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Walter Alter Sep 2023
the circumstance of his birth
had somehow become joined
to the circumstance of his life
raised on cowboys and Indians
when no bigger than a twig
alone on a little mattress
talking to limp cloth animals
explains much of this
chromosome damage no doubt
a chugging tractor discs the soil
a mile away growing unheard
as sleep opens its music box lid
my rapid pulse is transformed
and becomes visible as black spots
which begin to grow together
eyes begin to move independently
floating face up I think they are open
wishing they were lanterns instead of
window panes unable to blink back the view
held open by the weight of two images
the great mound of bones and teeth
scene of rituals unspeakable
sordid affairs and so ordinary
if they tell you there's no describing it
they'd better have a blank expression
victims of gravity searching for a place
where the double war between
the odds and evens has not yet reached
wondering who invented tables and chairs
calendar on the wall brittle and torn
by a window climbing sun
pages flutter like moth wings
whispering parts of speech syllables
a screen door bangs dogs bark
crossing the linoleum a trail of ants
water drips in the sink
a moon rises over mobile homes
drawn in a circle against the dark
red flares line the highway at night
vagrancies outstrip the vacancies
with charlatans on every street corner
in a fervent denial of perception
before the rubble of the holy ziggurat
burnt offerings burnt heretic
having learned how to learn
he began to teach how to teach
on the plan-it planet
finding fresh chewing gum
stuck under the diner counter
when is an idea dead and useless
you'll need to be able to spell dog and cat

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
their councils priced themselves
straight out of the mystery market
augmentation via will power gone idiotic
still overrated by all the cackling heads
of all the Spring Break universities
deluded that they count for something
the professors rushed out into the night
tearing at their eyes what did they see
another circus chainsaw lobotomy
common as dirt in the modern era
so I pulled the stake from my heart
going for broke why not the game is rigged
waste no time on the miraculous
heaven is probably just an office job
no f-words but maybe x-rays
I guess you gotta be your own angel
guide yourself it's that simple
and have the dignity of a learner
lemme know how that works out
radar ******* not there when you look
bought me a week in a Gitmo cage
they slap your wrists and take your legs
with their grandiose fanaticism
wanted my Swiss bank account number
the hole in his head said hello
don't make me shout
over the din of your inner Wurlitzer
running like rats on a carousel
thanks to the beautific potential of things
somewhere out there is another Einstein
on I-5 near the cattle pens
we all want the authentic
but where does the aversion come from
if education is the wealth of a people
trying to end the reign of hairsplitting
and escape the labyrinths of doctrine
you'll be weeping for the human race too
with a tentative grasp of self
high as a kite but driving a straight line
through the headlights of truckers
more than one kind of perfect obviously
if we never slept it would be different
floating above the flames of memory
yes sometimes the call of the wild
is marginally somewhat overwhelming
to the higher cognitive deltas
made me wonder about the sheaves of wheat
that I kept in my Conn Bluenote
right now is freedom right now
and now we come to a standstill

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
now there’s a tongue twister
which has sunk weighted by disbelief
to the bottom of memory
this is a rescue attempt for
eyes trapped behind closed lids
underlying rather than lying per se
not exactly free from connotation
using language to analyze language
playful chimps in God's green jungle
where one of them typed
Shakespeare just last week
I'll unburden myself right now
about my early years a little
if you don't mind
there should be enough to feed
a ghetto of motel dwellers in here
a little fast food ketchup on a Bilderberger
with a Jonestown grape-aide to wash it down
eat your children it makes them smarter
for sure helps them to grow into
distracted fools and madman monks
that way they don't end up
smarter than you every time
because they can grow and you can't
into the idea of one idea
into the idea of many ideas
into the idea of all ideas
they got us this far
they'll get us further
uh oh here come the dervish cops
slappin' leather and ridin' hard
I better slip out the way I came in
hanging on a meat hook
must have been my evil twin officer
he looks a lot like me
except for the hyena fur
he always dishes it out
I always seem to take it
what set of rules are we
upholding tonight officer
the overt or the covert
his depth gauge blew
like a gum wrapper ******
a tragic case of suppression of the fittest
well it looks like I've deduced
the answer to the big question
it begins with you have a mind
and frequently ends with
don't overlook the obvious
what do you want here
musical wind chimes

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
now there’s a tongue twister
which has sunk weighted by disbelief
to the bottom of memory
this is a rescue attempt for
eyes trapped behind closed lids
underlying rather than lying per se
not exactly free from connotation
using language to analyze language
playful chimps in God's green jungle
where one of them typed
Shakespeare just last week
I'll unburden myself right now
about my early years a little
if you don't mind
there should be enough to feed
a ghetto of motel dwellers in here
a little fast food ketchup on a Bilderberger
with a Jonestown grape-aide to wash it down
eat your children it makes them smarter
for sure helps them to grow into
distracted fools and madman monks
that way they don't end up
smarter than you every time
because they can grow and you can't
into the idea of one idea
into the idea of many ideas
into the idea of all ideas
they got us this far
they'll get us further
uh oh here come the dervish cops
slappin' leather and ridin' hard
I better slip out the way I came in
hanging on a meat hook
must have been my evil twin officer
he looks a lot like me
except for the hyena fur
he always dishes it out
I always seem to take it
what set of rules are we
upholding tonight officer
the overt or the covert
his depth gauge blew
like a gum wrapper ******
a tragic case of suppression of the fittest
well it looks like I've deduced
the answer to the big question
it begins with you have a mind
and frequently ends with
don't overlook the obvious
what do you want here
musical wind chimes

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
when Bobby Messiah
the new kid next door
asked if I wanted to see his
Silly Putty **** collection
I know we were on the same page
It was hidden in an old transistor radio
of red plastic with a silver speaker grid
in the shape of a human foot
marred and curling on one corner
where something had pierced a hole in it
a suicide bullet from his ex-mom
Bobby said and I believed him
because Bobby was a natural born Fuhrer
an up and coming 10 year old Genghis Kahn
so opinionated he didn't even know
where his opinions came from
and I was a 9 year old breast feeder
I would have ridden the axle of a 20 wheeler
across the state line if he said it would
prove I wasn't a mud ******* mama's boy
it appeared to me a better bargain
to be anything rather than nothing.
I still hold the line on this position
even though I write from prison
with a new range of ****** expressions
thanks to Bobby's sense of impropriety
and a pocket full of matches
and the result of legal malpractice
by my perfume counter mouthpiece
not finding the magic combo
told me I kept looking around too much
to be taken for an empty seat
wore a noose around my neck tendons
more times than a fish has scales
trying a little harder to separate
what is inside from what is outside
shuffling the index cards over and over
I will describe it further
this planet is an IQ test
the contained has changed
the shape of the container
it may be a 49-51 kind of world kid
but not everyone will clap and sing along
and as long as them brittle
mystic devil fire pickpockets
think they have their lips on the tuba
the free angels will sleep
with a gun in their shorts
for system redundancy's sake

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
his heraldic crest
a donger and yarbles rampant
upon a field of green clover
it was a stone slab of course
donated by a few eggheads in exile
his best friends were his *******
shall we redefine the human condition
my guru continued via implication
you are tied to your ******
with many rivers to cross it's all a river
float like a butterfly sting like etc.
his heels had wings goat wings
danced merry on their way to work
there's an idea lurking in here somewhere
from the lurking transcendental government
standing guard between the seen and the unseen
try not to bleed so much kids digitize instead
this is a novelty sing along tune
hooted by two adolescent chimps
nearly inaudible due to the sound of
heavy earth moving machinery
the crowd groaned to get the signal
booed him uncompromisingly off stage
he ran into the gloom of fog and introspection
calling taxi taxi taxi in the rain
played all the frequencies at once
could have led to open rebellion
but instead was hailed a master of definitions
please make of it what you wish
since there is nothing left to do
but go bowling on rockabilly night
while madmen comics kept us ROTFLMAO
with astounding feather and glue tricks
so that his work in the aviary could have
a reaching interplanetary dimension
utterly without consequence whatsoever
the ***** press wouldn't touch it
and retired from the drapery business
it's up to us to steer this sucker
down the Grapevine and find parking
where our epic turns right on Main St.
BBQ skewers swished in the starlight
yes he was a romantic and a romanticist
Pushing the Topic up Through the Earth
was the finally finished pamphlet's title
where this goes on the graph
is anyone's guess
take it line by line
of course it was more fun
not being a running target
I am but an orphan foundling sir

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
nature's way of saying
I love what you do with your tongue
mom used to lick her hanky
to clean my face of imaginary dirt
for this I can only seek revenge
my allies the hobo armies of doom
also want revenge and maybe a banana
now I have a sweet tooth with no answers
for the impenetrable slits of her eyes
the matinee audience was aghast
so I knew we hit the glass jaw
now back to the scheduled program
our man on the scene Swigheart Backhoe
sends this report from Flat, Nebraska
on the next Heads of Kings exhibit
down at the tent city Crusader camp
as we try to figure out why ***** motility
hasn't created a master race yet
The best of millions fighting upstream like
Steelers' running back Don Quixote
over a million years and we still end up with
politicians with red putty noses that go honk
and readers of the Weekly World Snooze
who renew their state of alarm by the minute
we're not one step closer to Kingdom Come for it
***** motility then is as effective an indicator
of Darwinian uber selection
as a chicken on a rotisserie spit
is an indicator of barnyard vitality
you are alive right give yourself a pinch
let's use ***** science to give the 2nd raters
and mediocrities a chance at the brass ova
the modern science of magnification
their committees can certainly arrange for a
shiftless layabout unimaginative spermatozoa
to take a hero's poke at the moon
enough with this Mother Nature swill
put the couch potato, the hysteric
the derelict pants ******* wino *****
up the beanpole and see who salutes
Mother Nature eats her young
and writes fat checks for the
Eugenics Foundation of Savannah, Africa
so does God have someone
telling him what to think
beyond reason most absolutely
they all have the same mouthpiece
so go for it you little tadpoles
get in there you little champions

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
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