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1.6k · Jan 2013
Emylie G Jan 2013
I stare at these walls
The world is caving in
Where do I start?
How do I begin?

Times have changed.
The love that once was is now all gone
Absence in every letter,
Every song.

Mass ******, lost love
Only examples of whats come
Making me wonder how the world became so **** numb.

This shouldn't be normal
It shouldn't be alright
A new time has come,
Where society has lost sight.

I remember as a child, I was taught of Jesus.
All his miracles and his story,
But it seems society has forgotten
And im starting to worry..

Its gone TOO far
Too much has changed
Its about time the universe has been re-arranged.

The mayans didn't plan the end of the world,
They planned the end of humanity
And I'm serious when I say
***** this insanity..
1.4k · Feb 2013
Superman, Save Me. [Haiku]
Emylie G Feb 2013
Im brain washed, brain dead..
Out of my many stories..
None were ever read..

So many secrets..
All still remain unspoken..
Broken and barried..

My lies have built up..
Bodies about to explode..
Wisdom carries all..

My brain hurts, always..
My heart aches from the longing..
How long will this take..

Forever more breaks..
But you never fail to help..
Join me someway..

Your words get me through..
This pain I have bottled up..
You understand me..

Your eyes keep me sane..
They help keep evil away..
Superman, save me..
841 · Apr 2013
Craft Yourself.
Emylie G Apr 2013
Who am I to question your story? Who are you to ask about mine? I don't want your future. I don't need your past. Your stories to be continued. This paragraph is not the last. Flick your wrist. Move your pen. Write of love, lost, and sin. Sinners are all. We always end the same. Jesus is our only savior, from the endless internal pain. Wish apon the stars, tell me when they fall. Twickle, twickle, little speck. All for one and one for all. Stand together, make them crawl. PICK a rose from a bush. WATCH the thorns and PULL the weeds. SMELL the essence, LISTEN... to me. Take a step back. Think about yourself. Memories flashing by yet? Good, now - Let. Go.... Start with a new clean slate. Dont play with your conscience, that'll have to wait. Surrender your wings. Better yet, take flight. The world is waiting, so prove yourself right. All alone, its always freezing. Lost, with no believing. Its not much of a life that you're living. Its not what you take thats killing. Yes Im the broken one but you're the one in need of saving. Something deep inside of you is calling out and craving. Craving to be.. Set. Free. The diamonds in the sky are all that make you sane. Watch the darkness pass. Don't run from the rain. Its polite not to ask about ones life. So I didnt. Instead I sat and told you what you thought you had hidden. Fear? Shame? No. The AMBITION to hide the pain. But use your pencil, flick your brush. Create your emotions on paper, there really is no rush. Find yourself. Craft who YOU want to be. Flash a smile. For EVERYONE too see. Now.. with that be said, I hope you do. So when I come back Ill see your work and see the REAL you.
769 · Jan 2013
Mask Of Love.
Emylie G Jan 2013
Your eyes
Your smile
They take me places I haven't been in awhile
Your voice
Your sweet, sweet tone
I wish my feelings could forever be shown
Your kiss
Your touch
I'd give all only to have so much
Your time
Your heart
Though we are so far apart
Join me
Its all I ask
So I can no longer hide behind this hideous mask.
697 · Apr 2013
Ages of Evil.
Emylie G Apr 2013
Sweet little baby all safe and sound
Soon will the whispers start to surround.

Calm little children, huddled in a bunch
Will begin to hear a crunch, crunch, crunch.

Lovestruck teenagers, caressing with soft hands
Never meeting up to the devilish demands.

One lonely soldier, striking with great force
Never thinking twice, never feeling remorce.

Two vibrant lovers, on their wedding day
One a penny, two a penny, slay, slay, slay.

One child, two child, three child, four
Crazy happens often when evil is at your door.

Kindergarten, highschool, college all the same
Once their kids are old enough they'll be out of their way.

Grandkids, grandkids, running through the door
Courage starts amoung the weak, young hearts take hold the sword.

Now a quiet graying man, sitting all alone
Saddness seeping through his eyes, his face still hard as bone.

Wife has recently passed, the funeral is today
Death has been a longing part, a dreadful part we ALL must play.

Evil was lurking, through all of their past
But never did he give up hope, the only thing that lasts.

"Keep your head up, darling." Words hed always say.
She would giggle but still turn to look away.

Tears would flash through her eyes, he forever knew the truth
Years were in fact gaining up on her, she was losing hold of her youth.

He knew her time was coming, he knew the hurt and pain
She was slowly dieing, going full insane.
615 · Jan 2013
Saved By A Child.
Emylie G Jan 2013
She sits alone
No one knows
No one cares
She cries to herself wishing they'd dare.

To know of what has happened
To see what she's seen
Life as she knows it is but a terrible dream.

Thinking of the awful horrors he put her through
She screams
Though no one hears
Everything is so vivid, so clear.

Awful thoughts flow through her head.
Dreadful things that should be left unsaid.

With a gun in hand
She struggles to stand
Ready to pull the trigger
The smell of blood will soon linger.

BANG! Her bedroom door swings open.
A small scream followed by a wee little voice.

"*****.. What are you doing?"
Emylie G Jan 2013
Just a sad lonesome bird
Fighting her way through the herd,
Young and reckless
But full of beauty none the less.

People speak of her smile all the time
Though it all follows the same rhyme,
She wishes someone different would come around
Someone to help pick her off the ground.

Her confidence is low,
She needs self-esteme
But all shes good at is living in her dream.

She has liked this guy for a while now
But they're close like bestfriends so she doesn't know how
They fight like they're married and flirt like it too
But distance keeps them apart
An example of fate's rue.

In love but not ment to be together
Though she wishes to be his forever.

Star-crossed lovers you think?
Probably so
Hopefully it wont end in some crazy death toll.
591 · Jan 2013
Call A Doctor.
Emylie G Jan 2013
Call a doctor
I think im sick
Call it "in love"?
I think its ick.

My stomach is in knots
Im feeling kind of tounge tied Is it real love?
Even if it is, your answer will be deined.

I'v been in love once
And its not much of a treat.
What happened with him,
Is very obsolete.

Though this guy is different..

Its in his eyes,
So careing as if he really listens.
His smile,
Bright and full of joy as it glistens.

His humor, oh man his humor..
So on key with mine
His words,
They take me straight to cloud nine.

I weep and wish he could be here
Close and near..

Holding me in his muscley arms
As we play Super Mario and watch Ninja Turtles
All happy go lucky
It would be SO much better than being out running hurdles.

I mean I know were only half way there
But he takes me all the way.
Talking to him for 10 minutes
Never fails to make my day.

He makes my heart skip a beat,
Having him so far away just makes me feel oh so incomplete..

This is why I need a doctor sir
Iv fallen and I cant get back up
Love has taken its toll
And I fear I'm going to ***** it all up..
584 · Jan 2013
Enslaved By Love.
Emylie G Jan 2013
Save me from the world around
My heart you will forever be bound.

The darkness caves..

Its only a matter of time
Until you choose to no longer be mine.

Society enslaves..

Thoughts of you flood my head
Wish it was you here instead.

People are talking..

My interest in you is so unknown,
Though my feelings ought to still be shown.

You keep on walking..

What could I say,
That'll make you choose to stay?

The darkness continues to cave,
As this society will forever enslave..
532 · Feb 2013
Evermore Sinking.
Emylie G Feb 2013
Long hallways lead into my brain
Dark hallways all the same.


Crawl through my thoughts
Look into one of the empty slots.


Between the lines youll find pain
Open my compartments and let it all drain.


Crazy thoughts fill the air
Wondering if someway, somehow you're still there.


Tears flowing sadness
Releasing pure madness.

513 · Feb 2013
Reset Button.
Emylie G Feb 2013
    Pushing away.

Breaking by the day.

    Runing with tears.

Hiding from my fears.

    Taking me astray.

Wishing you'd stay.

    Torn from the heart.

Can we just hit restart?
508 · Feb 2013
Bad Little Girl.
Emylie G Feb 2013
Stay away from me boy, Iv got evil in my veins.
Blood seeping out, leaving only stains.
Venom like a snake.
Leaving you full of forsake.
Don't come any closer, you'll hate what you'd see.
Close your eyes tight, hide your face from me.
Transparent eyes, boy stay away.
Get any closer, I promise you'll pay.
You think Im lying?
I'm evil, without even trying.
Already dead so I'm not scared of dying.
Boy, I'm a thousand years old, I'm a riddle.
Bad little girl, yes, I'm bad, but not little.
495 · Apr 2013
Through Forgotten Eyes.
Emylie G Apr 2013
Through my eyes you'll see pain, physical and mental, marching through my body still looking for a target. Aim and fire. Shot of no desire. Reload, recharge. Pull the trigger, and BAM goes the last beat of my breaking heart.
"We are the ghosts who see all things. We are the ones who creep into your dreams."
I am the girl with the aching soul. The one thats screams for help to take toll.
I can almost taste the blood that remains on my swollen tounge. The tounge that flicks irractionally, perceiving words not of mine but of its own.
I hold, between clamped hands, the life that once COULD BE that now CAN NOT. The story of what SHOULD BE now FORGOT.
485 · Mar 2013
... Change.
Emylie G Mar 2013
As the wind blows
And one by one the leaves fall
The people of the city change courses
Courses that arn't fit for all.

Harder, more wind.
Faster, stop change.
The story's never ending
The feeling is so.... strange.

"Come on now,
Join the club
Change is before us

People try to change
With thoughts still in the past
Don't they know better?
Change will never last.

Mother Nature blow harder!
Blow this "change" from their mind.
Quickly, blow faster
We're running out time...
427 · Jan 2013
Brittle Time.
Emylie G Jan 2013
Where is the hope ever so needed? Why do we start only to never complete it? How come theres so much lose in the world today? What happened to those old wise tales and what they had to say? Why must I care so much about so little? How come time is ever so brittle?
416 · Jan 2013
Tell me. Teach me.
Emylie G Jan 2013
Tell me you love me
Teach me the law
Whisper it softly ever so raw.

Tell me to live
Teach me to love
Shout it all out to Heaven above.

Tell me the words
Teach me the songs
Sing to me all of my wrongs.

Tell me sweet nothings
Teach me young lies
Just promise you'll never end with Good-bye.
359 · Apr 2014
Emylie G Apr 2014
He kissed
her words of desire
off her lips
before they had
a chance
to escape
into thin air
Each breath
upon moments
of madness,
sunsets and shadows
stretching into night.
A blue flame
burns slowly.
a writer writes
in hues
of words,
what a painter paints
with a brush,
a musician
with notes,
and a dancer
with their movements.
In a hidden grove
my dreams lay sleeping,
craving moments of blue.
I walk with the rain
and cray with it.
I rise with the sun
and set with it.
How strange
the language
of the sea,
every time it arrives
it leaves.
Curse this echo
that stumbles
through time,
I choose
this night to
against a shimmering sky
a blue moon weeps

— The End —