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IrieSide Apr 2023
Challenge and crack through
concreted philosophies
of dead thought

resurrect life,
as a delicate
of sun like radiance
and life
more radiant
than the moon

Stand up for life,
a tuned in frequency
that you once knew
IrieSide Mar 2023
Have you forgotten
from where you came?
Do you mock
the once sacred?

The original form,
the holiest vibration
and wholeness
of mind

so familiar
and so loving
it leaves
no room for confusion

vibrations, chemicals
radio waves
and frequencies
all attempt to pull us
from the divine

though those who glimpse,
in whichever medium
the certainty of
absolute truth

no intellectual guessings
or maps or scripture
it's a present reality
of one form

glimpse the hints
of galactic speakings
and chase them
with all
your might
IrieSide Mar 2023
Sounds of delicate melody
flowing upon winds
of sacred

trickling energies
of newborn
and blossoming
of something

running in circles
and chasing the sun
a new reality
in time
this pure breeze

I said it carried magic
some invisible
it brings to life
the seemingly

Pulses of ignition
in reigniting birth
a gentle infinity
of contractions
and expansion

contrasting efforts
of opposition
wisdom is desired
though the one
is divided

You can find it here,
so hold on
IrieSide Mar 2023
It's not to ignore,
to pretend
nor blind

Love is,
something reckless
a delicate feather
a quietly
burning ember

an ember
that stands against the wind
and only becomes

Evil is here,
and always present
though it's our duty
to love

to love is to live,
and it can be difficult
though persist on
it's the best
you can
IrieSide Mar 2023
There's a more sacred mind-state
A wholler feeling,
like everything is alright
It seems we've forgotten
this original
and perfect

Where death doesn't exist
and the tricks of Satan
are all but present

Rise again into new-life
increase the vibration
us collective,

let us demand heaven
and pull it down here,
you and I,
my fellow
IrieSide Mar 2023
Was it the demon
who struggled to emerge
the entity or essence
I battled with

or was this energy,
my own soul?

who was it I wrestled,
this thing
that struggles

Suppressed, stifled
not listened to
something to be ignored
and repressed
as a

though was I at war,
with my own essence?
an energy signature
unique to I,
the purest form?

Forgive me,
for I've sinned
against God,
and my own self

Let the soul emerge
into new life
a dusting off of
crushing dust

let it rise
because in it
is life

not an enemy,
though a whispering savior
and the tree of life
an ever-present friend
that of
a million lights

sit back and breathe,
remember your essence
and change your perception,
this is not an enemy
but a sacred and dear
guide into the infinite

blossom gently,
and rise rapidly
and don't fail
because this,
is your mission.
IrieSide Mar 2023
Persistent delving
into the mystery

an everpresent dose,
of ecstasy
this taste
and recognition
of hidden

the recognition
and awakening

the presence and stillness
of all that

find your ground
and witness this mystery
in the present
and everlasting


to this meaningless
where laws seem to
hold it
yet the laws
are of the same

unveil some energy
this uncovering
of vibration
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