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It is the start , it is the end,
It is twisted and will not bend,
It is construction ,
It is destruction ,
It is joy , it is sorrow ,
Love is everything , I trow .

It is vicious , It is malicious ,
It is benevolent , it is unkind ,
Love is everything , it is blind.

It is deceptive , it is captive
It is adaptive , it is submittive,
It is passive , it is active , it has a motive ,
Love is everything and it is addictive .

It is pleasure , it is pain ,
It is naive , it is insane
Love is everything , it makes you grow a better humane .

It makes life flow and glow , it makes the world grow ,
It let's one pass life's trials ,
It creates miracle's ,  
Love is everything , it is truly invincible .

It makes you feel humble , it
gets you in trouble ,
Love is everything , it is life's biggest jumble .
Love is everything , I mumble and rumble .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#29/09/2019# love truely is the start and end is everything.repitation , rhyming verse...
Your heart is made of rock and so it seems ,
Even when I pester you, your face puts up smiles and light beams .
How do you manage to hold up so much of love ?
Where is the strength coming from to beat negativity?
A rock solid self you deploy,
I Truly need to know how and why ?

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Rethorical verse...just an expression of thoughts that pass by at times...
With the advent of Noel ,
the dusting of  the tottering white is a welcome sight .

when the Elves are at work and the stardust becomes a thick white blanket ,
from Lapland in his toboggan in the dreamy , frosty December,  
through the chimney's
down comes Santa for him and her.

With a token of love in every action ,
Reaching out at every junction,
Giving presents galore with gregarious hugs , spreading smiles manifesting love , hope and more .
Father Christmas has a lot in store !

The Yule tree shines bright in all its finery ,
Bedecked shimmering baubles and the tinsels ,  
the mittens and the Holly ,
Imbuing time to be Jolly .

Elaborate, aromatic spreads , from eggnog to gingerbreads,
The delicious plum cake or the turkey bake !
Folks merried and gleed ,
A feast indeed !

The jingle bells and the Carolling adding the musical touch.
Why ride the clutch?
Bring in the best for the Christmas fest !

The reason for the season is the divine warmth , swooning away the gloom and zwart .
Gracing the world ,
Angels playing cupid
with wing and prayer,
spreading love in the air.
So when it's Christmas in all its glory ,
make merry my friend for its just so fair !
🎄Merry Christmas 🎄

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
There's so much joy and beauty associated with Christmas. From family time, to snow, the decorations on trees, and all the bright lights. There are so many wonders we get to enjoy. I just wanted to write something celebrating all the things that I love about Christmas  and at the same time , asking God to keep the reason for the season at the center of my heart.
Having grown up studying in a christian school  this festival had fascinated me right through.
Merry Christmas everyone !
Stay safe , happy and healthy.
One will always be a Fool who believes Only in the Truth ,
For One needs to know the Truth between a Lie and the Truth !

22.04.2019#thought# poem...
Sheer zone of love filled in the heart,
Opposed with hate,
Presenting patience in full fury.
Did not know it's future fate,
Finally winning with oodles of understanding before it got too late!
Pure love now flooded .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Random thoughts but in the simplest of processing
Flower's are the prettiest things that God made and forgot to put a soul into them
For they would not only speak the language of love but would also reciprocate !
Flower's are the prettiest things that God made and forgot to put a soul into them
For they would not only spread delightful redolence but preach the same with grace !
Flower's are the prettiest things that God made and forgot to put a soul in them
For they would not only show the path to share but also show how to care !
Flower's are the prettiest things that God made and forgot to put a soul in them ,
For they would not only spread a smile but would suggest to do so all the while !
Flower's are the prettiest things that God made and forgot to put a soul in them
For they would not only bequeath beauty to the core but would spread joy and simplicity before !
Flower's are the prettiest things that God made and forgot to put a soul in them , For they would instantaneously lift your mood and teach you never to brood !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Love the vivid colours # aroma #fragrance of flowers#they instantly lift your mood #love nature#repetation #metaphor..15.04.2019
rumpled and wilted
sheer desolution created reminiscence
obsolete beauty of a fossil .

This poem...a take on modern haiku is a quick  outcome and response to a photo posted about nature and wilted flowers in particular by my dear friend himani on Instagram.. The flowers although wilted looked beautiful ,It immediately sparked an idea for how remnants of anything well preserved look beautiful ...Hence the haiku.. my take:-foresee beauty in every situation and everything !
#Inspired through a photo credit by Himani palande#☺️
Life is a Gambit
Let Love move at the Flagfall
Checkmate over the Heart.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
07.05.2019# Life after all is like a game of chess ...make the right move you win !!
# Modern haiku #
Earth is the scene of crime for many a death ,
Throttled by insane brains , gasping for breath.

The world is in a triage situation !
Best way to change the future is through productive communication .
Build a pathway that sets forth values , love , Respect and Compassion .

Why let Earth go through the pain ?
For what you give is what you gain !

Splash the seeds of love , sprinkle the manure of kindness , see the Earth prosper with fondness in total oneness!!

Attracting  the beauty of the Earth like a magnet ,
We are the Gardner's of the planet !!
© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
When I was scrolling through the English  text book of my son, I came across a beautiful article about how the Earth has evolved and it's present position , the result was expression and reiteration of the same ...Albiat in a poetic format .
Also feel that it makes me want the untouched #untampered# Earth where only peace and love prevails ,no crimes,no wars #primitive #
Feeling inspired.
A garden is a great teacher
Edifying patience and gratitude.
Grow your own garden .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#modern haiku#
Maybe its a rich tapestry of life,
weaved in stories of love , loss and transformation,
I am emptied out but I'm not done,
Hope has the best aesthetic standards!
I set myself onto a new landmark,
unruffled and draped in the fabric,
I am the most comfortable.

In my darkest days, gardens of hope have offered the promise of new life ,
Hanging on the edge of time,
Something feral with the dissolution of routine,
disillusioned yet determined,
It's a pause not a cessation!
beyond the horizon,
bringing me back into the folds of life with a spread of renewed positivity and the allurement of hope.

@Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Embarked on a journey with positive delight,
There is no room for hate in a heart that holds his divine light.

Certainly he is friends with those who are kind to his creation.

Love is the direct manifestation of the almighty through his human invention.

A network of pure souls he unfurled,
When with love he
created his beautiful world.
God's creation must have been a wonderful journey..rhyme verse..
No matter when or where ; some one dies , an universe ends !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
The Monostitch is an outcome of a deep thought process by my son upendra and actually has everything explained in one line..
#sensitive# #grave#harshrealitycheck #dark#emotion#empathy#love#respect#uncut#bond#life#death# #deep#
When my eyes met the depth in your eyes,
The earth stood still and I flowed in the fragrance of love.

#29.08.2019#love is a dicy emotion.
eat good food ,drink good ale live quiet ,unassuming lives
Grow the habits of hobbits

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Hobbit is a member of an imaginary race similar to humans, of small size and with hairy feet, in stories by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Although fictional they can in real life be examples of how a human can lead ones life that of being...Content ...Quiet and happy ..
Fictional poem .. Imagination...Simile...Modern haiku.. simple 3 line poem... Unrhymed..
Love turned the heart into a shard,
hate revived it back,
now the ticker beats only to ****.

In unique precision and time, each action turning into a crime,
a step backward the heart threw,
love to hate as much as you!

No one could ever tell,
hurt it was thus so well,
in the depth of false love the heart fell.
The smile was as fake just as thee,
mindful games of deceive that no-one knew or could ever see.

The beauty of this ***** game, came about with no shame.
thrill of love empowered with hate,
Only to see tears and sufferings to date.

Befriend the torture,befriend the pain,
clear the day with hate as gain,
Roll out tears,scream up for life,
The shards are sharp as the edge of a knife.

Why me I question thee?
Only empty hollowness I see.
It hurt and hurt and it hurt some more ,
it hurt from the heart's core!
Grilled in hate, seething in silence,
in the dark of the night,
With no resume of love in sight,
hate enamored me with all its might.
Forbidden they say is love whatsoever,
The hardest is losing it to hate forever !

©Mrunalini .D. Nimbalkar
Dedicated to the valentine's month,where not everyone is lucky to have love and keep it forever !
When pain gets down to complete nothingness.
There is so much more to life!

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Unrhymed verse
Whose are these dreams I see in my eyes ?
Why is there storms in my heart?
Why are my heartbeats so strong ?
You say nothing can ever cross my heart ,
Lo behold !Whose are these footprints on the way to my heart ?
I am struck down with your love.
Heart beats ; only love notes.
When love strikes!
Love makes heart beat louder than a drum , feels like mayhem to many and music to some .

Eyes meet with racing heartbeat,
Words unspoken ,
promises made ; not to be broken .
Heard and felt between pounding heartbeats ; true love's first token .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Rhyming verse

Dedicated to all those who fall in love ...stay blessed...stay happy !!
#Happy valentine's day #
A toast I would like to raise ,
"HELLO POETRY" fellow poets I praise.

Unique, beautiful , Simple and soulful ,
Rhythmic , powerful or sad
Each poem differently clad .
Setting the mood and tone , finding solace in writing when alone .

All poems offering great help.
Every write up leading me to try and rediscover myself ,
I can't find words to thank you all ,
This forum keeps me going be it summer,winter or fall .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#08/01/2020... Rhymed verse because life is also about being thankful for all the small and big things that occur !
More power to the hello poetry family...
Can there be a time when I don't think of you ?

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Tired and stretched in bed thinking beyond the daily grind .
A vistigial thought crosses the mind .

An ansa of hope to latch on
are the good happening's through the day .
Giving a drive to make it through the night ,
Showing god's grace and might .
For every black cloud brings a silver lining illuminating light .

A Utopian space now surrounds the self .
Spilling aspirations that the   day is not far ,
when you will be someone's sunshine , moonlight and the star .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
This# poem# is # dedicated# to #everyone# who# reads #it# we all #live# on# hope#so #cannot #lose# it ...Simple # rhyming poem
When out of nowhere a tiny little humming bird spread it's wings .
The million flails , a sight to adore reminding each day is meant to try a little more .

"All great things come in small packages" become truly their features ,
The miniature wonders are incredible teachers  .

Sacred , magical , tiny miracles are the little angels of god ,
Bespoke endurance , mighty perseverance , beauty of life they hemmed and hawed ,
The true purpose of life they bestowed .

Humming birds are so special in every little way ... Rhyming verse..
I am my own hero-ine in the creases of my mind ,
I am the undeniable magic, stepping ahead , igniting the soul's passions with sparkles behind !

I am stronger than What I know,
I am work in progress and I will always prosper and grow!

I am the truth that always is,
I am the solace and the bliss !
Travesing so far;
I discern ,I am my own home.
I am the Temple of worship.
I am the Chapel of forgiveness, the Mecca of love and I am the source of
all happiness.

I am !

© Mrunalini. Nimbalkar
7 th January 2022
The New year is all about being very confident about myself and the above verse just summerizes the same .
Wishing loads of love luck and best life to the hello poetry family 💓
Stay happy always ❤️
Time killing is time killing ........

@Mrunalini Nimbalkar
30th March 2024
in a league of my own ,
my Ikigai way of life ,
positivity inflow and outflow.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Modern style haiku ,three line verse, unrhymed.
I am the ME within MYSELF
I am the ONE , I reach out to help .

Erratically I strive to care for all
Yet I am the One I care for in all !

Being at peace with MYSELF , I  parole MYSELF to ME .
Like a poet consumed in Me , I strive to write a thousand words and the only ones I write is ME !

Being wrapped up in MYSELF,
Laden with Self- Absorbing , self -Obssesed ,self-Solipsistic jewels .
Consumed in the beauty of MYSELF,
I  surrender MYSELF to ME !

Being self- seeking and in solidarity with MYSELF ,
Loving MYSELF  and letting ME be ,
MY whole world surrounds only ME !

Unconditionally possessive of My stature,
I am a self-centered creature !
Not an element of pain , nor a element of gain .
Being Incarcerated to ME , I  Yearn never to be free !
© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Being so self absorbed has its pluses and minuses...To be selfishly selfless or selflessly selfish !!!!!narssisist#self obsession#solipsistic#solidarity #incarcerated#09-03-2019..
Love planted itself in the heart,
cluttered the mind ,
placed itself in the body ,
Cleansed the soul forever ,
Now I have developed immunity against hatred!

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Unrhymed verse
Boost your mind and body with love 🙂💕❤️
A  perfect reflection of your own , it's your own mirror image.
You write your own story on your life's page .
Yes! It's a imperfectly perfect life!

Why search for a perfect moment ?
You are already living one .
Find reasons to discover yourself and give answers to none .
No ! You are not a saint or a sage .
Because you are writing your own story on your life's page.
Yes! It's a imperfectly perfect life!

Don't dwell in the past ,don't worry about the future .
Live in the present , assure yourself of being a perfect creature , because you are writing your own story on your life's page .
Yes ! It's a imperfectly perfect life .

Create good memories that you will cherish , for one day you are going to perish .
when they walk down the memory lane , they will picture your life full of joy which overcame all the obstacles and pain , because you are writing your story on your life's page .
Yes! It's a imperfectly perfect life.

When hard times befall upon you and life tests you more and more ,
Get onto the life's boat  and row yourself to the shore .
Take the reins in your hand ,
master the courage to gallop through the hot sand , because you are writing your story on your  life's page .
Yes ! It's a imperfectly perfect life.

This poem was a outcome of frustrated thoughts during my son's exams times and the pressures of it all....22.12.2018

© Mrunalini .D. Nimbalkar
Inspired after I Read the newspaper "The times of India" Pune edition #sums up today's most important reiteration#Monostich#briefpoem#brevity#oneliner #punchline#14.04.19#
Trevia :-learnt that Monostich is a powerful form of expression of thoughts also called one-liners or briefpoems ,these date back to very ancient Latin authors like Martial who wrote the Monostich form of poetry..
In a dream she saw a way to survive and she was full of joy .

In a dream she saw a bright shining light and then crossing a dark tunnel seemed alright.

In a dream she saw she could raise her wings and fly and so she could soar her aspirations high.

In a dream she saw a world full of positive vibes and so she saw harmony being inscribed.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Simple# rhyme #Dreams# definitely# are# a #source #of #survival#keep #dreaming #02.06.2019#
ever proliferating the brightness stamp ,
inferno of joy ,
a incandescent lamp .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Modern haiku#simple rhyme# inspired by the diya's ( mud lamps )lit in diwali time and the bright and happy atmosphere around ...happy diwali ( festival of lights ) to the HP family . ....thanks for reading .....
People don't want to hear the truth , but love to hear the story behind the truth .

©Mrunalini .D. Nimbalkar
In disguise the truth is often unidentified with stories that unfold stories but not the truth...Irony poem..... Thought process.
Jeet ka yu koi juluus niklaa hai ,
Dil haarne me hi jaise mazaa **....
Kyaa kare dosto ? Waqt ,waqt ka  ye takazaa hai ,
Jo humare dil ko yuhi jaise tatolta **....
Pyar ne humhey zindagi sey mila diya , ishq aur zindadili ka jaise intezaar **...
Yehi iltajaa hai raab  sey , ki ishq he humari ibadat **....
Ishq he hamari ibadat **....
© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Hindi poem#translates in one phrase to" love is worship "National language of india .
If several notes are present the flame of love is jagged by each.
Why not just keep it simple ?
A love equation that is easy to reach .

Fit in all the emotions .
Let no sheers stray this way then that ,
Cut no love bonds ,
leaving no course wound on your heart ,
Let love play it's part.

Perhaps the most important thing is to rid all emotions with jagged edges .
Let little seeds of love grow like wild sedges !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Sometimes it is upon us to let no emotions be left with questions smooth relations will require a lot of love to let no pain leave any room for scars and rough patches in life #Rise in love ! Simple verse#imagery#anological view#
Now that the journey has started ,
You are my friend , philosopher and guide ,
Along with the gifts of love compassion and determination ,
I will take this wonderful ride.

Under the mantle of blue , I know you will protect me through ,
Two angels sweet ,
will harbour me like heartbeat !
Under their guidance I will grow ,
knowing not what is sorrow , Continuing my journey into a beautiful tomorrow .

Spiritual#rhyming# verse
My own connotations of life's journey..simple equation....

Traditional #haiku# three#phrase#poem#
5-7-5 syllables#unrhymed#japanese#form#of#verse# 03.04.2019
ever changing sequences and elements
a crescendo of possibilities  
life is flung into a keleidoscope

#19.08.2019#modern haiku #life is a keleidoscope !!
Turn the pain into balladry ,
Initiate a everlasting melody.
Do not linger in sympathy
Fabricate your destiny and ignite the flame of emphaty.

Rise to glorify your life
Strive not to survive but to be alive!
Simple treasures are on your path.
Why choose the road of pain and wrath?
The choice is stark ,
The world is tempting and the flesh is weak .
Chose the kingdom of God.

Do not ! My friend search for the worldly pleasures and treasure pitches ,
choose wisely for the divine, heavenly bounties and riches.

Spiritual verse#Reitirating self journey through simple pleasure s and happiness 23/06/2019
Aspirations ,prayers,wishes and more,
When it is right ,it's definitely right!
The universe conspires to create miracles and one such miracle is you !

The smell of a familiar me ,connected with cords ,cut but uncut long after they are only to hold you in my arms now connected through heartbeats and love growing strong.

The tiny , soft fingers bound around tightly ,
The twinkle seen through half closed eyes.
Tender skin as soft as snow , whats
there to ask for more ?
A bundle of joy and happiness came fore !
So they say when the time is right , it of course is !

In my hearts core I knew long before,
God choose to give me the best .
Thee! extraordinary from the rest .
A tessellation of wishes came to surface in a matter of time and test .

Your addition to my life brought in a sense of peace ,pride and profoundness.
Rearing to take on the world gearing to accept responsibility.
Surviving every obstacle , a Lioness closely guards and protects her cub , to see him grow into thee "King of the Jungle "

This one was written for my son on one of his birthday !!
the wholeness of the heart ,
a powerful mind that thinks ,
love is a constant labyrinth.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Three lines verse, unrhymed haiku
I see myself in the mirror ,
the laugh line's so prominent.
Reminding me of how privileged I am ,
I want them to stay !
I want them to stay !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
So thankful for being alive what with the recent havoc nature plays ( read Australian bush fires ) and the outbreak of new diseases ( read China coronovirus ).
Also the unrest and the likewise .
It truely feels deepest thought process.

.unrhymed verse.
.Simple verse.
Tag me when you get the true meaning of life !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Wake up to the sound of the roaster
See the chimney smoke,
water gush through the nearby stream,
Nature painting a dream.
With a song in the heart,
acceding little things in our life's part.

Hear the sparrow tweet ,
A fresh morning greet,
The dew on the Jasmine leaf,
Ants crawl away from the feet,
the distant sheep bleet.
The bus beep ,
the sound of the gardeners broom sweep.
Listen to music that soothes the mind,
thankful for the playful hands and little chuckles heard from the yard behind.
Making way for a few little things.

Hear the cycle bell ring ,
smell the flowers dwell in the sunny spring,
Bask in the drop of a golden ray ,
witness the green carpet array,
feel the grass on the feet
Sip on a hot coffee treat,
a welcoming smile or a greet,
Just a few little things.

Set your table with lilies and roses, fragrances  running through the house ; house you turn into a home.
Toasted jam and bread,
a healthy meal spread.
a little prayer to thank for the same , just a bit in God's name.
Open the windows (of your mind )and let the fresh air in,
Burn incenses and clear your mind off pain and sin ,
Being thankful for your very being.

Every moment takes its positive course, keep no space for remorse.
Pat yourself,
Put on your best smile,
Look into the mirror ,
Say "Thank You" God , for everything that life brings,
aiming to value just the little things !

Hope is the rope that ties one to the dreams ,
Each day a different tune rings ,
Hold on tightly to the strings ,
Await patiently for the good fortunes the future brings .

Hope is the rope that ties one to the dreams ,
Life is a rollercoaster ride the world screams ,
Joy and sorrow are two parallel streams .

Hope is the rope that ties one to the dreams ,
Even when dark clouds beam
Let hopeful passion and compassion be your team ,
Undoubtedly life will gleam .
For hope is the rope that ties one to the dreams .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
7.9.2019# rhyming verse#repitation#figurative #literary device#imagery#simple rhyme stanza#

Couplet #life's most unused funda#strive for living life .... 2019.02.26
A true heart will never stop beating ,
It will only foster love for the world .
Be rich , live rich !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#Unrhymed verse#
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the richest of all ?
One who fosters love is the richest of them all !!
Title credits :- Upendra (my son)
24 /12/19..
Thanks for reading.
Elixir trumpets ,
Decorated stages,
Grand welcome to the Elephant God with fragrant garland's of roses.
Hail to the festivities of wisdom , courage , love , knowledge and truth .

Bring forth the colours of joy and happiness ,
Bring forth the warmth and oneness ,
Light the lamp of prosperity and brightness.

Stir in offerings of  aromatic delicacies ,
Appetize in the aromas of divinity and peace.

Play the tunes of intricate celebrations .
Ring in the bells and swing into a festive mood .
Recite the name of  the almighty with full gratitude.

6.9.2019.#Happy ganesh jayanti to all !#
Ganesh chaturthi or the birthday of lord Ganesh is celebrated as a huge festival all over India .
It marks the birth of the omnipresent and in true symbolise is celebrated in every hindu household with pomp and show . A festival I grew up loving and learning the true essence of the celebration .
The festival popularly know as 'Ganesh Chaturthi' falls in the months of August or September of the Gregorian calendar. The festival is marked with the installation of Ganesha clay idols privately in homes, or publicly on elaborate pandals (temporary stages). Observations include chanting of Vedic hymns and Hindu texts such as, prayers and brata (fasting). Offerings and prasadam from the daily prayers, that are distributed from the pandal to the community, include sweets such as modaka {sweet dumplings}as it is believed to be a favorite of Lord Ganesh. The festival ends on the tenth day after start, when the idol is carried in a public procession with music and group chanting, then immersed in a nearby body of water such as a river or sea.
The festival celebrates Lord Ganesha as the God of New Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles as well as the god of wisdom and intelligence.




Love; an emotion from Adam's provenance,
settled in hearts for eternal governance!

Love; a subject of choice, exist's in genuine lives.

Love; picks the lucky few,
rules hearts from yearning nights to morning dew!

Love; a composition of the heart,
knowing the notes is an unparalleled art.

Love; is a mixed feelings matter,
only time makes it better!

Love; seeks no validation,knows no bounds,
needs no information.

Love; fills every single void,
making each moment a memory to be enjoyed!

Love; happens when least expected,
lives in the minds and captures the heart when eyes are met.

Love; follows no rules,
least that can be studied with any tools!

Love; shows patience, yet cannot be fooled.

Love; fuels the body and true love fuels the soul,
Consumed within as a whole!

Love; is lost to love alone,
only to rise as a phoenix to reach another milestone.

Love; is poor and it is rich,
the only constant to enrich!

Love; journeys through life into infinity,
to be blessed by the Holy Trinity.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
These are my fourteen (14) paragraphed verses to tribute the love month and the valentine's day ( 14 th February) while we journey on to the valentine's day !
May we all be blessed abundantly with love and happiness in our lives.
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