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Jun 2021 · 105
Love doesn't have to wait for

that perfect moment!

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Every moment is to be loved and cherished!
Jun 2021 · 78
World falls for greed ,

love is the only emotion one needs .

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Fill your world with 💓
Jun 2021 · 98
Love the source of great
strength ,

needs to burgeon
on and on !

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Jun 2021 · 100
Love may not be the strongest of emotions nor the most intelligent but is one most responsive to change.

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Beware of the multifaceted experience!
Jun 2021 · 355
Love is a precious gem ,

profoundly buried in the heart.

© Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Jun 2021 · 91
Love is the perfect emotion to
recharge one's soul and
energize the mind .

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Drench yourself in love
May 2021 · 73
Dexterity of the heart, makes
love grow in versatility !

*30 /05/2021*
Heart works in mysterious ways to let love strive
May 2021 · 95
moments make memories,

chain of attachment remain,

memories create caches of love and pain .
©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Contemporary haiku
Apr 2021 · 101
I love to live and I live to love.

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Love and live or vice-versa!
Apr 2021 · 366
I lost myself to love only to

know I am love !

Apr 2021 · 82
Oh! My darling it's true ,
beautiful things have scratches and scars too.

Mar 2021 · 91
Life's artistic techniques paint  chiaroscuros in abundance so wonderful ,
   a dance of dark versus light a contrast so impactful .

A dance of frolic and follies,
A game that never is the same ,
for at times you lose and at times you win to fame .

Acceptance is the key to be
happy ,
Synchronous to harmony, dancing with gusto to life's symphony.
Girls and boys ! Tune in for each of  life's rhythmic dance, why ! Why ! wait for a second chance ?

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Mar 2021 · 345
Words  words   words
  Play       play       play
Vital      vital       vital
  Role      role       role
In           In          In
Poetry   poetry  poetry.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
*Happy World poetry day *
Just a fun thing!
Mar 2021 · 197
Streaks of white and grey, crown on display,
no regrets , nothing to weep ,
Capricious life's cradle makes me sleep.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#12-03-2021#Contemporary haiku#haiku outside the box#rhymed short poem#
Jan 2021 · 128
In the bright rays of the sun;I burn,
Only to grow brighter and learn.
Streaks of white,cradle me tight into this rare summer's light,
I am drifting with you by my side.

Running free,bare feet into a prairie of overflowing Roses and Lilies.
Caressing the blooms as they expand their scent by the touch of you.
I am drifting with you by my side.

The soft cotton on your slender fingers have drawn a little humming bird to accompany us.
I am drifting with you by my side.

Your laugh explodes like a torrent of crystal clear water and perches besides me, impetuous like the tree's !
A subtle shade of being happy and carefree.
I am drifting with you by my side.

The moon an accomplice to our lovestory ,winks at me .
I imagine you and me walking bare feet and running free !
In anticipation and hope love thrives,
Into infinity,
I am drifting with you by my side.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#25 /01/2021#
Dreams, imagination and love can be a fulfilling casting towards a brighter future.
In anticipation and hope love thrives !
Happy valentines day to all in advance.
#Simple long verse#
Jan 2021 · 80
Grim reaper ( Monostitch)
No matter when or where ; some one dies , an universe ends !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
The Monostitch is an outcome of a deep thought process by my son upendra and actually has everything explained in one line..
#sensitive# #grave#harshrealitycheck #dark#emotion#empathy#love#respect#uncut#bond#life#death# #deep#
Dec 2020 · 120
Father Christmas
With the advent of Noel ,
the dusting of  the tottering white is a welcome sight .

when the Elves are at work and the stardust becomes a thick white blanket ,
from Lapland in his toboggan in the dreamy , frosty December,  
through the chimney's
down comes Santa for him and her.

With a token of love in every action ,
Reaching out at every junction,
Giving presents galore with gregarious hugs , spreading smiles manifesting love , hope and more .
Father Christmas has a lot in store !

The Yule tree shines bright in all its finery ,
Bedecked shimmering baubles and the tinsels ,  
the mittens and the Holly ,
Imbuing time to be Jolly .

Elaborate, aromatic spreads , from eggnog to gingerbreads,
The delicious plum cake or the turkey bake !
Folks merried and gleed ,
A feast indeed !

The jingle bells and the Carolling adding the musical touch.
Why ride the clutch?
Bring in the best for the Christmas fest !

The reason for the season is the divine warmth , swooning away the gloom and zwart .
Gracing the world ,
Angels playing cupid
with wing and prayer,
spreading love in the air.
So when it's Christmas in all its glory ,
make merry my friend for its just so fair !
🎄Merry Christmas 🎄

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
There's so much joy and beauty associated with Christmas. From family time, to snow, the decorations on trees, and all the bright lights. There are so many wonders we get to enjoy. I just wanted to write something celebrating all the things that I love about Christmas  and at the same time , asking God to keep the reason for the season at the center of my heart.
Having grown up studying in a christian school  this festival had fascinated me right through.
Merry Christmas everyone !
Stay safe , happy and healthy.
Nov 2020 · 89
Be your own light
Feel yourself from within , be alive ,brighten the day .
Strike a cord within yourself and you have a friend for life.
Why wonder?
Why ponder ?
Into yourself you surrender !
Believe in the "Me", you will see ; life in full glee .

When the soul is filled with love to the brim ,
You live in someone else's heart.
Through their eyes you shine bright.
You can't burn a flame !
Be your own light .

Just believe in will be brighter...
Simple Rhyming verse
Thanks for reading
Inspirational poem
Nov 2020 · 55
Happiness is the best revenge ever !

Better said then done ..being happy is one of the most important thing to do and also the most difficult one.
Oct 2020 · 79
Over the wetlands of the azure abyass ,
the stoic herons gracefully spread their wings,
With riotously festooned cacophony and a medley of hopefulness in the air .

Now flying across the vast disappearing wetlands ,
In search of a safe abode, many a miles away from the homeland .

Each glide into a confident flight towards a provisional detatchment, searching newer homes without resentment .
From log to log , upon the swampy waters ,
into the wilderness of their own.
Percase where time stands still in a never ending zone !

Wild ; yet safely perched in the lap of nature .
Scaling the lengths and breadths, a blustery, gusty way ,
Each day a newer journey , passing through a haze of emotions .
Come rain , come shine there's nothing that stops the time .

Captured are they in the vicious circle of the antiquity of life ,
Nonetheless obliterated by the dark knights of death .

A poise , a pose; Alas! in  lame hope ,
It's moments like these that turn into a smile,
Else ; everything is gone,
Gone as life is so fragile !

Sometimes it takes a lifetime to understand or maybe not understand !
Sep 2020 · 65
Memories are a blur of hues,
sounds and smells,
a picture only you can decipher.

Each one making you or breaking you ,
Each one teaching you to be stronger,
Each one painted with strokes of strong innate ability.
Each one raising hope's and possibility.

Of course! deeply etched into the core of the heart ,
Only the surreal piece of art- work into each mind's frame work.
What remains ?
a chemistry or mystery ,
But a memory for eternity !

© M.D.Nimbalkar
Memory: This phenomenon of the science of humankind is simply phenomenal .
#Thought process#
Sep 2020 · 70
Whenever time permits do read on,
these days I am writing only about you !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Punch line
Unrhymed verse
Sep 2020 · 74
In thee stark rays of thee sun,
Coyly blooming from thee charishmatic flowerets of violaceous garb.

Grouped on window sills or mantels, in forcing jars of crystal ,cobalt,maroon or green-coloured glass,
oh ! dear lavender,
blooming and enhancing thee beauty around .

Arbor thyself tightly clinging to thee heart .
Sparkling magic in everything , thee birds have begun to sing .
Lingering into thy own,  thriving almost an Eden garden with rich foliage of greens .
Thou hast risen!
Trumpeting thee heart beats to thee woderous creation of thee lord .

Pray ! thou stay blossomed forever, into my abode and into my heart .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
The verse is a complete inspiration from the very recent #Garlic creeper# blooms in my garden .
they are in a hue of all colours of lavender and instantly lift the mood ,they are a post card perfect site, adding beauty to my home . Nature never fails to inspire me !
The  "Archaic"form of old English is just to add the touch of Shakespearian English style .
The poetry title is courtesy my son, Upendra.
Thanks for reading.
Old English#archaic#unrhymed verse#lavender#shakespearian#early Elizabetian English #
Aug 2020 · 58
Love planted itself in the heart,
cluttered the mind ,
placed itself in the body ,
Cleansed the soul forever ,
Now I have developed immunity against hatred!

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Unrhymed verse
Boost your mind and body with love 🙂💕❤️
Aug 2020 · 63
Heart : the conduit for love to bloom ,

Twist it,turn it, mould it,

there is no room for gloom .

Simple Rhyming couplet
Aug 2020 · 60
The sun drenched darlings of every garden ,
gathered bright eyed ,
Gay and tinted as village lasses in their gingham gowns ,
spraying lovely brightness and flair in the red roofed cottaged towns.

Phloxes carry the garden through the dog days of summer ,
holding down the fort
until the asters and blazing stars come on board .
Such dainty and colourful picture the nature can paint ,
A keepsake, serene album so quaint !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#rhyming verse#
Flowers can simply lift up the spirits and make a pleasing picture .
As I always say nature never fails to inspire and flowers for sure are my inspiration from nature. 🌻🌺🌹
Aug 2020 · 57
I write poetry,
I read poetry ,
I cook poetry ,
I draw poetry ,
l sketch poetry,
I stitch poetry,
I capture poetry ,
I create poetry ,
I make poetry ,
I dream poetry ,
I welcome poetry ,
I love poetry !
Am I a multi-Tasker ?
A multi-talented person ?

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#rethorical verse#
Welcoming August in my own style !!
Jul 2020 · 695
Reach for the star's
Reach for the stars ,
On a moonlit night,
don't he afraid , for you are a warrior , you are a knight .

Reach for the stars ,
as they teach you to shine bright ,
they show you that a dark sky can glow at night .

Reach for the stars ,
They help you dream ,
When you are not quite sure, you must try and try some more.

Reach for the stars,
spread your wings and fly ,
For you never know what you can do , just until you try.

Reach for the star's,
and that one must ,
for everyone is  bright and unique ,
that's what star's entrust !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Jul 2020 · 94
Wanderlust In the pristine greens to loose thy mind and find thy soul ,
Snippets of joy , dotted with entrancing views !

Air ripe with the dewy petrichor of the rains .
Sunbeams gleaming bright along the plains !

Strolling through bouquet of pink and yellow lilies ,
chirpy birdies and frisky reds,
Sheaves of wheat stacked in beds.
Chuckle of the kids running after the bunnies ,
Lo behold ! sights so funny .

Giant windmills lined across the hills,
Soothing tintinnabulation of the distant church bells ,
Subtle milieux design
a magical spells.
Red roofed home's gay with Fuchsias ,Daisy's and Roses.
How glorious a greeting nature poses !

Life is beautiful out there,
trimmed with colours and drama , ribbons and bows .
Filled with energy life glows !

Country - sides share vibes that always decorate the true essence life has in store , urging wanderers to come for more !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Long verse
This one was inspired by a project of embroidery work that I am working on at the present ..the theme of the embroidery work completely reminded me of country side life and hence the same outcome through the poem .
I also feel that the COVID pandemic undermines the virtual travel to different destinations, although physically  one has to restrict taking on vacations ,journeys ,short trips ,the mind can virtually take one to its dream destination
Mine would anytime be in the country side 😁
Stay safe
#Thanks for reading#
Jul 2020 · 87
Love Notes #17#
Seeds of love sow,

on barren hearts,

tiny flower's grow.

Offlate my backyard has many a wild flowers growing and with lots of time in-hand understanding nature's beauty is become a daily ritual ,today I chanced upon one such beautiful tiny ,yellow wild flower which inspired me to write this haiku style rhyming verse.
Nature and poetry together are a classic combo 😍
#Simple verse#
Thanks for reading
Jul 2020 · 77
Love and hate is like lattice work !

©Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Jun 2020 · 51
A coy smile, the smattering of the vermillion ,
  Invoking dark kohl eyes ,
fresh and fragrant festoons,
the soothing sounds of the shimmery, silver anklets .
 captivating tinkles of the
glossy, glass bangles,
Walking straight into my heart,
a pure soul of modesty and beauty in all angles.

Blessed to have you in my life, without postulation.
Everything that surrounds you is simplicity ,
Thee;ultimate sophistication!

© M.D.Nimbalkar
This thought process is synonymous with the typical Indian woman ,simple yet beautiful at the same time a woman is a remarkable and beautiful force to be reckoned with.😍

#Rhyming verse#
Jun 2020 · 74
In the open as I walk , upon the pastures green ,
Paused ! I daze by the transmute of hues that delightfully glean.

A kaleidoscope of fluttering beauties , complete the bewitching frame.
Happiness is pretty simple to obtain ,
Stare ! my friend at the butterflies and you shall utter the same !

Simple Rhyming verse,a passing thought after I have always ,always been amazed at the beauty of the butterflies...such an attractive insect !
Butterflies can't see their wings and how beautiful they are but other can !
May 2020 · 69
Marching Millions
Withering of hearts and ruined minds ,
moment's notice and a despondent life ,
future at stake unclear, unclean,
harsh is nature's fury scene.
emanating from unprecedented zones .
Incessant memories of how life is being unkind .
Am I paying a hefty price for my deeds ?

Fragile life compelled to choose a course,
hopelessly looked for rainbows between the blows,
Uncertain and unfair fate awaited .
playing a tug of war life game,
Compromise to get what neither wanted,
win or lose will mean the same.

Doomsday for certain arrived,
shattered the illusion of millions and forced them onto their feet.
shuddering and frightened they took the dreaded path ,
in hope of meeting their kith and kin,
making it look more like a sin.
with no penny , no food ,nothing looking any good,
the shrill ,the yell,
in deep pain every heart will swell.
Yet every obstacle they tried to pass, ferric trails leading them to their final destination,
this but a meagre solution .

Long hours,rough terrains, unmapped,zapped they simply marched.
Unseen powerful blows and many a lives rip apart,
tear wrapped as they parched .

Destiny choose to be aloof,
they scattered throughout for food and roof.
Alas ! Hunger turned the human a wayfarer and costed a soul.
Life turned upside down,
from laughter to distress ,
spreading havoc and creating mess.
future now bleek , steering into a deep sleep.

Speechless I am and will forever be,
Life's burden is taken away
but by death alone !
A journey into the unknown.

© M.D.Nimbalkar.
"Marching Millions" the tittle of the poem is sourced from the blog by eminent Indian writer Shobha de published in the Times of India newspaper recently..The content of the blog is the inspiration for the poetic version .

Feelings in these unique times are vulnerable to horrific events , one such of course is the case of Migrant workers all over India.
The Migrant workers crisis is definitely one of the worst sena
rios in the COVID 19 pandemic and underlines the poor state of affairs in managing the same .
Pray that their next life is blessed and cushioned away from life's harsh assaults.
This one goes as a tribute to many a migrant workers lives lost in their journeys back home .
#Long verse #
#Lockdown poem#
May 2020 · 51
Hope Spring is Eternal !
In the clouded mind the enlightenment is for real.

Oh! my beautiful Lily bloom ,
I pray , you carry away the
gloom .
A swarm of bees ,
gush of breeze , in your beauty they freeze .

Each day as you embellish in red , yellow and white
The sun stands guard all day , shining and bright .
When night lanterns glow softly in the darkness of the sky ,
The moon gleams for you all night .

Blossom as a source of Hope and delight !
Oh dear "Flower Of Light".

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Spring season to me is full of blissful days and hope with fun-filled childhood memories too.. , blossom by blossom spring always radiates happiness and
the LILLIES in particular are a complete eye candy .. the symbolic and spiritual meanings add another dimension to their importance ,also  called the flower of light (made popular by poet Ben Jonson in his poem " Have You Seen But A Bright Lily Grow".)
"Rhyming ,simple verse"
#Symbolic poem#
May 2020 · 69
The flaming smiles of the yellow lotus , in my garden you bloom from endless knots of adversity and gloom!

You are a testimonial to
Where flowers grow so does hope , glistening in the brightest rays ,
I see peace , purity and perfection in the immenent days ,
You show me a positive path in many a beautiful ways!

Seeking your rendition to my very being ,
Oh! my divine, yellow lotus emerging from mire and mud,
Showering blessings from your octave golden joist ,
My heart is rejuvenated and I rejoice !

© M.D.Nimbakar.
The beauty and the purity of a lotus flower is simply is powerful, magnificent and pure all at once.
My garden blooms with the same and I get a positive vibe.
#Rhyming verse#
#Sacred lotus #
May 2020 · 77
Everyday river meets the vast ocean , carrying on the process relentlessly as a unforgettable session .
One day the ocean asks river a question,
"How long my compadre will you come and meet me" ?
River responds without hesitation ;
"Up until the time I don't see you my soulmate as a sweetness filled solution" !

© M.D.Nimbalkar
Everything in a relationship needs to be about;reassurance ... perseverance.. positive approach... determination and trust.
#Rhymed verse#
Apr 2020 · 115
hatred is a lethal weapon
in the deep , dark jungle of life
love is a eternal aureole !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Apr 2020 · 57
On the resilient Earth I flutter
today , tomorrow and day after.
Each day brings me closer to my zion , the love of being in peace within my sion.

Familiar surrounding and smiling faces, supramundane existence and the hope of being.
Cleansed soul and mind, every heart so kind .
Actions never judged and reactions never grudged .

The first rays of the sun gleam and every moonlight transcends into a sweet dream .
My whistles loud and clear, living in no fear , coarse yet pure !
Each day in and day out with super energy I scout .
Cheerfulness and laughter I tout.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
This particular poem is an outcome of a small video I viewed where the people speak the language of the birds !


The title of this poem is SHANGRI-LA which is an imaginary, beautiful place, often far away, where everything is pleasant and you can get everything you want.
Turkish bird language (Turkish: kuş dili) is a version of the Turkish language communicated through high-pitch whistles and melodies. Originally used by Turkish farmers to communicate over large distances and now down to 10,000 speakers, it is at risk of extinction as mobile phones replace this purpose. The language is associated with Kuşköy, a village in Turkey's northern Pontic Mountains. UNESCO included the bird language in its 2017 list of intangible assets.Other countries with whistling languages include the Canary Islands, Greece, Mexico, and Mozambique.
It simply inspired me to dream of this place as a utopia ! very raw, eternal and positive hence the poetic expression of the same thought process .
Thanks for reading.
#Fictional poem#
#Rhyming verse#
Apr 2020 · 59
When pain gets down to complete nothingness.
There is so much more to life!

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Unrhymed verse
Apr 2020 · 122
Train thy mind to believe in positive energy ,
Train thy heart to only love and behold ,
Empathy and compassion be thy goal .
Thee forever be a purified soul !

Contain negative energy ,
Confine thee flow .
In sublime happiness thy shall grow !

Let past not matter , let present be better .
Make thy future positively greater !
Pray for thee human tribes , Only good vibes !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
At a time when the world is fighting a global crisis what one can pray for is only good vibes ... positivity and victory ..."Go Corona Go" !
Rhyming verse#spiritual verse #positivity inflow and outflow#
Quarantine series
Mar 2020 · 73
Paint flowers so they don't die ,
A memory of all contrivances , beautiful in the minds byre!

Alas ! A temporal fragment in the book of life .
Perceive what is to conceive !
Life indeed is short ,
A perfect balance one must strive .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
The opening line to this verse is
a famous quote from the painter Freida kahlo highlighted from one of my friend's daughter Mukta Desai's art work who used it into the making of her scrap book and to me it relates completely to the uncertainities of life ,the only things I can hold back while I am alive are the memories that I capture in my heart and mind through my short journey of life...make it magical and transform everything into a beautiful picture...
Trivia :-Life is a Oxymoron simple, beautiful yet complex and ugly.
"perceive what needs to conceive"...
Mar 2020 · 126
COVID -19;We will win
Nature's fury they say or karmas way ,
Convergence sharp in the eye,
donning a cape of disaster with pride,
Unfurling of glistening wrath with mighty stride .
Did we see it coming or not?  
What are we doing ,
for what have we fought?
Oh! What a shame !
Stop the blame game .

Every pain that one must bear ,
for every dis-burden ,every care .
Respect every conspicuous Front liner.
Doctors, Nurses and Hospital Staff,
what a brave fight they have all put up !
Each a Daredevil facing every upheaval .

For every grief that bows the head ,
for every teardrop that is shed ,
for every hurt, every plight ,
for every lonely pain-racked night ,
Trust in God as we should ,
for everything will work-out
just good .

Change is inevitable,
forever turning life's table .
In these whirling winds that seem to grind ,
let faith be the strong bind .
Fear no more ,
learn to go with the flow .

In the catastrophic scene,
purify your souls and let courage glean .
Holding onto Hope with triumph insight ,
standing united to win this fight.
Dwell in hope through thick and thin ,
Victory will prevail and we will win !

As the world witnesses one of the most deadliest storm in the form of coronovirus  my heart goes all out to the ones that are working on getting rid of the same . Praying for everything to get back to normalcy and while this is on , may Almighty give the strength and courage to everyone to stand United and Tall .
Heart is a forge ,

love is always moulding at large  .

©Mrunalini.D. Nimbalkar
#two lined verse#
Mar 2020 · 85
At times definitions worsen situations!

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Mar 2020 · 56
Can there be a time when I don't think of you ?

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Feb 2020 · 58
Sunny beams play hide and seek ,
Pearls of dewdrops on the faces gleam and the Icy cold cream quenches the thirst with sweetness galore ,
The aestheval month's are here for exciting days and more .

Children on the playgrounds, whisking around on merry go rounds .
Balmy weather and the sky in shades of burgundy ,
Saying cheers to sweet candy.

Oh ! The sight of fragrant flowers and the bright lillies , Sunflowers chuckling to the Clement rays silly !
Warm breeze over the meadows,
Resting under the jacaranda tree's shadows.

Hiking in the hills,
riding cycles for thrills playing with the colourful fresbies ,
gushing in the water's cool, over the beaches and in the pool .
The summer season is all about fun,without a reason .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Warm welcome to the summer season in India.
This is my memories of  summer season and vacation during my  childhood ...I guess most of us in India will relate to this type of summer season and vacation. time .
#Simple Rhyming verse#
Thanks for reading.
Feb 2020 · 64
Beware! I am a animal vector,
I transmit love and more love .

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
#28 .2.2020# unrhymed#couplet#vector#science of love#
Trivia:- while I say goodbye to the leap year month of love I can only reiterate more love to all...
Feb 2020 · 62
in a league of my own ,
my Ikigai way of life ,
positivity inflow and outflow.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Modern style haiku ,three line verse, unrhymed.
Feb 2020 · 51
Unequivocal challenge is like a broken pencil , there is no point!

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Inspirational monostich#punch line poem# single line poem#expression poem #quotepoem#there is no shortcut to success.
Written to all the students giving exams ...
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