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my nothings are ever-changing
as yours are while
we dance in our ever-static time

we knot our folly and our bodies alike
and revel in the ecstacy of
knowing that which cannot be known,
seeing that which cannot be seen

nuzzling at the warm body of God
like kittens we emanate life
in all directions, exhaling
our poisons in harmony

the universe picks us up by our necks
in its loving mouth, and shows us the one real truth.
leaving no detail in exformation,
the mother of us all kisses our foreheads
and we know that all is right and good

then we are white and pure,
the milky sweetness of our souls exuding.
we are changed forevermore,
distilled in form to render
remaining only our true selves

we are to go with the knowledge that
we shall never fade, and ripples of our ripples
will outlast us a million fold
I spend my time in an empty room
the walls echoing my thoughts
as I chase resolution with all of my will.

Enormous moments of clarity come to me
as my vision is erased
and I lose myself in movement.

I could spend eternity in there
lending myself to purification
losing the concept of my self.
You view the world from your prison's lone window
not knowing that your cell is unlocked.
You spend all your days collecting those rays
not caring how often you're mocked.
You waste all your hours counting the flowers
waiting for the clock's final tock.
If only you knew how you're like a shrew
you could easily come out of that box.
It seems to me that even the most artfully
sculpted facsimile of that designed by nature
could never compare to the beauty of the
recognizably finite and fragile.

It would be the most grave of all crimes
to correct the brush strokes of the most
grand artist, that ancient blind
watchmaker whose work is all around us.

Who is the watch to say he isn't designed
as he should be? Those with cogs misplaced
are just as beautiful and unique as those whose
finish shines with the most brilliant luster.
God help those whose hidden tears
flow with no reservation
whose hearts are filled with the pain
of a thousand dying men

If he should kiss their fate
with majestic unseen lips
like an all-enveloping sea of
unadulterated love

They could see all that
their future could hold, and
lift their heads to greet it
with hope and joy in their eyes

Alas there is no unseen
hand to pluck the resonant chords
of our futures. We are to ebb
and flow with the rythms
that we ourselves create.
Tonight I will dream of emptiness,
of that warm black inviting space
where all that was and all that will be coincide

Tonight I will dream of nothing,
of returning to what I once was
and always have been

Tonight I will dream of infinity,
the most pure of all things
which is beyond my comprehension

Tonight I will cease to exist.
Like the vast emptiness of space
I am expanding and contracting
to the thought of seeing you
my expanse littered with uncountable
self governed thoughts

My origin lies within you,
the source of everything that I am

You would do well to see
that without you I cannot exist

Soon I will be infinitesimally small,
a mere quark, beyond the reach of observation
and I will still be yours to have and hold
for as long as you will want me

For then I will be just an idea,
a wisp of the imagination,
your most deeply buried emotion

You would have to devote
the entirety of yourself to keeping me
safe from the fleeting nature of the mind
if you wished to keep me

Will you?
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