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Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Green is yours
Red is mine
Yet they might look good
They aren't made for one another
Am i wrong?
But i found that she was green
As i was red
Blood red like a demon
Green like a monster
Made for one another
But never to be good together
Maybe im just blind
I remember drawing you those hearts and giving you that ring, i was so scared man.
That you'd say no... But you did worse...
You left
No warning
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
A piece of glass
Yet so small
Is so big
You may not see it
But it see's you
You feel the cut
And urge for more
So you grab a blade
One intention
Not death, nor destruction...
But simplicity
Allot of my friends are cutters
I would always ask why
This was what i got back everytime
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
You got ahold of me
Mesmerise me
Feeling bold
Always wondering why your so cold
So instead of answering you fold
I remember the pain the hurt
It feels as if the daze i had is gone
Taken like my spirit when you left
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Dark thoughts surround us
They surround you
How do i know?
Because the dark is greater than the light...
That's why the reaper will always be closer than an angel
Or why the moon will always be closer than the sun
It's hard to let go.. But soon I'll have to let you go, just need to know that im sorry and that the light will get here someday.
Real feels
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Im sorry for getting you mad
Im sorry i need help
I'm not smart
I know you are
You tried to teach
Maybe i didn't learn enough
Maybe you woulda stated
I guess the truth is
The truth is i miss you
The truth is i wanna die
I don't wanna live
Not without a reason
Im a klusterfuk
I know you cant see this
You blocked me on everything
I hope your finally happy
If i believed in god
Id pry every night
Just to keep you safe
Sometimes i do
I feel lost without you
Truth is i just need...
I just need my drug back
Your my drug
I may not drink or use
But i use you as my drug...
I'd do anything to relapse...
I miss you
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
I remember sitting there,
Sitting on that ride,
Listening to those screams,
But seeing your smile,
Your smile on mine,
Your eyes on fire,
The glow of your soul,
The flow of your heart beat,
The kiss that tested like tea,
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Ya know were all mad in our own way, completely bonkers.
Does this stop us?
Some of us yes, me? No!
I will keep my madness.
I was told my whole life that that's where the best people are.
I watched and read "Alice and The Wonderland" allot. However before i watched it i was always told by family that all the best people were crazy and that's me lol
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Used to think you watched
Watched over me like a hawk
But you have someone new
A child
So delicate
So fragile
So loved
Give him what you never gave me
Love him unconditionally
Never to be left
Never to be changed on
Protected by his dad
Sky Sellers Oct 2019
your the ocean as I’m like the moon, i see you wave... but I’m gone so soon, i see you again but I’m so far away. You’ll see me again you gorgeous fille
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
"Turn that frown upside down..."
Shes told.
So she stands up and yells "NO!"
So she throws herself
Makeshifts if you will
Transforms if i may
Now she's different
Doesn't care for the ones who love her
Not util she knows her bottles friends aren't always gonna be there
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Im a waste of air
A waste of life
You don't care
You weren't there
Living in fear
Watching yourself withdraw
The untrust worthiness
No good intentions
Yet you weren't there
But i watched you do it all
That's what happens
When sobriety is broken
About a month ago today last year i was sent from my dads to my moms after my dad relapsed from 10 years of sobriety. Funny what women will do to a man or even what they do to each other...
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
No need,
For the ocean is my love,
The rain is my salute,
This boat will stay afloat,
Till your wave crashed,
It bashed into me,
Like a giant,
Theirs no auto pilot in life sadly,
So i say to you...
Do you believe?
Believe in tall tales and myths?
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
The hate we give,
The love we take,
Forever in my thoughts,
For better or worse,
My love for you will never take its course.
Mí amõr
Sky Sellers Oct 2019
the ocean like the wind,
The moon to the sun,
Moon to the ocean as the sun to the tree’s,
I am the moon and your the ocean,
I’m the trees and your the sun,
I build you up as you watch me grow.
Sky Sellers Mar 2020
Slow like a turtle...
Sly like an outlaw...
But bad as a ****...
Good as a broken heart...
Feel it beat...
Once it stops pounce hit like an ounce just one last time...
Be the devil you once were be the animal you still are tear me apart till i believe or i flee... My love
Sometimes it hurts to think about but you never know till it rains or it shines

— The End —