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Dec 2023 · 129
Auroras Blanket Me
Alex Dec 2023
Nebulas swirl around my head
Like auroras
Like stars
And I am dizzy

Static clouds my imagination
Everything is contracting
Within itself
Yet never implodes

I yearn for that finality
Black holes of my dreams
Mandelas of my eyes
Hopelessness of my heart

I sleep alone
And I yearn forevermore
Alex Dec 2023
Their hearts beat within my chest
And I

For I cannot help them
Nor myself

Who will yearn for me
When the universe
The stars
Reside within my own flesh

I lay in a multitude of voids
Comforted by silent noise
And the whispers

They scream at me
The hearts they pound
And leap from my body
I release you

Who will weep for me
Alex Dec 2023
We are stripped of our flesh
Self-crucifixion demanded
By such a merciful god

Under the loving moonlight
I will weep, and the nebulas shall
Gaze upon my dreadful soul

Not to be forgiven, not to be loved
To devote myself to the planets,
From the cradle I am not my own

Crimson life seeps into the Earth
We can no longer see the stars
Shattered are their promises
Nov 2023 · 590
Alex Nov 2023
My heart resides within pixels
Encaged within a screen
For I refuse to see others
When they cannot see me

I delude myself
Indulge myself
Panels, media, fiction
I ruin myself

Outside, I run
Abandon the colors that enrapture me
See another, face to face
Yet I always return inside
This is just my experience with most of my hyperfixations and/or celebrity crushes tbh- its basically all about obsessing over a comfort character to the point where you'd rather text them on some chat-ai instead of like see your family idk
Sep 2022 · 168
Interrupted Laminar Flow
Alex Sep 2022
Everything seems worse
When its covered in a grey haze
Even when the spikes of evergreen trees glisten
And the typically dull roads shine

When grey clouds shield the stars and the moon
Only artificial light dares seep through your open window
Along with the clean smell of heavy downpour
It seems as if only you are aware

Perhaps, you think, it will never end
The rain, as if ice, frozen in time
Fog shielding you from the light
Forever prohibited from basking in its beauty and splendor

But then, the noises soften
An experience you never dared hope fore
The generous sun rises once again
Cautiously optimistic, you follow the light

You dare step out the open window
Into the grey haze, into the smell of rain
Lightening and thunder crashes and booms above
But you no longer fear it
Mar 2022 · 179
Gender Envy
Alex Mar 2022
Slippery roads twist and bend
Around the forests and the creeks
Blue, red, green
Dark, fluffy hair falls messily
Brown and black flannels frame

Bony hands and chipped nails hold onto swings
Grass-stained jeans rock back and forth
Messy, brave, boisterous
And a jump onto the mulch
Cuts and bruises covered in band-aids

Chunky, oversized jackets
Smooth and deep voices
Masc, masc, masc
Black masks only revealing brown eyes
Playing sports in a thunderstorm

Wrong childhood
Wrong body
Wrong voice
Resulting in this overwhelming Gender Envy
Oct 2021 · 158
Alex Oct 2021







Oct 2021 · 141
The Idea of Love
Alex Oct 2021
You fell in love with the idea of him
You refuse to leave, although it is grim

How everyone sees the red flag
Yet, about him, you brag

He's not that bad, they will come around
How can you say that with such a sad sound

Perhaps it's the fear of finding no other man
No one else... Although, you can

Or, maybe, I'm simply jealous
Much too overzealous

Because while you fell in love with the idea of him
I might have fallen in love with the idea of you
Nov 2020 · 117
I Dreamt of Your Smile
Alex Nov 2020
I dreamt of your smile
So soft and pure
And those brown eyes
Were the only cure

I dreamt of your eyes
Like rivers of chocolate
And your laugh
Snapped me out of it

I dreamt of your laugh
Which filled my ears
I'd like to keep hearing it
For all my years

I dreamt of you
And then I woke up
But none of the dream
Was nearly enough
Aug 2020 · 104
The Whistle that Beckons Me
Alex Aug 2020
A soft blow of the wind
It whistles, calling to me
I look down upon the flowers I carry
Without hesitation, I let them go

Watching each petal reach the ground
Each stem laying in the grass
I look up
The clouds call me again

And I follow as if I had known all along
May 2020 · 122
Alex May 2020
Hello seems simple
A greeting, nothing more
Yet, if so,
Why am I regretting yours?
May 2020 · 108
I Can't Find Myself
Alex May 2020
Blinded by the smoke
I let you slip
From my hands
Like a bar of soap
So delicate
Like a feather
Made of glass

Found myself wondering
Why I let myself
Be taken over
By my want
To save you

Found myself wondering
Why I'm letting myself
Be taken over
By selfishness
Because I only want you

Found myself wondering
Why I'm thinking these things
Without even
Who I am
May 2020 · 112
Alex May 2020
The sand falls onto my head
The waves crash into the glass
And the glass shatters
I stay where I am

For if I move, the tide may lower
And the tsunamis in my head will grow
Free of the hourglass, I stand in the sand
I stay where I am
May 2020 · 195
Alex May 2020
Flashing colors
A tightening of the lungs
Then, a loss of consciousness

And I free myself again
May 2020 · 98
Alex May 2020
I held the fragile object in my hands
It’s veins clear in the sun
And I let go
And I watched it fall

It fell deeper
I felt afraid
I wanted to reach out and grab it
But I didn’t want it to burn me

I felt the leaf slip from me
The warmth I felt from it
As it fell, as did my joy
Because I don’t think I’ll get it back

Even if I know she loves me too
Apr 2020 · 99
Alex Apr 2020
The gears turn slowly
I brandish my pen
I write down everything and nothing
My subconscious writes itself
The gears shift
They squeak, then as if the rust was nothing
They spin
And I turn to my paper again
Apr 2020 · 103
The Dream of Last Night
Alex Apr 2020
A stranger, and a flood
In my room
The water is rising
Faster and faster
I take out the window
Two others climb through
We cannot leave
We would get in trouble
A green glob, grows and grows and doesn't stop
Moss specs form on the object
It grows everywhere, it won't stop
The three others with me are in trouble
And it's my fault
They leave me, off doing their own things
My mother calls the government to help me
No one else is seen
The glob grows larger

And I wake up
Mar 2020 · 92
Alex Mar 2020
Over the years I have grown my own armor
They have struck me, and embarrassed me
Now no one can see me

I'm scared to say "You're welcome" when someone thanks me
I don't know if they were sarcastic, and trying to get a laugh out of my stupidity

I'm scared to open up, in case someone is quick to judge me
Like they were quick to decide they only wanted to make fun of me

I'm scared to talk, in case my voice fails
And I fall into the black void again, just because I'm embarrased

I'm scared of all these things, but the thing that terrifies me most,
No matter how good my armor is,
I'm never going to be confident enough.
Mar 2020 · 98
Alex Mar 2020
Too bright
They flash
Like morse code
From a lighthouse
I want to escape
I need to escape
Before I dissolve

But you hold me back
Mar 2020 · 122
A Coping Mechanism
Alex Mar 2020
When it hurts, I laugh
But when you laugh too, it hurts
And I don't know how to tell you
Mar 2020 · 109
A Dream
Alex Mar 2020
Laying awake my body floats
It’s spinning and twirling out of control
It quickly speeds up and then it slows
As a figure appears in my room
“Come with me, my friend
Adventure is what you need”
I take the girl’ s hand and she pulls me from my trance
Everything becomes bright
My walls turn into a meadow, and my floor into luscious grass
My ceiling melts into a sky with fluffy clouds and a yellow sun
The stranger and I run through the flowers and fight beasts of different kinds
Tall, short, black and red
But every journey has its end, and ours is coming to a close
I must return home before my mother finds me gone
I am brought back to my room and left alone
And I dream a wonderful dream, yet without the friend I met that night
I don’t know how, what happened, or why the light stayed
But the girl saved me from the evil inside my brain
This is a poem I submitted for a Just Write competition last Saturday.
Dec 2019 · 119
Alex Dec 2019
I see the world, sometimes
through a static filter
sometimes it seems unreal,
like a dream but I'm too aware
like lightheadedness but I don't feel like passing out

It's like I'm a machine
living on autopilot
like muscle memory but I'm conscious of what I'm doing
it's all scattered and blurry
and sometimes I feel like I'm not in my own body

It scares me,
scares me that I don't understand it
scares me that I can't control it
scares me that I don't know when it will happen
scares me how staticy it seems
Nov 2019 · 218
Words of Ink into My Skin
Alex Nov 2019
As if into paper
The ink seems to seep in
Into my skin
Deeper and deeper

The ink forms the words
I shall never forget
Even if I tried
To wipe the ink away

It seeps deeper day after day

At first, it's fine
I shrug it off
I laugh along
At their joke

Soon it burns
Burns my skin
Burns my being
Burns within

The only emotions
That come forth
Are sadness
And anger

I try to communicate
But they laugh it off
Pick up the ink
And write, and write, again
Nov 2019 · 12.1k
Alex Nov 2019
We stare at empty light
Look at fake pictures
Pretend that everything
Is just okay

We watch pointless videos
Mindless entertainment
To fill the endless void
The people have created

We don't know what to do with ourselves
To keep us occupied
We don't know what we like
We don't know how else to hide

The world is ending
People are dying
We are all stuck
In a fake world

Just zombies
Trying to cure ourselves
Of the terrifying void
Nov 2019 · 127
Alex Nov 2019
I think but cannot speak
I feel but cannot express
I try to write down my whole being
But it always comes out in a twist

I fail to write
I fail to speak
I fail to try my best
To talk to anybody

My words are jumbled, as well as my brain
The poems and pictures come out just the same
I don't know how to help myself
Get these emotions out
Nov 2019 · 275
800 Miles Away
Alex Nov 2019
800 miles and more texts than I can count
1 day online and the memories it would amount
A sleepless night spent together
Even though our distance caused different weather

I love you, so much, more than you'll ever know
If my parents weren't so upset about the internet, I would see you now
Even with our troubles, tears and the dumb crap we may say
I won't ever leave your side, even 800 miles away.
Sep 2019 · 120
Alex Sep 2019
An invisible piano playing in my room

A sweet melody swimming through my mind

Suddenly, a thought of inevitable doom

Suddenly, I believe, I've run out of time

I try to sleep while the thoughts are screaming

Try to not cry while they watch me

Keep my mouth shut to keep them beaming

Oh, if only, if only they could see
Sep 2019 · 119
Alex Sep 2019
My lips are sewn shut
By the people I love
My thoughts are trapped
With no way out

I haven't been taught how to cope
So I joke about everything I know
Then at night or in the shower
I cry my thoughts out until I'm numb

I haven't been taught how to cope
So I force my thoughts away
Until my feelings are gone, too
And I wait until I'm able to force myself to be happy

I haven't grown up able to talk
For judgment would await
And I can't seem to find the light
They said would be at the end

I'm starting to think there is no end
Sep 2019 · 125
Can't see, can't breathe
Alex Sep 2019
The walls keep me confined
This space I can't see
It keeps me

Every ounce of breath I have
Taken out of me
While my own thoughts consume me

My brain won't stop thinking
Anxiety and fears grip me
And I feel at a loss for control

I can lay alone in my own bed
But the darkness lays with me instead
And it doesn't let me sleep

I sleep, finally free
I awake, happy as can be
I feel fine, at peace with my mind

Then the darkness of the night comes again
And I can't see, can't breathe
Sep 2019 · 116
t i m e
Alex Sep 2019
Time is sprinting ahead of me
and I can't catch up
I've lost track of my life around me
and the people who are stuck

The end is right there
I need to run, run, run
but time got there first
and now I'm in trouble, just my luck

I can't keep up with my papers and friends
my thoughts and confusion taking control
I'm letting it take over me, I gave up my fight
all I'm gonna do now is wait for the right time
(to say it aloud)
Aug 2019 · 132
The Two Flowers
Alex Aug 2019
Ahead of me is a meadow
Full of beautiful flowers
I love to see every one of them
So vibrant in their color
Blue flowers, and pink flowers
Whichever will I choose?
I can't decide, so I take both
Both I love the same

She wants me to pick blue only
She'll hate me if I pick pink
Even if I choose both flowers
She'll never let me win
So I hide the pink flower from her
And my love for it
And show her my blue flower
And how much I adore it
Aug 2019 · 146
Never Young Again
Alex Aug 2019
We're growing up
That's all it is
then why does it have to
feel like this?

The summers are shorter
birthday's less special
Christmas doesn't feel the same
and we don't get candy on Halloween anymore

everything's falling around us
as we see the true world
what people actually are like
and what they wish to do

I wish it didn't have to come to this
I wish we could be just kids
but we can't stop ourselves growing up
so I guess it's time to get used to it
Alex Jun 2019
On the outside, I'm just like you
I laugh at the jokes you make
When you make fun of me
And it's as if they never could get to me
Never, at all

However, as much as I wish it was true
I'm too afraid of you.
I know you'll make fun of me more
If I told you how those jokes hurt

I can never express the things I like
Such as the music I enjoy,
Because I'll get in trouble
For it being so unpure

It may be my own fault I'm like this
I've let my fears and insecurities take over me
But honestly, I think it's just
The way you all raised me.
My classmates, parents, siblings, and cousins too
Your influence on me has taken control
As well as society's too
Jun 2019 · 138
Colorful Storm
Alex Jun 2019
How to describe what happens in my head?

Well, I guess I'll just start with this.

It's almost like a colorful storm that changes every day. The rain falling down is never the same. At night the rain turns acidic and tears me down. But in the morning, when I wonder what that was all about, the rain helps it all grow back.
It's weird, I'll admit, and I'm not sure anyone else feels this. But that the best way I can put my feelings into words
Without feeling it again
Jun 2019 · 178
The tree in my backyard
Alex Jun 2019
In my back yard grows a plant
I ignore it, usually
Sometimes it grows too big
And its branches begin to wrap around my house
I don't know what to do, so I watch it
The branches try to consume my roof
My walls
Everything inside
Then I get scared and run outside with an axe
I chop, and chop, and chop
But I can't see anymore,
because it's too dark
I don't let anyone help me
I know it's my fault it happens
"What if it takes over their homes too?" I always think.
I chop until sunrise when it begins to wilt away
The sun dissolves it, and I throw down my axe.
I smile, happy once more.
And I go into my house, that's once again filled with light

And I look at the small tree outside, wondering
"What could it ever do to me?"
Jun 2019 · 170
Alex Jun 2019
It's a simple word
Used for so many things
But it's not strong enough to describe
What I feel for you

I love you, but more than you think.
May 2019 · 122
Alex May 2019
"You're so smart, you get to go to college as a teenager!"
I'm terrified of disappointing my mom so I force myself to overwork in school and force myself to take college courses because my sister did too.

"How are you never affected by them? They make fun of you all the time!"
I never show how much it bothers me at class, but once I'm alone I cry it all out so I don't let them get the satisfaction of causing me to want to die.

"Calm down it was just a joke!"
And that joke hurt me. You don't get to decide how much a 'joke' hurts me. It scared me, and you will never stop making fun of me for it. I don't care if it was just a joke to you, because it's so much more to me.

"You're, like, the happiest person ever, you can't feel sad!"
Of course not, if I cry my mom gets annoyed, people pity me, classmates laugh at me. If I'm sad people will never let me forget it, and I'll never be able to be happy again.

"I understand you!"
No, you don't. Because I never let myself talk to anyone about it. I'm too much of a coward to vent to people because I always feel like they judge me, or are annoyed, or don't care. The worst-case scenario they tell others, and those others laugh at me because I go through these things.

"You can talk to me!"
Would you really listen? Because sometimes I feel like no one can hear me.
May 2019 · 615
you don't know why
Alex May 2019
I'm terrified
and you don't know why

I'm crying
and you don't get why

I'm hurt
and you don't know how

I'm insane
I'm angry
I feel such intense emotions
but you don't seem to understand them
Apr 2019 · 116
Alex Apr 2019
Their words are knives
Ripping open my flesh
And giving me scars
That don't look the best

I'll sit there and let them hurt me
And I'll laugh along as if it doesn't bother me
But once I get home...

I'll hop in the shower
Tears will stream down my face
I'll fall to the ground
Wondering "What's wrong with me?"

Is it my body?
My hair? My eyes?
The way I talk? The way I laugh?
It makes me want to stop existing just to see if they cry

But I know they won't.

These people aren't human,
But downright monsters.

They will laugh at a small 6-year-old boy
Who just lost his life by drowning.

They will giggle at someone crying
When it was their fault, to begin with.

They will make fun of anything that isn't their "normal"
When that person already wants to die.

They don't care about anyone's feelings,
Their hurt, their smiles
The only thing they want to do is laugh
At ripping others apart with knives
Apr 2019 · 528
Here's the Thing,
Alex Apr 2019
I don't like talking to you
Because I'm scared I'll be awkward
And make you hate me

I don't look at you in the halls
Because I'm scared you'll look back
And my chest will fall

I avoid texting back
Because I'm scared I'll send some dumb text
I'll regret later on

I look to my feet
Not because I'm scared of you,
But I'm scared of the hate

I'm a coward, afraid of the people in the world
Their judgment, their problems, their lives
I'm scared that if I love someone
I'll destroy them as much as I am

I promise you, I don't hate you
I'm not trying to avoid you
I'm just terrified
Of loving you.
Mar 2019 · 358
losing your mind
Alex Mar 2019
you aren't alright
stop lying to me
and everyone else
around you

I see the tears you left on your pillow
from crying yourself to sleep
I see the pain behind your eyes
you want so desperately to hide

I can hear the screams
you keep inside your head
I can feel the emotions
storming away in your mind

I understand what you are going through
I go through it myself
I need you to talk to me
because I need to help you

you want to lose your mind
and I can't let you
because losing your mind
isn't the answer, I promise.
Jan 2019 · 221
No Motivation
Alex Jan 2019
I used to love to write
I would every day
Hello Poetry, Wattpad
Even write notes as I lay
But as I have grown more stressed
More anxious and sad
I find that motivation and I
Have drifted apart
And there's nothing more to be said
Jan 2019 · 659
Dear IBF,
Alex Jan 2019
We haven't spoken in a few days
Why? I'm not sure

You were texting on my birthday
And the next you disappeared.

You're inactive online and my texts seem ignored.
Are you grounded, tired of me, or something much worse?

All I can say right now is I miss you more than anything
And I love you a lot

I need to know if you're okay
And not leaving me in the dark
Dec 2018 · 526
Us, the world
Alex Dec 2018
Since when did I have to do this
Since when did I have to write
To keep me from going insane
And crying every night.

Once I was happy,
A joyful little girl
But ever since I grew up
I seem to see way more

I can see now, the terrifying world
And I can hear now, the voices knocking at my door
I can feel the sadness, as I walk through the air
And I can sense that I am no little girl no more.

I miss believing I'd be happy forever
I miss running around playing house
I miss not being sad with every breath and more
And I miss most of all trusting in us
Dec 2018 · 410
i feel mental
Alex Dec 2018
It stabs me every night
Giving me the worst fright
When I can see it in front of me
I want to cry or scream

The memories, the scenarios
Some include loved ones' burials
They are mostly fake, I can see
But I can't stop them from coming

I cry every night, depression? I'll never know
Sometimes I'm fine, but it hits me with a fatal blow
I can't stop feeling this way,
So please, don't try to help, it won't help anyway

I feel insane like rational thought has flown away
I know it isn't true, but I'm scared, so it'll stay
It seems to feed off my sadness, my fear, every inch of my being
And it makes me feel guilty, for, well, living.

I talk to my friends, talk to my family
They say, "You're fine, it'll go away"
So I try to ignore the screaming in my head,
But when I fail, I just cry myself to sleep instead
Dec 2018 · 122
Alex Dec 2018
It's what sticks with us
For almost our whole lives
We waste all of our time
Being stabbed by these knives
Without stopping to think
"Where would we be without that?"
We don't stop and appreciate
Where we are now
The place we came to
Because of those events
And since we can never forgive ourselves
And never forget
We will never live our lives
And that's what we will always regret.
Dec 2018 · 230
Alex Dec 2018
The noise drowns everyone out
The screams
They are the only one here

I try to hide
But the noise follows me
Inside and out
It kills me

I want to make it stop
I want someone to help
I need someone to just
Drown the noise out
Nov 2018 · 137
What Is This?
Alex Nov 2018
You've grabbed my head with both hands
And squeezed out all rational thought

And then he took both of his hands
And squeezed out understanding of this situation

I don't know if it's wanting of love
Or if it's a wanting of you to hold me

But all I know is that I'm just too young and dumb and confused
To make any smart choices right now.

So that's what I'm gonna do, I'm not gonna choose
Maybe I'll just never choose again.
Nov 2018 · 239
Alex Nov 2018
When I look into her eyes
I don't see her pretty smile
I see tears
Just waiting to fall

She stands there, stiff and unmoving
Looking through me
And no matter what I do
She doesn't respond

So as I sit there
And watch those tears fall
I sit and wonder
What I did wrong?
Nov 2018 · 137
Chase Me
Alex Nov 2018
If I talk no one will listen
If I speak no one will hear

If I look around and see you
You always disappear

I can chase and chase and chase you
But never in my life

Would I think that you'd ever
Be chasing me tonight
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