavement breaks through the silence,
As the car races out of sight.
They may be zooming the speed of light,
But they're headed right towards the dead end.
A set of deathly screeching screams out again, this time in a u-turn.
Still going out of sight...

And It's all clear as day to him.
Why they're here. What they're watching.

Now her breath heats the window,  
Everytime there is the sound...
Of tires.
Based on a true story.
810 · Apr 2011
Good Old Times
Stacey L Apr 2011
Cross the neighborhood,
There's our old school.
Full of memories.
Ones we all we all wish,
Would've lasted.

Great friends then,
enemies now.
Lovers turned strangers.
Decisions found regrets.

You & I,
We'd be friends forever,
'Till we got our shades, that is.
Which wasn't much time.
But in between,
Lays beauty in our childhood.

Sitting in my seat,
I turn 'round,
at the smiling thought of you.
Only to find your welcoming eyes.

We used to laugh together.

Send notes in French class past our strict teacher,
Love notes soon to be; as everyone thought.

The times when my co-worker was away,
and you took the shift
to work next to me,
play 'MASH',
and do our mischevious things.

The time when we went trick-or-treating,
and our parents made us take the (ahem, gruesome-looking) photo together.

The time we both got cast as the main characters in a play (where eventually we found out we'd possibly have to kiss.) You were cool with it.

The almost daily embarrassing time.
Once, we were walking in the hallways to class, eyes locked.
So into the conversation, I bumped into a table and dropped all of my books. (Well, it was in the middle of the hallways!!!) You helped.

The time we went on MSN just to see eachother.

The time you (somehow got hold of my number) called me for the first time:
The time my heart raced to pick up.

Seemed everyone was right.

The time we'd gone to a music concert.

The time we'd talk on breaks.

The time we'd have lunch together.

The time we held hands.

If I was a mind reader,
I'd know you're curious.
Wondering why it isn't so anymore.
So am I.
806 · Dec 2010
Caved in
Stacey L Dec 2010
Suddenly everything caves in.
Stuck down in this hole,
I still grin.
It's out of my control!
It's just another time,
When everything caves in.
I dare get out,
For I have too much doubt
That it will stop me from finding my way.
782 · Jan 2011
Blazing Sun
Stacey L Jan 2011
You're like a sun to me
My world revolves around you
And all the plans and things in mind we have, are the other planets.
Without you, nothing would've stayed in place or probably even been there at first. I would've been just some dwarf planet out there, and you would've been the shining star I've always wanted. But thanks to you, I have a reason to go in circles and circles in this universe. You brightened up my world, cleared up blue skies and showed me the unbelievable constellations.. Even though I, as earth, cannot reach out easily to at least touch you, it probably would've been a burning experience, which I wait for every day.
And so, I dream to keep this solar system forever alive, since it's already imprinted in my mind.
759 · May 2012
Stacey L May 2012
The birds would fly free,
The shooting stars as many to be seen,
for every moment would be magic
because there would be no such tragic

Like in life today,
Where worst memories never really fade away,
So we're encouraged to disarray
Because no one even gets their way.

If we were immortal,
Life would be a chortle,
We would see the full beauty of where we live,
Be more willing to give...

We'd sleep forever,
And everyone would be together...
We could live with excitement,
so nothing would be of frightment.

All the problems could be solved
With all the geniuses involved...
We would be able to indulge
Do more than just divulge

We'd have no reason to bawl,
Life would be a pleasure for all
Since we'd have all the time
Life would be just above sublime.
Stacey L Dec 2010
I played with cards
to fix the shards.
Little did I know
you came to show.
I took the chances
making no glances
at what it may become.
I hum, because
In worlds we play
At dreams, we stay.
It seemed so bittersweet,
only great as I was asleep.
So make my night.
I'm not ready for the fight.
If only,
there was no space inbetween,
for this wasn't a can
since I would've already seen
Tazer-Man copyright of Cody Dekker :)
757 · Dec 2010
Stacey L Dec 2010
Voices booming.
Laughter filling the space.
The Aroma.
Food on the table,
Yet sweet perfume overpowering.
Up in my room,
soberly singing,
blasting music.
The Night;
went by to a tee,
but too quickly.
756 · Jul 2011
Heart stuck on you.
Stacey L Jul 2011
When I think of us, 
I go numb. 
Remember the love, 
When I still felt some. 

All I can think about is you. 

Haven't heard from for a while. 
Tried everything possible, 
doesn't seem to be working.

And so I sit here, depressed. 

I don't feel love.

I feel incredibly sad.

Heck, the word "sad" is too underrated for what I'm feeling.
Can't think of anything else. 

All I can think about is you. 

Worst case scenarios play around in my head, and I dare to shed a tear for what isn't the first time. 

Hope is so little, 
When it's hard 
To get what's happening.

And i feel enclosed. 
Just hidden. 
Or maybe I've simply forgotten? 

It does feel like half of me is gone, 
Flown away with the wind. 
Easily dissapears,
As if never there. 

Yet all I can think about is you. 
I want you. Back.
Or even just close by me, even better.

I love you. I haven't said that in a while. It's seriously driving me crazy. But I ain't gonna go up to some random guy and say it... 

It's meant for you... 

I think.
745 · Feb 2012
He Is My Deja Vu
Stacey L Feb 2012
Dark blue, piercing eyes.
They stared;
Mirroring mine. 
He felt close.
Like he knew me.
But nothing had been said. 
We had only exchanged glances.

I've seen him before,
In another reality. 
Somewhere in my dreams.
Several times.
Seems like he knew,
Had he felt it, too.

Yet I walked on. 
Wishing, I could've said more
743 · Mar 2011
Bloom of the Gloom
Stacey L Mar 2011
Stuttered to finish 
She was pale as the ice
Struggling to speak
And find words 
Only had minutes 
Before the hang 

Violet skies 
Sunset highs 
Midnight fights 
All that arise

Time worth
Suddenly thrown away 
Believe it's a flurry 
With the notifications  
And breathless takes 
Of electric shock 
Violet skies 
Sunset surprise 
Midnight reprise  
Why not compromise?

Well, let's not. 
Because we can't.
And so we won't.


Violet disquise
Sunset replies
Midnight defies.
This I despise.  

Don't slip away.
Not now,
Not then,
Not ever.
653 · Jan 2011
Not Another Nightmare
Stacey L Jan 2011
I want to surrender... 
No more, not another show 
It's a circus in here,
Or a carousel, 
Around and around it goes 
In it's hectic ways. 
With sudden kicks
That slow down time
And every detail 
Is clearer than any explanation
Yet a disaster portayed
Seemingly an illusion
I hope you're not a phantasm... 
I'm pining to wake up
And see that you're still there
Where I can reach out and-
But don't vanish 
In a puff of smoke...
Because then i'll be back..
On the spinning carousel, 
Hesitating, in sorrow.
On this full moon
This carnival.
649 · Apr 2012
Out Of Orbit
Stacey L Apr 2012
It's not your choice,
Because It ain't your life.

I don't care what you don't like,
Because I'm not here to fix it for you.

Don't make your so called 'jokes'
Because I'm not one who will care to laugh.

Don't expect me to follow,
Because there's a leader in me.

There's a leader in everyone,
So why keep it hidden?
A life isn't a joke,
So why are you kidding?
There's a hidden treasure,
But why bury it?
They aren't the sun,
And you shouldn't be on orbit.

They aren't some queen,
So why place as a peasant?
Why would you do
something so unpleasant?

Walking around you feels like walking around
an active volcano,
an huge hurricane,
A massive tsunami,
And you can't expect me to stay.

Dont be shy, little child
You're bright as can be.

If you don't
you'll forever be
Alice in Wonderland,
Wondering how you would've been,
If not been just a shadow.
616 · Dec 2010
Closing in
Stacey L Dec 2010
We drive
out from the dark and timbers,
into humble fields glistening with untouched snowfall.
Around rim the everlasting pines and the outlines of bare maples.
Vast clouds veil the starry night,
On the edges,
mocking northern light,
are the spots of city life.
The suspense is endless with thrill
to finally arrive home.
Stables and barns
we pass by.
Footprints marked
pointing above to
extravagant mansions the keepers live in.
The road goes on,
unafraid to stretch.
streetlights appear,
leading us on to our modern civilization.
Factories, warehouses, and such now at our rear.
We reach the highway,
busy and all.
It's not lonely,
yet it's 4 o'clock?!
I'm home,  
590 · Dec 2010
Stacey L Dec 2010
You were a dream.
This dream became a reality.
Soon enough, it turned into a nightmare.
I could not wake up.
Asleep, I was unaware,
you were still a dream.
579 · Jan 2011
In Cognita's World
Stacey L Jan 2011
The consistant tremble of her pale ivory hands,
never sure of what'll be done tommorrow.
Never safe,
But not afraid.
She runs cold-blooded,
no stops.
They follow, 
with dogs on leash. 
Alongside rivers..
Around the corner.
She sees the fear;
The unknown,
The hidden.
Beauty in intelligance,
She's not one to unveil. 
Said to be dangerous,
That little Missy.
Not easy to catch,
But Not hard to run into. 
Living immortal,
It's not something to chase.
Yet she holds her hands from regret..
575 · Jan 2011
Just a little magic
Stacey L Jan 2011
If I was a wizard.. 

"With him, I'd like to be,
Next to _, transport me!" 

Next to you, I'd appear.
Miles and miles,
Would be just near.

If I Could time travel,
I'd travel into the future,
Usually as it seems,
Oh the feelings mutual.
But only to in the means
Of getting to see the future, with you.

I'd turn back time every five minutes...
Just to be able to "stay longer" with you. 

Little to ask for, is it not? 
I'd simply need (some) magic..
Or is it too late?
569 · Jan 2011
Le Chevalier Noir
Stacey L Jan 2011
In  the night,
the truth comes out.
In the light,
He hides with doubt.
It's a secret identity
Of a mediocre turned hero.
Cloaked to be taken seriously
Otherwise he'd snicker away
Do You believe, they'd believe you, of being the unbelievable?
A man to feel safe with..
Yet never really safe himself.
Armed with the extremely advanced
Without all he'd be just more than typical,
But then left would be no one-
To properly replace
The masked  hero.
And  so,  the darkness surrounds the nights
of city crime.
566 · May 2013
Into the World of Illusion
Stacey L May 2013
White translucent ribbons
Floating in front of my eyes
And all that lies

Transports me to another world
An illusion of a better one, I believe.
And, I'm afraid I'd rather not leave.

You're a captivator,
a dancer
And a romancer

Sometimes I'm afraid your enchantment
will drive me to an unhealthy mentality
full of unforgotten fallacy.

But already
you have me on strings
dancing like I've got wings

Your language
speaks to me in a melody
one of serenity.

Sink into my mind,
drag into your black hole,
sink into my soul.
522 · Oct 2011
To not be
Stacey L Oct 2011
Like cold water to my burns 
The pierces for wait  
Give in to anti-gravity 
And I'm not
But in the silence.
517 · Dec 2010
True friends
Stacey L Dec 2010
516 · Aug 2011
Magic Man
Stacey L Aug 2011
I'd like to be a cat,
I told the man with the magic hat.

Why, he questioned.
Well, I simply just mentioned,

I got so tired,
So then I got fired.

All cats do,
is wait for a coo.

They lay around,
walk the ground.

But a simple meow
And they'll give him some chow!

I just work all day long,
Fix things that go wrong.

Oh, please, give me a break!
This is as much as I can take!

The Magic Man waved his hand,
While I awaited something grand.

I turned into a Russian Blue,
I meowed a "whew".

I said thank you,
But, he had to...

He took me in as a pet,
Drove me out to the vet.

He now keeps me as his,
just for the biz.

We do magic shows!
Man, this really blows.

I didn't ask for this!
I guess, I can't really run away into bliss...
495 · Dec 2010
Stacey L Dec 2010
I walk into the dark endless hallway.
Afraid of what may jump out unexpectedly,
hoping you'll hold my hand through it all.
You tell me to be positive, everyday, to trust you.
So I have faith in you.
But, how can I ever know for sure,
that you will also worry for losing me?
489 · Dec 2011
Thin Ice
Stacey L Dec 2011
Your strong arms, held against my waist
Your warm lips, pressed against my face

The wind blows, and my hair is hiding us
From the world, and all its fuss...

Show me thumbs, say it's alright
Tell me "take it easy, take it light"

Stay with me, this winter's cold,
Stay with me, I'll remain in your hold.

Lay with me, I won't get up and leave
When I'm yours, you won't grieve.

Just only this snowy day,
I'd like you to stay...

I promise you, I'll be
As long as you're with me.

With your fire breath, blow away the frost
I'll find ground, 'cause right now I'm lost
Melt my stone heart into your magma
Help me solve my enigma
In return I'll keep your beat going
We can save eachother from the aching.
467 · Mar 2013
I'm in love with summer
Stacey L Mar 2013
I'm in love with the rain;
or more so the sound of it
when it hits against the window and the rooftop, and when a car passes by.

I'm in love with the pavement;
the heat it absorbs
on a sunshine filled day, when I can sit down and enjoy it.

I'm in love with the smell of the grass;
in the faint breeze-
a cooling sensation after all the humidity.

I'm in love with the liveliness;
the life that surrounds,
from the kids on the playground to the adults kicking the ball around.

I'm in love with the little things;
the ones I'll always remember
because they bring back memories-
of us.
462 · Sep 2013
Written in Your Eyes
Stacey L Sep 2013
The delicate moments between us are what make our love
read between the lines
It's subtle but screams in our hearts and is heard
With just three words
Which could never sum up to the equivalent of what we'd do for eachother.
We try to say "I love you"
But we feel it all in our gazes, held for a fragment in time that is frozen when our words are
454 · Jan 2011
Stacey L Jan 2011
Your broad shoulders,
Your heroic smile,
How could I resist? 

Without you it's colder,
But oh, there's the mile.
I won't be a pessimist...

Ill be tough as a boulder,
It's worth waiting a while..
At least for one tryst.

Be my holder,
Well run away to our own isle,
I really insist.
445 · Dec 2010
Stacey L Dec 2010
Let's get lost
in these forest hills
not at a high cost
we can use survival skills.
Together not one,
it's not too bad.
It'll be fun,
because there's nothing mad.
Side by side,
we'll escape modern days.
And go back in time,
sleeping in cozy caves.
it may be a dream of mine,
a fantasy,
but maybe I don't want to shine,
in the monochromasy.
444 · Jul 2011
Naive kid.
Stacey L Jul 2011
I'd change my name 
Erase my mind 
From where I came
It's just not kind

Since the path I've belonged to
Doesn't exist anymore
And it's hard to be true 
Because it's getting to my core

I've got no place to go 
Feels too incomplete without you 

Was too gullible to love one so
Since I didn't even know

So happy one minute, 
Dead the next.

I'd rather fall off the face of the earth.... Just to fall back next to you.
440 · Jul 2011
That girl you know
Stacey L Jul 2011
The media made who I am today.

It told me what I want to eat, 
And what I really should eat.

It told me who I should listen to, 
And who I shouldn't listen to. 

It told me who my friends should be, 
And gave me standards for people.

It told me how boyfriends should be like, 
And then what he would be like.

It told me what cool was,
And what wasn't cool.  

It told me how I want to dress, 
And how I don't want to. 

It told me what I want to be, 
And what I should be. 

It told me a personality, 
And what I shouldn't be. 

It told me how to act, 
And how not to act. 

But what's left of me? The girl screaming inside, let me out

So now, my body, left. (not the healthiest)

I dress like everyone else, ("Cool" popular brands)

I don't know who I'd be friends with. 

Heck, I don't even know me.
429 · Dec 2010
Pinch me
Stacey L Dec 2010
I'll run for this mile,
I made it a file.
All I wanted was something new,
Except now..
I have __.
416 · May 2012
Moving On
Stacey L May 2012
It seems as if I'm left behind,
The skills I have don't mind

Everyone's moving on,
Soon they'll all be gone

We're going our different paths,
Focusing on more than just maths

It'll be hard to leave
But it's what we'll achieve

After our years of learning,
We shouldn't have to be returning

I can always shout to you,
And we can both start our stories a new.
395 · Aug 2012
What is one to do...
Stacey L Aug 2012
What is one to do?

When hope is lost,

in those among us,

and in ourselves...

When love just isnt enough,

and no kind words are of help..

What is one to do?

When we're living

but events go by

to question who we are,

and who we were before...

Do we just let go,

or do we stay shadowed

behind restrictions and keepers...

Or is it simply the hostile state of confusion...

that will do us justice by itself?
391 · Jun 2011
Believe a Dreamer
Stacey L Jun 2011
I'm a dreamer
A type- believer
Living in my world
Where I've been lured
to think everything turns out
and for now,
I believe,
thats just the way its gonna have to be.

— The End —