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If we're to love our neighbors,
We can't leave out the unborn:
We must show them protection,
It's their lives we must not scorn.

Our lives first had DNA                  
The moment we were conceived:          
We weren't blobs of our mom's cells,    
Don't let ourselves be deceived.

Even if our mom's blood type,
Is the same type that we got:
Things still get even clearer,                      
When unlike mom's ours are not.      

The babies born and unborn,
Are gifts to moms from above.
Let's show all babies respect,
And unconditional love.

As we  enter life's next stage,  
The same person still we'll be:
Our country must obey God,    
If we're truly to be free.
sent 04-20-2024
an aerial bird
real fast bird in level flight
moves quick with ease, swift
eat poisonous prey        
famous bird of Death Valley
beep, beep,, roadrunner
Lord, help me love my neighbors:
Even when I don't want to.
Give me the strength that I need,
So holiness I'll pursue,

When hate arises in my life,    
It, dear Lord, help me then face:    
Give to me what I need most,
So hate with love I'll replace.                    

Help me give light to neighbors,        
So that they will come to see:   
It's when we love our neighbors,        
Earth will then have more beauty.

Help me love my neighbors, Lord,
Lack of love I can't afford.
written       Friday04-19-2024
When we find life with burdens,      
Lord, life's load is hard to bear:      
During times such as these, Lord
Be sure to show us you care.        

When crosses weigh upon us,  
And we find life hard to live:
Then we need to be grateful,
When wisdom to us you give.          

When we find life a burden,            
Lighter help our lives to be:            
Joys to be found in our lives,              
Dearest Lord help us to see.                                        

When burdensome life we find,
Of life's joys, Lord, us remind.
written 03-17-2024
Lord, by the good that we do,          
May others then come to see:  
That to find true happiness,            
Pleasing you will be the key.                  

When we are in need of strength,                    
Profusely it to us give:                                                
Protect us when we're tempted,  
So holy lives we can live.

You said  do not be afraid,                
And to put our trust in you:              
Help us live our lives for you,
As you commanded us to.                              

Help us be light to others,    
Answer us Lord when we pray:
And on the road to heaven,  
Jesus, show to us the way:
In God's heavenly, kingdom,                      
Peaceful everything will be:              
We'll be with saints and angels,            
And God for eternity.      

It's an eternal haven,                              
From miseries on the earth,                  
We'll be with God forever,  
And joys there will have no dearth.              

Let's live as God commands us,
And peaceful our lives can be,    
Earth has its pains and troubles,    
In heaven they'll no more be.
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