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260 · Aug 2016
To be a Poet
Yael Zivan Aug 2016
You can say anything.

talk about the trees. and the butterflies and how love feels

or some ****

But to be a good poet

you have to practice, think about what sounds better

learn the long words

or the advancement of gramar

bend the rules after you've learned them.

and take pride in the fact that I AM A POET

print business cards or some ****

buy a leather jacket and always carry a writing book.

tell lovers pretty things that weave you in mystery


to be a GREAT POET

just write the truth

and tear the world apart
253 · Nov 2014
Yael Zivan Nov 2014
Held my hand when fear was holding my chest.
Told me to be calm.
Remember to smile.
I am not for you.
I am not for everyone.
Do i edit myself?
To become more marketable?
Or preserve my value in smaller margins
I am yours
Paint what you will
Pain isn't permanent.
249 · Nov 2014
Yael Zivan Nov 2014
Cargo ship

fixing to go. Winds are a cleaning.
Sting the eyes of the passenger

He prepares his feathers.

Damns his past.

Wonders if he'll ever fly again.
But knows that it is floating that he will do until it's sinking he prefers.
Yael Zivan Dec 2014
Sometimes you love something so much you want it all the time
and the website says it's good for you, and all your friends pay for it but you get it for free. And you get the best stuff.

The dark fruity bitterness fills you with energy
and sometimes creativity
But then it keeps you up
distracted and distraught

And it's 4 am and you can't end this endless wave of panic

and you realize the coffee is causing your heart to fill with blood
and explode onto every single page

and you try to cry but that doesn't work.
So you try to sleep but you can't quite breathe
and you call and Angels but they are protecting someone else

It's time to kick the habit
So you let it go
Empty your cup

and remember how lovely a cup of sage tea can be. <3

Sometimes the things you love, love you back in all the right places.
238 · Nov 2014
Yael Zivan Nov 2014
the blazing fire at the center of it all

I shall warm my chilly hands and sit a while.

But lest i fall in,

I keep my distance.
237 · Aug 2016
Yael Zivan Aug 2016
Is anyone Happy anymore?

Did they teach us how in the class rooms?

where we learned to be cruel

and pick at the open sores

and find the chinks in the armor...

Where we learned about love

and how it makes you weak

and we learned about Joy

and where it comes from.

Dominance and Praise, and adults who tell us we are


And don't forget. to waste your time

filling all the gaps in your mind.

and schedule in success. But not too much.

and collect wealth until your mansion stands tall

and casts shadows on the green grass

and wonder if you missed the class

on how to be happiest
Yael Zivan Aug 2016
My poor dear

You have forgotten how to love

and how to listen

to my perfect words.

You look away and your eyes blur.

You have forgotten me and the sound my voice makes

when i say i care enough. And you don't say anything

You are the soldier that comes back from war to find that life existed before death. But not after.

I have given up all of what i was

and then grew up

and out and away

from all the pain thats holding you so warmly in its arms

you'll leave when your ready..

but you are incapable of loving me right now.
223 · Aug 2016
So I've been thinking
Yael Zivan Aug 2016
What if I dreamed you

Because I love you like I'm afraid to wake and find you gone
201 · Aug 2016
The weight
Yael Zivan Aug 2016
If I let this heaviness sink me
Then I will do it alone

If I try and give it away

It will come back

Lonelier then before

Can love lift it??

How heavy is this love

It presses me to the ground

And doesn't hear the absence of sound

And the strings of pain that cocoon me from more pain

Wrapped like a present
For a later day

Unwrap my pain and lay it out. It's heavy existence to be admired and desired

Until you can pawn it off at a yard sale

Boxed away or broken

Pieces scatter to the sky

And free... Of its heaviness

Why. Can't. It. Just. Lift. Me.
201 · Aug 2016
Not since
Yael Zivan Aug 2016

words ran away

and i had none left to say

i love you but please go away.
170 · Aug 2016
Yael Zivan Aug 2016
I need everyone to be ok

because then i can be less

then ok

and it will be ok

because my foundations will be strong

but my walls are weak.

and you hang your sorry portraits

with nails

— The End —