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6.6k · Feb 2017
Onyx Sky
Amanda F Feb 2017
Tie yourself to those who fly
Aspire the vivid in our onyx sky
Rid the negative
Utilise the prime
Be dynamic and spiritual
In all of your time.*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
My 1st poem on Hp
Dedicated to my Mother
Lady R.F
1.4k · Mar 2017
Extraordinary in Disguise
Amanda F Mar 2017
She paints her world
According to her pure intention.
Pure in her own figure,
Not in someone else's.
She doesn't speak,
Of words in complex.
Her mouth but translates
Her minds complexity into simplicity.
She doesn't need to speak but rare.
You've read her words,
You've witnessed the paradox
Of her pen-to-paper.
You understand her terminology
Of no bad cause.
She wordlessly preaches her rootless existence
Through the essence of her eyes,
As she hides behind the smoke of her cigarette
Extraordinary, in disguise

Amanda. F (c) 2017
Dedicated to my dear Mother - Lady R.F
With all my love
1.3k · Jul 2017
Amanda F Jul 2017
She carries the secrets of the cosmos in her eyes of light,
And tells tales of the constellations every forthcoming night.
With love that promises the sea,
And thoughts that churn the tides.
With a wild rush of grace she'll paint your world
The colours of her mind.
To fathom what she is beyond the subtle and kind,
Do you dare disturb the universe beneath her skin?
Oh wonder what you'll find.*

- A.F
Dedicated to my dearest Mum, Lady R.F. who is and always will be my favourite and ultimate universe to get lost in. I love you forever.
1.2k · May 2017
Amanda F May 2017
Sei Un Universo

Fall into a bed of flowers.
Let your mind ripple like aqua
Under the melting sun.
Your honey like skin,
A nurtured drop of sunlight.
Absorb It.
The moon and the sun shall hide
Within you.
For in your bones is the dust
Of planets.
And in your mind are
Boundless constellations.

You are a universe.

- A.F
1.2k · Feb 2017
Amanda F Feb 2017
The angelic silhouette of her intentions on paper,
fair with the golden fingerprints of the depths of her soul
so pure.
Her smile with the potential to light up a thousand dead cities in the blink of an eye,
So allure.
Her eyes play so convincing,
The calm detailed glisten in the sunlight and the sorrowful muted tone they become when her mind is far from bright.
Her idiosyncratic and highly distinctive attitude towards things never fails to amaze me,
Her heart silences her mind when only it feels what her mind can't see.
Rosalie is art
From her knowledge full and constantly absorbing mind, to her utterly beautiful heart.*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
Words dedicated to my mum
I love her so much
1.0k · Apr 2017
Art and Reality
Amanda F Apr 2017
Your eyes, portraying
A rough duality
Of detailed art
And subtle reality*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
983 · Feb 2017
The Wind
Amanda F Feb 2017
The wind bears with it stories
of faces, bodies, and stillness,
It's graceful yet forceful touch ,
which carries the birds.
surfaces stretching seas,
and sends a breath of life
to the flowers, grass and trees.*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
858 · Mar 2017
A Luminescent Anomaly
Amanda F Mar 2017
What passes as chaos from dawn till dusk,
Alters into the most fascinating aray of lights at night.
An abundance of lit buildings showcasing a skyline of a once town now a luminescent anomaly.
A neon horizon upon a city of life,
Movement, that never sleeps*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
766 · Sep 2017
My body is a ballroom.
Amanda F Sep 2017
My body is a ballroom for my soul to dance in.
My eyes are shooting stars that claim the cosmos of my sight.
My hands are fragile vines of woven skin that grip the dirt and praise the earth.
My skin is a delicate mould.
My freckles map the constellations and tell the alignment of the stars.
My body is my home, that explores the wonder of the universe.
I am nature. I am art.

- A.F
762 · Apr 2017
The Moment After Midnight
Amanda F Apr 2017
Oh great city of stars,
May we dance the moment
After midnight under your

Amanda. F (c) 2017
626 · Apr 2017
Reduced to Silence
Amanda F Apr 2017
Us souls at once reduced to silence
And forced upon a granted purity.
Our recycled bones of dust,
And bruised lips that intertwine
Words unspoken.
Words that provoke ones burning veins
And sets the calm in a sea of fury.
How we all do crave to be somewhat saved.*

Amanda. F (c) 2017

— The End —