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Vicki Kralapp Jun 2020
Our nation, desperate for a leader, is starving for
intelligent, educated, and eloquent minds;
those who lift others above themselves.
Is this too hard to find, I ask?

A leader is one who looks beyond bipartisan politics,
to solutions that work for the whole of America;
a person who lives his/her life with dignity
and treats others with the Golden Rule.

A leader needs to honor his or her position
for (s)he is not there just for themselves;
but to help and protect those under them,
like a mother bird on a nest.

Leaders aren’t perfect, but do their best
to live above reproach; as an example to their people.
Our leaders represent us around the world
how others see us, treat us, and are our future.

A leader surrounds him/herself with intelligence,
and listens to others who know more than they;
what they say is as important as how they speak
and what action they take.

The color of the skin or gender shouldn’t matter,
but what type of person they are and
how they help us during their days in office,
especially in these times we find ourselves.

A true leader is appointed to protect their people,
not tear them down, stir them up, or cause pain.
Leaders are there for us to find, and our job…
is to find and elect them.
All poems copy write by Vicki Kralapp in June, 2020
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
I want to run, run away from this thing called life,
and make my way toward a new me;
a renaissance to believe in and hope for.
I’ve grown impatient with the meaningless days and sleepless nights;
dreams that disturb and work unsatisfying.

Frightened of change, for there is comfort and familiarity
in the desperate misery I’ve become accustomed to.
The uncertainty of tomorrow is beyond my vision,
Yesterday has undone me and tortures me stil.
You were my hope and my future.

Now I must go alone through life’s dark alleys
without your light to guide my way.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
I’ve been hiding my life away, a being only half without you.
Seeking with outstretched arms, searching eternity for you.
Endless dead ends and trails I’ve traveled with only hopes and dreams
and desperate thoughts of you.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jan 23
I chanced to hear you in my youth,
through songs and mystic fairytales,
with promises of happiness,
and perfect love that never fails.

When hints of love began to stir,
within this youthful heart of mine,
you cast your spell upon my soul,
and I like others fell in line.

But this heart became your plaything,
love rejecting yet again.
Never seeing I was but a fool,
when dealing with the world of men.

Now, filled with a host of cracks and scars,
I find this heart of mine has died,
and when I hear your tune begin,
I hold onto my heart and hide.

Oh, so bitter disenchanted love,
mocking me throughout the years,
I turn my back to you again,
and sit alone within my fears.
Copy write Vicki Kralapp 1/22/24
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2013
I'm diving into your eyes, azure to match the skies;
In you I've found a love worth living for.
It fills my day with hope, that makes me want to cope
with the days that I am gifted in this world.

I've found my heart in you, and all I want to do,
is give you all you want to have in life.
The life I've seen thus far, has been so very hard,
but you have come to me to make me whole.

I've dreamed of older days, but that is where they stay,
for life began the day that you appeared.
The day that I met you, made it all worth living through,
and the love we have will last me 'til the end.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
I reached to catch my dreams
as they teased me in my sleep;
foreign lands beyond my grasp,
and acceptance to be me.

There were many times I wished
I could just give up this fight,
days of solitude and grief,
fighting just to stay alive.

With my eyes fixed on my goal,
I was blind to gifts around,
and the changes from within,
came to me without a sound.

Now I stand among my gifts,
with the lessons life taught me
and thank the heavens for the pain,
that caught these dreams for me.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Yes, I remember you well, the curves of your face, your kiss,
your smell and look of love.
A lifetime ago now, I have visited that memory often in my dreams,
always trying to forget that moment in time.

Echoes of yesterday resonate within these empty walls
reminding me of the past I’ve left behind.
How different life with mercy could have been;  
kindness and compassion lacking, though pain remains.

Looking back I wonder, what life I could have made with you?
I grieved long over the image that soured long ago.
You claiming a life of love, betraying yourself and your beliefs,
yet breaking free from pain is what I choose to recall.

Seeing you now, I wonder how I could have believed that you
could have lifted me through this life,
and carried me though all that I have seen,
given me all that I’ve needed?
How could I have known you were not that strong?
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2013
The sun set on my dreams
the moment you walked out of my life.

So many and diverse were they,
now totally empty am I.

Try as I may to fill holes in my heart,
they remain painful and bottomless.

Though there have been others,
they've only stayed a while.

They never knew the joy
of going the full mile.  Did you?

I've tried to let you know how I feel,
but you always turn away.

Now it is too late,
you're gone to someone else,

and I am alone once again
with my empty dreams.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Oct 2012
Eskimo Pies.  You have been the backbone of my existance.
Bland days and times of no work.  
You have sustainted me through it all.
Your lucious chocolate and creamy ice cream make my days bearable.

Vanilla dripping down my chin,
I have you on my side.
I will make do with you.
You, who have filled my life with sweetness.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Oct 2019
The evening sun bids me adeau,
reflected like jewels on Caribbean blue;
it’s diamonds dance on ribbons of sea,
as nature’s song floats back to me.

While flaming violets paint the sky;
an impressionist artwork from on high,
all Earth’s creatures seem to hush,
at the beauty of nature’s one true brush.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2013
Every mention of you brings to mind memories of us,
always beautiful and fleeting.
Your warm embraces, caresses, your cool lips
pressed lightly against my cheek.

This is my brush with fate,
for it was my fate to love you.
from the beginning to my end.
You have spoiled me for all others...

I look past you trying to see others,
hoping, praying another will come along and touch me so.
You know me, as you have from the beginning, my every breath and thought
since the first time you spoke my name.

But the blush of youth has fallen to the ground like petals in the rain
and the wind has changed and blown in a storm, blowing us apart.
Love, I will never forget your whispers and your soft caresses,
your love will remain as always, like fleeting songs on the wind.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2020
The fourth, our nation’s birthday; a time for family, food and friends,
as we celebrate this holiday, we embrace our fellow man.
with our Weber grills ablaze, filled with ribs and bratwurst too,
a watermelon for dessert, topped off with wine or brew.

Those who join with us to celebrate, are all from different lands;
From the islands and the forests, to Sahara’s desert sands,
and together with our brothers, we give thanks and all embrace,
for all colors and all cultures make America our race.

But as we celebrate this year, in the land which we’ve been blessed,
we see our country differently, as we struggle through this mess.
With our virtual connections we reach out to those we love,
saying prayers for those who struggle that they’ll one day rise above.

Let us all remember blessings, and give thanks for what we have,
and together, with our brothers, find some peace throughout our land.
Though despite our troubles heavy, we’re alive to share this day,
with the land we all grew up in, and the mem’ries that we’ve made.
All poems copy write by Vicki Kralapp in June, 2020
Vicki Kralapp Jun 2020
Upon this worldwide stage, we play,
and open now our eyes and see,
and with our grieving hearts laid bare,
in wretched agony, we weep.

This blindness, long within our soul,
our nation’s sin; historic past.
We brought with us and kept alive,
and made the whites our ruling class.

To this we’ve shut our eyes and ears,
pretending that we cannot see,
and if we’ve seen, afraid to voice,
in freedom’s land for centuries.

With wretched consternation now,
our voice and hearts cry out at last,
to those who hear to make this right,
within this hour and face our past.

So let us bandage up our wounds
and heal all those within our land,
and make this verse our country’s cry,
One flesh and blood; our final stand.
All poems copy write by Vicki Kralapp in June, 2020

The biggest thing I learned from my travel and tourism class was our European inhumanity to man.  Wherever we went, be it Hawaii, the Caribbean, America, Australia, the South Pacific, we all left a trail of hate, death, and destruction of the land behind us…  It left me very sad.
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2019
Raised on the crumpled fairytales and dreams of fractured youth,
left nothing to believe in and little else to do,
but cast the past into its hell and banish memory’s hold,
into the fiery pit of growth that purified my soul.

I think of times when hope was lost and blindness filled my days;
when darkness colored everything and filled my life with grey;
where fairies found in fairytales were buried where they died,
and weakened wills were crushed to dust and vanished with the lies.

But now the dust is washed away, and life is largely gone,
that bedrock, now left found exposed, is made of solid ground.
Amidst the hopes and dreams of youth, tales set my mind ablaze,
I sense these wild imaginings were meant to lift my days.

Throughout my life I’ve always thought my dreams eluded me,
and lies were told, in years of old, to quiet me to sleep,
But through the ever changing years, these tales unlocked a door,
for dreams were told to give my mind creative wings to soar.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Falling from love, I’m falling from you
I’ve tumbled to earth and fell to the ground
breaking my heart along love’s way
Lifting myself up to my feet, I live.

My one mistake was in loving you so
I believed in the man, a blind fool’s regret.
How could I have known the child I’d met
Always playing the game.

As I look to the past I’m beginning to see
It was all about you and nothing for me,
I was played like a fool and where were you?
Falling from love and me.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Fall has left its mark cold on my heart,
touching life with deadly fingers, reducing all to brown and gray.

Love has faded into gray along with the coming of snow,
wiping out all warmth and memory of it’s short stays.

For love comes and goes without so much as a word,
hibernating far from my warm bed and hiding despite my prayers.

Loneliness has marked it’s territory
And love leaves me alone.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Nov 2023
Autumn up north is upon us again,
with sharp contrasts and fallen leaves,
squirrels and chipmunks scurry about,
preparing for the winter snow.

Days of polished azure skies,
backdrop to sugar maples
on fire in the colors of change:
burnt oranges, crimson reds, and golds.

Leaves twist and twirl in the air
on their way to their winter rest,
crunching and scratching
on sidewalks before me.

The shrill caw, caw, caws of blue jays,
cut through the thin morning air,
heralding the oncoming cold,
with sharp gusts that sting the cheeks.

The scents of autumn so familiar,
musty and crisp, inviting and blustery,
envelop me in memories of years past,
like a familiar friend calling me out to play.
Copywrite 11/20/23
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Out of the merciless darkness and recesses of February,
comes the hope and promise of rebirth.
Hope only as white covers the landscape and grey dominates all;
life has all but ebbed away in this wasteland of broken hearts

A year of wasted time, a life made barren by you.
Time has slipped away in healing, and transforming into myself.  
How could you have left me to face the life facing me alone,
hurting and in silent grief.  

You alone can answer the questions,
and you alone can make me whole once again,
to face a new life and calm the ghosts of the past and
give me the hope of renaissance.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
It is almost gone, the fight to sustain, to go that extra mile.
I cannot go down that road again without the promise of change.

Hope is nearly extinguished;
a flame snuffed out by years of beurocracy and neglect.

Groping through the darkness that has enveloped us
as we struggle through days without end.

The much dreaded evil has crept under doors and into our ears;
voices of torment and faded support.

Fighting the good fight was not meant for this.
It was the promise of something more.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Feb 2020
I’ve walked this graying, foreign land,
inviting me to tread its dust,
I’ve questioned why, this rugged path,
and why I’ve had to brave so much.

I’ve cried so many useless tears,
for heartbreaks life has trust on me,
which left my journey full of fears,
tormenting me incessantly.

Yet in this world that I’ve trudged through,
I’ve found some gifts I can’t ignore;
the childhood love I wished I knew,
and quiet that my strength restored.

So, with my feet set on the moon,
earth’s vision forms in front of me,
and I embrace this distant dune,
where I’ve been sent to be set free.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Dec 2014
I hear the bells and see the signs of Christmas all around,
but this is such a special one for me words can’t be found.
Through a year of desperation and a time of healing too;
a special celebration after all that I’ve come through.

Last year God heard me praying for this painful life to end,
and so He sent me angels to mend my heart instead.
Now as I drive down city streets and see lights all aglow,
tears of joy stream down my face for all I’ve come to know.

So I kindly told dear Santa to give my gifts away,
to other ones that need them more than I this Christmas day.
For I’ve been truly blessed with the greatest gift of all;
a peace that can’t be understood and God answering my call.

My house is filled with grateful thanks on this the Holiest night,
and you can find two Christmas trees trimmed with the brightest lights.
The first to celebrate the time of this our Savior’s birth,
the second to remind myself of all that I am worth!
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
The dead brown of winter gives rise to yellow cups in lacey dress,
lifting their bowed heads to take in the golden days of spring.
Mornings heralded by melodic songs calling out for spring partners
in trees filled with cascades of color and buds waiting to open.

The snow and blackness has lifted and life has begun once more.
Forgiveness has found a foothold in this crushed heart.
Like a doctor sewing wounds and stopping the drain of lifeblood,
I have found a way to heal and make it back to life once again.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2013
As surely as heaven exists above,
you have found your way into my heart;
your magical voice and hypnotic smile,
your whole being speaks silently to mine.

Your eyes dance in the morning light,
so kind and compassionate,
as they smile beneath canopies of lashes
and move me without a sound.

I cannot forget the times you called to me,
your soul joining mine as we stole away.
My forever love, though only in memory you live.
I keep you alive in dreams wrapped in your arms.

You carry me with you far outside this world,
with your extraordinary reigns on my heart.
Sweep me away with a love I cannot resist,
to a special life for just us two.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
This love began within our hearts, so sweet, an act of fate,
swept up in life so much a dream I didn’t want to wake.
We spend our days and nights together in each other’s eyes,
oh I would trade all of my today’s for one of those gone by.

Dancing ‘neath the moon above so magical and bright,
as the fireworks burst ‘round us we held to each other tight.
Making love to you with eyes, sneaking kisses in the dark,
the real world seemed to melt away in the midst of all the sparks.

You were my lover on the trips we made to seas gone warm,
and made me feel forever safe as you held me in your arms.
Swimming at resorts down south we shut the whole world out,
together we played the game of love, of this I had no doubt.

As you brushed away the tangled hair then covering my eyes,
Your touch became a part of me no longer could I hide.
I fell so hard, I lost myself and traded life for you,
but you, my love, have traded me for someone young and new.

So now I find I’m all alone, though I’ve kept you in my heart,
I realize the time has come to make a brand new start.
For another life to come along and fill my life once more,
I pray for this with all my strength, I’m standing at the door.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Leaches and bloodsuckers all!
Parasites to our hearts and minds,
diseased by location encircling a waterhole.

I’m done with this, gone to future dreams overdue for life,
shedding years of hopeless frustration
as others wallow in their ignorance.

Sickness deepen as their pool thickens.  
New life drains away
running for its existence toward light and hope.

Leaches and bloodsuckers all!
They drain us of lifeblood and energy.
One more waterhole and gene pool;
a cycle without end and death to all who stay.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Gliding through a fish ballet,
moving in unison around hands outstretched.
Colors bursting all around.
leading me deeper into the world of inexplicable beauty.

Bubbles dance reflecting shimmering lights,
revealing life unseen.
Crunching coral in beaks echoes from below,
while swirling stripes beat out the rhythm of the waves

Calm and quiet surround, hypnotizing and entrancing
calling me to dance.
How tiny and insignificant we,
yet this world has existed in breathless eternity.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2023
In silence absolute, we drifted,
on the evening current,
beneath the hazy full moon
of a December sky.

Floating on night breezes,
our spirits awed, amazed.
Rock walls pulsating with life.
in a chorus of light.

Cliffs towering above,
draped in nature’s Christmas lights,
winking in turquoise and white,
as we passed beneath.

Entranced by this purity of creation,
guided by the river’s strength.
This magical night, so perfect and surreal
remains in breathless memory of natures Christmas lights.
All poems are property of Vicki Kralapp
copywrite 8/17/2023
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Remembering the pain on that cold dark winter’s day,
being turned out at your door while snow around me lay.
Without a word of comfort just a hug and cheap goodbye,
I agonized to figure what had gone so wrong and why.

Losing all I was that day, I cried for years to come.
Why did you betray your friend, your joy, your love?
All consuming was the freedom that so quickly pulled me in,
while it ****** the breath from me as I struggled in my skin.

Looking back on the road that has brought me here today,
Remembering the magic and the crashes on life’s way.
Recalling all the love and pain, I would not turn away,
from all the joy I would have missed along love’s blinding way.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Grains of sand along love’s shores
has called me back to life once more,
Ignited by the memory
of palm trees that float back to me.

With sweetened kisses in the sand
and dances to the Marley band.
Along with gracious friends to share
the best that life could ever bear.

Although now life is not the same
as that I’d known before the pain,
of love tossed out by carelessness
and friendship lost with all the rest

But life will not keep this one down,
I’m ready for another round
of fighting for a love to stay
and hold on for another day.

Now love can play its hand again
and take me to that other land.
Where love is all to which I cling
and with this love the dream it brings.

Of happiness and hearts made whole
created for someone to hold.
I have this promise made to be,
a secret made and kept for me.

So when that music calls to me
at last for freedom just to be.
With grains of sand between my toes
I have at last found me at home.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2023
Standing amidst the other gums,
in a land red orange with age,
you reach out your gnarled limbs,
outstretched to azure blue.

Gray, smooth bark belies your age,
your title, hard won among the saplings.
Through years of draught and culling fires,
you stood your ground.
All poems are property of Vicki Kralapp
copywrite 8/17/2023
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
When I was young, I had no voice,
no wings with which to find my dreams;
to soar above my shackled youth,
to find what lay beyond my chains.

Ever hungry for more, I ached to share
my art and skills, what joy I’d found,
but I perceived too few who shared
what grew within my struggling.

But through life’s growing pains and trials,
a chrysalis began to form,
and life inside transformed to bless,
and free me from my earth bound state.

Now fully formed and freed from chains,
I spread my wings and take to flight,
and soar to heights I’d never dreamed,
inside my life without my wings.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2020
Days of long, hot, steamy afternoons,
digging forts in sandpits during the peak of summer,
hunting grasshoppers as they fled from my cupped hands,
I ran like the banshee I was, growing up wild in the country.

Memories of days in shorts and undershirts,
my skin stained orange like the sand I played in,
I lived on Kool-aide and peanut butter sandwiches,
snacking on sweet red raspberries and currents that grew in our garden.

Cool nights playing twilight tag with my brothers;
the air turned crisp, always ending too soon,
mom hosing us down before we were allowed inside.
Washed clean and tucked in, welcomed sleep greeted us as our heads hit the pillow.
All poems are copy written by Vicki Kralapp 8/2020
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2013
A beautiful day
to be joyous and in love
on this sea of life.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2020
Along the well-worn winding path,
we made our way between the burnt sienna of early sumac,
their fuzzy heads brushing against our arms,
as we basked in the rich ambiance of fall.

The smell of autumn in the air, clean and warm,
shadows long and drawn out, in September’s Mannerist style,
painted dark on the ochres and greens of the landscape,
we played our way home from our long days of school.

Rich days of golden sun on my back, long and lazy;
cicadas buzzing, grasshoppers guiding us along our way.
Memories transport me to this simpler time and place;
when my heart was still young and filled with newness of life.
All poems copy write by Vicki Kralapp in July, 2020
Vicki Kralapp Nov 2023
My heart aches for what you once were.
Memories of unrivaled wilderness,
pristine and unique,
burned into my memory.

You were once my home:
a shining beacon of light in my life.
But you’ve passed with my youth,
like so many memories, eroded by time.

Yet, did I ever know you at all?
gazing at you through ****** eyes,
with a freshness of a love unknown.
Were you ever there, oh Hiraeth of Oz?
Copywrite 11/14/23
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Thoughts tempered with the fires of life,
dreams of youth vanquished, replaced by reality.
Happily ever after endings, an illusion we’ve been nursed on,
lives spent weaning ourselves away.

New paths uncharted and unfamiliar,
fear and doubt direct our moves, beyond world’s end.
Holding on to what we know, sacrificing what could be,
unknowingly binding ourselves to our past.

Can I find the clue to guide my way,
someone to lead me forward to my future?  
Let me feel renewed and alive,
so I search beyond my limits for my life in you.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
I breathe you in like a heavenly scent, like a day at the sea; a Caribbean breeze.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jun 2019
I cry inside my silent world
and beg to find a lesser pain;
a pain that can be reconciled
with thoughts of love of self, contained.

The outside world is raging still...
We stumble yet to find our way
and fall unto a darkened path,  
while those we love are led astray.

I close my door once more to hide;
to block the sounds that I recall.
Amidst the ghosts of days gone by
and secrets that we bury, all.

How foolish to believe I’ve healed!
But yet my skin is crawling still,
as I recall the years gone past,
the pain and grief come raging back.

So I stay inside my placid home,
deplete of all who cause me pain,
to find the peace I long to have
and hope for life without the rain.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jun 2020
If wishes flew upon the wind, I’d reach above and catch me some,
and bring them back to earth with me, and keep them safe for days to come.
I’d wish for peace in troubled times, for those not knowing how to love;
for those afflicted by our plagues, without the means to rise above.

For all my brothers in our world, I’d wish we’d all learn to embrace,
and look beyond our differences, to see the wealth beyond our face.
For black or white, brown, red, or gold, we’re all the same within our skins;
all look for love and brotherhood, and truth beyond our earthly sins.

If wishes flew upon the wind, I’d catch a few as they passed by,
and make my wishes into acts, to help all those who as they cry;
I’d find my voice and sing with all; a choir that lifts beyond the noise,
and with this song, send up a prayer, for those who hear; peace in our time.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jun 2020
I’m frightened for our nation, with each new crises arise,
the fear within is palpable, and weighs us down inside,
our war against pandemic, civil rights, and border walls,
each day brings new anxiety, within our bloodied halls.

I’m frightened for our people, as each day brings mounting fear,
we see the unemployment, death, destruction, through our tears.
The protests and the burning, all remind us of the past,
hurt everyone who lives within, regardless of our “caste”.

I’m frightened for my loved ones, as we struggle through our days,
and close our doors to our past lives in an effort to stay safe,
inside our silent solitude, while others squander theirs,
without a mask to shield us from the virus that they share.

I’m frightened for tomorrow as we try our best to heal,
I do all that I can myself, to others I appeal.
Today’s our day of reckoning, whichever way we can,
we lift our voice imploring and with prayer we take our stand.
All poems copy write by Vicki Kralapp in June, 2020
Vicki Kralapp Apr 2020
When summer makes its curtain call,
and warm winds die, just after fall,
before the winter ice storms play,
and take their place upon the stage.

Your curtain lifts for just one week,
as autumn colors reach their peak
and dazzle us with one last play,
before the audience turns away.

With one last act before the night,
of bitter cold and frozen white.
That final night, you give your all,
and leave with final curtain’s fall.

At last, when autumn comes again,
it brings along its native friend,
and Summer dances on the stage
of vibrant colors, on display.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Memories crying, screaming to be heard.
Try as I might to bury these amidst busy days,
still they rise from the backyard of my mind haunting my dreams,
making youth a nightmarish memory.

Empty rooms cry out in agonizing silence.
White ghosts float on lifeless bodies with the same question; why?
Anxious moments still taunt just beyond of safety.
The sickness that gave birth to this still clouds the mind.  

So long ago, a lifetime to make peace, still lucid moments of torment
making March an anniversary dirge.
It makes no sense to cry for those gone, for mortals spent in tragedy,
yet every year I try to understand once again, why?
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2019
I’ve searched the world for signs of me,
since I was but a child,
but never found the one within,
who chose to dwell inside.

I’ve known my passion for the arts,
would someday guide my days,
and found the world a wonderland,
to visit on my way.

But never did I know myself,
however hard I’d try,
for I'd been locked behind the bars,
that others built to hide.

A soul which yearned to see beyond,
a female lacking choice,
to be the one created strong,
without a proper voice.

But deep inside this chrysalis,
no wings to set her free,
was growing strength to be herself;
what she was meant to be.

That tiny soul awaiting dawn,
the day I’d finally see,
the beauty hidden deep inside;
a song of love for me.

At last I’ve met this silent soul,
freed from me deep inside;
this woman filled with grace and love,
no longer needs to hide.

I’ve finally woken to a world,
alight with endless skies,
and I embrace a love so great,
it gives me wings to fly.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2013
I am searching for someone
who will make me complete.
I call for the one
and my heart skips a beat.

The one who is out there
will fill me with joy.
He will show me he cares,
lives our lives to enjoy.

Doesn't act like a boy,
but a man and a friend,
and whose heart does enjoy
a love that lasts 'til the end.

Are you out there my darling,
my loved one, the one?
Can I live my life planning
that some day you'll come?

I will build a tomorrow
with more than just me.
I am ready to find you,
now you have the key.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
I’ve been inside my head for all my life, listening to the voice within, trying to make peace with silent demons lying in wait.

These intruders remain, unwanted and uninvited,
wishing and praying for someone to banish them from my dreams.

Fearful moments spent hiding in dreams, amusing no one,
wondering, waiting and watching for weakness.

Brief glimpses of hope, wishing away the moments, days, weeks and years until now waiting, watching for life to come and sweep me away.

Living to die and dieing to live, making my way through this life.
Treading through too many souls for me to see my way,

Could you be the hope sent to free me from past haunts, my love, my all?
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Feb 2019
Upon the dark and snow filled sky,
I gaze out past the houses glow,
at snowflakes flying past the lights
and blanket all that lay below.

On such a winter’s night as this,
awaiting sleep, both deep and fast.
within the midst of icy winds and
winter’s Polar Vortex blast.

A mug of cocoa in my hand
to warm me from inside this room,
I lay beneath my downy quilt,
and bid the storm winds hasten through.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Out of dreams you came to me,
a ghost of memories past.
You promised to mend my broken heart?
and make me forget at last.

But in the end, like dinosaurs,
a skeleton is all that remains.
Loneliness holds me close,
you’ve just added to the pain.

I dream of a time before we met,
trying to get back home.
Why don’t you leave my memory
and let me heal alone.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jun 2013
Once I woke to find my knight,
  at first sign of morning light,
  lying softly in the sun's first rays.

Quietly I lie in wonder,
  watching as my thoughts did ponder
  as the light against his face did play

While my mind repeated lowly,
  I began to listen slowly,
  to its crisp and clear refrain;

Take this one and let him know
  how it is your love has grown
  and let him wipe away your years of pain.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Vicki Kralapp Jan 13
Outside my window, you howl through the pines,
like a dog moaning deep in the night.
Through the cracks in my window, you speak to me,
with a whistle of Arctic wind, squealing with delight.

White envelopes the landscape, blanketing all,
blinding those who venture into this wilderness.
Falling snowflakes encircle lumps of cars,
buried beneath this winter wonderland of ice.

The frosty wind slaps my face, with a stinging pain,
and like a robber creeping beneath my clothing,
you steal the warmth from inside.
Bracing against the wind, I head into the blizzard’s bite.
Copy write 1/12/24 Vicki Kralapp
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2013
I am dreaming of a love that allows me to be free,
to be myself and not be afraid of what life holds for me.
I've prayed for this so long, it seems I cannot quite recall
of a time when I was not alone and did not want it all.

I dreamt of a love to hold me close and stay through troubled times,
to make me feel like I was special and ease my troubled mind.
One who will make me feel secure despite advancing years,
a man who will hold a handkerchief and wipe away the tears.

It seems to me that this is not too much to ask one for,
to give me something that will last and not to look for more.
It cannot be that You have made me live this life alone,
for You have promised me another in life to make a home.

So please don't fail me now for my time is growing nigh.
For 'til now this life has given me just any plain old guy
Can You be called to give me a someone to give me hope
so that I can live my life with joy and love to help me cope?
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
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