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8.7k · Nov 2013
A Gamer's Rage
KrystalTears Nov 2013
Nonstop, all day.
You are aware a gamer's dark side,
not when they play,
but when they've died.

Can't stop, no way.
They do curse and yell,
not at what the other team say,
but when their own team fell.

I tank, you heal.
Noobs **** and everyone knows,
no need to make a big deal,
even if some player blows.

You **** stealed me!
How dare you take my guy!
He hacks I see!
How else could he fly!?

All I want to hear are 'dings!'
but not with this team.
These are the many things,
A gamer may scream.
Short poem to gamer's who rage,
I do as well...
2.1k · Mar 2013
What is Dubstep?
KrystalTears Mar 2013
Electronic sound waves that I hear,
overwhelming base lines,
to my head from my ear.
Reverberant drum patterns and unique designs.
Some of this music may make you tear,
others make you see the sun's shines.
140bpm, it's very clear.
Emotions combines,
the drop is near.
Listen how it divines.
To let yourself go,
find a meaning of your own.
Feel the music flow,
as your mind is blown.
1.6k · Feb 2014
KrystalTears Feb 2014
Don't fly me to your heights,
if you can hardly even take flight.
If you plan to be flying by my side.
Your words are so deceiving.

You say, that you love, me.
[ and this just keeps on happening ]


Don't take me, where I'm blind.
I don't want  be your follower,
You can never, truly, chain me.

You say, that you love, me.
[ and this just keeps on happening ]

I have a Dubstep song to go with this..
1.5k · Nov 2013
KrystalTears Nov 2013
Step out from,
the darkness.
Protecting souls from the,

You see me now,
I'm brighter.
**** the flame,
from the lighter.

How they breath,
The sight of power.
I turn the leaves,
to where they cower.

I am, Ethereal.
Keeping the dark away.
Yeah, I'm unreal,
That's what they say.

I open my eyes,
To the nations,
Connecting dots,
to my constellations.

I stand afar,
Yet I am near.
A shining star,
That you can hear.

I am the seams,
Never wish on a comet.
Just dream your dreams,
and I'll find it.

It is impressing,
Gazing the sky of noon.
I feel the blessing,
Of the moon.

Don't take me for granted,
I live no longer than the others.
My capsel may be slanted,
Yet I hide underneath the covers.

Made of material,
from the skies,
Where I also lye,
To what makes me Ethereal.
997 · Nov 2013
My Marine
KrystalTears Nov 2013
So straight you stand,
Your bold chest out,
Same posit from hand to hand,
Sir yes sir, they shout.

The badges of many shine,
The visor tilted down,
They move in cut time,
and he wears the crown.

Not a single flaw,
In this entire act.
A glimpse of your smile I saw,
Then you turned your back.

The pride in your eyes,
and the bravery in your fists,
You set your sights to the skies,
and your priorities persist.

Forever by all means,
You'll always be my Marine.
743 · Jan 2014
If it's true, so be it.
KrystalTears Jan 2014
I was much younger then,
My wide eyes following,
the never ending, bend,
of this world spinning.

Time goes by,
all the days I've spent,
wondering why,
A penny equals one cent.

Little things don't phase me,
I've moved on to what's now called,

I'm only 17 in this world of hate.
One ***** up and I find myself,

I carry this soul in the deepest of my,
I rethink of the choice I made,
I think of how I'd be called a *****.

This generation is thought to be careless.
But my actions weren't to follow those beliefs.
My time feels endless,
While I'm still searching for my,

He didn't want this either,
We were going to wait together.
I'm laying here with a fever,
no longer sure of our plans forever.

Maybe I'm just overlooking this?
Maybe life isn't that unfair?
Maybe I'm just swallowing my fist,
since this sort of thing is rare?

No matter the result,
if this was what was chosen for me.
I don't plan to assault,
What my life was planned to be.
I'm going through some fears right now, I really hope it's only fears, and not reality.
606 · Nov 2013
La dee da
KrystalTears Nov 2013
La la la la,
Dee da dee da dee doo...

Just a sunny day..
la la la la,
The mean grey clouds stay away.
Dee da dee da dee doo..

I see him walking my way..
La la la la,
To which I hear the words we say..

He sings with me the song of the sun,
La dee la doo dee da!

La la la la,
Dee da dee da dee doo...

Now we go our separate ways..
La la la la,
I think back to the other sunny days.
Dee da dee da dee doo..

Now I sit alone..
La la la la,
But I still sing in a cheery tone..

I breath in deep and I sing the song of the sun.
La dee la doo dee da!

La la la la,
Dee da dee da dee doo...

It burns so bright..
La la la la,
It really is the biggest light.
Dee da dee da dee doo..

When it's shining down everything's all right.
La la la la,
It's vitamin D helps me sleep at night.

Then I fall asleep all snug and tight.
La dee la doo dee da...

This would make a cute little song hehe
561 · Jan 2014
I Saw You Again
KrystalTears Jan 2014
My curiosity left me to searching you.
As I form your name,
I know exactly who,
It's time to start this game.

I enhance my appearance,
In a way you couldn't shake,
I'm making my reappearance,
It's time I reawake.

I knew I said I'd forget you,
I've convinced myself so much.
Even though I know I do,
I can't do as such.

There is something you have,
That grasps onto my heart.
It's like being cut in halves,
When we try to act apart.

Days ago, you accepted my request.
A memory I collect,
and send it to you in protest.
In hope you will reflect.

This morning I check up,
On this chest game I've made.
You replied a video saying " Sup!"
I'm surprised only a little delay.

My heart stops,
Your faint smile.
My bliss tops,
I ran that mile.

I have you once more,
I'm not letting you slip away.
I'm mending what' we tore,
By simple words we'll say.

I reply back,
My cheeks rosy red.
My confidence lack,
To those words you said.

Now I'm in my daily routine,
I see that you've receive,
I know that you've seen.
You smiled like I did,
That's what I believe.
549 · Dec 2013
Musical Cure
KrystalTears Dec 2013
Music makes you feel alive.
When times of life feel so dead,
and your basic needs deprive.
A simple cure is to end its spread.

Its the cure of it all,
with the life it injects.
With no needing to fall.
A new virus to infect.

Color into your veins,
without a needle,
your troubles drain.
Leaving you no  longer feeble.

This is the new you,
Your eyes wide open,
You over came the flu,
with old ways left unspoken.

A purer way to resolve,
and a stronger way to evolve.
525 · Jan 2014
Days Late
KrystalTears Jan 2014
Day one,
I'm not going to jump the gun.

Day two,
It's only been a few.

Day three,
I'm starting to feel wary.

Day four,
Is that reality knocking at the door?

Day five,
Should I consider staying alive?

Day six,
I'm not seeing a simple fix.

Day seven,
What if this reaches eleven?

Day eight,
I'm beginning to feel hate.

Day nine,
I can't tell myself anything is fine.

Day ten,
There's no telling when.

Day eleven,
There's no turning to heaven.

Day twelve,
I start to shelve.

Day thirteen,
Affecting my normal routine.

Day fourteen,
This is obscene.

Day fifteen,
I don't feel clean.

Day sixteen,
All that I've foreseen.

Day seventeen,
Represents the age I am meant to mean.
431 · Jan 2014
Changing Chains
KrystalTears Jan 2014
I feel the weight,
of our memories on my heart.
I hear the clank,
of these chains moving apart.

These days of none,
Have came and went.
I've learned to fund,
with not a cent.

I'm your tool,
I work to please,
to please the fool,
as I fall to my knees.

Friendships thin,
as his whips of memories,
tear into my skin,
and I bear the misery.

I bear the pain,
because I don't want to lose what I have earned.
I bear this stain,
because I want to remember what I've learned.

In his eyes,
I am really nothing but lingering.
In my eyes,
all I see is abiding.

In the end,
and I hate to think,
I'm really nothing but an old friend.
As our past begins to sink.
415 · Nov 2013
In My Dreams of You
KrystalTears Nov 2013
I slip away,
To a place of my own.
Where things others say,
Are said in my tone.

In this place,
The setting may vary,
I see your face,
and I feel confused and wary.

We are in the back, traveling land,
of this night driving car.
A blanket lays middle where you hid your hand,
I give you mine, I didn't have to reach far.

Now we are dining apart,
In orders to not see you.
I feel a tear of heart,
To you I cannot find, I feel a new hue.

With no key component,
Transition changes and your inches from my lips,
I pause and realize the moment,
That your hands are on my hips.

Out of no where,
My love comes with his guys,
He sees the taboo that I wear,
I run to avoid the shed of lies.

My conscious feels my distress,
and now it comes to an end.
He is no where to be addressed,
I still feel his hand, I feel at mend.

I awake feeling bliss,
but in disbelief you haven't vanished.
If I can still dream of this,
What has been established?
A dream I had today of a guy I thought I told myself to forget.
413 · Apr 2015
I am an Angel
KrystalTears Apr 2015
Gliding high,
Soaring wide.
I've got these wings,
By my side.

I may fly,
Or I may die,
But I'll take a chance to see
The sky.

Feathers ruffled,
I fall silently.
No fear because in the end
I'm going up.

My voice is muffled,
I cry quietly,
Nothing left to defend,
I shrivel up.

It's not a gift,
Not even near.
My feet will lift,
But not my fear.

And who's to tell,
Who is at fault,
When even hell is
Locked in its own vault.
There is no extra benefits to owning these wings, the bad can still out way the good.
412 · Apr 2015
Live Streamed Lies
KrystalTears Apr 2015
It pains me to know what is happening,
When I shouldn't know.
It's a pain that burdens me,
A pain I cannot show.
If I please my tears,
For If they fall,
I will be surrounded by my fears,
And I will receive my final call.
I silently watch the feed,
It fills the screen hourly.
My anger needs to be freed,
But I sit alone cowardly.
I ask myself why,
I look at this with intent,
I set myself up to cry,
but with not a single tear wept.
392 · Mar 2016
Free My Soul
KrystalTears Mar 2016
The sun makes shade, yet there is no sun in the dark.
The fun we play, yet the fun is no where in my heart.

The river flows to the wind,
The sliver grows within my skin.
However longer it may be,
I'm never stronger to pay the fee.

I still fight my way to you,
I'll take flight to end my due.

There is no other way,
I'm going to see you before I go,
One last thing I need to say,
There's still something you need to know.

The feeling you give me in my soul,
The life you bring me pays the toll.

Fly away, fly away with me.
Sly away, sly away from me.

Let me embrace your heart,
Let me take place of your dark.
Free my soul and set me free.
Douse the coal and turn the key.
376 · Mar 2016
Delete Not
KrystalTears Mar 2016
Maybe seen,
used to been,
still your sin,
but just in a bin.

Swipe to clear,
make it sear,
but unhear,
I'm afraid not, dear.

Erase the proof,
simply ****,
stay aloof,
still know the truth.

Now gone,
a con,
but drawn,
still on.

a cheat,
I can beat.
299 · Mar 2016
Depression Reflection
KrystalTears Mar 2016
Why, hello there.
Who is this in the mirror?
A dark silhouette is here,
Telling me the end is near.

I shake my head,
I look away,
My feelings are dead,
Or so you say.

One long limb after another,
You stretch into my world.
I try to take cover,
But your fingers are curled.

I cannot walk,
Cannot see,
Cannot talk,
To what's taken over me.

You shush me quietly,
Do not make a fuss.
Let your thoughts run wildly,
Yes, let them rush..

You taunt me with my past,
Saying what's done is done,
If you want this to last,
Let's have a little fun.

Your friends over there,
They seem quite nice,
Tell them your life isn't fair,
That all has a price.

Let the tears fall,
Drown in your sorrow,
give your friends a call,
Tell them you need a favor to borrow.

They will assist,
But I will not quit,
You will resist,
But they cannot baby sit.

Who needed them any who,
I'm the only friend you need,
Ill always be true,
Even while you bleed.

You were already drained,
Before I entered you,
Like the days had rained,
But you had no clue.

My brothers and sisters,
had already infested your life,
From all of those misters,
They all held the knife.

My pessimistic ways,
are for the better,
While you're in its daze,
You write the letter.

I sign it for you generously,
So you can rest,
Because I am honestly,
The last "friend" that you have left.

My mission has ended,
Your misery is subsided.
To I who you had friended,
That you suicided.
(This is only a vent poem)
287 · Mar 2016
Love Anxiety
KrystalTears Mar 2016
Shaking, heart racing,
My body is out of control.
I try to start pacing,
But I've fallen down the hole.

Gnawing, so empty
My body needs its fuel,
But all this has kept me,
My body - I duel.

Eyes burning, tears falling,
I don't want no more,
The weight I am hauling,
It's at the center of my core.

I'm hurting, I'm lost,
It's never ending,
And I know the cost
Of just pretending

That this, yes this,
Is my usual day,
No kiss, no bliss,
And the nothing you say.

But I truly know,
That this is not the same,
No, what you show,
Is nothing but a game.

And I, yes I
Am stuck in its disparity,
And that is why,
My love is a rarity.

— The End —