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Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Aatanki ko,
Alagaavvadi ko
chetahavni dena
Bahut badi bhul he.

Mauka mile to Mita do uska mool,
Chata do Usko dhul ,
taki jhelna  na paden, aur adhik shul.

Aatanki ek
Gumrah shakhs hota hai , jab vah alag thalag pad jata hai ,
To samaj Ko khandit karna chahta hai.

Vah Apne bhitar ke
Tanashah ko Jinda rakhna chahta hai .
Satta pratishthanon ko
Jhukana chahta hai.
Desh samaj ki
Asmita ko
Dhul mein Milana chahta hai.

Kabhi deshbhakt nahin hota.
Beshak vah hardam ek nakab audhe rakhta hai.
Kabhi kabhi vah
Desh bhakti ka
Chadam aavaran audhe ,
Desh duniya Ko kamjor karna chahta hai.

Tum uske iradon ko samjho.
Apney ko halaton ke mutabik dhalo.
Khush fahmi mein rahakar
Khud Ko musibat mein na dalo.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Whole world is busy to face
numerous challenges.
One of these is adversity.
Poverty, unemployment, instability,chaos,communal killings,illiteracy and many more adversities are running to win this unhumantic  race .

Friends,keep your eyes and windows of mind open to welcome the changes which will become our fate.

Your mind is like a gateway of universe.
Please educate it from time to time.
So that we all can create beautiful as well as timeless songs.
I am sure
that our forthcoming generation will sing such self written songs
to show and prove that anarchists always failed to execute their concipracies.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Every body in life,
needs a helping  hand.
So that one can stand firmly to face the hardness and the obstacles of life.
For this noble cause,
please mould your self to enjoy a tensionfree and peaceful life.
You must be a helping hand to your friends and family members.
Remember true worship exists only  ,when you engage yourself to provide help to needy people.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
As I entered in an archive of memories,
to search my lost peace of mind.

I heard a sound questioning to me ,
"Where has gone your generosity and kindness these days in life ? "

"Only you need to require the generosity in the life.
And only then you can revive your lost path of the life."

"So , be positive and kind
for attaining sound and strength of the mind ."

As I enter in an archive of memories ,
immediately I felt a strange change in my mind.
I thought " This archive has opened
all of sudden my past history of life."
To feel such an amazing experience ,
I thought , 'What a wonderful and amazing present I had received from the archive of memories. '
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
We all are
playing our respective
alloted roles
on a stage of the world.

But here ,
an Interlude exists.

I usually think about the performance of us .

I think while blinking in
the light of present
context of the life
who include Interlude
in my life with replacing
his philosophy of life during an ever waiting intermission of dramatic changes in the battlefield of life.

I keep myself silent while thinking about Interlude.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
My friend is very liberal.
He likes his antique collection and his selection of classic books.
But my philosophy of life is totally anti to his tastes.
He warns me not to interfere in his life, otherwise he will change me into an antique.
Guide me regarding this unhumantic behaviour.
At present I am planning to steal all his antique collection and to present this to someone who anticipates his ideas time to time.

Am I right or wrong?
At present,I am angry with his attitude toward me.
All this compels me to do some mischievous action.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Time  always  appreciates
active persons to bring prosperity in their lives.
it also criticises
the persons
who have kept themselves in a passive mode.
Time  regularly keeps an eye to watch their harmful activities.
Time always want to extinguish such lazy and crazy persons from Earth

Because they have lost respect due to their inactiveness in life .
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Among uncertainties in life,
no body can provide assurity in a changing world.

As I am growing old with the mercy of time.
Too some extent, I have lost my purity in life.
I have a desire to purify myself right from beginning to the level of consciousness.
As I am aged year by year,
I find myself vague and unclear.
I have  strong desires for purification.
I need balance in life,
I'm balancing now myself .
Wandering aimlessly makes a person infertile, unproductive and destructive.
I like a constructive and well adjusted life ,with a deep attraction for living a peaceful and purposeful life.

Nobody can give assurity regarding this except self.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
In a world of full 🌝 time activities
People seems to me ,are trapped in a vicious circle ⭕.
They have lost their way of progress,
peace and prosperity.

As I am also trapped engaging myself in the never ending game of uploading and downloading like the world running parallel to almighty Time.
The Super King  of creativity, construction ,destruction , suppression of lives wandering in the lap of mother Earth 🌎.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Performance is utmost important in life.
It plays a vital role in a country 's economic development and stability.
To achieve such realistic and imaginary targets, you must show the ability to absorb tensions and restlessness in the fast changing lives of common country men.
For this  you must learn yourself to read your worker's psychology and needs.
Never put yourself in an adversive circumstances in life while dealing with your subordinates and staff.

Whatever they say regarding the working atmosphere, you have no need to react, only listen their difficulties carefully.

They have right to express their problems .

Respect their attitudes
towards their lives.
You have no need to fear ,and also haven't any way to criticize them.
They are working day and night to achieve targets set by employers.

You have also need to perform in real life.
Be a performer in life like them to attain rhythm in our financial activities.
Here accountability is highly required for all of us to handle our lives.
Otherwise we are living in a topsy turvey  and merciless world.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Why you have remind him his forgotten past?
He has dissatisfaction regarding his past life.
If he derailed himself from present life, soon he can act like a bomb and blast.
Blasts of dissatisfaction, frustrated youth,poverty, corruption, unemployment, destructive activities is silent today.
But the situation goes out of control, blasts can be heard in reality also.तुमने उसे उसका भूला हुआ अतीत क्यों याद दिलाया?वह अपने पिछले जीवन को लेकर असंतुष्ट है।यदि वह वर्तमान जीवन से खुद को पटरी से उतार ले, तो जल्द ही वह बम की तरह काम कर सकता है और विस्फोट कर सकता है असंतोष, कुंठित युवा, गरीबी, भ्रष्टाचार, बेरोजगारी, विनाशकारी गतिविधियों के धमाके आज शांत हैं, लेकिन स्थिति नियंत्रण से बाहर हो रही है, धमाके वास्तविकता में भी सुने जा सकते हैं।
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Connecting to original
makes us too some extent original
as our origin speaks itself.
If you are an introvert soul and keen not to express your self to others.
It is quite good signs for the upliftment of peace and happiness of life, which exists inside only.
The worldly activities are eagerly waiting your participation.

And, more or less you are an extrovert
soul as your day to day activities of daily life speaks.

If you are eager to express your curiosity regarding outer world and it's tendencies.
It is useful and fruitful also.  
Your opinions regarding 'eat,drink and be marry,' can be heard from your  actions for worldly pleasures.
We need  your advice as you proved wisely  while spending your time to attain materialistic goals in life.

We are living in a world of uncertainties.
For  a peaceful, successful journey of life, let's modify our life style .
We  should maintain a balance between our desires, dreams and urgently required needs.
So that we should be able to feed our hungry soul,which is utmost important for the elevation as well as the upliftment of body,mind and soul.

So  you must try yourself to become  a good person in present life.
And connect your futuristic dreams to originality of the life.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
To live life
among under privileged persons for caring them needs a sense of dedication in the depths of mind ,
is very rare these days.

It inspires to all of us
to control our nerves
in hard times of life.

So, take care of them,
to maintain  rhythm of life in them .
Don't restrained yourself to take care and helpful for neglected , helpless persons in our lives.

If we are successful in our lives, we have achieved a special purpose in our minds to keep intact our unmatchable smiles during the journey of life.

Caring is blessings of God for all,
big or small.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
I am worried to see the climatic change.
It is beyond my range.
The whole world 🌎 seems me
like a chess board where
ups and downs related to 🌡️☁️🌡️☁️ weather change
is  disturbing to all of us.

Where all human beings,are playing the role of puppets.
Because nowadays
they have lost control over their destiny.
I am in a deep state of worries
from where I can see the finishing point of my planet 's life.
Who will cry 😢 with me to express sorrows for our beautiful mother Earth 🌍🌎🌍🌎!
Climatic changes made us like disturbed helpless souls wandering
here  and there on Earth.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Let's think about cleanliness in life.
So that we can achieve unparalleled transparency in our self.
To keep intact purity, positivity, prosperity in day to day activities associated with human existence.

Let's keep away from self destructive activities in life for cleanliness of body as well as  mind.
So that we can become psychologically sound and stable, too some extent humble.
Is this possible or merely a imagination only?
Watch ourselves our internal consciousness closely and boldly.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
If you have a deep desire to attain name and fame in your present life.
First of all, leave your comfort zone.
Come and face the hard realities of this merciless world to keep in yourself in the race of worldly activities.
To live life in a comfort zone makes a person lazy and crazy.
For a successful career,you should break the barriers, which you constructed  during leading a comfortable life.
Come and face the comedy of life to make career bright and shine like Sun.
He is regularly burning his fuel made of hydrogen,helium etc.
So you must channelize your hidden energy and enthusiasm to lead a responsible and successful career.
Break all the barriers of comfortable zone immediately.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Today my mind reminds me .
A fact associated with my past.And it haunts me even today,and may be in future also .

Someone advised me for conversion due to my slowness in life.
But I remain as I was.
I remain same as I haven't learnt crookedness in life.

Conversion is more dangerous than reservation.
Converted mind's are facing still difficulties and inequality after conversion.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
If you have an inner desire to become a gentleman in real life.
Than, you must visit to a court , where without courtesy no execution is possible.

In court room,
justice is being provided with solid, concrete,authentic arguments.
Dear brother,here courtesy is not a fantasy , it becomes a reality there.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
For peace and prosperity establish buffer zones.
But during the period of deep crisis, buffer zones become the areas of trouble.
In such moments, I caught myself in a trap of disturbance.
I need complete silence to recover my losses .
I want for myself to create a buffer zone for self security and privacy.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Sir ,
Is deep state is simply a puppet show ?
If you have a visionary idea regarding this.
Then write a thanks letter to supreme authority who is organising this super hit 🎯 show on a massive scale..!
Thanking you.
Sincerely Yours ,
A puppet.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Waves of illusions are floating towards us.
During these days all of us are perplexed.
What is our future and fate?
Let us  think and
decide in this regard immediate.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
If you can enter only.
You have no option to exit.
How can you feel happiness ?
In such an adverse situation,
you will find yourself in stress.
How can a person survive,and
revive to his values and beliefs?
It is extremely painful, dangerous and unpathetic to exist .

Some people put barricades at the exiting point.
Life in such hard times
becomes like a paramount.Where climbing is very difficult,when at the same time,man feel himself hungry as well angry to think his miserable surroundings.
Only there is no escape and no existence at exiting point. Sometimes man starts haunting himself for his imprisonment like situation. He feels that he has been caught and trapped in  a cage.
It can be anybody 's page of the life.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
I am a 🤡 clown
blessed with a handsome son.
I feel ashamed
when he expressed his unhappiness while pointing to my goatee beard.

He feels insulted
among his friends
that his papa looks like a thinner personality
made of single bone very less flesh.

when I tried myself to imagine as a fatty father
looks like a 🏈 football
running across a playground
Just wandering here and there
with a speed , wasting no time.

And when I assessed myself as a father in my son's eyes ,
I can understand,
I found myself standing nowhere,
neither near nor far.

Is this fair or unfair judgement
from the 👀 of a father who stands nowhere in life except smiles 😊😁😊!
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
A fearful person always cries
loudly or silently!
Let's think about his destiny today.
Because the continuously presence of fear in his mind makes him very insecure.
Sometimes fear brought terror and  tears into eyes.
As a result mind feels disturbance inside.
Mind completely lost his strength
to make balance between ups and downs of the life.
Let us try to taught our terrified friend the strategy of fear management,
so that he can reattain the lost  energy and enthusiasm in his life.

I hope his perfect smile attract you very soon.
The terror of fearfulness will be remain in him as a part of  past life.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Where exists hell on earth or on any other planets?
It exists in our mind only.
It can take it 's existence only in our surroundings ,when nobody is following rules and regulations.
Indiscipline makes a peaceful and prosperous life like a hell,where the death' s bell starts appearing our near soon for a journey of hell.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
To feel like a puppet makes me sad.
Am I  merely a dependent upon others to exist in life?
I am unable to take decisions regarding my life.
This indecisiveness in life makes me miserable in my own eyes.
That' s why ?
A puppet cry always silently !

To feel like a puppet makes life miserable.
Even inaccessible to self.
All such situations
usually disturbed  the life.
The haunting memories of the past life also disturbed  peace of the mind.
All such shades of time compels me to think myself that I am simply a helpless person living a miserable life.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
The children of celebrities
always passes through a phase of
  Identity crisis in their lives where within
a span of time
they struggle, Jumps over a lot of hurdles
because of surroundings of being
the children of celebrities.

We must respect their privacy ,
they need a lot of protection
because sometimes they are a natural victim of their high profile status.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
My hero often repeats a sentence,
"Nothing is impossible in the world of love and war."
And, his opponent oftenly repeats a sentence ,"I want peace on rent in this cunning world."
And myself while thinking about their destiny , suddenly conclude that both are wrong to follow their ways .
The world of love and war is like a toy made of clay to play in the hands of dictators and lovers.
Peace on rent is absolutely a ridiculous  impossible idea which cannot be executed in the world of love, hate , rivalries, inequality, dissatisfaction,jealousy and war.
The warmth of life is still miles away from us and so is the peace, contentment,love,affection,attraction and also satisfaction in day to day lives of ambitious human beings.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Arrival of new year
demands always clarity of the mind .
We promise it with an oath of sincerity
and often tries to executive our resolutions in the life .
Till the last day of the previous year,
we collect a lot of dust in our minds
regarding the cleanliness in daily routine of the life.
We always required a lot of improvement to stablise the values in every sector of life.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
I have no choice.
And you are talking with me
about alternatives of love.
It surprises me oftentimes.
My mind warns me sometimes,
you are wasting your time in life to make search for alternative of love as well as hate in life.
Don't spoil your native natural life style.
It keeps your face to smile in hard times,dear.
Is it clear in your mind,dear?
Your present life is a mirror of past life,dear.
Do you heard my words, dear.
You need a very sharp mind to cut the silence and sounds of past  life.
Try to live in the present,
as you are well aware about the significance of time in an individual 's struggle full life.
You can't revind your past life.
Past life is far away from your present life,dear.
So live like a brave person in present life.
Present itself is a wonderful and unique present 🎁 for all of us.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Eyes are watching constantly our human activities.
Too much  workload on them can make us blind.
That' s why we must keep control on our self to spend excessive amount of time to view the 📺,T.V., 🖥️ computer, 📱 mobile phone etc., is harmful.

For such reasons
all of us must keep our eyes
neat and clean.
Preferably we must reduce our screen time for the healthy eyes.

Eyes works as a gateway to the World as well as Universe.
Too much usage of eyes can bring a curse and damage to human lives .

Protect  your eyes first.
They also works as the windows of the life.

Eyes are very sensitive towards light.
They have abilities to adjust the amount of light  present in our surroundings.
But they have limitations, we must try ourselves to know about these limitations.
Light plays a very important role in our lives.
It is essential for our eye sight.

Loss of light makes life miserable. In this regard sound sleep and rest must  be preferable to us.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
I want to learn endless lessons from the listening.
The sounds of the surroundings inspire me to connect with the sensitivity of the living beings and also non living beings.
These days I am not able to hear the sounds of life which is closely associated with my existence.
And as a natural result,due to hearing loss, it haunts me.
I am now almost  helpless and  starts feeling the undetected sounds of the mind .
These sounds teach me, how to make life full of happiness and kindness.
So,these days,I am engaged myself to listen and learn endless lessons from the life and the time.
My expiry date is very near,and I am listening the sounds of the life to clear my doubts regarding the fear of the death as well as rebirth,dear..!
In spite of the lack of the listening power ,I am waiting for my last hours of the life with a tearful eyes and fearful mind.
Oh !I am astonished to hear the foot steps of the life during  waiting for the death hours.

All of sudden the Life assured me that she is granting me a bonus chance to listen and learn lessons from the life. Now I am happy with the presence of the sounds.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Nowadays walking in a garden is not so easy.
Love Birds often sit on benches, enjoying picnic in the corners of the garden to avoid general public.

Old man like me usually disturbed.
Sometimes we restrict ourselves in the garden so that our young generation can enjoy their lives undisturbed.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
God  is a big magician for all,
big or small.
His magic is the base of our existence.
When such a mesmerizing potential is obtained by a common man.
He also become a magician himself.

Magic from the heart has massive impact on our lives.
No doubt magic sharps our imagination.
It may be a tricky,witty illusion.
But it heals our spirit through reducing out tensions of daily routine life.
Your ability to listen is truly magical.
It can bring many miracles in a  comman man 's life.

Life itself is a wonderful span
where magic and magician runs parallel to time.
The magic of Time is working in us.
So we all are magicians residing on mother Earth.
Super Magician Time always keep himself  busy to make our existence worthy and fruitful.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
I have just learnt the meaning of failure in life.
Five months ago,
while visiting a school,
I read all of sudden on the wall....
The narration of failure was dancing in my mind.
I further start reading the lines written on the wall. first
Be competitive and attain success in life.
It will bring moments of pride in your
miserable life.
So don't cry over petty happenings in life. attempt.
Think a little about your initiatives taken in life.
And follow the message of success in the sentence,as mentioned here....
To gain try again and again,till you attain gains in life.
The world arround you is like an inn.
You have come here only to win over
the difficulties facing in life.
I can also represent the ego of a person which is  root cause of the failure.
L..... represents the desires to learn in life.
And learning, constantly brings prideful moments in life.

At the same time,
I was mingling the past, present and too some extent my futuristic dreams of life.
I know very well about of my dreams.Some are based on the solid grounds of harsh realities, and some are ground less, totally based on imagination and fancy.

Now my consciousness warns me...
"Don't ignore your failures...
Learn something positive from your unsuccessfulness in life.

So that you should be able to feel,...
What is the secret behind the
unbreakable successes of successful persons in a nation's life.
Always remember  that failures work as the motivations ,which are part and parcel of our lives. "
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
I know very well.
Nowadays for friends as well as foes
I am missing from home and work place, because of my misbehaving with family members and colleagues.

I am running constantly towards my comfort zone ,being silent and I am in a fix, totally indecisive .

I remain most of time silence 🤐.
Violence within me has lost all energy
and enthusiasm.

My inner consciousness, in common language,it is known as mind, always warn me to keep control on anger,and to realise the reality of life .

I ignored all the warnings and advice of my friend mind.As a result my well organised life is changed to a miserable and pathetic life.
I cries from time to time ,due to my
ignorance and hurriedness .

I want to enter in my comfortable zone.But now there is only exit,they have blocked the entrance. And,as a result,I am missing the contentment in life, wandering here and there.

I am a missing person for them.
I have lost the rhythm and freedom in life.My memories are also wandering towards a pathway which is full ofdarkness.The decline of bright and peaceful days is constantly haunting me.I want to correct my previous mistakes of past life.
I strongly need a comfortable life...,which I am missing.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Let us become naughty today.
Celibrate it as a happiness day .
We all are travellers here.
Next day we wouldn't be there to enjoy.
Life is full of uncertainties.
Let us put some moments of happiness in  our self consciousness.
Be naughty and tensionfree.
Naughtiness and fun within limits are the best for leading a postive life here.

Is it clear,my dear
Moments for departure is very near.
So, celibrate naughtiness within us.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Do we need limitless greed?
Inspite  a home,food, clothes and a job.
Engage yourself in search for a
contented life.
Keep your spirit so high,where only limit is sky.
Make constant efforts to attain
a comfortable life .
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Nothing is free here,dear.
Even dearness allowance is not free in work structure of public as well as private sectors.
In capitalism, socialism, democracy and autocracy, price tags are being fixed on each commodity.
Even in social life, you must prepare yourself to pay price for natural instincts like love and hate etc.
Nothing is free here,dear.
Even freedom is not free to spend time for  the care of helpless persons.

So don't spare yourself to take care of
the thankless persons arround you.
You can keep your self  free for your freedom and personal activities .

Your own time is also a victim of price tag culture,dear.
There is nothing priceless.
You have to pay even for your emotions in an emotionalless, materialistic world.
Is it clear to you,dear.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
Only  passionate life
Can survive on earth ,
it has  too some extent  
worth and
a meaningful existence.
Passion for Love is quite natural.
To control over these emotions
makes our life unnatural.
To lead a life without sentiments
brings miseries in life.
It is painful and harsh reality of human existence.
Passion for Love is the best gift 💕 for all.
It makes human beings most powerful.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Oh dear!

Find the pearl of love
in the ocean of emotions

for me and self .

It  will strengthen the bonds of affection
for me and you.

Nowadays attractions of life,sun and smiles is turned into affection.

So avoid distractions in present life.
Time is passing through us rapidly.
You must understand it clearly.

Hours of Life.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
He is just wandering

here and there

in a timeless silent world

and looks like a pendulum moving

between the cradle of likes and

dislikes today

to play.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
If you are a perfectionist in life.
You are always facing a terror of the marginal errors.
I can understand your agony and dissatisfaction.
To make life perfect,
Always keep yourself enough busy to talk with selfless Self.
Also try yourself to retain self respect in a fast running Life.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
The presentation
without preparation
always brings humiliation in life.
So , one must observe and understand
the sequence of life 's activities minutely.

Remember and consider it seriously in one's life ,
brother !
Humiliation always
Compels us to cry.

So, let us prepare ourselves first.
Then we can present ourselves with ease and naturally.
If we take the life 's matter lightly,
we put ourselves in a state of perplexing and harmful situation.
In such a miserable postion, people always try to humiliate and tease our existence.

So dear friend,
present yourself humbly in life.
If you are capable to implement this suggestion in life.
Then , people around you , will listen your views regarding life and other issues seriously.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
One is rightist
and another is leftist.
Their tussle for power
makes the world
pathetic and miserable.

Common man
must keep a choice
for protection and survival of life.
So he must lead a responsible simple life to survive.
He must keep check  himself on his income and
Otherwise capitalistic forces
are very active to write stories of destruction,suppression for a common man who has  no interest for politics,
possibly can create hurdles on the pathway of his progress.

Protection is necessary for all
powerful as well as small.
No body has right to create walls among person to person
with a motive of restrictions.
That' s why
we need protection in our lives to survive safely, neatly  and smoothly.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
Here,in my country
constitutional institutions are
in deep trouble.
In my neighborhood countries
such an instability can also be seen.
Someone has guessed
the forces behind such crisis
can be associated with deep state,which is very active through out the world.
What can we do to check on these hurdles?
Think over it to save democracy and other setups of the different states.
Today anarchy is very harmful and dangerous.
So protect the constitution of yours respective statehood.
In critical times,
let us become self critical,
and follow the rules and regulations of the state.
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
In a brutal and barbarous world,raising a banner to protest is not so easy as it seems to some of us.

It needs courage.
Without it,our identity merged into nothingness .
So show your support for protest against cruelty, exploitation,discrimination ,
in a gentle way.
All of us want to see the rays of hope during these dark days of present life.
Always raise your banners to protest in such a manner that anarchists can't make access to us.

We have civil rights to protest.
Protests always protect rights .
Joginder Singh Nov 2024
To make life easy and smooth
Parents, guardians are keeping themselves busy from early morning to till late night.
So I salute them all.
Because,they are all in all next to God.They are our true survivors.

Can you heard the mesmerizing sound of wonderful flute?

Answer is in yes or no.
Parent's constantly working ability play  a special role in our lives.
So dear!
Let us salute to
for providing rhythm and stability in life.
Joginder Singh Dec 2024
natural intelligence
behaves like AI
in emergency only!
It brings a break down during sleep
to take care of diseased family member
to watch at midnight
surroundings !
It is ok .
You can keep continue to 💤 💤 💤 sleep!
Now you can enjoy your sound sleep!
Natural intelligence wishes sometimes ....very....very....good...and.....happy good morning !! 🌄 🌞!!
Ha! Ha !! Ha !!!
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