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I see her
She’s dressed all in white
With as smile that warms the heart
She’s happy
She deserves this
I will be sad to see her go
Someone who used to be so small has grown up so fast
It brings tears to my eyes
I believe in you
If only time didn’t move so fast.
When the sun goes down
I come up
My shade is warm
My light is cold
The seas change to the sight of me
People believe I’m made of cheese
What a weird world you live in
Don’t change me
Don’t make me feel self conscious
You’re you
And I’m me.
What does it mean?
I’m lost
And sometimes I lose hope
Things go bad
Things you hope go well
But I just sit and wonder it’s meaning
It’s complicated
And the things
The small things
They make life complicated
And you overthink
And you cry
I feel as if life’s a trial
It has its downs
But what can I do?
It’s life.
I begin to sweat,
I hear nothing,
I begin to up the pace,
I see you,
Panting I run to you,
As I begin to hear the sound of sirens,
I fall down to hold you,
I call your name in hope of a response,
I hear nothing,
Your eyes closed,
Your skin cold,
A tear falls from my cheek into an abyss of nothingness,
And in a way I do too,
I’ll see you again one day.
You brought me into this life,
You bought me things,
What else could I have asked for?
But you gave me the choice,
Stay or go.
Going was sad,
I feel as if you died on that day,
You were someone else after,
She gave you a chance and you lied,
You pushed the truth away,
It didn’t just save you,
But it hurt the ones close to you,
You act happy,
I know you too well dad,
Well I think I know you.
Why can’t you have stayed the same?
Now times have changed,
I have changed.
We think,
We feel,
We are our own mind,
But our minds aren’t just,
We may feel pain and your mind makes it worse,
Like love.
The kind you know would never happen,
You try to hide what’s inside,
From yourself,
It your mind always finds a way,
A way to remind you,
It changes you,
You become someone you’re not,
and it hurts,
Your mind hurts.
I see you, but you don’t see me,
I like you but you don’t like me,
I’m stupid your smart, we used to be friends.
But a way to solve my hurt in my heart I pushed you away,
Our somewhat of a friendship ended
It wasn’t what I wanted,
But you don’t go for people like me,
You hate me and it was my fault,
I mourn about it,
But it’s hard to express it around other people,
I act serious when inside I’m shouting and crying like a child.
I don’t know what to do,
I’m lost,
I try to avoid you even though you may not care,
Our small conversations may not mean anything to you,
But in a way I think I love you.
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