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Dec 2017 · 494
The burial
Hasan Maruf Dec 2017
for when the heart
became a place confined
for the weights
of the waits

the emotions
came out
as words
in deep red

too heavy
to carry
even on paper
he chose to bury them
call it cliche
he chose the location
in the woods

of their exposure
and the consequences
of it

now safe
in the knowledge
no one will venture
that deep

he came home
to a new reality

the void

in his chest

for the words
clung to his heart
took it with them
deep underground
Hasan Maruf Nov 2017
"I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island,
And I will kiss thy foot. I prithee, be my god"

It is he who fills my plate with penny
So, I return the gratitude in plenty
I took his pennies and never did I feel empty
Red, silver and scarlet there are so many
Would I stare with frenzy or count one to twenty?

The door of my conscience is locked
So did I absorb?
The torture of Gog and Magog
Everything I do now is
Much ado about nothing

I became the scion of darkness
I was crowned with Babylonian fiendishness
I had everything to charm and to alarm
To those who fail to succumb
To the lord that empowered my élan

To His feet I pledged
My allegiance of insurance
How can I revert now?
Like demon magicians I did avow
My soul under his bough

Rather I can do one thing now
I can idolize my white knight and sponsor
In the talk show, promotion or daily soap
Repeating his bounties under lie detector

Who knows how many progenies are there in the line?
Who were invited before me in his salacious dine?
The fruits, salads, meat roasts, wine and damsel
In bare ******* could serve them a feast of Fife
Displaying the raptor world in the shade of Eglantine

However, a little bit more burst
To cool my masters' unrelenting lust
Can seal my ignoble fate
With perennial gifts and trusts

I will keep preaching my master's crescendo
Cloaking it with metaphor's of poetic innuendo
Wisdom and words from his box of tricks
Will be my WMD to ruin the uber smart freaks

Who can out fool the serpent of evil?
When I will get the ticket to
Fly from Wall Street to London
To give lectures as if I am The Noam Chomsky
Theorizing natural hierarchy in front of millions
The naysayers keep rioting to demand my execution
But like the trash they will be flushed to oblivion

My religion is to plea for His majesty's mercy
I know whenever I will defy like Satan's pride
He himself will greet me again with wealth glorified
Don't misinterpret me, don't despise me either
What I see in you is the same yearning
Rather with a face of a grim and terrible onlooker!

Perhaps there is some contentment in seeking restitution
But, I see the world is aflame in its karmic retribution
So, this is my space, to the feet of my Masters' shoelace
The noblest of life is led by those whose gracious art
Be saved, on pain of punishment for his master's bait!
Hasan Maruf Sep 2017
The Architect of designated Life
Calculates the gravitational pull
Against the leverage of resonance
To a precise second of entrance.
Our plotted trajectory course is
Determined by our final blueprint;
The diaphanous mystery of choice
Is balanced between past and present:
We remember who we were before
Time allotted this experience, and
Recognize who we are
Despite our current existence
After all
"A bond between souls is ancient –
Older than the planet."
Aug 2017 · 283
A poet
Hasan Maruf Aug 2017
Soon we start to gravitate
Into each other's
Where I only see you
And you
Only see me
And nothing, and no one
Else is important;
Conversational poems
Turn into an **** of words!
Orgasmically we come
On each other's poetry,
Spilling every emotion
Every greed and seed
Upon the vowels
And the verbs
And the adjectives;
And it will be like this for us
For days
For weeks
For months
Because we want it to last forever

Only forever is a doom
Particularly when the moment comes
And the ink finally dries
And the poems begin to fade
Further and farthest
Into a questionable memory
Until there's nothing left
But my blank screen
And your blinking cursor.
Aug 2017 · 315
Whisper of the Angel
Hasan Maruf Aug 2017
She calls to me in my dreams
Lures me outside at night
Hiding amongst the shadows
Keeping out of sight

The howling winds carry
Her whispers through the air
I hear her words
I know she's out there

The dark enchantress beckons
Through the branches of the trees
I feel myself being pulled in
By the evening's breeze

But why won't she show herself
What does she have to hide
She doesn't come to me
But, she summons me outside

There must be some reason
Why she comes to my place
But tonight is the night
We meet face to face

It's time to find out
What she wants with me
It's time to discover
What she doesn't want me to see

So I venture off into
The woods behind my house
Determined to end
This game of cat and mouse

Deeper I searched
Observing each shadow
One of them had to be her
But how would I know

She's got to be nearby
I don't have any doubt
There's nothing more I could do
So I called out

Please show yourself
This is going to far
Why are you hiding
Show me who you are

The shadows converged
And started to swirl
Manifesting into
A gorgeous girl

I couldn't believe what I was seeing
This has to be one of my dreams
But I was wide awake
As crazy as it seems

You're so beautiful I said
I thought you would be a horror
Tell me why you haven't
Shown yourself before

She smiled at me
And took a deep breath
I belong to the shadows
I am born from death

Your moon is my sun
Your dreams are my reality
We could only be together
Through your fatality

But you say you see my beauty
And I see yours as well
I couldn't ask you to submit
To the toll of death's bell

Never have I seen more kindness
In one person's heart
You remain compassionate
In a world that's falling apart

Every time I see you
I shed a tear
I want you in my world
But you're needed here

I couldn't believe it
As I looked into her eyes
But her words were true
She didn't tell any lies

But you know I live
Here on my own
Every single night
I sleep alone

I'm willing to forfeit
This existence I call life
I would end it now
With the injection of a knife

I try to be kind
But the world is my enemy
I give all I've got
And it gives me misery

She smiled and said
That kindness brought me to you
As much as I want you
Your time isn't through

I promise you this
There will come a day
When we will be together
And we will get away

Until that day comes
Remain who you are
Although we're worlds apart
I'll never be too far

Her black wings engulfed me
Encasing me tight
She kissed my lips then whispered
My sweet love, good night

As I woke up to the dawn
In my hand was a dark feather
A symbol of her promise
That we will one day be together
Jul 2017 · 276
Wild Fire
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
Civilized people are cantankerously
Fighting, as if they are drawn
Into a macabre of horror

The Damascus or Aleppo is now dousing
The wild fire flung by the mad king
Gutted them from hospital bed to dinning drink
Moscow mutters its usual promises
Of the remedies to halt the sting

It is little wonder that the east is blank
When dragon flew from the west
Gurgling the blaze from its bulletproof vest
Some in the east have not even seen wild fire
In their harem, new anguishes wrung
For blousing the orifice of their blood bank

Abbottabad, which once fatigued the debris
Has been dishonored with the myth of Grand Prix
Contested between sleek Bugatti Veyron and Lamborghini

Unhappy lands are now divided between
The empires that can cease the territory
Orchestrating tussle between predators and prey

People are terrorized as their
Defenses are badly breached
Meanwhile, Mad king reigns supreme
Dreaming of a New world order
Where monsters fighting monsters are legalized
To an extent where humanity is
Decomposed into an atomic device

This continent is now like a vessel
Lost in the storm by its own undoing
The goal for its citizen is to survive
As the mad king is ready to jab in the boxing ring
To flatten you in front of your offspring

Far East is wedded between the cow horns
And the lavishness of dark ****
Or some say, between the missiles of the north
And the giant Eagle which is hovering back and forth
In a tormented and scourged peninsula burnt in wrath

The route all they have chosen
Will only welcome wrangling dispute
Among the priests, lords and cash kings
To wield their tantrum whether Solomon’s IQ
Was fluke in the Daniel’s Court of lucky ******?

Even, when the apparitions from the land of unseen yield
To the higher hierarchy who are pulling the strings
There must be a new world order is on the offing
Sacrifices have been made, a dictum has been uttered
The chained armies are to be liberated, barriers are to be broken
The topography of this earth will be dashed in the lashing wild fire.
Jul 2017 · 506
The Art of Sabotage
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
The self inflicted gunshot wounds
From holstered weapons going off
When you least expect it
Sometimes in the foot
Usually in the heart
Incurring maximum damage
Precisely at the most inopportune  
Moments, made possible by
Years of unconscious conditioning
Loading the chamber with
Hollow points of self worth
From the hip rapid fire assumptions
Sudden onset Alzheimer's headshots
  And ****** marvelous notions
That actually is the worst
In the History of Bad Ideas
Some of you conceal and carry
Pistols, others tote around
Semi automatic rifles
And then there are those of us with
Gatlin Guns
Still turning the crank
As we blast our Happiness into
Smithereens straight to Hell
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
A bitter sky
With torn stars
And, Weeping clouds
The fleeting rays
Are flinging itself into stupor
My mind is dispersed into the
Stereo effect of autumnal zephyr
Coming from your window
Infuriated, like a drunkard seeing double
I went home and closed my door
Terrified, ill and chilled to the bone
My spirit feverish and troubled
Wounded by mystery and absurdity
In vain my reason tried
To take the helm
The tempest played with it
Foiled all its efforts.....
My soul tossed, tossed
Like funeral dusts scattering
Around from pyre to confront the Mass
On a monstrous, shore less sea!!
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
The universe has a way of tossing us into the winds of time
And whirling us about like fallen leaves on invisible currents.
We like to believe that we control our own destiny
And chase our fate, sealing it with decisions we make

The world batters us relentlessly with change
And circumstance, but sometimes I wonder.
I wonder why some of us settle down in treacherous places,
Teetering dangerously on a precipice at the edge of the sea,
Waiting for the slightest breeze to send us tumbling
To the breaking point, while others rest comfortably
Nestled amidst the protective roots of blossoming fruit trees.

Only destiny determines why the loneliest souls
Shine so brightly at night. And why once in a thousand lifetimes
Two are chosen to collide in beautiful catastrophe like shooting stars
And to passion that glows in the night with the light of love.
Jul 2017 · 234
Virgin ink
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
Pen hovers above paper
Breathless with anticipation
Eying the surface
The smooth, sleek lines
Longing to trace delicate patterns
Eager to leave its mark
To become immortal
Upon the flesh beneath its gaze
And yet it trembles with trepidation
What if the strokes fail to please
Felt too hard
Too gentle
Or too deep!
Overwrought, it lacks the requisite finesse
To achieve the warmth of blood bubble
Under the skin or on the finger tips
As it lowers itself cautiously
For the merging and sculpting
And gifts its ink.
Jul 2017 · 259
Dark Orchard
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
Before me
lies the beheaded truth
I can not save it

An echo of an image
rests on my shoulder
Like sunset

At dawn
A somber song
Rings of a dying morn
Jul 2017 · 364
Whispers Not Seen
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
One night I was walking in the woods
It was blistery, dark and cold
It was the night the whisper came
And this story must be told

At first I thought it was the wind
Blowing frantically over the trees
Then I heard a catlike meek voice
Flowing through the breeze

I felt warm breath around my neck
Then it crept up gently to my ear
The murmur I heard was serene and sweet
But it filled me up with precipitous fear

"My lamb," she crooned sleekly
It chilled and killed me to the bone
"Resign your mortal life and submit to me,
And you will never have to be alone."

I spun around to stare at the sight
Of who muttered these words to me?
But miles of trees and woodland finite
Were all that I could see

"Where are you?" I yelled in the dark
Then, "Who are you?" I insisted with a bark
At first there was a dreary, dead silence
Then this is what I heard she said like a tyrant

"I am your deepest desperate desires,
To your loved ones you won't reveal.
I am the truth, fair and sparkling purifier
I am the one who can make you really heal”

"You know nothing." I sneered at her.
How dare you say you can conjure up true?
You have no idea what is buried in my heart.
What is false and what is myth- with no clue."

Her irritable laughter was full of enticing contempt.
"I know that you fancy a fantastic gore
You are trapped in a life of exasperation and detest.
I can make your spirit melt and soar"

Invisible hands grabbed my wrists
I screeched with all my might.
"I'll have your soul." she whispered to me
Well but not without a fiendish fight

I ran like prancing mouse terrified by a gigantic cat
But she bolted me like a monster to the ground.
I could now feel her sedated kiss upon my lips.
I could not utter a word but grunted a muffled sound.

"That's it." she said with burst of soothing stupor
"Do not wrangle with what you can't win
Succumb to your ecstasy in your wildest dreams,
Then your life will be laden with love without chagrin

I could feel my sternest resolve fading
Temptation was making me feeble and weak
I was in a hideous shock, as I lay there heeding
To the words I strutted to speak

"Yes." I sighed remorselessly.
“My libido has skyrocketed for what you can give.
For even though my life is tormented,
This is the life I so very crave to live."

"You're mine." she croaked with hysterical grin
"You have lost all those in your care."
When I realized what I had done
I bellowed thunderously in despair

I was still howling aloud when I was shook awake.
My deliverance it wasn't what it seemed
Then why were there spirits channeling in my gene,
If it was not just something I had dreamed
Then what could that be- Whispers not seen?
Horror/supernatural poem
Jul 2017 · 317
Blood Bedraggled Knife
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
I…I heard the footstep
I…I wondered what…what was that?
I…I heard an indistinct rumble
I…I hastily desisted and urged me to rest
Until I heard the vicious whisper
Thundering behind my doorstep
Tremulously had I reached the door
Looking through the mirror conduit
I paused, gasped and breathed deep
What I heard was a staccato shriek
Bludgeoning violently against
My chamber door with a ghastly peep
Suddenly the sound dissipated awhile
But the fiendish murmur did beguile
Thrusting my heart into a pacific exile

It was an unearthly maiden from the yore
Causing me to tingle to hear her dark lore
In the night of my lone and lousy submission
I was metamorphosed into a ghost
Dissevering the soul from my dainty robe

I…I felt a flitting shudder then a flirting flutter
In the middle of a tormenting stutter
Before consummation with this maiden
Brewing out from the obscuration of her colour

I felt torrid phosphorescence on my forlorn bed
While, I envisioned specter of unhallowed dream
Forming like fungus inside my foamy stream
Overpowering the sputter of my night scheme

I...I thought for a while, the montage
Of these dreams must be from the arch evil
But soon the slumber began to feast
On my turbulent bliss, I reveled
At the very opportunity of unwinding
The gospel of her love forsaken Lenore
Laden with the riddle of her dark lore!

I…I lingered a little before lending my ear
To the haunted mysteries of the maiden’s air
I betook my bedraggled knife
Waited for what comes within my purview
Before engaging myself in a valorous view

Meanwhile, in my chamber of cadaverous blue
I noted a rotting odors passing by
In the hallway through my door
Suddenly, it was lit with translucent light
While, the horror tossed me into a grim plight
On the floor, I discovered a casket of a corpse
Irritably birthing the wild bubble of iced trill
It felt like a purring puff then it was all still

I decided to eavesdrop the rasping whimper
Gushing out from its muted shrill
I…I betook my bedraggled knife
More so to scan the harmony of his strife
Enough, enough I deplored wearily with delight
To get to open the portal of his hidden life

I ... I betook my bedraggled knife
I plowed it through his skin
Cautiously, I devised my amputation
With various degrees of incision
From its protoplasm up to chin
But, I could find nothing but meats
Muttering unrequited love
Lisping ominous yearning of his
To be reconciled and resigned with
Demoniacal feat of maiden’s heartbeat

I…I betook my bedraggled knife
Looking into my works, I could
Not thwart a languorous temptation
As the soft, serene and slow cadences
Of the maiden stirred me to waive
Into the vault of unmarked grave

She gave me my disheveled knife
An incandescent beauty I saw therein
Eyes open, shining like the moon
I decided to use my entire prowess within
Speculating my life to be ended soon

The maiden carried me along down the hallway
With the other corpses I am to dwell in all gay
In her livid *****, in her phantom palace of gray
I heard the chuckling corpse open his tongue
Singing all those songs which never were sung
I managed to utter my name with a rusted voice
Intimating that I won’t be alone and forever rejoice

The turbid night ended with a dusky dawn
Being bemused, my blood bedewed knife
Regaled at the sight of this phenomenon
[A horror poem]
Jul 2017 · 233
The finest leaf
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
The finest of leaves
Have the least worries of thick embroidery
Coating their lush greenery
Jun 2017 · 295
How Poets Sleep
Hasan Maruf Jun 2017
Our minds don't stop
         They tread a perpetual treadmill
Un-ordinary tragedies crowd out
          Other emotions
Like hope or light fading
          in bitter attraction
Conversations that will never cease
          Stories unwind
While we lie between sheets
           Anxious, prostrate
Because we aren't what we want
                     To be
      And we will never be
              What we want to be
Tragedies in brooding nights
         Hovering...a figure
Stands stoically in the doorway
         Staring, standing
          He's not real...
But we must keep our eyes closed
          And fool ourselves
Because we fear fatigue
          And tomorrow
May 2017 · 450
My sweet Melancholy
Hasan Maruf May 2017
O My sweet Melancholy
Give me no respite
Embalm all my wounds
Till I awake again before I die
May 2017 · 408
The Majestic Mass
Hasan Maruf May 2017
What do you seek in the mass?
The attuned motion that curves
Around side by side
Delineating their destiny
In the theater of absurd

What do you seek in the mass?
A swathe of saving graces
Carrying their eternal promises
In the city of tender corpses
Buried beneath an oblivious force

What do you seek in the mass?
The fate of slain horses
In the battlefield of haunted roses
That goes beyond their cardiac
For centuries and never to depart

What do you seek in the mass?
The toil, the foil, and the turmoil
Seething in their sweat
Chattering in their voice
While they are plunging
Into the life of rat race

What do you seek in the mass?
The anime, romance, the tragedy
That copiously fashions in the maze
Of their felonious and fancy lair

What do you seek in the mass?
A rocking song that has just
Been declared hit on the billboard chart
Stealing and tearing their life tale apart!

What do you seek in the mass?
A stunning flash mob of Hollywood
DC villains, super heroes flying
Across the city, waving their ****** facade

What do you seek in the mass?
A wily wizard that has just
Cashed out claps and whistle
Disappearing the card with a whoosh!
Like the stock market's liquidity *****

What do you seek in the mass?
Renaissance, Enlightenment, Restoration
But dishing out the corporate incantation
That life is a balanced machine to grind out
The expectation, lies and savagery
Generation after generation as a form of art

What do you seek in the mass?
The treachery, hatred and bloodbath
Cloaked in colossal sympathy
For the Avengers’ destruction of
The planet with a bunch of psychopaths

What do you seek in the mass?
An undying army to create
A phantom of God
To wreak an epidemic havoc
To beleaguer the lasting legacy of
Their abiding cause!

Then sir you are not aware
That the monstrosity of your desire
Dulls listlessly in front of
Masses’ impregnable power

Masses can be deplorable
But Masses can also be inimitable
Masses are sometimes ineffably imperfect
But, have you witnessed the popular rage?
That the mass wildly celebrates
To collectively boo you off the stage!

Masses are like a giant rocking ship
Thudding against the water balloon
In the Tsunami or the Apocalypse

Masses are like Mountain
To be climbed by those
Only who can maneuver
The feast of dangers
Lurking at every corner

Masses are the lunar eclipse
That can darken the sunlight
Or leaving a glowing ring of fire
Making the night sky a celestial shower

What do you seek in the mass?
To preach your glorious shambles
Dripping from your moistened mumbles
To lace the crowd languidly
Into your gibberish laden with fumbles

What do you seek in the mass?
Bureaucracy, constitution, government
Popping up the same slogans
That, “we are not with the ****”
But to show the mass how woeful
The raucousness of your loss
Have become!

You can’t negotiate with the masses
Let alone terrorize them with gases,
Mother of all bombs or gun lashes
Beware of their ability to ****** away
The freedom from the jaws of
Slavery and social deaths!

In case you have so frivolously forgotten
Remember that mass can morph into a genius
Facing the nemesis weighing on their weakness!
Also bethink that mass can permeate in flock
Through the craft of your legendary clock
To unleash their carefree act of violence

Mass is rather the nature’s deity that devises all the miracles
Behold the majesty of The Mass when it casts off all shackles.
May 2017 · 277
You are...
Hasan Maruf May 2017
You are scared by my shadow
But overawed by my silhouette!!!
May 2017 · 1.2k
Hasan Maruf May 2017
Every wave which
came to the shore
Was just another
reminder that
you never came
May 2017 · 371
What is fame?
Hasan Maruf May 2017
What is fame?
Ask a celebrity
Or a saint
They will whisper
All the same
Apply a rare
Strategy, which
Makes you lose
Big but also gain
The treasure which
Will remain after
This transaction
Is something called
The fame
May 2017 · 338
I was....
Hasan Maruf May 2017
I was born as a beast but morphed into human
I am the creature of dark but brought to light
Now, I want to return!
So much wandering
defiantly defying
The essence
Has made me no one!
May 2017 · 395
Frozen Stripper
Hasan Maruf May 2017
A frozen stripper
wept in the sullen street of
Berlin in 1945
Some Stray dogs also wailed
With her in the midst of
Howling Sorrow

The same frozen stripper
Wins wild outcry
At the white house in 2017
As her puppies moan
for an access to her breast lock
Amidst filibuster furor
May 2017 · 402
I - Hasan Maruf
Hasan Maruf May 2017
I walk alone in the sea of crowd
I push through the tumult of thoughts
Amidst hopeless hope and painless pain
I bring down the cloud in my heart
In hope of thunder and rain
I bring down the rupture in nature
In hope of autumn and spring in barren plain

I shake my shadow
I drape my motto
I hate my bravado
Twirling its tantrum
Like a Shakespeare aficionado

I am the beloved of a tinkering flame
So, myself never wade through
The triple Gems of enlightenment
It always smirks with ghastly disdain
It keeps performing like a broken glass
Pieces there and pieces here
Crack, crack and split
Like a tormented ice
To be reduced into a bleeding blade
Curving and cutting, zigzag and straight
Always It tends to be a frightening block
To terrify the sly raccoon and blind hawk.
May 2017 · 272
My heart
Hasan Maruf May 2017
My heart is like a billboard
You will see
I Love You
Written there with
Marked splendor
And rarer candor  
But you are not an alien
To such a garish advertisement!
Snippets of mordern love
Hasan Maruf Apr 2017
The last kiss from you
Lasted like a huddle in
The snow blitz
Rocking my anatomy
In the frosty glitz

The last words from you
That barged in my eardrum
You were in a hurry
To smell a new leaf
Draped in a diamond dew

The last gifts from you
Was an instrument
Which still I use
To recognize people
Or to refuse!

The last time
You said I love you
I remember I was laughing
Hysterically as if I was watching
Jared Leto’s jaded mimicry of Joker in YouTube

Intriguingly, when the last time I saw you ****
It felt like pretty Ivanka’s embarrassment
Noticing her dad is a lewd

The last time I was chatting
With you on Facebook
I was wondering why
I shouldn't hack your account?
To check your inbox

Yea, it was filled with the message of *******
F- Bombs, **** shaming and tagging you as harlot
All they were asking was your service of escort
Either in full discount or in hefty cash drops!

The last time I wrote
A letter of love to you
I discovered my Keyboard
Began to blurt out
No more, No more, No more…

The last time I had a chit-chat
With you in the Burger King or Pizza Hut
I listened to your hissing clack-clack
That someone else has become your puppy cat…

The last time I became sick
When I was with you
I heard you threw a party
Where you were whispering
To your besties, how
I become your double whammy!

The last time I was
With you in the bed
I felt like I was indentured
To **** a dummy toy
Sans spirit and flesh!

Loving you was like
Santa Claus gifted me
With a Pandora’s Box
As soon as I opened it
You decided to release
Our *** tape of your having ******
In pornhub’s forum of interracial!

The last time I heard of you
Is that you were giving an interview
To The Cosmopolitan’s board of review

Facing the barrage of inquisitions
You calmly joked, the series
Of latest uproar about you
In the social media or Internet
Is because certain people always
Love to rave about Women’s body
Shoving in and out of their pigeonhole
With their one night stand queen trophy
To flavor your form in their fantasmic mouth

You also smirked in a raspy voice
Defiantly declaring “we (women)
Have been locked indoors
With no air, no food, no water”
My last boyfriend is also no exception
He certainly thinks I came this far
Through ******* and deception
Slightly anti feminist but a poem representing contemporaneity in our life in a balanced manner of looking into male female relationship.
Apr 2017 · 277
Thy Face- Hasan Maruf
Hasan Maruf Apr 2017
Thy face is of a phantom
Perpetually caught in the
Cusp of conundrum
Ambiguity and facade
Hasan Maruf Apr 2017
Festival of flesh flicks in my nirvana
Inside an ivory tower of Bella Donna
The carnival demands detachment from cure
As the whole world opens the gate for
Springtime in the curvy castle of obscure

There, the wiser seeks no privacy
The loser laments for democracy
While, the stoic savors the slavocracy

The bonanza begins with boisterous bounce
Heats from her chasm in the palace of Ivory
Distances the world and everything it surrounds
The whole ground becomes the ark of Covenant's
Last glimpse to the film which is profanely profound

A Kaleidoscopic cinema of desire runs with fat fun
The Ivory rains down hallelujah in the praise of wet ****

The ripple of The Marvel rinses my combustion!
I was dragged in there for the fetish of my concussion
To draw manna and salwa from mantra maniac's feisty expulsion.

All of them there operated on the perimeter of extremes
Like the ritual for ‘Knight of East and West' to redeem
The **** sapiens's refrain from super-ego, ego and Id

Summer of mayhem in there evokes Eros and Philos
The spring also gushes the gifts from the above
The ****'s ****; yes, the nymph of bliss which was
Guaranteed by the God, for the finest of his Zealots
In this incredible pilgrimage to The Carnival of Eros.
An attempt to write a symbolic ****** poem

— The End —