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Jul 2018 · 324
Ain Jul 2018
Words words and more words....
Empty meaningless weightless words....
The patent words the jargon words....
The sugar coated fake spurious words...

At first they are the mirthful words...
Slowly transform to blithely words...
The words that heal and the hurting words...
I’ve lived with them all kinds of words...

But words are just but only words...
No life no feel no bleed these words...
The love and dreams and hopeful words...
Are but just only laboured words...
Jul 2018 · 556
Ain Jul 2018
There’s a little corner in my heart
Which is bespoken from the start

I used this corner on my own
For a little moment all alone

This corner was a precious bit
I let no one but myself sit

It was reserved for the cherished one
No one but me was that person

My love with me this corner saw
I could safely let me here thaw

Then one day my heart saw a rush
All around there was a gush

It’s beats reached up peaks really high
And Every inch let out a sigh

It was the day you entered here
Awed my heart you musketeer

You searched around for a living space
In that corner you found your place

An invasion I couldn’t stop
Your charm was making my heart throb

I tried to get you out of there
After all this was all my sphere

I heard a voice in the background run
Isn’t this space for the special one..??

I guess I loved you more than me
Coz in that corner I let you be
Jul 2018 · 308
Every moment......
Ain Jul 2018
Every moment’s to be happy...
Every moment is for woes...
Coz every moment someone comes...
Every moment someone goes. ..
Every moment there is a reason...
For thanking friends and foes. ..
And every moment there is learning. .
For someone who so chose. ...
Jul 2018 · 207
Me too.....
Ain Jul 2018
.....and they talk of their father.....and all the love that holds their heart.....softly she says “I miss him....”

Softly I say, “me too.”
Jul 2018 · 217
Composition of “me”
Ain Jul 2018
I am.
I truly am.
I am happy.

There’s always a quest.
A quest of there instead of here.
That instead of this.
Then instead of now.
That way instead of this way.
That one instead of this one.
But with all the “here”, “this”, “now”, “this way”, “this one” I am happy.
Coz that’s my recipe to be so.
Nothing different.
That’s the perfect composition of my life.

I am.
I truly am.
I am grateful.

For all the imperfections as much as the perfections.
For all the failures as much as the successes.
For all the heartbreaks as much as the happinesses.
For all the wrongs as much as the rights.
For all the I don’t haves as much as the I haves.
For all the unanswered prayers as much as the answered prayers.

Coz that’s what makes me - me.

And I wouldn’t change a thing.
Jul 2018 · 249
Ain Jul 2018
You texted and talked....
Even slightly stalked...

You exalted praise...
What an ego raise...

You said you loved...
So I thought you loved....

You fussed and cared...
So I thought you cared...

You pledged you sweared...
And so slowly I dared...

I loosened the grip...
I let my heart trip..,

At first all said...
Was sweetness spread...

My thoughts my words...
Were chirping birds...

For hours and hours....
And hours and hours...

We’d talk and chat....
Timeless was that....

All of a sudden....
I turned to burden....

Abrupt it was....
Didn’t know the cause....

So bitter you turned....
My heart it burnt....

All sweet turned sour....
Every minute every hour....

It stabbed my soul...
Esse shaken whole...

I tried to reach...
To know to preach...

Just why and what...
That’s all I sought...

So vague so weird...
So strangely severed...

I longed so much...
For a wordly touch...

Please just one word...
I yearned for a word....

Silence only...
**** the melancholy...

It dawned on me..,
Just played did thee...

Those words were fake...
My mind did wake...

Metamorphosed am I...
Now I no more sigh....

Now am not the same.....
I evolved in your game....
Jul 2018 · 221
A worded version of me.....
Ain Jul 2018
The vision of your words can read through my core...
My naked existence sighted,
Just not deep thru yet.....

Wrap me in your words give me refuge in your insane creations. ....
Veil my exposure, becloud in your  sphere of phrase. ...

Outlined in alluring aesthetic grace....
Let the meaning give soul to the expression of me.....
Jul 2018 · 374
Ain Jul 2018
It’s not you.....its me.....
It’s just me.....
I don’t blame you for what you said....
I only blame me for how it felt.....
I don’t blame you for the way you’ve been....
It’s only just me for I let it touch me...
I know you were just you.....
I know I failed my own self in doing the same....
In being me.....
I allowed your essence to mingle my soul....
Careless I was I didn’t see the inevitable ....
The hazard....the danger....the evil....the darkness...
I allowed your venom to work it’s way....
Within me....inside me.....
A venom so vicious...
A venom you named previously as “love”
Jul 2018 · 219
Do you.....??????
Ain Jul 2018
Do you love me enough to be the cold snowflake to soothe the burning heat in me. ...???

Do you love me enough to feel me all over feel me deep inside yet keep away from touching me...???

Do you love me enough to long with burning thirst yet quench it not in me ....???

Do you love me enough to let your passion starve to feed the passion in me...??

Do you love me enough to let me be "silly" and yet you stick to me.....???

Do you love me enough to see my twisted claws and yet feel no disgust or pity in me...???

Do you love me enough for me to show you my scars and yet you won’t turn your back to me...????

Do you love me enough to sign up for torture yet not let that smile evade me...????

Do you love me enough to be my insane inspiration and never even think you’d leave me....???
Jul 2018 · 167
Knowing Lies.....
Ain Jul 2018
When you see it just all too clearly...
When the glass is cleaned of it’s painted glee....
When you see the truth undress it’s lies....
When it makes real sense all the tears and cries....
When you see beyond how it all looks.....
When you finally read the unwritten books.....
When you see the bare devoid of flare....
When the real to fake gives a doting dare.....
When you know for sure it happened why....
Oh life then feels like such a big lie......
Jul 2018 · 391
Ain Jul 2018
So many words - left un told
So many questions - left un answered
So many moments - left unconquered
All left behind – for the past to treasure
And headed ahead into the future
Into the awaiting unknown

So much there is – that I need to say
So much there is –  that I still wish I knew
So much there is – that I wish I could do
Now, the puzzle is left – halfway
Its pieces all scattered here and there
For as long as a lifetime they will stay where they are….
Un touched……un solved…!!!!!

Why – Oh God, did it have to begin only after it ended…??
Leaving behind for me a gift of disillusion…
Wrapped in tears – and pain
Why, when I could – I didn’t
Then why when I cant – I repent…
Jul 2018 · 253
Ain Jul 2018
Don't ask me to define. ...
Don't ask me to validate. ...
Don't ask me to justify. ...
Don't ask me to rationalise....
I have none of the above answers....
It's not depression nor is it deprivation...
It's not suffering nor is it suffocation ...
What flocks us two in the way we do. ..
I have no way to know what binds us two....
It's an unknown uncontrolled impetus....
That goes beyond the limits of reason....
So I don't understand. ...
Let it be not understood. ...
Let us be engulfed in the mystique of mystery....
Let's breathe and live this love. ....
A love that is free of a label.....
Jul 2018 · 304
Ain Jul 2018
Drama play and then the act...
The real theatricals are such a tact.....

Lies and lies and lies and lies.....
Then tear rivulets to support the lies....

Then elaborate stories to cover the lies.....
Then stories are covered with elaborate lies....

A tale there a tale here......
A different tale for each ear. ....

Then lies again and glycerined tear. .....
With confidence and without fear......

Exceptional talents have earthlings got. ..
Creativity of the minds that plot...

I feel so vacuous, aloof and low......
I am a wasted insert in this show.....
Jul 2018 · 324
Ain Jul 2018
Step by step
I walk......I move

Breath by breath
I breathe ......I live

Brick by brick
I make.....I build

Word by word
I talk....I say...

Day by day
I grow....I rise

Drop by drop
I cry....I shed

Bit by bit
I break ... I tear

Tick by tick
I part.....I die....

— The End —