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Feb 2020 · 78
Larry Feb 2020
[towards unaware-realities]
We had talked
(an other 3 & me)
in short-  touching upon a topic, but
(involved w/ open...)
from where I stand now
(& ongoing discourse)
amid current
mitigation and/or determination--
if I were a'float
in the Astral Realm
I'd like to be the frequency
of this song:
Led Zeppelin - Brandy & Coke
(Trampled Under Foot - Initial Rough Mix)
(Official Audio)
For those who may not know
the link will work if held
Feb 2020 · 81
Missing Appropriation
Larry Feb 2020
Notice the ways that turn-up kind faces
a glow in moments renown as it were
on a roll-- dialect impeccable, matching
terse w/ applicably rung outburst
commanding further an audibleverse
comprised on sly-eyes wry-guise small fries
compared to wise-guys.
(at times when feeling)
Optional Info:
I've looked into & asked the internet, but
as of now, this phone doesn't provide for
the en or em dash.
Feb 2020 · 80
An Example:
Larry Feb 2020
Excitement weens
Lost on same means.
Capital letters advance
Derivative fiends.

Thought to know
Knew an understanding
Understood falsehood
Uncovered branding.

Sowed my prairie
Seriously when initiated
Before then merrily
Long lines tarried.

Uncovering happening
Uncovers everything.
Depths found futile
Resounds blaspheming.

Looked onto lies
Sought unto skies.
Regarded partially lost
Time's, " Robert Frost ".

Still now retain
My lost for gain
Each day innuendo
Earmarked by same.

Heroes to our legend
Formed fancily stowed
Mind's willful haven
Sourcing its unfold.
Feb 2020 · 66
2 Paragraphs Pained
Larry Feb 2020
What can I share today with everyone here
Hmm...definitely difficult getting any
thoughts in order for presentation.
What I do know is that whatever this may
end up becoming, will still be warm
to another's touch
as it would be if I just penned this to paper
and then handed it to you.
In other words:
it'll be a writing session's produce.
I sense the pain in my *** already
from doing this another way
and will kindly not
do that.

That's just my first thought.
Decided I'd share, because I hadn't known
how the finer details worked on this site
until I finally applied & received membership
and began splicing words.
Pretty confident now as to how
to go about functioning effectively.
And grateful I am; in before I sow any doubt.
Feb 2020 · 80
Larry Feb 2020
Another New-Day.
One where I give it ordinance
and stands proper.
Never one to shy-away from giving due
whilst paying-dues
and more than likely to draw-near
befriending that which is inside of you.

Questions w/ their various answers
riddled-out in sequence for actions
but not excluding inactions
for all stimuli exact happenstance
playing-out as rigmarole- happenchance
leaving answers w/ certitude verifiable
although their nature elusive, thus: unreliable.
Feb 2020 · 72
Rise of The Disparaged
Larry Feb 2020
Write this ****** as I've any care too.
Words rarely imply presented struggle
w/ capable conditions I've compared you.

Words struggle along routine routes
imitable in their ruthless mouths
seeping feeble attempts from keeping 'in' - out.

Brandishing burritos w/ nutritional intent
my concerns happily underserved
yet proficiently inept.

Talk of me -honestly- espouse worries wept:
means very little to those of us found down
(entrenched)- in here near sheer last-step.

Spurn-on to other realities unspoken for
just as prevalent; their prevalence
shatters all: unequivocally...then more.

Undying infatuations contentiously fraught
w/ awe to beget
rescind garbled-frequencies lest thee scorned to forget
such ideological complications pale against an implemented lament.

Mustering strength readying capability calmly set:
among the least you'd reasonably think do
but will ultimately come to expect.
- written w/out contempt, but rather in-love for those Heaven sent.
Jan 2020 · 67
Hellopoetry Imprint
Larry Jan 2020
Digitally scaled
verbose some forgotten
joyously glorious while others
etched rotten.
Ecosystem's variety
of sorts all begotten.
Providing much, if not all,
for any of our human condition.
In appreciation of all you who write, but especially to those who apply it here.

— The End —