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 Aug 2021 MJL
Imran Islam
The Relief
 Aug 2021 MJL
Imran Islam
Today the shady grove is full of flowers
what was surrounded only in sins!
Everyone's heart is swaying with joy
after came true the dream of a hundred years.

Today the promise is at the top
There're no tears but only relief!

There was- the courage of mothers,
the patience of new brides,
the pain of losing smiles of sisters
and the sacrifice of  Bengali!

How insomnia and starvation!
How thirst panic and self-numb!
Finally, the sun has smiled at the nation
and young heroes are happy in triumph!
 Aug 2021 MJL
Imran Islam
Oh, martyrs of my clime, please, forgive me!
I couldn't grab your sacrifice in my chest
I don't know how much you curse me,
I apologize to you, please, take my request!

This heart did not feel the liveliness
even didn't get any respect;
That is my irresponsibility.
This is not my credit but an insult!

I don't draw that dream as you did
I don't know why there's no brotherhood!
My green homeland is in the hands of robbers.
And there're no conflicts with the enemies!

After everything, we hug the killers
Society is depressed about nakedness.
We turn the bullets to our brothers
whereas the leader is selfish and ruthless!

To tell your story isn't just my responsibility;
I will make your dreams come true for sure.
If my restless soul can represent yours
then the blood of Bengali will succeed with this nationality!
 Mar 2021 MJL
Imran Islam
The Spring
 Mar 2021 MJL
Imran Islam
The spring has come
The cuckoos are singing sweetly.
The smell of flowers is blowing in the air
The leaves are getting greener with new lives,
and nature is happy for the spring wind today.

Springtime has come
into the world to paint it green
and to make nature beautiful.
The forests are dancing with the swings.
The cheer of the spring is touching the cold bodies.

Nature is getting ready for the coming days.
The nights are excited by the scent of jasmine
and the loving hearts are mad at this.
Who wanna be strangers to the spring!

Nature is fresh today by the song and smell
Oh young, take this nature of spring as your fuel!
 Feb 2021 MJL
Richard Smith
For you
 Feb 2021 MJL
Richard Smith
I’d give you the world
If it was mine to give
Hand you my life
For you live
Grant every wish
If it was in my power
Stay by your side every minute and hour
Without hesitation
I give you my heart
Endure the suffering
When we are apart
 Feb 2021 MJL
sandra wyllie
as my *****
to my stomach. With Covid,
the stocks took a plummet.

Everything backs
as the drain
in my tub. The acid
in my esophagus is thick
as a hippopotamus. And the line
into the store is a mile
from the door!

Everything slows
as my bowels. It *****
as I’m older. No pun, but my metabolism
can stand a motor. And my life's
put on pause. This virus
made new laws.

Everything speeds
Time is escaping. But the death toll
is breaking me. We're making
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