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105 · Mar 2018
Life of Lies
Alonica Santos Mar 2018
As I open my eyes
I saw happiness
But, I look directly in everyone soul
All I see is a different stories
There I realize everyone is wearing something
Something that can hide everything
89 · Mar 2018
Am I dying?
Alonica Santos Mar 2018
I'm trying to escape
But I can't
Depression keeps on chasing me

I'm sad
But I don't know why
All I know is I want this sadness be gone

I'm tired
My soul want to leave my body
I want to close my eyes forever

My thoughts are killing me
I need help, but I don't
Then watch me die

I stop my medicine
So I can save my life
Cause if I continue I'll die

I'm smiling
I need to hide my suffering and pain
I'm a great pretender

I can't breathe
My chest hurt a lot
Am I dying?

— The End —