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Feb 2018 · 156
Her eyes
Anyuta Feb 2018
Her eyes held the moon, everyday passing through June.
As I studied her eyes, I saw fireflies dancing within the night skies.
I'd watch the hazel sunset fade as she slowly closed her eyes, taking me to all my high.
Her eyes shared a warm light, where I would follow until I felt right.
Her eyes agreeing with her smile, always complemented her style.
I've seen sunlight in her eyes, reflecting her pure soul, but my heart was all she stole.
I wouldn't trade a thing to get lost in her beautiful eyes, watching the fireflies never dies.

Feb 2018 · 221
Seeing you
Anyuta Feb 2018
I tossed and turned last night and saw you in my sleep.
My hand was hugged around your thigh,
I knew you were the one to keep.
It felt so real, so vivid and true.
My heart has always held onto you.
We were talking soft and slow, you couldn't keep your smile away.
Your honey like voice drained out the music playing at the little cafe.
All I heard was you, and my soul was at peace.
Our hands slowly touched intertwining as one,
this moment was euphoric I couldn't release.
I couldn't keep my eyes off you, you were my greatest view.
How could I let go when I always knew?
Waking up and feeling blue,
I fall asleep now in hopes of dreaming of you.
You take my breath away,
come back and stay.

A dream I had, seeing her in my sleep.
Feb 2018 · 152
Dream on
Anyuta Feb 2018
Dream on

Turn off the alarm.
Let me dream on.
It’s been years since I felt your touch, I think too much.
Your smile is tattooed on my brain, walking alone I see your face in the rain.
I’ve watched the sunset but it still feels lonely, I sit there dreaming of kissing you slowly.
Your smell still lingers on my sheets, as I listen to my heart skip beats.
My mind weighs heavy of thoughts of you, stuck in a haze unable to move like a statue.
I can’t erase your lips,
I feel you on my fingertips.
You take my body higher, lighting my soul on fire.
Your eyes are like a spell, I threw my last penny into the wishing well.
Will the stars realign?
Wishing I could make you mine.
Turn off the alarm, let me dream of you being on my arm.

Feb 2018 · 165
You Are Light
Anyuta Feb 2018
You are light.
What beauty compares to the break of a beautiful light,
shining like your smile it glows so bright.
Wanting to see again and again,
endlessly wondering when.
The spark of your soul shines so clear,
igniting the whole atmosphere.
Your personality alone calms the darkest storm,
always keeping my heart warm.
The sleepless nights I spend thinking of you,
your voice is as sweet as honeydew.
The radiant light you provide illuminates the way,
turning things to color instead of grey.
Luminous, shiny, you are pure as gold,
and your eyes glimmer ever so bold.
I miss your smile, come closer and stay for a while.  

Feb 2018 · 479
Good Darkness
Anyuta Feb 2018
In the darkness of the night, I still remember your lips finding their way towards mine.
Your hands sliding down my back sending shivers down my spine.
One touch and I was frozen.
Can I be your chosen?
We could barely see what was in front of us, but yet our bodies were gravitating together.
Skin on skin we were beating any kind of weather.
I'll let you guide my body into the the darkness of the night.
Until we see the morning light.
I can still feel your warmth tingling against my skin.
Melting my body deep within.
The darkness has no fear.
I’ll let you hold my heart and steer.


— The End —