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Tristan Claude Oct 2012
She was a shipping yard,
Covered in snow and ice,
Her words broke apart in many ideas,
They shattered and fell,
To a ground of many pieces,
Cold waters and cold stares,
They kept her up and they kept insomnia,
As if upon a leash of little length,
Ideas and misplaces sentences grouped together,
They formed dreams that made her and,
The victims of her social stories, wonder,
Wonder and wander of a cause for such immagination,
Her boats, her ships, her plans of improvement,
They all seemed to bend with the test of time,
A spent and splendid, waiting and living,
Living for the fresh breaths that come with stale sea air,
Waiting for another foreign hello, and a local hello,
Sending thoughts, and sending gifts, all with a certain,
Very curious price, a file in a folder, she waited,
Tedious excitement and the glowing eyes of everyone else,
The smiles and the nods, as she went on her way,
She was a way from here to there,
And she was happy with her seas, her sometimes snow, and her sometimes ice.
Tristan Claude Oct 2012
To think, a thousand worlds can collapse upon me in yet another day dream,
I believe I've imagined you so many times,
A mere silhouette, dancing and crying upon countless backdrops,
You have become an ever constant inspiration,
A butterfly, much more like a moth,
Eating away at the sheets that keep an unimportant sanity intact,
Will I ever come back to you?
A clock can say an infinite many things, and it can tell so many more,
So I listen, and your memories that I may barely touch,
Will always be in words touching a grey scale sunset,
The value in that, is however a thought makes it out to be,
Upon your dreams, I hope a moonlit sky might leave many footsteps,
So seeing, where they went, you'll see where they came from and where they got,
Follow dancing feet, and sing with lines that give root to ancient trees,
And beautiful fruit that make us all forget about the rest,
Will keep us in remembrance of you.
Tristan Claude Oct 2012
Who are you,
Spending curious kisses,
You leave your eyes on me,
And I wonder why they stay,
You spend the hardest words like currency,
Buy yourself a thousand thoughtful glances,
Train yourself, like just any other animal,
To think everyone is always smiling,
Day dreams,
Stay in your head,
What is it all worth, another moment,
Lets just keep this imagination going,
As though this world, and all those others,
Is just so unimaginable perfect,Everybody is fixed, not a single problem,I swear,Someone would give you the world,But you've got yours.
Tristan Claude Oct 2012
The bells ring and the churches seem to bring,
Shadows and light, and countless mumbled prayers,
Nobody is listening, so what have you, go ahead,
Pray for, send, for answers,
They all pray, they, you, us.
Find yourself in rainforest chants,
Will the rain come tonight or tomorrow?
Pray for quick feet, and your,
Shadow follows,
Lusting after every step, every light,
And when you escape,
All light it follows,
It engulfs, it devours, it drinks and it tastes with sharp teeth.
You beg, with looks in either direction,
Fear breaks from your breath,
It falls in tears, streams down hills of cheekbones,
River these memories, as it eats you from inside to out,
Where is your soul, when you want to see it in the mirror,
And all you see,
Features, pieces, words, glimpse, glance,
Breathe in and gasp, for air and for peace,
An anxious, attack from within you,
Did you know you had it?
That screech, from the chalk board, from your nails, from your thoughts that revolve around you,
Where are your footprints when you look back,
It's an ocean, it's a beach of sand.
And you'll want to count ever speck, every pebble, every rock, every boulder,
And drown before
You hear your voice,
or anybody else.
Tristan Claude Oct 2012
The taste of tears has got itself a reputation,
Oh goodness I'd like to go home,
But where is home, where can I find it,
I'd love to meet it next door,
I wouldn't mind being neighbours,
Knock on it's door, exchange hand shakes or kisses,
Well, hello, who are you,
That's nice, but I'm sure my heart won't call you that,
Oh home, with your sheets that smell like,
Heaven, but not quite,
Like they should, like they always should,
Home, where your smile just bounces of the walls,
Come back to me home,
Or stay where you are, you're perfect, home,
But you're terrible and you're flawed,
And I just want to wrap myself in you,
You have your reputation,
And those beautiful lies, that you make up every time we have guests,
Look me in the eyes, or look me anywhere,
Or take me, or give me, or hate me, or love me,
But if only I could find you, and just walk next door,
Bathe in your sunshine,
And slip in your muddy midnight slime,
Hello home,
Goodbye home,
I hope you know where you are, and I wish I did.
Tristan Claude Oct 2012
Smile for me once more,
I'll grasp the air,
Look upon that beauty,
And hope for eternal dreams,
Oh but dreams,
I lust for dreams,
Not those nightmares,
Don't walk away,
Wait just a little longer,
Until my eyelids retire,
Stay a few more minutes,
An hour if i'm lucky,
And look at me please,
Until this chest of mine,
Loses every care I've had,
Smile, and smile with tears if you must,
A lifetime I can live,
In every smile of yours I see,
So, I beg you please,
Smile lots,
Before my lifetime leaves.
Tristan Claude Oct 2012
Her beauty, could be measured by the imperfections she saw,
It could be measured by the countless moments she places in others hands,
Some simple moments that some wouldn't think much of at all,
I could not measure her beauty, even if I wanted to,
I could not say that she is as beautiful as the first time a child walks,
Or the innocent singing of a young girl without a care in the world,
she might be as beautiful, as the sun set itself,
Or maybe the birds, that sing angelic songs without any clue that they do,
Why should I want to compare her beauty, to any other,
She is not worth comparison, she is worth an incomparable truth,
of beauty unlike others, more beautiful and less,
Her beauty is hers, and with it such a world of possibilities.
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