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19Sixtythree Oct 2014
I can't sleep at night because my bed won't stop thinking about you
the pillows hold onto the smell of your perfume and throw it in my face
your curves remain engraved in the mattress.
I'm constantly reminding my bed that it's time to forget you
Yet I still haven't wiped your lips off of mine.
19Sixtythree Oct 2014
And I am in love, I would die for her... I wouldn't even think twice about it but that's the problem. She's meant the world to me for so long that I can't imagine not putting her before everything else, I never want to lose that, I never want to lose her. So If this became a real, and it ended the wrong way. .I could lose her. That scares me, that's like losing apart of myself
19Sixtythree Sep 2014
You always make me forget that taste of regret
That falls on my tongue as soon as we're done
You leave my embrace and I remember the taste
Of regret
19Sixtythree Jul 2014
You're a fantasy, in every grasp of thought.
Your beauty is beyond, from those perfect lips, to each and every scar

Your body entices and takes captive, every inch of bronzed skin, each ****** curve and bend seize's my mind and holds it captive. Fills it with The lustful imaginings of rough ***, my hands all over you, the sensuality and physicality
But You are so much more than Just THIS
You are comforting and warm, the pleasure of connection and friendship
So beautiful. So misjudged and misunderstood. So much more than just whats seen.
You're more than just a friend, you're someone who is so loved and appreciated. I'm so glad you're apart of my life
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