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Close ups determine something’s true self
You can discover it’s details
It’s flaws and beauties.
When you look from a distance
It may look ugly or pretty
But once close to
It could be the exact opposite,
It misguides you
As if it were a visual or physical lie.
Not all truths are truths to be told,
Secrecy is an understanding hidden,
From those around us.
Secrecy is a truth that should be,
Said or held captive in the minds of
The people we love.
Secrets are our trust and friendships,
Our life is full of them.
They give the anxiety of lust,
Lust for knowledge,
Knowledge of understanding.
But sometimes they aren’t told,
And our lust is strengthened by the
Things kept from us.
A secret is like a puzzle
It takes a longtime to resolve,
But once it’s all put together
The image is then shown to us,
The whole image
The truth
And depending on its looks
It can be either beautiful or ugly
And because of this.
Secrets are the things we keep
From one another to avoid
Havoc and scandal.
But it doesn’t just cause disaster
It gives hope
It gives desperation
It gives happiness,
Happiness of finding out a secret
That was meant for you
A surprise
A happy one of friends and family.
I’m confused
Why does it confuse me?
Its so small
but so heavy
You look away
What did I do
We were so close
We talked
We laughed.
Time has passed
We both have changed
And now I must face what I have done
Stupidity controlled me
You may think it’s unimportant
But to me it was
I failed you
And I must face what happens next.
I want to live
Live as if I had no rules
Live like today was my last
Enjoy what I have
I respect death
But I’m scared of it
Life has been good to me
And I want to embrace it
But I know that one day
I’ll let go
And when I do
I want to go somewhere nice
And for the people who haven’t let go yet
I hope they don’t forget me.
They said there’s infinite possibility in the universe
So there’s possibility of hope
Who knows maybe StarWars is real
Or even a world where cruelty doesn’t exist
Who knows?
Maybe we have possibility
Infinite possibility
We just need to work for it
Or it’s just destiny
And we’re all drones to the system
Or maybe I’m thinking too much
Maybe I’m going crazy
Who knows?
We don’t talk
I don’t blame you
We’re both different people
But if only you knew
I feel stupid to like someone so much
Only dreams can ease the pain
Maybe things weren’t meant to be
Maybe it’s my destiny
I can see myself already
In the future
Living with dogs
Lots of dogs
I’ve accepted it
It’s hard to accept, but life’s life
I suppose I’ve missed my opportunity
I’ll wait
Probably until the next life.
I hear it whisper my name
I hear it follow me
The creaks in the floor boards
I know it’s there
The yelling
The screaming
Just leave me be
Questions in my head
What do you want?
You hurt me
I can’t see you
But you can see me
Please leave me
I feel like I’m going crazy
Please leave me in peace.
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