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  Oct 2022 rose hopkins
Caroline Shank
I'm looking for my husband.  He has
disappeared into some place inside
his mind, like a sea creature slides
into a coral bed.

Quick now, here he is for a moment
or an hour.  Like a Robin bobs in
the yard, he is beautiful in his song
before he vanishes into the sky,
flying above or around me.

Are his pieces forever gone? Will
I find a kiss behind my chair meant
for me alone? Will my sorrow erase
the years of love?

I will be brave today.  Tomorrow
I will be the coral he needs. A small
animal in a very large and
strange ocean. .

Caroline Shank
rose hopkins Jun 2022
Long days, short nights
Green trees, blue skies
Bird song and butterflies.
Tuning letters like strings
the words are reformed
The rhyme and the meter
the rhythm reborn

Each vowel and each consonant
together in line
No commas or periods
to block or confine

The meaning inherent
and left unexplained
restated once over
a blinding refrain

To put in the file
the future in bold
the verses in couplets
—the reading on hold

(Dreamsleep: May, 2022)
rose hopkins May 2022
We watch
The dandelion clocks
Shake their perfect orbs
And release
Their seeds
To dance away
And flower again
Another day.
Late spring
rose hopkins Apr 2022
When every conversation
Begins with a challenge
And the truth
Is obscured
By a lie.
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