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IrieSide Jul 2024
I want to be a poet,
that was the pinnacle
to find such mastery,
to where even the slightest
and shortest of words
can capture the utmost
of power

Shared with the world,
even beyond a
of time

Catch this melody,
a rotating glance
at all that you can

right desire is what comes true,
and the false or unrighteous
will never pass

align with the highest forces,
to move reality
in the most proper of ways
correct your world,
and purify it
for your people

a time-trick trance
echoed throughout
the present,
these untold variables
that dictate,
your destiny
IrieSide Jul 2024
What would it mean,
this inverse capacity
for finding the illogical,
a contemplation upon
an endless mystery

This life you find yourself in,
a planet,
a place you didn't choose

why perhaps this realm
of disintegration
presents such
complex struggle

to find peace,
to seek something
this insane desire
in a reality so fleeting

what a perplexing thought
this is,
to have tranquility
even amidst
the most violent
of worlds

solve this puzzle,
a prize to unlock
where meaninglessness
transforms into meaning
and pointlessness
becomes the point
IrieSide Jul 2024
The darkness comes around,
a seemingly endless cave
will come to light

persevere even
through the coldest
and find what exists
at the other end
of it

Persist, even in the midst
of tremendous pressure,
when the end of the road
is out of sight

hang on, even when depleted,
and find that life's greatest
surprises arise
when you're just about
give up
IrieSide Jul 2024
It's ok to create,
even when the Devil
says you shouldn't

manifest and control,
take the reins
and visualize
your world
let feeling
guide you,
as an intuitive

bring to life,
these seeds of
and let the sacred
from the

find this guide,
the one who cares
and grants you
this amazing
to dream
to be free
and actualize
a life
by all
IrieSide Jul 2024
Crimson diamond,
this sparkling fruit
a delicious enticement
into knowledge,
of good & evil

Why would one want to know,
to unplug from the fabric
of all illusion?
a glimpse at a foundational
the one that God
can see

a matrix mentality,
this desire for the red
a promise that understanding,
will set us free

trickery of the darkest one,
though the truth he told,
a delicate mortal mind
not ready for what
had been

distant remembrance,
this sacred veil
of setting suns
time based epiphanies
of all that will come
dance into this future
and be brave,
take this torch
a burden of knowing
and set yourself
IrieSide Jun 2024
Things are more
special with God,
a giver of good
gifts that appeal
not only to the
but the

Controller of reality,
all that is beyond
our reach,
the heavens,
and the spaces
in between

Let us find this life,
and not forget you
this one who loves
and shows it

Loving is open,
the opposite
of a calloused

You are the shepherd
of our life's paths,
you are the compass,
and the one that

The granter of special
sent from the heavens
or that which we

Lead us into the best life
that you know for us,
and let us not lean
on our own

Help us to trust,
and bond with
and remind us
why you are

Here it is again,
a certain clarity
that resembles
a truth
IrieSide Jun 2024
They are who
chase it
the fleeting
of illusive

finding out what
feels the best
and pursuing it
as a lion

sought after and achieved
the strongest
among them

the King takes the
most pleasures
and must defend them
the others

a perplexing mystery,
or a feeding
as the Buddha

Is this the game?
to find pleasure
and protect
this fleeting
of elated
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