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rhiannon Mar 2019
Whilst investigating the death of a local actor, a cute author called Susan Meadows uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, enchanted gun circulating throughout Cornwall. As soon as anyone uses the gun, he or she has exactly 75 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look invisible. A marked person feels like a killer cat to touch.

Susan gets hold of the gun, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into her mind: a grey fox balancing on a chilly actor, an old newspaper headline about a flying accident, a hooded owl ranting about eyes and a drinking well located in a deprived place.

When Susan notices her heart have cat-like properties, she realises that the curse of the enchanted gun is true and calls in her grandfather, a police officer called James Thornton, to help.

James examines the gun and willingly submits himself to the curse. He finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. He finds the grey fox balancing on a chilly actor particularly chilling. He joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Susan and James pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded owl. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?
rhiannon Mar 2019
My cold darkness, you inspire me to write.
How I hate the way you hide, sleep and cry,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the frightened sky.

Let me compare you to a depressed arch?
You are more anxious, abandoned and trapped.
Bold clouds dull the lonely flowers of March,
And the springtime has the manifest apt.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your old Fear, trap and isolate.
Thinking of your heightened trap fills my days.
My hate for you is the best alternate.

Now I must away with a tightened heart,
Remember my bad words whilst we’re apart.
rhiannon Mar 2019
Chapter one:

Me and Rose!Both best friends.We may not always be together in distance but always in heart.

There was a time when we were very young that we fallen out.We were both tired and exhausted so started arguing.I felt so upset.I felt like we weren’t going to see each other ever…ever…AGAIN!

Then i went along every lunch time crying and crying until a week later when Rose came up to me…

I thought we were going to argue again and shivered uncontrollably in fear.But…But…But…

I was wrong!

Rose came up to me looking sad and tears fell down her tiny pink face.She apologized and she did too.

Chapter two:

We were friends.Best friends.All the way through primary school.Then we was still best friends through secondary school.We never fell out again since nursery.


A long long time and we’re still friends.

We baked cakes and cookies together.We went shopping together.We went over to each others houses and had amazing sleepovers.It felt like a dream was coming true.

We sat by each other on the bus to college and in our coursework we helped each other.We then sat by each other on the journey home.

We had everything we could dream of!

Chapter three:

We went to university together two years later and had the time of our life.

We both done the same courses-English literature& Health and social care.We had a part time job on weekends and always loved messing about whilst waiting for our customers.It was great!

We had an holiday in the summer to Disney World and had a great time together.We had loads of memories of our time together by our constant silly selfies in Disney costumes.It felt like we was little kids again.
rhiannon Mar 2019
Matilda is an eight year old girl who loves to read.She was horrible parents who hate her because she loves to learn.She feels sad when she is around them so gets a book from the library and reads in the garden.The garden comes to life.the puppies talk and the birds sing.The beautiful animals give her company and cheer her up.

She closes her eyes and wishes for happiness .She reads stories to the frogs,birds and fish and they sit patiently listening to her read magical tales about happiness.

She knows how much her parents hate super glue so she glues the inside of her dad’s hat and the top of her mom’s walking-stick.

Pleased with her cunning plan,Matilda then goes to the living room to wait.Then out of nowhere she hears a piercing scream.Her dad has got his hat stuck to his head and her mom has her walking stick stuck to her hand.Matilda laughs and then runs along to the magical garden.

She wishes again.Then opening her eyes she sees herself inside a beautiful castle.She reads and plays everyday in happiness.

One day she meets a handsome prince and lives happily ever after…
rhiannon Mar 2019
Alone in the middle of the woods the fairies fly…

I wandered through the tangled trees and hear a silent cry…

I follow the noise until i find a small girl alone…

I help her home and read to her every night until she shows a smile…

Us fairies wander and help those who are sad and together happiness is made.
rhiannon Mar 2019
Dear reader,

I’m writing to you to give you the opportunity to leave the crowded,busy city.I know you have always wanted to do this so here is your chance!Surely,you will do it. It is your only chance of happiness.Your only chance to escape your sad past and have your own happy future life.You clearly hate life in the *****,crowded streets of the city that are filled with crime,violence and unhappy people.Well,you don’t have to be one of them sad,lonely people any longer.I give you the chance to escape the horrendous city and you can go to the quiet,peaceful and happy countryside.You will love it!

Yours faithfully,

Council Household manager.

You go to the kitchen when you hear the letterbox go.It was your letter.You sit down and read it.You jump with joy as you read that you can leave the city.You pack your bags and suitcase and go to the airport.

You then sit looking out the window feeling the sadness fly out of your heart and happiness jump into the space.You are told you must go to the city by the pilot.You have no other option as the city people are trying to stop you from being happiness and enjoying freedom.You feel nervous but choose to escape the terrible past and go to your own happy future life.

You arrive and look around at your new surroundings.It is different but better.You love it!
rhiannon Mar 2019
Chapter one:

It’s funny how water acts all innocent.The sapphire blue waves splash gently against the happy children whilst they play.I watch them sadly as i remember my childhood holiday at the beach in Thailand.It definitely wasn’t as nice as today.

It started when i was on holiday with my parents.The waves splashed violently against the frightened children.

Chapter two:

The earth shook and we could tell something was wrong.We waited.It was an earthquake of magnitude 8.8.A tsunami occurred after it as it was so close to the Indian ocean.Many people died and over 25,000 hospitals,businesses and homes were destroyed.4,812 people were confirmed dead,8,457 were injured, and 4,499 were missing after the earthquake struck.This was the deadliest tsunami that Thailand ever had.

Chapter three:

One this day,ten years since the earthquake struck,many countries had recovered from painful memories and some ruined structures remained in place.Since 2004 it provided 4,807,000 people with assistance,51,395 new homes have been built;289 hospitals and clinics built or rehabilitated.Pledged international aid from all sources for recovery has topped $13.5 billion,almost half of it given by private individuals and organisations.

Chapter four:

This horrifying memory,is the worst memory i can remember being at the beach.It is literally a beautiful nightmare!I don’t think i will go there again.But,will i?Maybe,to see how it has changed,maybe not.
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