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249 · Apr 2016
A First for a First
A First for a First

Hello there my dear my sweet my Game

Only people who play Assassin's Creed will understand your nickname

I never thought a lady once desired by my friend  

Would inhabit my mind and render it crazy and bent

When you smiled I fell apart

and made me feel anything but smart

Piano and fashion is your art and your passion

Who knew those two could bring my heart so much action

Daddy once told me collect and select

I then made a system of nominate and elect

You made my plans go wild and haywire

Who knew you'd set this college life on fire

My goodness do I find you cute or what

You turned my loud mouth so mute and just shut

When my friend told me about you I thought I got you figured out and unwound

I guess I can't go the usual route this time around

Ever since I got confidence backed by wit

I'd overcome the awkwardness and somehow make it fit

Eventually like a quest

I'll find out how to connect with you the best

Until then my dear my sweet my game

I guess the thought of us together will keep me sane

— The End —