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Abigail Madsen Mar 2013
Rockout like you scored the winning basket with 1 second left
Rockout like you remember all the secrets you've kept
Rockout like you have a house full of food and nothing but time
Rockout like you can make anything rhyme
Rockout like that cute boy just called you babe
Rockout like he first knew your name
Rockout like you have no shame
Rockout like all the **** you've ever done has passed all the blame
Rockout like you can fit into that one pair of jeans you've had forever
Rockout like all your comebacks to ******* are clever
Rockout like you have the best clothes in school
Rockout like you can break all the rules
Rockout like it's summer all year round
Rockout like you could break the ground
Rockout like you'll die trying
Rockout like you got asked to the biggest party around
Rockout like you said hell no and turned that invitation down
Rockout like rumors don't exist and all people can know about you is what you choose
Rockout like you made it on the 5pm news
Rockout like it was for being awesome
Rockout like you can jam on your axe like clapton
Rockout like your life can't become undone
Rockout like you're hair always falls into place
Rockout like you feel great without makeup caked on your face
Rockout like you did bring **** back
Rockout like you never slack
Rockout like you love someone a lot
Rockout like you and your family never fought
Rockout like you recall all that you've been taught
Rockout like you can say all your thoughts
**Rockout like it's all you got
Abigail Madsen Mar 2013
I'm a rocker
I'm a talker
I'm a walk the walker

I'm a gamer
I'm a player
I'm a rule breaker

I'm a smile faker
I'm a mover and
I'm a shaker

I'm a questioner
I'm a challenger
I'm a game changer

I'm a grain of sand
I'm a past summer of tan
I'm a small helping hand

I'm a shower grammy winner
I'm a everyday sinner
I'm a life beginner

I'm a needer
I'm a pleader
I'm a leader

I'm a living room pj dancer
I'm a wiki search answer
I'm a hallway happy prancer

I am free
I am she
**I am me
Abigail Madsen Mar 2013
A pair of eyes can hold more than a thousand lies
some of the deepest darkest ties
these eyes can show skies
skies that hold secrets
little whisper winds
Of what makes up a face
a face of beautiful
a face of grace
a face that holds no regrets of what race
Racing lips
lips that can contain the words to be put on a page
lips that make a cage
a cage of rage
waiting to be unleashed from
the tongue like a stage
Still holds less than that of the Eyes
eyes like the darkest skies
eyes of a deep and haunting demise
A pair of eyes are the window to a soul
a soul blackened by change
a soul as darkened and deranged
as change
a body the greatest of all machines
It can endure heart break
it can recover recover from fake
it can give
it can take
But most of all it can make
This body
This mind
This soul
Made of many things
Most of them being
These secrets hiding behind
Abigail Madsen Mar 2013
I'll miss you when you part
A tear blinding my sight
heading towards the light
You put up one hell of a fight
I'll miss you with all my heart
Abigail Madsen Feb 2013
I spent too much time wishing I would be someone I'm not
I wish I had smaller thighs
I wish I had prettier eyes
I wish I had cuter toes
I wish I had a better nose
I wish I had fuller lips
I wish I had smaller hips
I wish my stomach was flatter
I wish all this didn't matter
All this wishing
And compliment fishing
Does nothing to change my soul
I'm just trying to fill a hole
A hole created by this warped definition of beauty
But I'm unique
I'm no longer weak
No longer wanting to change
all because
told me they swear
Fall under this 'category' of beauty
But I am here to prove them wrong
And show that I am strong
And show I belong
And she
And we
All belong
in this 'category'
of  Beauty
no longer warped
no longer having to be worked
to be given the title
Of a *Beauty Queen
Abigail Madsen Feb 2013
Between stolen kisses
The hits and misses
We create ourselves
this distorted image of what we
This façade to aid our acceptance
this thing we use to find any remanence
Of self confidence that has been ripped away
leaving our self importance at bay
Our own distortion of inner meaning
unable to see
we deserve
The nerve
Of ourselves saying we don't deserve
the best
and that we deserve everything less
than the most
it's not fair, how
being imperfect
makes you believe you're some how defective
and its not fair
when we get caught in a place with dont belong
with someone we don't belong
The only possible reasoning being
We accept the love we think we deserve
but you deserve the best
So accept it.
Abigail Madsen Feb 2013
Watch my girl please he asked
At the roller rink,
they skated so fast
He sixteen
she fourteen
this couldn't be foreseen
He a man of he word
as his heart began to stir
I don't think he understood
that in that moment he could
have fallen as hard as he did
Even though he knew his friend would never forgive
He knew his heart was true
She was the one,
he knew.
he knew by her smile
he knew he had to stay for awhile
he knew it as soon as this evening had begun
He knew this was something more than fun
watch her he did
he would not get rid
Watched her he did
even though he had fears
for the next 72 years
My Grampy had passed away last week this was the story of him and my Nonnies love.
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