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125 · Oct 2019
Care For The Future.
The Future is challenging the bottom and the top.
Today is worth for tomorrow, please care for the future.
One can be negligence with the past but not with the future.
The future is challenging the bottom and the top.
Is being an orphan a new beginning, or a hard life from the bottom to the top?
Is being born in a rich family a simple life, or a hard life to maintain for the future?
Care for the future, the past was not in your control, care for the future!
Prepare for the worst, while you pray for the best, if you want to be at the top.

Everything big start small, choice is yours.
Every second is yours, what you do with it, it’s up to you.
The way you care for the future, depends to your future goals.
Everything big start small, choice is yours.
Children care for the future, care for the nation, our future is in you.
Children care for the future, please your goals must align with god goals.

-Written by: The Senior 31/10/2019
-The Difference
Indeed, software development is my sport.
My passion looks posh, but it’s not classy for real.
My craving looks classy, but it’s not stylish for real.
Design, coding, testing, and maintaining code is my sport.
Yes, coding is fun, yes debugging code is my sport.
Yes, how I make it, I google it, I download it for real.
Stackoverflow, the problem solver, I love you for real.
Stackoverflow, the wiser- ******* of my sport.

Again and again, this business is cool to run.
Just a computer, internet, and electricity, I get started.
Just business information technology is my department.
Bring those headphones and that laptop bag for my project runs.
Just a business-minded introvert, that’s how I get started.
Just mathematics makes me excel in my web backend department.

Written By: The Senior Date: 12/11/2021
-The Vision
Lord of mercy, please forgive our sins and have mercy on us.
Coronavirus is now disturbing the services of the church.
Coronavirus has become a poisonous snake in your church.
Devil is ambushing the church, coronavirus is abusing and killing us.
Coronavirus is on the air, coronavirus is spreading amongst us.
Our Lord, now we understand we need you, coronavirus is at large.
Our Lord expects very few mass prayers, coronavirus is in charge.
Lord of mercy, please forgive our sins and have mercy on us.

Coronavirus, why are you masking our preachers?
Coronavirus, how are we going to sing with your mask?
This coronavirus is like an ambush in the night, all Satan viruses on us!
This is coronavirus ambush in church, coronavirus is opening fire to worshipers!
Dear coronavirus, our lord is a conqueror, you will also get your mask!
Dear brethren, protect yourself, coronavirus is opening fire on us!

-Written By: The Senior Date: 24/03/2020
-This Era is Mine
113 · Mar 2020
Walking Temple
I am a servant of a walking temple.
I am the servant of this walking church.
Some call me the servant of this walking cathedral.
Some say the servant of this walking mosque.
Misunderstand your walking temple and be a lost and found.
Misunderstand your walking church and be a group member.
Forget your walking cathedral and start comparing religions.
Forget your mosque and be a lost and found.

Let us go to our temple and share what is in our walking temples.
Let us go to our church to praise God, caring for the walking church.
Servant of a walking cathedral, servant of a walking mosque;
No one is better than one another, let us continue living in harmony
Servant of a walking church, servant of a walking temple
No one is better than one another, let us continue living in harmony
112 · Nov 2020
Testimony Time
Thank You, God, it's testimony time.
Thank You, Lord, it's testimony time.
He can’t keep it, you are no longer a secret.
She can’t keep it, you are no longer a secret.
Let the house talk like you in Isaiah Chapter 45.
Let the church speaks the first person like Isaiah 45.
Thank You, Lord, it's testimony time.
Thank You, God, it's testimony time.

God of truth helps him, open up the truth!
Lord of truth helps her, open up the truth!
He can’t keep it, he has tested you.
She can’t keep it, she has tested you.
Thank you, God, come and reveal yourself to them.
Thank you, Lord, let be you revealing yourself to them.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
105 · Jan 2023
Lord I am Your Child
Lord of mercy, Lord of old!
Yes Lord of old, yes, yes, yes!
Oh My God, yes, my Sweet Lord!
Thank you Lord, Thank you my Sweet Lord!
People of this World, answer me!
People of this world, answer him!
How many times, I must win!
How many days, I must win?
How many years, I must win?
Before you call him a child of God!
How many months, I must win?
How many weeks, I must Win?
Before you call him a child of God!
Thank you Lord, Lord I am your child!

Written By: The Senior Date: 01/01/2023
-The Indisputable
105 · Jan 2023
We Are Back
Thanks Lord, We Are Back!
Thanks God, We are There!
All the ups and downs are thing of the past!
All the win and loss are thing of the past!
We together say (thanks Lord we are there)
Thanks Lord we are Back!
Thanks Lord we are Back!
Thanks Lord, We are there

2023 is the year of great moves!
I'm declaring great moves like a pastor on the pulpit!
Thanks Lord, I speak Like that man of the pulpit!
Thanks Lord, We are back and I can feel your grace!
Thanks Lord, Were are there and I can see your mercy!
All I say in God We Are Back, and we will be there!

Written By: The Senior Date: 31/12/2022
-The Indisputable
104 · Sep 2020
God Was There.
Somewhere over there, the Lord Said we must fear not.
The day David conquered Goliath, the same God was there!
The day Elijah shattered Baal, The same God was there!
Somewhere over there, The Lord Said we must fear not!
Somewhere over there, our God Said we must worry not!
In my mother’s womb, I was a zygote and he was there!
In our slumber, he is somewhere over there!
Somewhere over there, he sees, I fear not and worry not!

Fear not, worry not, he is the God of Moses, thank you, Lord!
Somewhere over there, you promised Canaan and you did!
Yes, somewhere over there, doubt and fear were there!
Yes Lord, somewhere over there, you provided thank you, Lord!
Some came to him sick and they were healed ( indeed)!
Let me go home, when the plan was made, the same God was there.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
-The Survivor
104 · Dec 2022
The Senior World Request
Dear United Nations;
Dear The West;
Dear The East;
Thank You Lord!
Thank You My Lord.
Dear The South (my African Continent!);
Dear The North (My White Angels Continent!);
I kindly write this letter,
To voice out my sincere request;
Thank you Lord, my sincere request
goes Like this "Can we learn to solve
the imbalance and inequality in our world;
Not to claim to be better than one another"
Thank You My World; Yours truly The Senior.

Written By: The Senior Date: 12/11/2022
-The New Chapter
103 · Mar 2023
Religious People
Thanks Lord, here we are (Religious people)
Religious judgement over spiritual people;
Thanks Lord, final judgement is yours;
They judge based on their religion;
Thanks Lord, is their judgement.
The Lord is our saviour and our final Judge.
Oh my God, Here we are;
Yes Lord, here we are;

Wars everywhere we go;
Tears of money, everywhere we go.
Kings Failed to understands one another.
Presidents are failing to understands one another.
Man of your spirituality, pray for us.
Man of your religion, pray for us.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
-Religious People's Era
What Get-together!
What get-together!
On my ambush Get-together coaching them thugs.
On my ambush get-together giving tips to the thugs.
Let us be wise, be safe at any get-together?
Let us learn to differentiate love and ambush get-together.
Love fool me on my ambush get-together, be wise!
Love face on my ambush get-together, be wise.

Never lose your privacy due to love, be safe.
Never ambush yourself because of the word love, be safe.
Let love be love, let ambush get-together be ambush get-together.
Let marriage be marriage, let get-together be get-together.
Never give more than they give, never risk more than the risk.
Never take more than they take, never risk more than the risk.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
96 · Dec 2020
Deepest Ocean.
Have you ever heard about this deepest ocean?
Where are my parents, where are my teachers?
Where are my teachers, where are my parents?
I am confused in this deepest ocean.
I am lost in this deepest ocean.
Gone are my friends, scared of my parents.
Gone are my friends, scared of my teachers.
I am lost and confused in this deepest dark ocean.

Love where are you, my friends where are you?
My parents where are you, this ocean is deep?
My teacher forgives me, confused is my future!
Love where are you, God where are you?
Lord where are you, this ocean is dark, hot, and deep!
Love where my parents are, love where is my future?

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
85 · Dec 2020
No Means No
No means No!
Yes, no means No!
World of abusers can you hear this.
World of uncles can you hear this.
Yes, nope, nope means No!
Yes, no means No!
Rudeboy can you hear this.
Rude uncle can you hear this.

We are tired of this violence in our world!
We are tired of this male violence in our world!
Guys can you hold one another, be wise!
Guys, we were meant to be together can you be nice.
Nothing I can say about that world of married uncles.
Nothing much about this violence of married uncles!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
82 · Mar 2022
Keep It True
My time is so expensive as my life
Bring it back, my cent is my milli-second.
Remember when I used to wine and dine;
(Keep It True), any conversation is my ladder to 7 figures.
I'm so expensive like I'm a Bill Gates consultant (Keep It True).
My dream is too big for me, to play hide and seek.
Very few lovers, who keep it true as me.
I thank my God, for being kind to me.
I thank my Lord, for being kind to me.
ah, I'm so elevated and protected.
Mine is to stick to my plan and keep it true.
Weather shouting big "Get out and do big"
Climate shouting big "Get out and innovate big".
Innovation and creativity is my weapon (Keep It True).

Written By: The Senior Date: 30/03/2022
-The Vision
81 · Nov 2020
Let Your Will Be Done
Psalm 27:1, Thank You, Lord.
Through thick and thin, you have been with me.
Through thick and thin, I have been with him.
Let your will be done, in my life, my God.
Let your will be done, in my life, my Lord.
Through thick foes and thin foes, I’ve been with him.
Through thin foes and thick foes, I’ve been with him.
Psalm 23:1, Thank You, Lord!

Confused are my foes.
Confused are my enemies, this is not personal.
Thank you, God, of David, your love is incomparable.
This is God's success, confused are my foes.
Confused are my enemies, this is not personal.
Thank you, God, of David, your protection is incomparable.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
80 · Mar 2020
Decorated Devils
Are we in a world of wolves?
Are we decorated devils?
Our neighbors are in perils.
Are we in a church or a habitat of wolves?
Church members are we clever wolves?
Are we the chosen of God or decorated devils?
Are we doers of the scripture or decorated devils?
Is the scripture or going to church our gloves?

I wonder what we are going to say when the Lord comes.
I wonder what that neighbor says when we go to church.
No matter what, that neighbor says we are decorated devils.
I wonder what we are going to say when the Lord comes.
I wonder what that neighbor says when we go to church.
No matter what, that neighbor says we are decorated devils.

-Written By: The Senior
This Era is mine
79 · Mar 2022
Oh My God
Oh my Lord, these people.
They point at me and say (oh my God).
They look at me and say (oh my Lord)
I got my own belief, oh my God these people.
Oh my God, oh my Lord, your people;
They make me feel high, who is their Lord.
Let me get my glasses off, who is your Lord?
Oh my God, oh my ancient God these people.

Oh my God, evangelist point fingers at traditionalist
Oh, my Lord, traditionalists point fingers at evangelists.
Oh, my savior, I question myself, did they know you?
Oh my Savior, have you called this evangelist.
Oh my God, do you know this traditionalist?
Oh my God, a double standard in this spiritualist.

-Written By: The Senior 11/03/2022
-The Vision
76 · Aug 2019
The World Of Friends.
What you know and I do not know?
Where were you, when it happens?
What, Let me tell you before I go?
Ok friend, when it was taken?
Our daily friends will not ask what, but answer!
I wonder if the lying spirit is on the sky or star.
From there, you **** your partner, why (no answer)?
Real, the spirit is on the star or sky?
Real now, you made me feel psychopathy.
In a liar’s world, life is so stressful.
I wonder if sometimes we do think twice.
I wonder if my friend’s life is to raise me or pull me down.
When you feel angry liars mission become successful.
Let me keep quiet before they ask themselves do I think twice.

             Written by – The Senior 24/08/ 2017.
I'm Responsible (The 14)
75 · Nov 2021
I Am What I Am
I refused to be what you wanted me to be.
I am what I am, not a product of any rabid aristocrats.
I refused to be a product of any corrupt aristocrats.
Yes, my primary school teachers, I am what I wanted to be.
Yes, my high school peerage, I am what I wanted to be.
My Love, I rebelled, and I can still rebel.
Yes, I need to know your shrine cause I might rebel and rebel.
Even then, I say I am easy to rebel against any tyranny in my life.
Even then, I say I am my own tyrant, I don’t need any in my life.
You tyrant of many dollars, skedaddle before I bang your beer belly.
You rabid dictator, skedaddle before I strike in your beer belly.
You aristocrats, you have no room to devise better advice in my life.
Written By: The Senior Date: 08/08/2021
-The Vision
75 · Feb 2022
They Then
I told them, you're a superstar.
I told them, my friend is a superstar.
I warned them about siding with these amateur boys.
I warned them about siding with these amateur boys.
I told them, you're a superstar.
I told them, my friend is a superstar.
They then decided to side with these amateur boys.
Yes, they then decided to side with these amateur boys.
They then ask me, why I call you a superstar;

I went out and tell them everywhere you compete
You find the judges calling you the superstar.
Yes, you find them calling me the first class.
Yes, you find my fans over the moon when I compete;
They then ask me, why I call myself a superstar;
Then I said, "my STD 5 & JC continue screaming first class"!

Written By: The Senior Date: 14/02/2022
-They Then
74 · Mar 2022
How To Love II
Oh my God, how to love this person.
When you give her love (oh my God);
She thinks you are a fool (oh my Lord);
Starvation on other families, (oh my God this person).
Oh my God, other demons, (oh my Lord this person).
She makes me feel high, are you her Lord?
Let me get my glasses on, oh my girl, who is your Lord?
Oh my God and my lawyers, how to love this person?

Oh my God, last time I met Lucifer face to face.
Oh my Lord, sometimes your mercy confuses me.
Oh my Lord, an eye for an eye, oh my God, where is Moses?
Oh my jury, last time I met a gold digger face to face.
Oh my judges, at times your discernment confuses me.
Oh my jury, double standard glasses are needed to help Moses.

-Written By: The Senior Date: 11/03/2022
-The Vision
74 · Apr 2020
Blanket Of Confusion.
What a cloudy day of my life!
What a confusing day of my life!
Being joined by a kid, not of your family blood.
What a blanket night, while you expect your blood.
I thought it was just a blanket of confusion, what a day!
Kid and a new love relationship on the same day!
I woke up crying, but I thought it was just a dream.
I woke up frustrated, but I thought it was just a dream.

Learn to be faithful to your partner and yourself.
Learn to seek God before you take any action.
Nightmares and dreams have some purposes!
I spent only eleven hours and a kid came to myself;
I relaxed for three hours, and the beautiful lady approved my affection!
What a trap of that blanket, of confusion, with its acute purposes.

-Written By: The Senior Date: 10 Jan 2018.
-Deeper Than A Sonnet
74 · Oct 2021
The Moment Of Truth
The moment of truth has arrived, the moment of truth!
This life is no longer the same, everybody can agree with me!
This life costs money to live, everybody can agree with me!
No matter what can be said, the moment of truth has arrived!
No tree for hiding, no corner to turn, the moment of truth has arrived!
Sometimes you have to hustle like hustle without prayer is useless.
Sometimes you have to pray, like prayer without hustle is useless.
No matter how much you pray, no one can give you food every day.
No matter how much you earn, you will never know your last day.
This life, this world, is it true, this life is encircled.
This world, this life, is it true, this world is encircled.
Maybe we need to call it an encircled life (hustlers).
Maybe we need to call it an encircled life (entrepreneurs).
Psalm 27 is my way to go in this encircled life.

Written By: The Senior Date:21/09/2021
-The Vision
73 · Oct 2021
Billionaires Poems
Thank you, Lord, I'm always a step ahead.
Billionaires poems on my head.
Billionaire's mindset on my poems.
Procrastination stops bumming my brand.
No matter what they say, I'm always a step ahead.
My mind is rich, my hands leaking songlike poems.
My mind thinking big, my lips spilling melodious poems.
Never undermine yourself, I say walk tall!
I'm thinking big, I'm walking tall!
They betray me, day in and day out, and I don't mind.
I don't care, they chose to play with their mind.
No matter what they do, I'm still thinking big.
No matter what they say, I'm still making big.
Thank you, Lord, hustler's mind is found in my poems.

Written By: The Senior Date: 10/07/2021
-The Vision
72 · May 2020
New World
Living in a new world is a dream come true.
The bad we have been through is now thing of the past.
High death rates, lockdowns are things of the past.
Living in a new world is a dream come true.
Living in a new world is a dream come true.
Tears of *** and AIDS are now things of the past.
Tears of coronavirus are now things of the past.
Living in a new world is a dream come true.

New world, new world you are welcome.
Heavenly father is this our new world?
Heavenly father thanks for this new world.
Thank you lord, new world you are welcome.
Heavenly father is this our new world?
Heavenly father thanks for this new world.

Written By: The Senior Date:22/05/2020
-New Hope Appetizer
The World is Yours And Everything on it!
Go and Get it, (Thanks Lord)!
Ah, I Got a New Life Point Of View!
I Got a New OS, everything is New!
I Got a New Lord, (Thanks Lord)!
Ah, Me and My Witches We Hustle Hard!
Yes, Me and My ******* We Hustle Hard!
Thanks Lord, They Witch and ***** While I Code!

Ah, they Cheat and ***** While I Code, Even at 0000hrs.
Thanks Lord, For Giving Me More Strength Behind This Code.
No Matter What They Do, My Life is New, in-fact it's Blue!
Thanks Lord, They Dupe Me and They Think I'll fall but they fall!
Ah, These Dudes, They Need to Recheck Their Forced God.
Ah, Let me Pray Like Their claiming God Forced Them to Claim My Life!

Written By: The Senior Date: 10/10/2022
-New Chapter
70 · Apr 2020
Pray To Him
Sometimes life is not easy, let’s cry to him.
At times life throws scary things to us.
Sometimes life is a misunderstanding to us.
So, let us pray to God, Pray to him.
No matter what, we will praise him.
No matter what, he had a good plan for us.
He may look so far away from us,
But with faith and trust we will pray to him.

We had been through thick and thin
He is our messiah, during the day and night.
As long as we live, we will trust on you.
Coronavirus no coronavirus, we will pray to him.
We will listen to his voice day and night.
God of Jesus, no matter what we trust in you.

-Written By: The Senior 03/04/2020
-This Era Is Mine
69 · Nov 2020
The-The drama
You guys, I hope you are going to love this.
You guys, I hope you are going to like this.
You know he makes drama while he breaks the grammar.
You know he makes money while he breaks the grammar.
You like it when he completes a stanza of you-you alliteration?
You love it when he says the-the, what a tractor acceleration?
You-you, he breaks the grammar for the sake of the drama!
You-you, he repeats words for the sake of making a grammar drama!

This drama used to give Mrs. Doe a tough time in my school.
This grammar drama used to give Miss Doe a tough time in my school.
Two years later, she bumped into me and she said “dope drama”.
Two, three, or four will represent Miss Doe in your talent or grammar.
Thanks to teachers training kids to be better in their talents.
Thank you Lord for this the-the drama, let them shinny their talents.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
68 · May 2020
Alone I came
I will be alone in judgment.
I will be alone in front of the Lord.
It’s like I am getting lost in the eyes of the lord.
Alone I came, alone I will face the judgment.
Alone I was born, heaven is my achievement.
It’s like these people want me lost in the eyes of the Lord.
I have no side deal with the devil, no deal, or no bond.
Yes, alone I came, I will be alone on my judgment.

Alone I came, alone I will go.
Alone I was registered, alone I will fail or pass.
This life is a do it yourself project.
Alone I came, alone I will go.
Alone I was born, alone I will pass.
Do not forget this life is a do it yourself project.

Written By: The Senior Date: 21/02/2018
-Deeper Than A Sonnet
68 · Apr 2020
Coronavirus Other Side
Thanks Lord once again, last time I saw devil in church.
No church, no cathedral, I will praise your name.
No Miracles, No instruments, I will praise your name.
Thanks Lord, there was misunderstanding in church.
Praise God, there is no mosque, no cathedral, no church.
Our world was too noisy, our world forgot your name.
Calm your heart and praise the lord, praise his name.
Calm down and read your scripture in the absence of the church.

People of the world, here is enough time to review your conducts
Last time I saw devil in church, dear coronavirus what is your purpose?
Last time, I heard some complaining about false prophets.
Some say our world is corrupt and has a lot of bad conducts.
Praise God once again, dear coronavirus what is your purpose?
In every bad there is something good, what they want in a false prophet.

-Written By: The Senior undefined
This Era Is Mine
65 · Aug 2020
They Hate Me
How are you, haters, and lovers?
Let me take my glasses off and tell the truth.
They hate me or love me but I will tell the truth.
Listen attentively, haters, and lovers.
Misunderstanding is in your head, yes you haters and lovers.
Your point of view is what they hate, that is the truth.
Your point of view is what they love that is the truth.
If I do not know you, how I can be amongst your haters or lovers.

Truly speaking we hate your attitude, your ego, and so on.
Truly speaking can’t you see you are with the wrong people.
Give us respect, a space with no ego and attitude.
Truly speaking we love respect, good humanity, and so on.
Truly speaking can’t you see you are with the right people.
Give us no money but respect, love, and get that gratitude.

Written By: The Senior 5/08/2020
64 · Sep 2021
Some Hearts
The Senior, The Number One.
The hustler, the Number One.
I still give love, but some hearts.
I still give care, that was just some hearts.
Heart issues, some people, some hearts.
Never stress about them, Just take care.
Never give up, just keep on giving good care.
My flare was blazing, but some hearts.
My love was real, but some hearts.
Let me focus on my business, but some hearts.
Let me focus on my flare, but some hearts.
Never work for the best, before planning for the worst.
Never expect the best, before preparing for the worst.
I still say some hearts.

Written By: The Senior Date:21/08/2021
-The Vision
63 · Nov 2020
This Slate is QWERTY
Go green, go green.
My pen is unique!
My life is unique!
I’m going green!
I'm going green!
This slate is unique!
This pen is unique!
Go green, go green.
Go green, go green (no traffic light on my front)!
Go green The Senior go green, (they say this slate is QWERTY)!
They say they press CTRL + C, CTRL + V and they are done!
Go green, go green, no exercise book on my front!
Go green The Senior go green, (they say this slate is QWERTY)!
They say I must press CTRL + S, once I am forever done!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
63 · Feb 2020
World Vision
Let us say thank you to World Vision.
Let us learn from this kindly woman (World Vision).
Thank you, mother, of this world.
Thank you, father, of this world.
Let the world call you the hand of God.
Let the world call you the heart with God.
Thank you, woman, with an abundance of love.
Thank you, father, with an abundance of love.

Pillar of our generations, pillar of our nations.
Thank you, kind parent, of our generations.
Let the world honor your presence.
Let the world cherish your presence.
What a mother with care, World Vision.
What a mother with teachings, World Vision.

Written -undefined
-The Senior
63 · Dec 2020
Tick On My Heart
Tick on my heart.
Tick against my heart.
What an ambush in this game of love.
What an ambush in a face of love.
My heart is regretting the day my eyes saw you!
My heart is in tears and asking why I met you!
You are just a burden on my shoulders.
You are just a heavy load on my shoulders!

Tick on my heart, stay away, stay away from my life!
I regret the day I met you, stay away from my life!
Never take advantage, learn to work for yourself.
Never take advantage, learn to fish for yourself.
I will better stay alone, you are just a sharp pain in my heart
I will better sleep alone, you are just a tick on my heart!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
62 · Mar 2022
Kings & Queens.
Kings and Queens;
Presidents and Prime ministers;
Military Commanders and ministers.
You see me, I respect you all as my Kings and Queens.
You see me, I also think our citizens are our Kings and Queens.
My time, let me say all protocol reserved, and take my glasses off.
You see me clearly and vividly now, I am not an on and off.
Political people let us all think of the citizens as our Kings and Queens.

Let us all stand up and sing together in love.
Our country is a country of Kings and Queens
Our world is a world of Queens and Kings.
Let us say no to abusing one another, I say one love!
I say our country is a country of Kings and Queens.
Thank you, (we say the world is a world of Queens and Kings).

Written By: The Senior Date: 27/02/2022
-The Vision
62 · May 2020
God Success III
I was born a step away from hell.
Jesus Christ made a way for me;
I was a step away from hell.
I was a step away from hell.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for me.
Jesus Christ paid it all on the cross for me.
Son of the most high, you took me out of hell.
Son of the most high, took me out of hell.

Lord of mercy, where I will go from you?
Lord of David, where I was going to be without you?
Lord of Solomon, all I have is yours.
Lord of Job, my life is yours.
People of this world, this is not personal but his success.
People of this world, this is not personal but God Success.

Written By The: Senior 20/02/2018
-Deeper Than A Sonnet
62 · Dec 2020
The world is all out there just for you.
Think twice before you go out there.
Think-think before you get out there.
The world is all out there just for you.
It’s all depends on what you do!
It won’t soft talk you, it’s just all out there.
Talented generation makes use of your talents out there.
This world of unemployment is all out there just for you.
This world demands talented and innovative people like you.

Think-think and make use of all opportunities you get.
Think twice because the weather might be cold or hot out there.
Stop wasting time, there is nothing for nothing in this world.
Shinny your talent and make use of all opportunities you get.
Think-think because the weather might be cold or hot out there.
Stop wasting time, make use of your talent to survive in this world.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
60 · Sep 2020
Levite Temptation
Money or not, I am a child of God.
Temptation or not, I am a child of the Lord.
Levites getting out of the lane, I will stick on the lane.
Let us know Levite's temptation is part of the game.
Temptation or Levite temptation test us not a man.
Tempted is that Levite, how can we help that man?
Elders pray for that Levite, this is Levite temptation.
Elders on your secret corners, can we pray for this temptation.

Let me take my eyes-glasses off and say it the way it comes like a prophet!
Elders, don’t you know an enemy targets the top and the bottom!
Elders, grab that mic and pen from that man, it costs us so much!
Let me drive on the fast lane to that editor, is he Baal’s prophet?
Levites and editors, please works like Elijah for the kingdom.
Thanks, Lord, let me shut-up, Levite temptation cost us so much.

-Written By: The Senior Date undefined
The Survivor
60 · Nov 2020
Crack or Die
Chains, I am also from the worst to the best.
Ah, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon like the rest.
Sometimes, life is rough like a crocodile.
Sometimes in life, you have to crack or die.
Crack or die, there is no time to rest.
Pessimist paranoid, I am the best.
They paid attention to me, while I pay it to my maker.
Ah, they think it's personal, this is from my maker.

Pay attention to your talent, until they call it a flair.
Passion for payment, perseverance for a permanent flair.
Money comes and goes with these *****.
Money is like a ****,  beware of these *****.
Irreversible is die or crack, better crack or die.
Incomparable is the life of a man living by his flair.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
60 · Oct 2022
Glory To Glory
Woo, this is the Lord I Praise!
Yes, this is the Lord I Praise!
Thank you, Lord, devil look at me!
My Steps are just Glory to Glory!
My hustle is just glory to glory!
Thank you, Lord (my life partner) this is me!
Demons shame on you, devil look at me!
My kindness and self-control are just glories to glory
Thank You, Lord, of My Fore-fathers.
I hate not, everyone is just a generation of my forefathers.
Thank You, Lord, Thank You, God;
My Lord, have mercy on them, love of money is in the sky.
They say the sky is the Limit, maybe money is their sky.
Thank you, Lord, for rewriting my name in your heaven books.
Written By: The Senior, Date: 12/10/2022
-The Cross Survivor
60 · Mar 2022
Let me get my glasses off.
How are you, my brothers?
How are you, my sisters?
I'm no longer that on/off.
Yes, I'm no longer that on/off.
I say depression stay away from my brothers
I say depression stay away from my sisters.
I'm no longer that on/off.

He was talking business and nodding his head.
We saw him in the bar, walking tall.
We saw him dancing for those ***** chords.
Yes, I was talking business and nodding my head.
No matter what they do, I will keep on walking tall.
Let us get our iPhones and post on those Facebook codes.

-Written By: The Senior Date: 14/02/2022
-The Vision
59 · Oct 2021
Make It Better.
Let us make it better.
Let us keep it better.
This world, must not have a spot of danger.
This world is a place of change.
Never betray your neighbor.
Better hurt your ***, not your partner.
Violence must be a word of the past.
Better focus on your future, not your past.
Let our good minds and prayers, be a step ahead of us.
let our retrospection be inspirational and motivational on us.
No devilish talks, no blaming one another.
Let us say no to blaming one another.
Let us make it better.
let us keep it better.

Written by The Senior Date:03/10/2021
-The Vision
57 · Aug 2020
It started where we do not know;
Surely it will ends where we do not know.
Psalm 27 is the way out, let’s live fearlessly.
Psalm 23 in summary says let's live fearlessly.
No need to argue about heaven existence;
Let's live as if there is a heaven existence.
No need to argue if you want to die fearlessly.
Let’s live sinless if we want to die fearlessly.

Read a book, think like an author of a book;
Read a verse, and be a doer of that verse.
I read Psalm 27, faith is on me, the lord is my light and my salvation.
I read no book, I think like no author of a book.
I read no verse, I think like no other verse.
Thanks, Lord, I read Psalm 27, be my light and my salvation.

Written By: The Senior 5/08/2020
-The Survivor
57 · Apr 2020
Faking Love
Rule Number one, you must never waste;
Thinking love is an achievement in this game of life.
Better keep trying and fail better in this game of life.
Rule number two, you must never copy and paste!
Ah, reminiscing those nights on expensive hotels, what a waste!
Taking her to places and eateries of some sort of this life;
That all I call broken memories of that faking love.
Better keep trying and fail better, never copy and paste.

You can imagine, how much your brother was wasting.
bunch of dollars for a day, what an expensive faking love.
Surely those fake kisses broke his heart to sharp pieces.
Do not give up, no matter how much you have been wasting
Do not give up, there is still life after any faking love.
Work on yourself and forget all those broken memories.

-Written By: The Senior Date: Undefined
This Era is Mine
55 · Dec 2020
Who I am?
How many times I must tell you, I am my own fool.
Comparing me with my neighbors is an insult to me.
Comparing me with my friends, that an insult to me.
How many times I must tell you?
How many times I must tell you, I am my own fool?
Dudes, differentiate my yesterday and today, to know me!
Yes, dudes, I build my today on yesterday's value that is me!
Dudes, how many times I must tell you, I am my own fool.

Compare yourself with dudes and lose yourself.
You dudes, stop insulting me, I am living my own life!
Your best dudes are themselves and I am who I am.
Compare yourself with dudes and lose yourself.
Compare yourself with yourself and stay away from my life!
Let yourself be your dudes, do you feel me, or you hear who I am?

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
55 · Feb 2020
Horse’s Mouth
Going through the things we go through;
Makes one thinks, I was born to be a fool.
What a painful feeling, to think you are a fool.
The same mistakes our ancestry goes through is what we do.
Amazingly everything happens in the sky blue!
Is it true, what goes around comes around?
Never let such a painful feeling to come around.
Is it true, we all want to be horse’s mouth, that why we do.

Learn from a friend, let us learn from our friends.
Never let a mistake of your friend, to be your failure too.
No need to repeat the same mistakes of our ancestry.
Learn to get it from the horse’s mouth, rather than our friends.
What a painful feeling, is it the life of letting them rat and fail too?
Indeed they all want to be horse’s mouth or be like their ancestry.

Written By: The Senior Date: 20/01/2020
-This Era is mine
54 · Nov 2020
Heaven Ready II
Psalm 27, the lord is my light.
I will never go back, I am the heaven type.
No matter what they say, I don’t mind.
No matter what they say, I don’t care.
Lord forgive me for my sins.
Let them talk what they like, I’m heaven ready.
Sometimes in life, you have to crack or die.
Lord forgive me for my sins and keeps me heaven ready.

I will never go back, I will better work day and night.
I will never agree to be a failure, I am the winning type.
No matter what they say, I don’t mind.
No matter what they say, I don’t care.
Let a win be a win, devil things are devil things.
Let a good day be a good day, dark day be a dark day.
Sometimes, life is rough like a crocodile.
Lord forgive me for my sins and keeps me heaven ready.

No matter what I go through, I know my future is bright.
No matter what I go through, I know I’m the winning type.
Yes, no matter what they say, I don’t mind.
Yes, no matter what they say, I don’t care.
Let hustlers things be hustler’s things;
Let dreamer’s day be dreamer’s day, hah, what a day.
Sometimes in life, you have to crack or die.
Lord forgive me for my sins and keeps me heaven ready.

Plan, commit, and act upon it until it comes into the spotlight.
I will never go back, I am the success type.
No matter what they say, I don’t mind.
No matter what they say, I don’t care.
Lord protect the successful me from sins.
Let heaven things be heaven things, hah, I’m heaven ready.
Sometimes, life is rough like a crocodile.
Lord forgive me for my sins and keeps me heaven ready.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
54 · Nov 2020
Senior Friends
Billions are in our country banks!
Billions are in our country banks!
The question, how much is yours?
The question, how much is yours?
I pray our youth can use their talents!
I pray our youth can use their talents!
Stop complaining, billions are just out there!
Stop complaining Trillions are just out there!

Senior Friends, everything big start small.
Senior Friends, everything big start small.
Today's one dollar is tomorrow's two dollars capital.
Today's complaint is tomorrow zero dollars capital.
Let us stand up, help will find us on the highway.
Let us get started, capital will find us along the way!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
54 · Nov 2020
Thomas World
Are caution signs our minds poisons?
Are we in Thomas World?
They advise us, but is it like is Thomas's world?
Are pieces of advice our minds poisons?
Are caution signs our minds poisons?
Is it worthy to tell disadvantages in Thomas's world?
Is it better to only tell advantages in Thomas's world?
Are caution signs our minds poisons?

They caution us about crocodiles and Thomas wants to see it.
Tell me, why we are repeating the same mistakes of our sisters.
I wonder what is going on, in Thomas's mind when you advise him.
I feel like we must tell Thomas the way we want it.
This is Thomas's world, totally different from the world of our fathers.
This is Thomas's world, an educated world, nothing you can hide for him.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
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