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  Jun 2021 ARAYNA
Richard Smith
These 4 walls
Have no windows or doors
Yet I pound and I pound
With hope

Of escaping
ARAYNA Jun 2021
You saw how hard I was falling in love
but you didn't catch me even then
ARAYNA Jun 2021
You found me even when I was in my best hiding place.
Was it fate or just planned?
ARAYNA Jun 2021
Broken heart is
like a scratch
when you are stuck
with a broken mind
which is like knife stab
ARAYNA Jun 2021
They tell us about
the stars that shine
But never about the
scars and the scary times
ARAYNA May 2021
I hate to be the one
to tell you
that I'm not the one
ARAYNA May 2021
When your heart
feels in pieces
you have the beautiful
power to arrange it
in any shape you like
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