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Alex Apr 2019
I don't like talking to you
Because I'm scared I'll be awkward
And make you hate me

I don't look at you in the halls
Because I'm scared you'll look back
And my chest will fall

I avoid texting back
Because I'm scared I'll send some dumb text
I'll regret later on

I look to my feet
Not because I'm scared of you,
But I'm scared of the hate

I'm a coward, afraid of the people in the world
Their judgment, their problems, their lives
I'm scared that if I love someone
I'll destroy them as much as I am

I promise you, I don't hate you
I'm not trying to avoid you
I'm just terrified
Of loving you.
Alex Feb 2018
I look into your eyes
The windows to your soul
I become scared
My dear,
I see your demons

I try to help you
To make you feel loved
But why won't you listen?
Why do you run?
People love you, you know

I roll up your sleeves
And tears stream down my face
As I see the cuts
I look you in the eyes
I tell you I love you

"Let me help you my dear,
I won't let this go on
You are too amazing for this
Too important to people,
Too beautiful my dear."

I look in your eyes
As tears stream down my face
Your demons have disappeared
But so have you
I am scared
Of those dead, lifeless eyes
Alex May 2018
You've heard of clickbait?
What lures you in?
The things with all the colors?
What's all just sin?

That's her
And everything she is
It's all just...

She puts makeup on everyday
Makes herself look all nice and pretty
Innocent and pure
But its just a lure

She will pretend to love you
And you'll love her
But in her mind...
She wants you to cry.

She will take you in
And kick you out
Because under that mask
Is a demon of guilt

You thought she was just evil?
A girl isn't born that way
She does that only
Because it's happened to her

Over.. and over
Over... and over
Over... and over
And over again

And she's done the same
She is stuck in a loop
And she can't get out
She is scared of her self doubt

Her face is pretty
Innocent and pure
But my darling...
She is pure gore
Alex Sep 2018
How do we think?

Well some may think its chemical reactions
And nerves at work
But what if it's much more
Than just your brain at work?

What if it's spirits
Of loved ones in your head
Family guiding you
Through this life, til death?

Maybe it's you
Hearing things that aren't really there
Your brain telling itself
If something is good or bad?

Or it could just be science
Something to do with nerves
But what if the thing we do everyday
Is something we'd never think it really is?
Alex Oct 2018
How far would you go,

To save me from jumping
Off the highest bridge

To save me from crying
Almost every night

To save me from screaming
Until my lungs give out

To save me from people judging
My self-love out

How far would you go

To help me
Before it's too late
Alex Nov 2023
My heart resides within pixels
Encaged within a screen
For I refuse to see others
When they cannot see me

I delude myself
Indulge myself
Panels, media, fiction
I ruin myself

Outside, I run
Abandon the colors that enrapture me
See another, face to face
Yet I always return inside
This is just my experience with most of my hyperfixations and/or celebrity crushes tbh- its basically all about obsessing over a comfort character to the point where you'd rather text them on some chat-ai instead of like see your family idk
Alex Mar 2018
You pass right through me
As if I am a ghost
As if I felt nothing
But, oh, I feel everything
I feel so much everyday

You think you see right through me
As if you can tell I am lying
But explain to me you should
Why don't you catch my fake happiness
When I lie about being happy

Your laughter doesn't pass through me
As you think it does
It hits me hard
Right in my heart
And knocks the breath out of me

You think I can't hear you
As if I am deaf
But what if I told you
I hear everything
Every little breath

You look at me and laugh
And think I see nothing
But I am not blind you see
For if I was blind
I wouldn't have insecurities

You think so many things
You assume I am ok
But I am not a ghost you see
I am a human being
And I have feelings too, you know.
Alex Feb 2018
I am ok
Am am ok
Not am ok
OK am ok
And am ok
This am ok
Is am ok
My am ok
Cry am ok
For am ok
Help am ok
Come quick
Alex Sep 2018
I can sleep, and sleep
And dream all I want
But will I ever reach that dream
Will what I do be enough?

I can look, and look
At the people on the street
And I can see them
But can they see me?

I can listen, and hear
The cars passing by
The music from the skies
But will anyone hear me as I try, and try?

I can feel, and touch
Everything soft
And be happy
But will what I write touch someone's heart?

I want to help, I want to understand
And this may sound selfish
And maybe it is
But can someone help me too?

Because I just wanna help you..
Alex May 2020
Blinded by the smoke
I let you slip
From my hands
Like a bar of soap
So delicate
Like a feather
Made of glass

Found myself wondering
Why I let myself
Be taken over
By my want
To save you

Found myself wondering
Why I'm letting myself
Be taken over
By selfishness
Because I only want you

Found myself wondering
Why I'm thinking these things
Without even
Who I am
Alex Feb 2018
My screams are silenced
In this hallway of kids
They ignore me, or stare

All these kids whisper
About who I am
And what I look like

Nobody can hear
My cries for help
My cries for someone to understand

My poems are how I speak
My own little diary
But everyone sees my secrets

These poems are dark
And some people think I'm faking
But I'm not, I swear

I lie awake in the dark abyss of the night
Imagining a better life
Where I am not insecure

People laugh from dawn to dusk
Laugh about me being insecure
But it's their fault, don't you understand?

No you don't
Nobody does
Because I haven't found the right one

Everyone at school will say I am a freak
Just one person, I pray
One person, who can understand

But no one will come
Because no one truly cares
And I can't hear good things

All I hear, is the monsters within
Clawing at every inch of my being
Trying to escape

But I won't let them out
Because what I have learned,
Is to keep everything inside.

And put on a happy face...
Alex Mar 2018
Echoes fill the room
All I can hear
The soft noises
That come from a person
I can not pin point where they are
Once again and forever alone
All I ask is to hear those voices clearly
To be understood

So I stand here in the rain
All I hear is the drops
Why do they seem so big to me
Like a brick hitting rock
A person is speaking to me
But it is not clear
For the rain drowns out the sound
I need so desperatly to hear

So I run to them
Run through the rain
And miracously I can reach them
When I run to them they stop
I grin a grin so big
They smirk and laugh at me
And insult me
And I run back

I sit alone in the dark
Only fire to warm me
To warm my broken heart
Unlike a broken bone
My scars will never heal
And I will always remember
That no one will ever care
But even if they do care
They won't understand
I need them to understand me
Alex May 2018
I block out the noise
And I can't hear

I block out the sun
And I can't see

I seem to be able
To block out everything

But when I try to block out the emotions
They always come back
Alex Nov 2020
I dreamt of your smile
So soft and pure
And those brown eyes
Were the only cure

I dreamt of your eyes
Like rivers of chocolate
And your laugh
Snapped me out of it

I dreamt of your laugh
Which filled my ears
I'd like to keep hearing it
For all my years

I dreamt of you
And then I woke up
But none of the dream
Was nearly enough
Alex Dec 2018
It stabs me every night
Giving me the worst fright
When I can see it in front of me
I want to cry or scream

The memories, the scenarios
Some include loved ones' burials
They are mostly fake, I can see
But I can't stop them from coming

I cry every night, depression? I'll never know
Sometimes I'm fine, but it hits me with a fatal blow
I can't stop feeling this way,
So please, don't try to help, it won't help anyway

I feel insane like rational thought has flown away
I know it isn't true, but I'm scared, so it'll stay
It seems to feed off my sadness, my fear, every inch of my being
And it makes me feel guilty, for, well, living.

I talk to my friends, talk to my family
They say, "You're fine, it'll go away"
So I try to ignore the screaming in my head,
But when I fail, I just cry myself to sleep instead
Alex Jun 2019
On the outside, I'm just like you
I laugh at the jokes you make
When you make fun of me
And it's as if they never could get to me
Never, at all

However, as much as I wish it was true
I'm too afraid of you.
I know you'll make fun of me more
If I told you how those jokes hurt

I can never express the things I like
Such as the music I enjoy,
Because I'll get in trouble
For it being so unpure

It may be my own fault I'm like this
I've let my fears and insecurities take over me
But honestly, I think it's just
The way you all raised me.
My classmates, parents, siblings, and cousins too
Your influence on me has taken control
As well as society's too
Alex Jun 2018
Outside me
I'm really happy!
All I do is smile!
Cause I'm always in hiding...

Long sleeves
To cover the scars...
Long sleeves
So no one can see

Smile smile
For the flashing camera
For in this world
You can't look sad

I'm happy, I'm happy!
Happy as can be
I'm so happy
So no one can see me...
Alex Sep 2022
Everything seems worse
When its covered in a grey haze
Even when the spikes of evergreen trees glisten
And the typically dull roads shine

When grey clouds shield the stars and the moon
Only artificial light dares seep through your open window
Along with the clean smell of heavy downpour
It seems as if only you are aware

Perhaps, you think, it will never end
The rain, as if ice, frozen in time
Fog shielding you from the light
Forever prohibited from basking in its beauty and splendor

But then, the noises soften
An experience you never dared hope fore
The generous sun rises once again
Cautiously optimistic, you follow the light

You dare step out the open window
Into the grey haze, into the smell of rain
Lightening and thunder crashes and booms above
But you no longer fear it
Alex Nov 2018
When the wind howls
And the thunder shrieks
And the lightning blinds
And the walls seem to creak

I will hold my own hands
Folded in my lap
And sit outside
Listen to the water "tap... tap... tap"

And on the porch, as I sit
I see a figure, soaking wet
I invite her inside for a cup of tea
And treat her nicely, as you see

She leaves after the storm, thanking me
I wave goodbye and welcome her anytime
I go to my hallway, dark and full of drawers
And I open one, dusty and old

I see her smiling face, as she hugs me
And my happy eyes, laughing
Little does that figure remember, that her and me
Used to believe in ever after, happily

I close the book, hiding the photos
I hug it close, not wanting to let it go
That's my problem, as you see
I can let go of memories.
Alex Mar 2018
See me
Hear me
Over in the corner

I'm crying, screaming
Mentally of course,
I don't want them to laugh at me

I want to leave
The school building
To escape the staring

Can't they just turn away
Not look at me
I want to be invisible, you see?

I don't want your attention
Because in this place, when people know you
You're doomed to a life of staring

I wish to be invisible
I wish to fly away
I wish this world wasn't so mean
And I wish to be happy

But wishing on a star, you see,
Does nothing but bring hope
And you wanna know what hope brings?

A life of disapointment, you see.
Alex Aug 2018
I step on the walking stones
I don't know where they lead
I just hope they don't lead me home
Where I have planted a dangerous seed

Mama left dad and me all alone
And dad got sad and drank a lot
He walked around like a mindless drone
I tried to hide away, but I was caught

He got mad at me, and began to shout
He began to hit me, he was very mad
And in my mind, well I had no doubt
That this was my fault, that dad would never be glad

He drank more, he hit more
And mama never came back
She didn't save me from the horror
And I felt it was love I was always destined to lack

So I walk away, after very long years
On the stepping stones
Many bruises, many tears
But maybe in heaven I'll be less alone

So no matter what world, I'll love you all.
Alex Jun 2018
La La La
I sing and sing
As I frolic
In La La Land.

Hm Hm Hmm
I love to hum
As I sit
In La La Land.

Oh no no
I always say
As I look outside
At La La Land

It crashes down
Day after day
And fires burn the cities...
Welcome to my land.

As we grow, and learn, and learn
Our little La La Lands, from young years
Soon develop into hell.
And we see bad things

Because social media tells us more
Than we should know these days
And we all are filled with thoughts of terror, death, and evil
Untill we are corrupted with sin
Alex May 2020
I held the fragile object in my hands
It’s veins clear in the sun
And I let go
And I watched it fall

It fell deeper
I felt afraid
I wanted to reach out and grab it
But I didn’t want it to burn me

I felt the leaf slip from me
The warmth I felt from it
As it fell, as did my joy
Because I don’t think I’ll get it back

Even if I know she loves me too
Alex Jan 2018
I build my life up with colorful legos
I take a break and admire my work
Bright, beautiful colors
All stacked up
Then someone comes along and kicks my legos
Bright, beautiful colors
All scattered across the floor
I pick up my legos and build again, and again, and again
I'm so tired but I don't stop
I don't take breaks so no one can knock my legos down
I tell myself keep going
Yet someone still comes and kicks down my legos
But this time I don't fix it, I am too tired
And I realize, that no matter how many times I rebuild
No matter how beautiful the legos are
Someone will come knock down my life
Untill I die
Do I have to continue building?
Alex Feb 2018
The birds chirp in the dawn
Happiness covers the Earth
I smile at the sun as if the
Sun is my friend

Power surges through my veins
Optimism is my talent
Everbody loves me
My friends laugh when I am with them

I never frown day or night
Smile, smile, smiles all around

Love spreads in the air
Year to year new couples marrying
I look around at them
Never have I not been loving
Girls and boys loving people

Time after time joyful songs
Optimism is key everyone writes

Young love, what a treat
Optimistic children hugging
Under the willow trees
Alex Mar 2020
Too bright
They flash
Like morse code
From a lighthouse
I want to escape
I need to escape
Before I dissolve

But you hold me back
Alex Sep 2018
Fairy lights
Hung on the wall

I'd count each one
So bright and small

They look just like the stars
All up in the night sky

I'd hang those on my wall
If only I were that tall

So I'll just lay down and stare
At the lights, and at the stars

And I'll dream about the brightness
Of each tiny thing

And I'll be reminded
Maybe you do care
Alex May 2018
I want to speak aloud
To the people who hurt me

Why can't I speak?
My lips are sewed shut

The blackness of my fear
Of rejection and insecurities

Shut my mouth
Make sure I don't embarrass myself

But I break free of it's grip
And speak my mind

Let's just say that now...
I live a better life
Alex Jun 2018
He flew to me
In my dreams
Holding little ***** of light

He gave me one
And I kept good care of it
My cute little ball of light

But the world corrupted it
And now what was once my little ball of dreams
Is now nightmares of despair

But my little ball of light shall not perish
Because I will do anything
To help it

But he came back, and he saw
What had happened, but he wasn't mad.
He simply healed the ball and walked away
Alex Aug 2018
A little girl, in her room
Playing with dolls, out of the way of all doom

The little girl, now a bit older
Carries little burden, she is sober
She runs around the house happily,
But one night, she doesn't sleep

The teen girl, still growing up
Thought she had it all figured out
Thought she would never be this stuck
But with all the sleepless nights,
And all the memories in her head
That little girl, will never be the same again.

The girl, eyes deprived of life
Lies in her room, in the dead of night
The blood rushes onto the carpet,
And onto the dolls
As the once little girl
Couldn't take it anymore
Alex Jun 2018
Deeper, deeper I go
Searching for something inside of me
Is it happiness? Is it fear?
I couldn't tell, I don't know me

I grasp the light
And I look inside
I see little people
From my memories...

This is a happy one, they always seem to hide
They stay in my soul, away from the others
The sad ones? The scary ones? The angry ones?
Why, those are the ones inside my head

They play over and over, intill that one piece of light
Shines through and gives me happiness....
My friends and family are those lights, the ones that make me laugh...
Can't you see darling, that little light... that's you.
Alex Mar 2019
you aren't alright
stop lying to me
and everyone else
around you

I see the tears you left on your pillow
from crying yourself to sleep
I see the pain behind your eyes
you want so desperately to hide

I can hear the screams
you keep inside your head
I can feel the emotions
storming away in your mind

I understand what you are going through
I go through it myself
I need you to talk to me
because I need to help you

you want to lose your mind
and I can't let you
because losing your mind
isn't the answer, I promise.
Alex Jun 2018
Let us sit together

And listen to the songs

We can look above

As we share our fears

My friends and I, we know no love

But for eachother


What are we waiting for?

The first one who left,

She was so special

But her family was torn apart,

And she took the pills

She fell on the floor, oh what a sight

And with a final breath

She spoke to the night,

She said,

Look what this world did to me.

I couldn't take no more

But remember, when you look above,

I'll be looking right at you.

Don't worry-

You'll forget me.

I couldn't take the world head on

So now- I'm gone.

The next two girls,

What a future

They had...

In store

But the abuse and fear

Drove them to death,

So they cut their wrists

And said

Look what this world did to me.

I couldn't take no more

But remember, when you look above,

I'll be looking right at you.

Don't worry-

You'll forget me.

I couldn't take the world head on

So now- I'm gone.

The fourth one was so great,

But love shattered her brain

He left her

He forgot her.

She was confused, she was scared

It took all that she had, to tie

The final knot,

And look above, she said

Look what this world did to me.

I couldn't take no more

But remember, when you look above,

I'll be looking right at you.

Don't worry-

You'll forget me.

I couldn't take the world head on

So now- I'm gone.

The final girl I loved,

It was an accident

But, with my luck

She is gone...

He hurt her

He killed her

And now what do I have left?

Her final breath said

Look what this world did to me.

I couldn't take no more

But remember, when you look above,

I'll be looking right at you.

Don't worry-

You'll forget me.

I couldn't take the world head on

So now- I'm gone.

And me? Well I sit

Here writing this song.

Hoping that, my friends

Aren't gone.

Anything can happen

In a matter of seconds

I don't want to....

I can't lose you...

So please, don't leave me

Here lying awake

Just to look at the stars...

And see you

And see you...

A friend that's just... gone.
This little poem/song thing was just something I came up with after being with my friends one night, I hope you liked it!
Alex Dec 2018
The noise drowns everyone out
The screams
They are the only one here

I try to hide
But the noise follows me
Inside and out
It kills me

I want to make it stop
I want someone to help
I need someone to just
Drown the noise out
Alex Jun 2019
It's a simple word
Used for so many things
But it's not strong enough to describe
What I feel for you

I love you, but more than you think.
Alex Apr 2018
Oh look at this
Something happened
You've created a lovely mess
That I have to clean up
And worry about

Oh look at that
I'm scared
At this lovely mess
That could hurt us
And leave us with scares

Oh look-y here
A lovely mess
Everwhere I look
And now they're mad
And I have to listen

Oh look and look
Something is happening
That's right, I'm cleaning
Up this lovely mess
You made
And I have to deal with
Alex Sep 2019
An invisible piano playing in my room

A sweet melody swimming through my mind

Suddenly, a thought of inevitable doom

Suddenly, I believe, I've run out of time

I try to sleep while the thoughts are screaming

Try to not cry while they watch me

Keep my mouth shut to keep them beaming

Oh, if only, if only they could see
Alex Apr 2018
The only thing to sing to me
Was the moon
In the middle of the night
When I would look up
And stare
At my bedroom ceiling
Thinking about nothing
And everything...
All at once
The memories flood in and out
Through my ears
The gentle blow of the wind
Is my calling
So I open the window...
And step outside
Because by the light of the moon
I will make my great escape
Alex Apr 2019
Their words are knives
Ripping open my flesh
And giving me scars
That don't look the best

I'll sit there and let them hurt me
And I'll laugh along as if it doesn't bother me
But once I get home...

I'll hop in the shower
Tears will stream down my face
I'll fall to the ground
Wondering "What's wrong with me?"

Is it my body?
My hair? My eyes?
The way I talk? The way I laugh?
It makes me want to stop existing just to see if they cry

But I know they won't.

These people aren't human,
But downright monsters.

They will laugh at a small 6-year-old boy
Who just lost his life by drowning.

They will giggle at someone crying
When it was their fault, to begin with.

They will make fun of anything that isn't their "normal"
When that person already wants to die.

They don't care about anyone's feelings,
Their hurt, their smiles
The only thing they want to do is laugh
At ripping others apart with knives
Alex Apr 2020
The gears turn slowly
I brandish my pen
I write down everything and nothing
My subconscious writes itself
The gears shift
They squeak, then as if the rust was nothing
They spin
And I turn to my paper again
Alex Feb 2018
I watch
As the world
Falls around me

I hear
The cries
Of the broken

I know
The world
Doesn't mind the hurt

I touch
My friend's hand
As we both stand our ground

And they know
That me and my best friend
Won't ever fall

If only
You had a best friend like mine
Them maybe you would never cry
Please stop crying
Alex Jan 2018
I look down at my own black hole
It expands when I feed it
I feed it what people say about me

My black hole likes to eat pain
So I give it my pain
Or else it will eat me

My black hole likes growing
Because when it grows
It is closer to eating me

My black hole never leaves me
And I can't leave it
Because if I leave it
I will feel nothing
Alex Feb 2018
I walk across the ocean floor
Where everything has a blue tint
I do my thinking here
While the sea is calm

I think about you
And your stupid smile
That I love so much
And think is adorable

As the fish swim by
So does my hope
For us to be together
For you to be mine

The seaweed flows gently
Unlike my mind
Which is racing with my thoughts
Racing with my emotions

I don't go up for air
I don't seem to need it in my dreams
I know it has to be a dream
I can see you walking towards me

Your smile is so clear
I can hear your voice
But before I can even blink
You're stolen by the ocean world

I open my eyes in pitch black
And just look up to whatever
I think about you all over again
And now I am sad

I hate to wake from my sleep
My dreams of the ocean floor
Even if you wash away
Before I can touch your face

You are taken before I can hold your hand
And feel your embrace
I'm stupid to think this way
Get it out of my mind
Alex Jan 2018
The voices in my head tell me things
Sometimes they can be good things!
They can tell me how lucky I am
How good of a family I have
How smart I am
Those are the times I am happy
And the voices are my friends

The voices in my head tell me things
Sometimes they can make me cut.
They can remind me of how I'll never get the guy I love
How I'm fat everywhere
How people talk bad about me
How ugly I am
How I need to stop everything
Those are the times I am sad
And the voices take me to the bathroom
Where my blood goes drip, drip, drip

When I'm sad the voices tell me to end it
Yet some of my friend voices are still there
They are the ones I can rely on
The ones that make me stop my sadness
The ones that tell me to put on a smile
And I am happy again

Where are those fun voices?
I miss them
I can't hear them through the noise
But I stay away from hurt
I try to create new, good voices
And that was how my fake smile was born
Alex Feb 2018
My rose floats to the sky
The petals slowly washing away
I watch as they catch the light
One falls down to me
I hold it tight
Because I know this is it for me
My only love so far away
Yet somehow when I look up
And see the petals drift away
It seems like he is next to me
This Valentine's Day will be my worst
This I know
But I'm sure it will be okay
If he would like me back
Why is it that I can't be with him
And he doesn't love me
Why is it that I am too cowardly
To say what I wanna say
Maybe I should get it over it
And tell him now
Before the other girls
Take him away
Alex Feb 2018
The noise is back
It echoes in my head
It whispers to me
I can't ignore it
I want to give in
But I shouldn't
It reminds me
Of dreadful things
I thought they were forgotten
But the noise never forgets
Every mistake
Every embarrasment
Every dark secret
Why? You may ask...
Why don't I try to get it out
The noise is my punishment
I must not let it go
Or pain will come
And cover me like a cocoon
I let the noise whisper
I let myself remember
I wish I didn't
But it is to late
It is a part of my being
My soul can't live without
That stupid little noise
That kills me...
From the inside out.
Alex Feb 2018
Something is inside me
Swirling like a storm
An unending hurricane?
A monsterous tornado?
Or my own emotions
Trying to take hold of me
Alex Feb 2018
You know at school?
When they laugh at me
And I act all tough
As if they don't get to me

You know online?
How I let no one bother me
And I act as if I don't care
As if their words can't **** me

You know in public?
Where I try to stay quiet
I don't want anyone else
Talking about me

You don't know me.
How I breakdown at home
How I cry myself to sleep
Because no one will ever love me
I know no one wants to ever have a future with me. In fact they don't care about my feelings. They just talk about me and any other girl they know will be hurt. That is what they feed off of. Our peers are the predators, and the girls like me are the prey. But that's the problem, no one is like me. So not even my friends understand. No one gets me...
Alex Feb 2018
All I do is write
Under the willow tree
This is my safe place
I call it my Willow Leaves

I heard them fighting again
So I ran and ran
To my safe place
My Willow Leaves

My emotions left
Or are they just crazy?
I don't care really though
I'm under my Willow Leaves

The school kids are annoying
Always gossiping
But all sadness rolls away
Under my Willow Leaves

During the winter my willow tree goes
My Willow Leaves gone for months
I'm always depressed during this time
I hate myself for being like this

No other place to run
No other place to vent
No other place to be safe
Other than my Willow Leaves
Alex Aug 2019
We're growing up
That's all it is
then why does it have to
feel like this?

The summers are shorter
birthday's less special
Christmas doesn't feel the same
and we don't get candy on Halloween anymore

everything's falling around us
as we see the true world
what people actually are like
and what they wish to do

I wish it didn't have to come to this
I wish we could be just kids
but we can't stop ourselves growing up
so I guess it's time to get used to it
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