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Beyond the horizon....
In the fading shadows of evening
Through the enchanting swirl of night’s garb
Where the crimson of the Sun’s brilliance
Floats on the serene waves of sea
Wings flapping birds fly past across the limitless expanse of blue
The whisper of wind in an upward surge
Sets the tone for the heavenly bliss !
The earth bathed in myriad hues of nature
The mountains and their shining peaks
Planting a kiss on the shadows
As they cast a spell on willows !
Just the two of us- let us walk beyond the horizon.
Insanely ,holding our breath
Hands entwined in a feather like clasp
As the Sun slowly dips into the sea ....against the horizon
The heady intoxicated concoction of sheer joy
Quietly tiptoes into the sanctuary of our hearts
The ultimate, the timeless , the crowning glory ...
The two shadows ...merges as one
The crescent moon shining above..let us walk beyond the horizon!
Copyright(C)Bhargavi Ravindra.......8/5/2020
My enigmatic stranger...
She stood near the sand dunes-distraught,depressed,disheartened
Her golden tresses drenched in rain-sticky and listless tumbled about her face!
Yet ,there was an allusive aura, a divine glow
As the Sun rays were beating retreat in the evening shadow!
Her eyes baring her inner conflict much against her wish
like in deep sea ..turbulent waves waiting to settle.
Her clenched fist had a tale of its own to share
Her fingers were long well kept like an artist’s
She looked unaware of her surroundings .
Do I know her?Have I seen her before?Absolutely sure ...No,Never
Her haunting ethereal can one ever?
She was no more than a silhouette in the pale light. ...
I had just turn my head ...just a fraction of a second
And I was left dumbstruck...She was not around...
I knew I lost her forever...I will live to regret not reaching out to her
I knew a moment of regret....When her  mesmerising lean silhouette disappeared ...
I knew in my heart ...have fallen head over heals in love with this enigmatic stranger!
Copyright(C)Bhargavi Ravindra.......22/5/2020
The  beautiful night in its starry veil,drenched in petrichor
Strolling amidst unique fragrance galore
The wetness of grass, its tantalisingly intoxicating perfume
The sound of trees and the rustle of dry leaves in the woods
The quite salubrious surroundings
Outpouring of nature -Full of soft tender, alluring blooms
Hills and valleys splashed with shades of green
Unfolding life’s myriad hues,unseen
Crimson sky casts a spell as night soaks in the scented air
Tiny buds of Jasmine amidst vibrant green leaves....marble white
As a beautiful damsel ‘s dreamy almond shaped eyes
The soft tender petals of jasmine open up to the ardent night
One ,two,three...goes magic wand ...the tree full of white blooms
The night sky has tucked stars on the green fabric of earth,it looks! tiny ,yet, mesmerisingly beautiful and tender
Cool breeze teasingly ever so gently blew past her
And to the night’s delight ,blooms laid the white carpet on earth
None knows ,if blooms shed tears as they met their creator,
World woke to deafening clamour,to gaze through due drops
Reminiscent of nights glamour!
Copyright(C)Bhargavi Ravindra.....24/4/2020
No legacy is as rich as honesty to leave behind
No asset is as great as honesty that enriches mind
No voice is as powerful as honesty,your heart to guide
No word is as meaningful as honesty to swell with pride.

One who adheres to principle and facts , is honest
One who loves for-what-than-who-you are , is honest
One who inspires to be fearless and upfront , is honest
One who dares to raise voice against injustice, is honest

In actions ,words and dealings -be  clear and  transparent
Corruption,bribery,flattery and nepotism-be always against
Greats endure pain to follow righteousness,however difficult
On life’s tight walk ,do not crave to strike rich without sweat.

Win over lies,deceit ,treachery with love,respect and fair play
Honesty is a jewel that shines-shines brighter,rest fades away
Honesty is a bitter pill to gulp,gulp you must to lead the way
Quality than Quantity of life matters most,at the end of the day.

A child should be taught to be honest at a very early age
Set an example by emoting honesty at every step and stage
Honesty instils compassion ,concern,credibility and courage
It is a  virtue that differentiates between a devil and a sage.

Stakes may be high ,don’t ever compromise on values
A Right can never ever be Wrong ,however one views
Forever under HIS scanner,keep hands clean and heart true (HIS ...GOD)
Give best to the humanity the best will come back to you.
(C) Bhargavi Ravindra ...........B’lore
            Dated  : 09/05/2019
My moments .....
Moments of joy,moments of bliss
Moments of love ,moments of Happiness
Moments of share,moments of care
Moments of hope,moments of despair
Moments of tears ,moments of cheer
Moments of mine,moments of yours
Moments of us, moments of ours
I pack these tiny moments
In my heart
The small treasure house !
My whole life is safe n secure
In these tiny moments,
And I pull them out
When I need them most.
When the road is long
And I am not strong.
When my eyes are blurred
Tears are too  tiered to flow!
I am frightened to look at
Those dark shadows
Advancing rapidly
To unsettle me .
Helplessly when
I watch
Like sand  ,life slip thru,
These tiny moments
My precious ,
My cherished moments
Come to my rescue!
Surround me
Hold my hands
And console me
Lift me up from the lowest of lows
Ever so graciously !
Copyright(C) Bhargavi Ravindra....
My moments .....
Moments of joy,moments of bliss
Moments of love ,moments of Happiness
Moments of share,moments of care
Moments of hope,moments of despair
Moments of tears ,moments of cheer
Moments of mine,moments of yours
Moments of us, moments of ours
I pack these tiny moments
In my heart
The small treasure house !
My whole life is safe n secure
In these tiny moments,
And I pull them out
When I need them most.
When the road is long
And I am not strong.
When my eyes are blurred
Tears are too  tiered to flow!
I am frightened to look at
Those dark shadows
Advancing rapidly
To unsettle me .
Helplessly when
I watch
Like sand  ,life slip thru,
These tiny moments
My precious ,
My cherished moments
Come to my rescue!
Surround me
Hold my hands
And console me
Lift me up from the lowest of lows
Ever so graciously !

(C) Bhargavi Ravindra....May 2018 ..
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