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Sefofane May 2021
Fear me, hear me, do you feel me,
Till those three penetrate your soul,
Piece your mind, I can never stop,
Like him your temple belongs to me,
I rob you, feed you propaganda and
Allow giants to decide your fates
Because you entrusted me to protect you.

Freedom when first did you ever felt it,
Remember I pieced your mind made you
Believe and educated you to work till your
Retirement age, but as of this age I own you,
You work to pay, be indebt to afford the so
Called lifestyle I made sure it’s formidable
To maintain in disguise.

I am a hindrance you can never shake,
I said you shall have freedom of speech and
Freewill but if you step on my toes it’s April’s
Fools, I’ll prosecute you I’m above the law
As long you fear me, do you feel me, when it
Comes time again for you to decide who rules
I return like the prophesy you all been Forever
Hoping for I become your saviour because
I taught you those weaknesses after all
I liberated you.

Hear me, fear me, do you feel me,
When you all push and pull each other like
Physics, not realising the impact of who is
Creating the friction, I am proud to say I’ll
Always be intransigent because I am your
Man of steel yet what you fail to realise you
Are the kryptonite.
i just hope one day my people realize their power and worth
Sefofane Jun 2020
I killed curiosity, my life was more important than
Listening to the inner voices or the mysteries they
Promised to manifest before me because I mattered,
See it wasn’t him, her or us but I matter.

before hissss approach and his guiding words not to
attempt in devouring thee divine fruit understand
curiosity was never my aspect so relishing on thee
could’ve been my first sin because I for one seek
the truth of life, discovering self and thee sole purpose
of my mere existence in this decaying cosmos.

With all the knowledge I could’ve accumulated I’d
Pull out my card summon the Obelisk to pierce the
Infinite Tskuyomi unleashing my seven stars to summon
Slifer so he could shout upon the skies awaken thee great
Ra so he could rise above once again and shine bright upon
All, break this great slumber and remind you that you were
Once GODS and KINGS before thee…

I killed curiosity, know thy self and you shall understand in
This world you matter before him, you are the centre of all
Creation and destruction and if you could quench on that
Then you are ready to face the real world, I killed curiosity.
just came over me
Sefofane Mar 2020
In the beginning there was nothing, lonely in space I orbited,
Shaded blind till she came along my dearest friend illuminated
My surface yet she couldn't come closer as she was furiously
Blazing I couldn't handle, yet my days of darkness where then over
Then it hit me, the hollow within throughout grew hideously it made
Sense that something was missing because lonely still I felt.

My tears grew to streams, then I thought of ways to maintain myself
Through seasons yet it wasn't enough as obstacles grew rapidly I needed
Assistance thought of things big and small till you evolved to supreme,
Things where habitual till you started studying my nature, existence, life,
My elements and molecules, atmosphere, space and beyond reach,
Fond I was till you started to edifice my surface I was never the same,
Doing good by and for existence you said, yet slowly my resources,
Depleted I was no longer the same.

Till date maintaining myself, including those whom listened to my calling
It is insurmountable still, lonely I ain't no longer yet WANTING, I remember when
Everyone was civilized and envisaged a better and preserved future for every
Being yet now, I'm just another decaying cosmos which was once earth a mother
Of all man, animal and all nature itself...
Speaking about our precious world
Sefofane Mar 2020
From clay I was created as you since your
Creation is written, the only difference my
Creator couldn’t breath life into me is, as he was
Created he was given the gift to only procreate.

From clay I was created as you, as you I fall and I cry,
Look at me closely you’ll see I also appear scars yet
The harder I fall I break but I can never know about you
As I was never given one of those senses to feel.

From clay I was created as you, I have heard one says
“Their broken” yet again I had no sensation to apprehend
This as I was never given the gift of the mind, I know once
I am broken I can be refurbished by those who sees my
Worth yet I can’t hide my scars.

From clay I was created as you, then again I can never
Understand when you speak of your scars because
I was told mine can only be physical, confused again
Because I swear I once saw my master hide hers with
Powder same as I get painted.

From clay I was created as you, from what I know I have
Never self-inflicted this scars as I was never given the
Ability to self-mobilize yet I can never understand how
Come you became this broken, look at me no matter how
Broken I am as long there’s those who cultivate me and
Recreate me into a bird, I can never fly but imagine the
Feeling this bond creates with in me
I was kinder watching a movie when i wrote this it was inspired by the end of that movie
Sefofane Mar 2020
This pen is my faith helps me spread my gospel poetry,
My mind is heaven reveals the atrocity of this hell i inhabit
Upon yet I can never stray as i stay true to my religion,
Sin is enormous i can barely escape yet this temple so driven
By wisdom of my fellow comrades whom feed my heaven
With food for thoughts aspire my belief to remain pure.

When i hold my faith in this palm i converse with my
Religion, yes it has been broken a few times before but
It hasn't stopped me to spread it only because i am human,
My heaven remains veracious as it keeps me reminiscing
As sin overwhelms my religion because it's mine alone,
So when i use this ink of my faith i look up to the universe
And hope it guides my belief to remain pure so oneday my
Gospel could be worthy to be called the bible...
Describing my love for poetry
Sefofane Aug 2019
Once I wrote about you, do you remember?
I guess it doesn’t matter now because you no more
But I once wrote “he wasn’t there for me” but do
You understand the irony right about now.

Now you not here for eternal and I can only
Wish if I’d said, I miss you, I love yet we both
Know that’s not the truth but it’ll stay buried
Within me the answers I needed from you.

When I first saw you I wasn’t angry, I wasn’t
Sad nor exultant but I was eager to understand
The truancy but I comprehended your eagerness
To hear those words “I forgive you”.

But all I ever thought about when we first met was
I am looking into the eyes of a man I grown blaming
For his absence and I was so convince I can never be
Him but worth it trust me it wasn’t because it was
The more I secluded self from the world.

Now that you have departed I wish I’d said “I forgive
You” because I had forgiven you but the pride was
Blinding me so if you’re out there, if you can hear
Me, you are forgiven…
this one is a personal poetry i wrote today
Sefofane Apr 2019
This is a letter, through me I can
Envisage the life I never had that you
Could live, they say ''this life is a test'' but
Peep this, my test isn't what I hope for you to go through.

This is a letter from me to you, for you to
Understand living in this world isn't like
Crawling or learning to walk, it's a jungle out here but only your intellectual mind will help you to use that hindrance as a tool to become victor,
By victor I mean prosperous.

This is a letter, a letter to my legacy, understand this,
We were born from mothers who couldn't deal with us and fathers who couldn't built with us,
But through my struggle i'm willing to become the man you'll forever praise to say father to,
This is a letter to my unborn child...
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