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one of the Dakotas    “So come, my friends, be not afraid. We are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear. Tho’ ...
To walk and pass our long love’s day. Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. ...
Mark Upright
Psalms 37:37 Mark the man of integrity, and behold the upright; for there is a future for the man of peace. there is no perfect ...
From the ashes
no truth login
when I login, my truths insist, all the rest is vanity; so you see the writing comes hard, but the knees promise with every step ...
in the garden of Eden    sundial, of stone and bronze, wasting, weathered green, measurer of time in years; doomed to erode; and YET, the iris comes but for days, yet ...
Agent Provocateur4
**at your own peril** dare to vex provoke, antagonize, exasperate that is what my words will do they won't irritate or annoy, bug you or ...
22/F    Texas for sure, a girl, a woman, a mystery, a buzzard and an eagle
False Poets
how oft in life do we presume, take for granted grants so extra-ordinary that we forget to remember the extra and see only the ordinary. ...
tween the heart and NYC    only love poems and other complaints; “teach me where the apostrophe goes, the comma and why the question mark is curved and dotted like my ...
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    Dear World: You forget, but we have long memories. We are the eternal nation. “Is this who you are, is this how you write? With ...
New Caledonia    write less, write better, learn from you...
where we are    little could I imagine then that poetry would pick me at all, especially to write of words in dialects I don’t speak, but imaging their ...
night unkind
nighttime    and next to nothing is everything, all worth knowing, you, write my poetry, as I write of you with breathless ease and comfort, for the ...

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