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240 · Jul 2018
( Thinking of time gone by )

Watchen water washen stones
Watchen sunlight bleachen bones~
Wasten time thats wasten me
Waiten for a love thats never free~
Waiten for rain that never falls
Watchen the phone , nobody calls~
Counten stars that fall from so high
Liven life untill I die~
Getten older by the day
Nothen seems to go my way~
Doen all I felt was right
And here I am still alone tonight~
Twas long ago when I knew you
Since that time Ive been so blue~
But life goes on all about
And here I sit alone with lights turned out~
Somethens wrong with me I know
How come I still love you so~
Guess your happy and here I wait
But I ll never see your form at my gate~
Watchen water washen stones
Watchen sunlight bleachen bones~
Wasten time thats wasten me
Waiten for a love that never free~.

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
236 · Jul 2018
A person I knew to talk to
Alone one day from work we made our way
Just conversation can be wonderful its true
And reaching a lane out of the gentle rain
Twas the first time I held you

In total bliss twas then an unplanned kiss
And your lips added presure as mine did too
I felt as if we were one as that kiss brought sun
And the sky once more turned blue

As if to adore I wondered why not this before
As two souls now became way more to be
And as if birds now sang and bells they rang
I could as if here the gentle waves upon the sea

Close thus closer tighter thus tighter longer too
Conversation needs not words to express
And poetry needs not to be written down
As love grows in moments magic I confess

Not a soul to be seen in thus lovers lane supreme
Heart thumping insistance thus not to care
Twas at that very time in unwritten words of rhyme
My face buried in your beautull hair

t­errence michael sutton
copyright 2018
232 · Sep 2018
( Superfluousness and regardless of mans religious views
      these are the cold hard facts think as you may and will )

I've Never Forgotten

I was in hospital because of an accident
A minor one I thought~
But I needed an operation
To fix a few things of a sort~
When I woke up after it
I lay thinking all the time
Could not believe the kind of things
That were still within my mind~
I asked the doctor when he came
Did all go alright while I was under~
Nothing happened did it doctor
His answer was no was not a single blunder~
Still I worried about what I thought
About the things I seem then to recall~
So early in the morning a sister came around
And gave her a call~
What happened during my operation
I asked her sincerelly~
She sat down and turned off her torch
And she began then to tell me~
This is just between us
She said softly but for sure~
We lost you in there for awhile
You died and stopped breathing don't know what for~
We tried and tried to get you back
But you had gone away~
It was a good six minutes and all over
But then you started breathing better than before-
And much to our surprise you rolled your eyes
No way you were gone then anymore
We thought for reasons unknown
We'd lost another on the day~
Well I told her while I was out
I stood in a room of mist~
It echoed and though I felt at ease
It was a place my soul had never kissed~
A person came towards me
And soon a surprise I had~
He looked at me in both joy and sadness
It was the face of my own dad~
In his own way of speaking
He said what in the blazes are you doing here~
It's not your time my son at all
And he held me oh so dear~
No way I wanted to return
I have never felt so grand~
I felt him brush my hair as he used to do
And then he took me by the hand~
You'v got to go back my son
You have so much more to do~
It's not your time to be here yet
you must go back it's true~
And then a voice that came from everywhere
Echoed in this place of misty cloud~
He has to go back right away, right now
It was compassionate but deep and loud~
I saw my dear Dad fading away
And as he did he replied~
I'll be here when you do come for good
Son take all you come across with love and pride~
I woke up in the recovery room
They said I would be fine~
I had all of this within my memory
And it was so clear within my mind~
The nursing sister told me I had been gone
Longer than any she had known in the past~
That they had done all they could for me
Then you started breathing fine and so fast~
Gasping for breath like you were under water
And just came to the top~
The doctor almost she said had a fit
And could not believe his lot~
Nobody can hold their breath that long
Your heart had stopped and simply died~
For reasons unknown to all that day
She said I myself almost cried~
We checked you over and over again
You were can fine as fine could be~
No way any would have said a thing
But now that you asked me~
I held her hand and she held mine
And said if you had not of asked my man~
Nobody would have told you at all
What happened in that longest it seems time span~
She sat and asked so many questions
And I needed to talk it's true~
As the place I went for awhile
Ive never ever remember of being to~
But I do know my very own dad
My best mate ever in my time~
And he told me so lovingly
To go back for awhile and Id be fine~
That I had so much more to do
And now I know the reasons why~
After all this time he is still with me
And still it's not my time to die~
But at least I've seen that other side
And I fear death not at all~
For I know what it feels like after
I receive my final call~
( May I be struck dead if theres an
   ounce of an untruth in this )

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2007
231 · Jul 2018
It'd help a lot in life
To handle strife
Be a good soul and
Respect girlfriend or wife

But sin an invented word
By religion true
As after all said and done
The same for them too

Same place same time
This time I'll have more wine

terrence michael sutton
Copyright  2018
229 · Sep 2018
Away out in the middle of no where at all
Horseback looking for strays cloudy day
Nothing that fantastic to see as one rides
Simply miles from anywhere far away

Suddenly a most beautiful flowering bloom
Growing away out there all upon its own
Fragrant superbly healthy and there it was
Looked so very beautiful but miles from home

One wonders how in all goodness it got here
Thinking of a seed upon natures winds blow
Yet defiantly it so far away from eye sight
Such brilliance away out there it did grow

Getting down from horseback a little water
Dug around it placed a few rocks protection
In a land of absolute droubt ever so very dry
It grew it smiled it stood without detection

Nature a way and far better gardener its so
Does things most of us would never guess
Never asking for thanks but how it performs
Does more than us to to tidy up earths mess

I gave it a little shade the smallest garden made
And hoped next time I ever came this way
It had decided to drop yet more of its seeds
Of its own to add to yet more a beautiful display

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

Many came together re the abuse of children
What in the world do they call children detention
Heaps of them kept on an iland a childrens jail
Way too many more than most care to mention

Their crimes they have none but being children
Even the Catholic Church signed forms to agree
All nothing to do with children but all politics
As far as I myself ever looking at it at all see

Religious organizations the lot in one bucket
It all sounds good they feel but more so on paper
Just another hypocritical as if best foot forward
Their latest political and come religious caper  

Find them homes re-educate and give them hope
I cannot believe they actually feel this has to be
And with the same breath they all in gods name
Are doing this expecting all to as if ever agree

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
222 · Jul 2018
Strolling along the riverside alone
Getting my mind if possible together
Listening to the waters run in passing
Ever beautiful it was  the weather

Away from all and ever peaceful there
Appreciating the riversides natural sound
And wildflowers here and there they grew
In the riversides darkest topsoil ground

Then as if out of nowhere swam alone
A beautiful native wildflower ever so
She saw me looked awhile smiling
Came into shore naked as stars to glow

Sat near myself chatted some of life
Pointed to a bamboo hut not far away
Indicating to follow her walking slow
Her wet hair hung low upon that day

Well just goes to show along river slow
One can find the most beautiful wild flower
It took all day there to examine it careingly
And well into the night to the midnight hour

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
There was a smallest ever wee Irish soul
She lived within a largest oldest tree
Outside she grew a bed of Foregetmenots
She had a smile that brought such glee

When she toddled off to the market
She always carried a basket made of grass
And upon her ears hung jingle jangles
That she had made from bits of glass

Those that knew her  called her Wee Wander
As she'd wander often here and there
Gathering wild flower seeds to sow in garden
And soon it all looked so beyond compare

With chocolate vine on her tree thus to climb
And little violates planted in shells of birds
When she spoke it sounded just like mucic
Her very voice danced rather than of words

Most of her clothes were colores of  green
As Irish as Irish as Irish it can ever be
All the birds and butterflies knew her well
Little Wee Wander lived within a largest tree

­terrence michael sutton  
copyright 2018
218 · Jun 2018
Oh neighbor can you help me get down
I climbed up into this tree to get fruit
A lizard climbed up my leg I got hooked
The cheeky crawly scary little coot

I'll go and het my ladder from the shed
No just let me stand on your shoulder
That way I'll get down in no time at all
Your strong and not all that much older

She stepped onto my shoulders we fell
Spread right across the garden below
Sitting flat and heavy on my upper half
Oh I am so sorry I mean it sincerely so

Covered in the fruit she'd picked up there
Not a chance I had that I could as if stand
She wriggled as to get herself up on her feet
I cannot get up she then explained feet in sand

She then took hold of the base of the fruit tree
And then she slowly turned herself around
No no no don't do that came a muffled as if cry
This won't take long she said myself on the ground

She said have an apple but two others hung as well
I grabbed them as to free myself covering my eyes
Her wiggling and jiggling riggling laughing too
Groaning amongst her giggling giving forth of sighs

She fell flat on me saying we'll just roll over some
Then all it should be well a great idea sounds good
So we did that and that was it still clinging for safety
Like two blocks of as if unchopped  wood

I met her down the street one day later on shopping
One of her girlfriends said oh you two have already met
I turned a funny shade of red and almost choked
Oh yes she said met him in our garden close as two can get

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

Oh it could well be and it for sure it would be
Even if the sun turned out its lights for real
In the largest crowd wondering searching for you
I'd find for my soul knows how your soul does feel

There is not another love another aura another one
That sends the same loving vibrations through me
Within a crowd of enless my soul would confess thers
Only one electronic seductive love thsts within thee

A most romantic bolt of loves own lightening I feel
Even within the most crowded room I feel it ever so
Words could explain any more than the pain of a flower
Having just been picked instead of allowing it to grow

Or how a dying wave feels upon a shore to disolve
Like a green leaf blown away from its mother tree
Like the parting of a cloud being seperated thus two
Or never heard words never having been in a dictionary

Only as one together for eternity untill times done
Could explain the spontanious combustion of us both
Without any form of a test us two are perfections best
To love as none has in all of time our hearts own oath

As soon as your soul is near my soul it knows no fear
My very heart could measure your distance away from me
Within the blindest of light without a trace of sight
I'd know deeply within that again together we'd be

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
216 · Jun 2018
Within a busy shop just opened
He walked looking here and there
Passing an wearing a silent spell
By his face then  swept her hair

A fragrance she wore stole his mind
Walking back to view the owner so
Much to his surprise beautiful eyes
Asking directions her smile held a glow

That fragrance filled his wildest dreams
Where here  can I get a coffee said he
She pointed to a small dim coffee shop
Feel like one hoping that she'd agree

Checked her time yes that'd be divine
Gave his name she gave hers voice low
He imagined time standing still for a time
That fragrance owned him she didn't know

As if it revealed all within he wanted more
Holding her hand all of her held this spell
Over coffee egg pie he then  dared to ask
I love your perfume its a body wash I tell

He gave her his card can we meet again
For coffee she smiled yes like that too
I'll ring you and let you know when ok
His heart missed a beat she never knew

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
215 · Aug 2018
Long ago I got on the road
The world my back yard
Started traveling all over
Met many a poetic bard

Learned the ways of people
Writing of it all on the way
Have poems not on computer
Wrote sold songs sing lots today

Writer of book songs poetry too
Heaps still in boxes from back when
Seen many places met endless souls
Loved it all how I did back then

A traveler becomes a deciple of wisdom
But generations many have faded away
Even Jesus studied Bhudism in Kashmir
Was eighty five when he died there one day

Religious I found time wasters collectors
Of unknowing souls never dying on a cross
All comes down to wealth greed organized
No problems karma will be their loss

After all said and done all were just families
Those who were the captains of their soul
All much the same as all families were then
Since earliest days away back times of old

There was as if a unuversal language then
But since that time minds closed so tight
Soul slavery became a hundred years later
Writing bibles mans word not gods so right

I saw lands oceans seas mountains valleys
Ships made from straw camels horses too
Was so many ways to travel had they then
Country to country all under skies of blue

But now those times are over gone for good
As generations passed stories changed true
People all were just that people minds open
Greed and wealth lies written more than a few

We are all here to only learn oppasites choices
Like knowing right from wrong left and right
If you know them you don't need religions
A new born baby knows them day and night

If one cannot do a good turn one don't do bad
Treating others as you'd have them treat you
If it wasn't for a good samariton doing likewise
The story wouldn't be the one they call true

Simplicity I love that word its right up there
My insignificance in life my own invisability
One can't walk both side of a barbed wire fence
At the same time choices have to be made agree

I'm older than so many right now no regrets
Learned more than most would believe true
Almost finished this class schooling so be it
But old souls I adore each one of you

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
213 · Jul 2018
He had spent his entire life giving
And all of his life that's what he'd done ..
Seldom asking for anything for himself
He was after all his very own fathers son..

He traveled how he traveled widely ever so
Friends he made so many along the way..
He helped so many over time make ends meet did he
But what he had given seldom came back to stay..

He married a girl who'd known no other in life
She was all any man could ever ask for true..
But anything of making love in any real form
She very simply never had known or knew..

A rather fruitless marriage several ways to be
But he loved her endlessly and provided always..
Years went by and this never changed over time
A man gets lonely but never cheated in all his days..

She simply never knew of making love never wanted to
And he felt it wrong to have her change her at all..
So all the time he wore it bit the bullet as said
A good man never did wrong but he always stood tall..

He would have given anything to sit on a rock and talk
To one that both knew each other with respect as friends..
However he never spoke her language and never had met any
Who ever were real friends as honest conversation blends..

He felt one day he'd just fade away and blamed his karma  
Would deliver some peace of mind in a way distant place..
His beautiful woman felt keeping a clean home and caring
Was all she needed to do to be a wife with her simple grace..

He as it was loved her dearly as ever since they had met
He gave all his money to her .. her family from day one..
Never had he known of making love as married couples do
Yet never told of this in time to any time gone or to come..

Many asked him how come you both have not had children
He still never said a single word and never put her down..
He was always outgoing friendly but had values integrity
They told stories they'd invented gossip wore a crown..

A highly educated man at best as well a writer an artist
An author a singer a songwriter learned things ever vast..
However a loving man in every way within with sincerity
Had always given his best finished what he started in past..

Nobody took time to really know him as he was deep within
Still he wishes he had one friend as a real friend in life..
With all the respect that goes with real sincere friendship
To sit with time and easy a little soul depth inner strife..

However he was kept as if in a prison re his taught values
Feeling maybe it was just in this life karma or his lot
A you have to be there to know kind of thing it all became
Mostly feeling even alone in a crowd as if an invisable plot

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
212 · Jul 2018
Upon my porch in old chair coffee hot
Earlier than the loss of morning dew
Distant clouds of pink brighten some
A valley far below miles of moring view

The trees all shine so in rising of light
Far away purple mountains now green
Oxygen endless as gentle breezes blow
Skies slowly now a shade of blue supreme

Closer some shadows they take their leave
For them their task well done almost over
The fields once hidden now producing so
Piles of new cut hay all of freshest clover

Old gate down the way below now reborn
Horse and foal awake both on a morning run
A largest bird flies high passed all far below
Another natures gift unwrapped night is done

So much one has to view and all of this for free
Having a soul appreciate all nature gives away
And all as one for now night over and done
The birth of yet another beautiful day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
When you think you've reached a dead end
In life .. simply choose a new direction~
There's a million doors yet to open
That need no effort for detection~
To quit is not and never the answer
Choose another way to go~
Therese a new life waiting for you
People who will love you ever so~
Its all a question of truth and destiny
To find the reasons you were born~
What you've to do within your lifetime
Every day from dawn till dawn~
Don't ever be discouraged by the quitters
Know in your heart you deserve the best~
Search for it honestly and deliberately
Know you've got what it takes to pass the test~
If you need to calm the restlessness
Take a long look at your needs~
Walk out from the swamp onto life's highway
And never return again to the reeds~
Once you lose sight of your dreams in life
And your deepest emotional needs and feelings within~
You know then that its time , yours and mine
To think of yourself and that's not a sin~
If you've no tears left to cry then who are you
When you no longer care your as good as dead~
Then a whole life of love and destiny
Wasted ...ended ...put to bed~
All the answers to life's questions are waiting
For you to press on , seek and find~
And if you lose interest in searching
Your chances of happiness then left behind~
Creation and creating never ceases
As we all create every single day~
And know you do too , Your needed its true
So go get it , do it in your way~
But one things for sure you do matter
And your loved by just more than a few~
So keep it in mind , never leave this behind
Always , To thine own self be true~.

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1993
206 · Sep 2018
We were not placed upon earth to follow equals
We have a deep thinking mind of our own
Our vibes are messages to us from our soul
All answers to lifes problems we have at home

Take more time to think consider listen to them
Follow others and much strife thus to know
If anywhere have faith within your ver self
And within lifes garden you are sure to grow­mKBSVw

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
206 · Jun 2018
A poet writes of life as they know it to be
Of things that matter so to them~
They share their thoughts and feelings so
Of future' Their now ' Away back when~
Positivity in every way although
Life has in reality it's up's and down's~
If one does not see life as it is
Within some fantassy world so many drown~
Life for the most created now by man alone
The life we know today it's true~
The life the poet now sees in reality
Has mans touch all of the way through~
But as well a poet tries to see all the flowers
And the love that is still to be found~
Nature and all of Gods gifts to us
And good loving hearts and souls around~
At those that look deeply within a soul
Regardless of colour and or race~
At all of Gods own children
And at our one planet here in space~
A poet feels the very pain
As they as well feel the joy~
And the love of all upon earth
Of every born girl and boy~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018
205 · Sep 2018
Today ever so a beautiful day
Nature has blessed us once again
At times it gives us its sunshine
Other times it gives us needed rain

It expects us to prepare its changes
Thinking we've got the know how true
To live in safety for its times to come
Us to work with it not it for us through

Man and his attitudes of ego often feel
Its nature who needs more consideration
Even it can please some some of the time
But not all all of the time needs examination

Yet today come what may with its blessings
Another gift nature has given as nature can
Human the lesser life on earth that here be
Not just alone for the species of earths man

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
205 · Jun 2018
Away up the top out in the back blocks
Simply days drive from anywhere at all~
We were camped on the side of a river bank
Not far from a wet season come water fall~
We were running out of food to some extent
I assured them all we were just fine~
That I as camp cook had enough to last us
And tonight as usual we were all going to dine~
We were way up there on a top end fishing trip
And I'd been up there a good few times before~
Where the best fish were only ever caught
In a land that I came to adore~
One bloke there had a friend with him
Who was a real city well fed chum~
And he kept boasting how his wife could cook
As he sat swigging on the last of his ***~
I knew they were going up stream for the day
To fish and do some prospecting up the way~
And I told them tonight a real Irish stew
And he replied that sounds real good mate ay~
He said no way I could eat that bush tucker
I got to have whats proper and comes from shops~
I don't eat that out back wild bush Tucker stuff
It'll never ever get pass or through my chops~
But an Irish stew yes that'll sure do
And it sounds real good to me~
When we get back from up the track
I'll have my share of that you wait an see~
So they eventually left in one direction
And I eventually left in the other~
Hoping the thick bushland would act as
To my rifle shots a cover~
I shot a Roo and a Goanna later on
A Bandicoot and soon one wild cat~
And then I shot a large wild parrot
Got a young croc in the water and headed back~
A little ways from the camp where we were
I used a fallen log as a butchers block~
And then I got this big bucket full
Of meaty bits right to the top~
The fire now lit and big cooking *** half full
I then went on a wild herb search~
And when I got down by the river again
I got my self a pool trapped perch~
Added it as well to the Irish stew
With bush herbs and thickened with some flour~
And I can tell in awhile it smelt so good
And they'd be due back in about an hour~
I had honey I'd robbed from a distant hive
So I made a patty cake or two~
With what flour I had left at the time
Yep .... That'll surely do~
Well when they got back the aroma drifted
And they picked it up coming down the track~
And couldn't wait to eat the whole lot
And complimented the cook then for the snack~
The city bloke that did all the complaining
About running out of food~
Said he was sorry that he went on a bit
And didn't mean to be at all rude~
He said I'd have died if I had to eat bush Tucker
And believe me it is true~
In all my life .. including the wife
Never tasted a better Irish stew~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1970  .. now 2018
204 · Jun 2018
Am I Was I Ever So Blessed
With all man upon earth considers a wealth
None of it come what may can replace good health
He may hold for a time all that pleases his mind
But one moment of loving her Anothers greatest wealth

All words of religion and politics ever in time spoken
An entire life lived hearts full souls contently unbroken
A moment of nervana of superb heavely being ever so
Of Holding such perfection unexplained by poetry spoken

Am I was I so blessed for knowing all of beautiful songs sung
Of yet poetry to be written fate it to my soul of such it brings
Only thus two will ever feel all that words can never explain
Without any regrets that could be worthy of when a bird sings

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
199 · May 2018

Sitting alone in a quiet spot fishing
A meditation all upon its own
Listening to the sounds of nature
The mobile in a draw in my home

Early in the morning or late night
Upon the turning of the ocean tide
Line in the water just in case
I might hook something of pride

Seems of late the best of conversations
I have is talking to myself of late true
Everybody talks some English if want to
English one of languages here of a few

But getting away on my own for awhile
Has me not have to deal with religion
And their concentrationg on its fantasy
Just being alone awhile as if a pigeon

One in the Philippines can be among many
And still feel it seems so very much alone
Not a lot here know or trust anyone at all
Except those they have within their home

Seems so many being a walking contradiction
Partly truth and as well partly fiction
Which is more often ever at best so confusing
And courses a lot of un=needed daily friction

Thus I spend much of my time at home alone
And when can and if fishing I love to go
Away from hard to understand attitudes that be
And some peace of mind hopefully to know

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
197 · Aug 2018
Birds they fly as one in the sky
Bees they all work so hard as one
Nature has such respect for all
And look back what have we done

Ants are 75% of all living things
They move higher if rains on the way
We are so insignificant among all
Yet we remain so above ourselves to say

Turning our backs on all positives that be
All things beautiful we should be thankful so
And here we are earths most disructive force
Upon earth above all thats there to know

Earth our only home to at all call our own
Life being the only teacher to learn at all
With closed minds humans how we insist
We are all knowing natures every call

We should be able to see how wrong we are
Nature is not all that impressed getting worse
Our future is up a dry creek in a broken boat
Without a coin left in our as if human purse

We blame climate change and it goes on
Is the human race that very blind
Compred to all other living things on earth
We have placed ourselves so very far behind

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
197 · May 2018
I just came from a planet
Where true loves got a chance~
Where what is real does stays real
And they still believe in true romance~
A place with unending compassion
Where true love is just that~
No body plays mind games with each other
And believe me one day Im going back~
Just came from a planet
Where a man knows the simplest way~
To a real womans heart and soul
With true love that never goes away~
Just came from a planet
Where a woman is so aware~
That boys will be boys and girls will be girls
And true loves beyond compare~
Where romance doesnt wilt away
And true love doesnt up and leave~
No broken hearts there not a single one
And nobody knows how to disieve~
Just came from a planet
Where heavens not that far away~
And angels really do exist
And when they love they love to stay~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
196 · Sep 2018


SHE WAS MY MOTHER ( and yes I loved her dearly )
She Was ... MY MOTHER
A woman I once Knew ..
A woman of multiple personalities ..

She was the best of the best
And the worst of the worst~
She traveled all over
And quenched every thirst~
When somethen was over
She d move on agen~
And only return
When and if she got the yen~
She d say what she thought
And nomatter to whom~
One could never miss her
Even in a crowded room~
She d do as she pleased
And no matter what~
She was always herself
If they liked it or not~
Full of surprises
And one could never guess~
What wonderful things
She d make out of a mess~
When one thought they had her
They never had her at all~
Come rain or come shine
She always had a ball~
She lived her life to the limit
Come day or come night~
And when she made a statement
She was usually right~
She could dance she could love
She could see in the dark~
One vibrant woman
Who was always a spark~
She left no stone unturned
Missed nothen at all~
Nomatter who ever downed her
She always stood tall~
Everyone loved her so
And they hated her too~
That was everyone she met
And that was more than a few~
She spread so much laughter
And thrived on pure hell~
Nobody ever forgot her
They all knew her too well~
She could take anything on
And just as easy throw it away~
And go on regardless and
Live well another day~
She was all that she said she was
So she d say with pride~
She could welcome you home
And just as easy cast you aside~
There was more to this woman
Than anyone ever knew~
She could tell you a lie
And prove it was true~
She d play out a fantassy
And make it become real~
She had her own charisma
Never ever hid how she d feel~
She could sing like an angel
And then steal your heart~
and once she had gotten it
She d rip it apart~
Nobody ever owned her
She was her own soul~
She could act like a child
Or a woman so very old~
In her life she lived several lifetimes
And lived them all well~
She had her own brand of religion
And rang her own bell~
Everyone that knew her
They never ever knew why~
She could make so very happy
And then give you reason to cry~


Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988.
195 · May 2018
Cant go back and change things
As life don't work that way~
We all reminisce of back when
Past times and bygone days~

And we try as some times we all do
To have a go to make things right~
And we often feel its impossible
When we go back in dreams at night~

We cant go back and change things
No matter how hard we try~
To make it how we wished it was
Not until the day we die~

The future is the only way
We can make up for the past~
To build a firm tomorrow
One that will always last~

But we cant go back and change things
It simply cannot be~
Getting on with life to come
Will only ever set us free~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988
Its a fact of life ..Mand greed and need for more
Will one day be his failing himself ever so
His religions almot equal pigeons closed minds
But the many outcomes are out og his hands to know

Its true its been said put to bed in the back of his head
Plus comes a day everyone ages and dies moves on
Man wating his time with his games ever so fine
After whach another civilization neve to hear his song

As its said ... So far the Earth has had four aeons and we are now living in an epoch ... “wise life”) in which the thoughts, deeds and creations of human beings will ... even smaller asteroid could have disastrous consequences for humanity.

Well over time to show love for one another

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
188 · Sep 2018
More often than enough in life
A baby born remembering so
Without realizing the last life
For reasons refused to let go

Away back in another time
A different life ever so true
A soul born again this time
Returns to pass lessons through

Often excuses made hereditation
It does belong to both of them
But different in attitudes that be
To finish the last life once ag'en

Debates re babies difference true
It has it's own ideas of rules to be
Not always a baby born does fall
Right under it's very parents tree

Might be for better or even worse
But so different just the very same
A mind of it's very own so often
Might bring happiness or pain

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
188 · Aug 2018
Oh speak to me with words of song
As moon shines bright full and strong
To have my heart thus miss a beat
And gives thus lightest dancing feet

Seductive within their gentle sound
Feelings of romance thus to be found
Stealing within my entire beating heart
To have them from my mind never part

Giving thee no wish in life to go away
From within your arms to forever stay
Filling thus my mind heart and soul
With thy words of song as in days of old

Oh speak to me with their singing sound
With love in heart golden moon so bright
Feelings romance peace of mind to be found
Within my soul thy singing words this night

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
187 · May 2018
One day exploring I came across a soul
About as famous as one could in life be
Alone as that what she wished at the tie
To escape the prying eyes and to feel free

After talking just awhile trust was born
And with my vow never to mention a name
I spent the longest time knowing her
The full moon shone the dawn sun the same

Longer deeper trusting honesty became one
Just so to be themselves first time in ages
Almost impossible for them not to be so
Famours but lonely personal book many pages

To relax undress disguise by candle and fire
Simply to be with another no autographs desire
Not young deeply sublime a soul became the cryer
Abandon trust release of feelings in public brier

My word remains as is still untill I one day die
A soul so very known yet lonely as could ever be
To love such a precious gem as I did back when
To have known the release love as deep as the sea

terrence michael sutton
copyrght 2018
185 · Sep 2018
Believe It Or not ,, This happened ,,
     In all honesty ..And in Gods name .

When you have experienced something
That was for you alone to learn that time~
And the lessons that you then received
Would make others feel less stressful and so fine~
Then you get the feeling that you should tell
But you know they'd not believe~
What it was you saw in all reality
And they think a story you now weave~
But so help me not all that long ago
Nine years after she was in fact dead~
My mother decided to just turn up one night
Right at the very foot of my bed~
She appeared in full size its true
And simply spoke my name~
As if to hear the sound of it
And to move at all I wasn't game~
She was there for a good thirty seconds
And just as I saw her last~
She always told she'd be back
And of course then I too laughed~
I rang my sister right away that early morn
And she replied happy birthday to me~
Then it all became a reality
Knowing what I really then did see~
It was my birthday this was true
And mum turned up right then and there~
On the same day Tuesday that I was born
And the same date and birth time I swear~
As I was born at two thirty in the dawn
And on a Tuesday too~
Upon the date the second of June
In all honesty I'm now telling you~
The reason I am writing this
Is so I can say that I have told~
Everyone who has lost someone they love
The body dies but never does the soul~
I'm no fanatic in these kind of things
But seeing is all the proof I need to know~
That there is way more to this life my friends
Long after we die and seem to go~
So just know within as I do too
This is just one very small class in time~
In the biggest school of learning ever
And believe me .. They all are doing fine ~..

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2004
I started writing at sixteen years of age
I not long turned seventy six still write
I don't write to only please others at all
I write what I see I know day or night

I live by my values integrity principles
The captain of my very own soul I be
Don't need religions advice in life
I walk my own line uncrossed but free

Poetry is the very voice of your soul
As it comes to mind child or academic
Write your feelings honesty sincerely
Speak from your soul simply no panic

The soul older than all time yours too
Always be yourself write your own way
If any don't like it well thats just tough
You are so meant to be night and every day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Simply write what you feel ..
Boys here where I live are a protected species
Even long after they are supposed to be men
Generally this is how it is so much of the time
Six foot tall new cars gym loving until when

A lot still acting like teenagers though grown
Not generally changing much at all it seems
A lot have wives and families but game loving
Still chasing  as it is many teenage as if dreams

A lot from getting a girl pregnant at school
The reason so many ***** mothers all over
And even if ever married with children a few
They still love that world of as if teenage clover

Wives work run homes raise children accountants
Having given often up their girlish life long ago
Learning when a woman marries a man so often
She adopts another son as ever so many know

Shes still got housework child care you name it
He's the as if man that stuff he feels unbecoming
Ever so many girls now wives and as well mothers
She marches to his rule  he does the drumming

Boys will always as it is gennerally be boys often
While still catering to this extra as if husdand son
Women still today in many a way come what may
Are still second place forget the vows over and done

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
181 · Jun 2018

We are not talking about the games jusy now
We are looking at the entire future of earth
And myself the meeting thats just been held
Far as I can see has very little so far worth

Nothing has happened yet but a lot of talking
The rockets they still exist as they did before
Along with a lot of signing and hand shakes
I would not take all above for granted for sure

One does not count the chicken before they hatch
I learned as much when I first read Henny Penny
I think this could well be .. more about Trump
And a real time .. I'm better by far than any

Trump does not run the Pacific or Australia
The war games should continue as intended
I feel a mud pie is on the way hope I'm wrong
No way the war games should be suspended

I simply see not all appears as it might to be
And this being Trumps I'm the greatest yet
This is not in any way come what may
A game of tennis over finished game match set

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
181 · Sep 2018
Alone at last to create a past
Tallest pines our own canopy
On softest bed of needles red
Alone we two as one to be

Time how belongs to us alone
All we need we have for pleasure
Silence sings as nature it rings
Just alone we two for pleasure

Moments sublime  yours and mine
A dream has come true within reality
Alone we two weve dreamed of true
Has become a dream come true to be

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
179 · Sep 2018
Where ever one goes in the Philippines
Theres always something one gets for free
The biggest Filipino smiles one could find
They are endless to be seen and to see

Their entire faces how they simply glow
With eyes that resembles the stars above
Where ever you go theres endless on show
As if being Filipino it comes hand in glove

Such charisma like ones never seen before
Just like beautiful butterflies everywhere
In a garden of life they come so naturally
One'sgot to be blind not to see them there

Everywhere one goes its true there they are
Upon faces of joy glowing with charisma too
And from those that don't have much at all
So many filipino smiles for free sincerity true***.JPG

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
178 · Sep 2018
The human race  always searching space
Wasting endless money with their game
Yet deepest ever oceans things never seen
By the human race unknown still remain

Crearures largest than imaginations are
Of entities so massive live still far below
The very oceans they play in just for fun
Without a doubt they live and yet to grow

Man and his foolish ideas of all down there
With twenty five if that percentage of brain
If he had any idea of what exists miles below
He would be rewriting his as if books of same

So far below where man cannot go or know
That would make the Titanics position a puddle
Yet he tells of  of all he knows of what dwells
Beyond his thinking and the as if shallows puzzle

Earth has endless answers to unasked questions
Mans minute amount of  what he thinks does exist
Just little boys with his endlessly ever expensive toys
Down where daylights never seen the likes never kissed

Upon earth man has not scratched the surface yet
Far from as brilliant as he feels he is for sure
Give ot take another million years he might be close
Beyond his imagination below miles below the shore

terrence michael sutton
Copyright  2018
They ask why do you love the Philippines
Well theres palm trees and coconuts too
Lovely beaches everywhere good fishing
Just to name I guess out of all just a few

Great shopping and sunshine lots of rain
The rivers are wide and never ever dry
Love the people all of them I do so much
Tropical fruits are plenty and you ask why

Its a heaven all upon its own without a lie
Oh yes and the food is ever so very great
So much peace of mind to here find
Lovely mountains and good swimming mate

I could go on all day in all honesty about it
Don't think theres much that I've missed
Simply beauty sublime around all of the time
Just waiting to be seen enjoyed thats unkissed­&psig=AOvVaw0gbbQ5FvQLTNdWdRJ0asZU&ust=1536577855626603

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
177 · Sep 2018
To Far To The Ground ( part1& I Am Now Still ( part 2 )

A write about f a friend I helped once
in a time of dire strates .. TRUE ..

To Far To The ground .. Poem 1

As I watch the leaves falling.....
Falling....sofly ... gently
Dying ... Landing down upon the ground
I feel a breeze upon my rough face
And as I look back upon my life
I think .... Yes thats my trouble ..
Always thinking~
And as I walk along a country track
I see two birds flying Together
Side by side ..Slowly
And I wonder
Do they appreciate being together
Yes ... Thats my trouble
Always wondering.....
Then .. I reach for a smoke
A drink
And I recall an old dream
Oh God ... I silently cry
Whats this life all about for me
As I then feel at the end of my teather....
Life... This life of mine
Have I like an apple remained upon the tree
Way too long...
Is .... It .... time .... I fell
But ..... I have not at this point in time the courage
It's way too far to the ground~


When I thought all was indeed lost
When all my very dreams seemed as if
They all had died and faded away
When i could no longer find the answers
To problems I thought  had no way
To get my mind around
And no way they could be solved
And there seemed no way out.......
When i was about to throw in the towel
Give it all up as a bad joke
For thats what it all then seemed
Then ........Only then .......
Did I find
An outstretched hand....
A friend ...
A true friend ....
One who offered me a way out..
And as if shelter from my storm...
And .... All because ..
A true friend .. Right then existed ...
I .... Am .... Now .... Still ....

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1991
A true story .. And he;s even today doing fine ..
Just glad to have been there ` ..
176 · Jun 2018
Contradictions of life how they exist today
At home the garden flowers bloom the same way
In another place two as if country heads
Another game of monopoly how they play

Both not all that brighter than the others gloom
At home peace of mind seems running out of room
Common sense it needs a brand new as if broom
While two play “I'm king Of The Castle “ sun and moon

Totally confused the normal live each new day
Doing things as always the same old way
Politics crazy the religious waste time and pray
Like as if the one they call Jesus comes yells HEY

Every day at home its trying to make ends
While these two debate I dance better than you
The world I myself feel better without them true
While all religion plays the same song right through

The earth has been wiped clean five times before
And here are these two trying to open yet another door
Common sense I don't know which one has more
At home the normal peace of mind adore

So simple it would be the entire world all as one
But greed and wealth and stupidity lives moon and sun
Not a soul upon earth was not born and wll die when done
And all they destroy and as if collect they take none

So here at home the meek they live each day
Wishing religious political madness would just go away
The contradictions of life all their games play
At home just another beautiful thus far Monday

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
175 · Aug 2018
Must be so frustrating for a politician ever so
When and if they have ever to end up in court
But then they've made a rule all above the law
Being for polititions court is for them is nort

Can't for the life of the say yes or no in ay way
Ask the time of day ends up their lifes history
Babies vactinated with grammaphone needles
More excuses than any dog has on them fleas

Reliable as a wet piece of string towing a truck
Polititions religions the royals come out of eggs
Of same birds and same words all obsurd
All as useful as oldest days gone by wooden pegs

Andthen when retired millions in their pensions
Give it all a little while and wouldn't you know
They find a reason like camels all back in season
To turn up and for another great whack its so

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Over all of my life with all it's had over time
There's one thing that has a soul feel at home..
Than to listen to the music of the very soul
Having one feel at peace knowing we are not alone''
Soft music that has one stop what one might be doing
Bringing a stillness love peace of mind and happiness..
Within every mile that my soul has traveled in time
There's a music that says my soul is home I confess..
If only my long now gone own father could hear it
With all his woe and stress for giving his absolute all..
If only he could now sit beside me now and listen
To this music as upon my ears heart and soul it does fall..
There's a love within it like I've never heard before
A welcome understanding soul hugging caring sound..
One that a very soul could never not listen to in life
And bringing a we are all family here to be found..
If there was anything that could explain to a soul
That the music from this often misunderstood place..
Told of how all here were so deeply within themselves
Having one realize how loving all are with godly grace..
I am magnetized by the beautiful Filipino's songs
That's  theirs alone from deep within all the while..
Having one know sincerely here they are at last home
So much love within their voices resting life's long mile..
No matter what I'm doing I stop to listen intensely
And it has my soul know that I've found my home..
Where deep within all love and understand each other
And where here one will never again ever in life be alone..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2014
172 · Jul 2018
Undisturbed Morning Beach
Before I too thought of walking upon it
A beach new sublime to be seen
Not a fingerprint of man or bird
Nor of where the waves have been

Unmarked natures gift before my eyes
I searched  but not a single thing
Indicating new born natures creation
A perfection only nature it could bring

Looked for a stick anything at all to be
As if nature had not long had it pressed
Absolute complete perfection to view
A moring beach just awoken from rest

Waves small all in uniform performed
Air with oxygen no doctor could prescribe
Feeling guilty that I might walk on it
A brand new morning beach natures pride

As smooth as a virgins lips unkissed as yet
Not a grain of sand out of place to see
A breeze that had a soul feel years younger
A view that was mine alone to view that be

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
171 · Jun 2018
Right through most of my whole entire life
I never have and I really don't do still true
Believe in things that really don't really exist
Or above human comprehention life through

If man had any respect for WHOM they call JESUS
They'd be able to live their lives in perfect simplicity
Being if one could not do a good turn he would not
For greed deliver a bad one makes good sense to me

Tell me of a was war that was not based on religion
Where live and let live without racism money or gain
Where some never existed thinking they worked for god
Regardless of broken hearts endless dying a world in pain

Over 300 plus bibles and religions but only one their truth
All worded differently that a Christ had died due to treason
And after this man had died ages 85 in Kashmir married
Over a hundred years later in 310 wrote bibles of reason

When he lived had a daughter named Sara to his wife Mary
After he died they went to south of France their blood holy grail
Never yet via following generations they ever found it at all
So assuming to know wrote their bibles and still they wail

Comes down to the words simplicity choice and live and let live
We all are born and so true we all of us one day all will die
Everything in time has its Karma earth destroyed 6 times to date
Nostradaus wrote 2018 year of earthquakes volcanic voice to cry

Its written this time earth will ceace to exist in via means unknown
And without to speak of warning as none believe enough to panic
Where are the Christians fed to lions by Romans away back when
And where are all that trusted in their God still on the once Titanic

Endless break-away religions of already endless wealth to date
Stop to think that if all donated even a dollar for the poor
The uncountable children and families would live far better lives
With all simply doing instead of praying like dying waves on shore

But religions better than working for a none tax paying organization
Spending their lives like bees in hives closed minded children wives
Convincing themselves they know God better than any above many
Driving new cars dressing to **** in the name of God as life it thrives

The secret to possessing souls is to close their minds easy to handle
Having them scared as id not if not they go diectly to hell below
Well even the pope admitted hell is a fantasy as is Adam and Eve
Their bibles state all sin is forgiven when comes time to go

What they get away with have done still do in the name of God
Yet All their bibles as such packed with endless contradictions
osing minds to ask God for help instead of helping themselves
And due to same an entire world of confused minds and frictions

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
171 · Aug 2018
Born as such inbuilt romance so much
In a world of many ******* closed mind
Seldom are there any this day and age
Ever few knowing  of such to find

Not allowing themselves the ability
Feeling its only within movies to be
Never having ever been there at all
Petrified virgins mature  as didability

Gone romancing unknowing seductivity
Religion to blame bibles under pillow
Never have so many made love at night
As full moon shone through the willow

Boldness now replaced with coldness
Hearts minds souls ******* with a vow
Living the words of mans written book
Scared to think outside of same somehow

Blaming world for soul depth frustration
Within knowing has to be more than this
Never missing such as this in all existance
Never known of this the andon of this kiss

Slaves to the word of man who abuses child
The as if holy than thou dictating instruction
Locked up many a beautiful soul doing as told
Saving themselves for none existing construction

Like dipping the toe in water not diving to know
Unexplainable feelings they'll die not knowing
Like robots programmed to follow faulse rule
While young enough to appreciate water flowing

Wasted lives age and all from lust to romacing
All gifts thus for learning as within souls cry
After all said and done feelings never to be won
Waiting for the inevertable one day we all die

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
171 · May 2018

I feel more and more of late that its true
This pope sugested one religion for all not few
A plan to depopulize the planst more so to be
Get rid of all the ill aged and start a new

Religion being the earths largest ever crime
Being wealthiest of all bleed poor every dime
Not a Government game to face the very facts
Still bowing to man created who don't pay tax

No concideration of our earth planet home
Blaming climate change right to its very bone
But nature it will even this very actual score
Natures climate change will be again even more

Its true as said the meek will inherit earth
And those with greed will know of its worth
Predicted long ago all churches they will fall
Nostradaus quoted being every one and all

Wealth will be quick silver running into sand
There will be no religious supply and demand
The planet will take back all it ever did own
Then back to basics this very earth our home

Six times earth wiped clean thus far ever true
And a million or so years later started a new
Their one religion with civilizations under seas
Then climate changes again new winds new breeze

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
To Thine Own Self Be True

( With due concideration of and for others )
  I sent this to a poetic Angel I admire
  but thought I'd pop it on anyway .. )

When you think you've reached a dead end
In life .. simply choose a new direction~
There's a million doors yet to open
That need no effort for detection~
To quit is not the answer
Choose another way to go~
Therese a new life waiting for you
People who will love you so~
Its all a question of truth and destiny
To find the reasons you were born~
What you've to do within your lifetime
Every day from dawn till dawn~
Don't ever be discouraged by the quitters
Know in your heart you deserve the best~
Search for it honestly and deliberately
Know you've got what it takes to pass the test~
If you need to calm the restlessness
Take a long look at your needs~
Walk out from the swamp onto life's highway
And never return again to the reeds~
Once you lose sight of your dreams in life
And your deepest emotional needs and feelings within~
You know then that its time , yours and mine
To think of yourself and that's not a sin~
If you've no tears left to cry then who are you
When you no longer care your as good as dead~
Then a whole life of love and destiny
Wasted ...ended ...put to bed~
All the answers to life's questions are waiting
For you to press on , seek and find~
And if you lose interest in searching
your chances of happiness then left behind~
Creation and creating never ceases
As we all create every day~
And know you do too , Your needed its true
So go get it , do it in your way~
But one things for sure you do matter
And your loved by just more than a few~
So keep it in mind , never leave this behind
always , To thine own self be true~.

( The most STUPID thing I've ever heard said / Read / Or became aware of as if ..

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1993
The most STUPID thing I've ever heard said / Read / Or became aware of as if ..
I cannot stress this truth enough ..

Little children all start their lives
With every chance that be~
But subjected to the conditions around them
No real difference than a newly planted tree~
Its those first important years for a child
When they first become who they are~
And with what they learn in those very first years
Will remain within them as they go far~
No different than a newly planted tree
It will only grow due to to where its planted~
And if the soil is rich or poor
Depends on how it grows its granted~
Its those first and most important years of learning
That lay the foundation within a child~
And all a child takes in so deeply within
Remaines that soul for life all the while~
Attitudes are then taught and formed
In those first years of learning~
Its back then it first lights that souls candle
And for life deeply within it is always burning~
Those very first impressive learning years as a child
Depending what and how they then learn
If they did or did'nt know love and of God above
Tells if they'll know happiness or for it they'll yern~
Those very first years of learning for a child
Becomes the child within they'll always know~
Its those very first years of happiness and tears
And thus the tree shall grow~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988 .. 2018
169 · Aug 2018
Normal lad such energy he had
The girl next door was the same
Not much to do weekends true
And gone had not long the rain

Twenty five fruit trees we had
Up back all full and nice and ripe
It was right up that tree filling up
On the best fruit after a rub wipe

Looking down the girl next door
Laying on the ground on her back
Throw me down a few if you'd do
I can take a few home in my sack

From up there he saw a lot more
Under that dress nothing at all
He for the first time lost appertite
And shook the tree as fruit to fall

I guess for the first time she thought
It must have been time to thus explore
As she stretched the fruit she fetched
He could see something he did adore

The grass below was long you know
As she lay there as if in a little nest
So he climbed down to the ground
Thus to investigate more so at best

Twas then he first found on the ground
A fruit he's never in his life yet tasted
Ever soft deep and round on the ground
And enjoying it not a minute wasted

He felt that she had thought about this
And that she had long decide to act
And from that day come was may
He found better fruit on ground a fact

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
164 · Aug 2018
Who needs to take a rod anf hooks
When going fishing in the Philippine
One just needs a whopping great net
And be invisible as not to be seen

Angels simply everywhere around
And not of them have tiny little wings
But everyone of them so beautiful
The dreams they all create and brings

With smiles only here one can find
And not one of them are the very same
Creating sunshine every single day
And heavenly nights even if it rain

Enough to drive a real man almost daft
Regardless of all integrity and values high
He knows to well the difference yes or no
keeps his heart pumpung till the day he'll die

Just walking down the street better than
Anything a Dr can prescribe come what may
Filipino smiles un-replaceable priceless too
On any given lifes a gift kind of normal day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
162 · Aug 2018
Money has no seat at this concert
Its simply the walk we choose in life
Some play cards others play tennis
But no mind games on others strife

Your life has to have a for me to know
No gossip no need to others explain
Your life your private activities only
All others can simply walk their lane

No soul was bor to always inform those
Who fail in life to get one of their own
For you to know they can go dig a bone

This others having to know your secrets
If any thus in your life may ever exist
Those with lives unlived as yet can all
Go find and experience in life unkissed

I have no tollerance for gossip assumers
Those that need others lives to live and be
If this life is a class ifor us to learn in it
They can thus attend their own university

( While retaining my values my life belongd
         to myself alone )

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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