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May 2014 · 280
Leonidus Lion of Rome
Tom Higgins May 2014
Leonidus was a lion
And Africa was his home,
But one day he was captured
And caged and sent to Rome.
They sent him to the Collosseum
Where he was made to ****
Lots of skinny Christians
Of whom he ate his fill.
One day he refused to **** some
The Romans cried out "why?"
He looked no longer fearsome,
And he began to cry.
"I am now a gentle sort of cat,
I have eaten so much of this meat
And I have become nice like that,
Because we all are what we eat!"
Tom Higgins May 2014
If I Could Achieve The Impossible.

If I could stop a river's flow
Or reverse a waterfall,
If I could make light be slow
Or cause the wind to stall,

If I could make men see sense
And refuse to go to war,
If I could stop the pretence,
That money's worth dying for,

If I could build a better world
Where everyone could thrive,
Or stop the flags being unfurled,
And let the innocent stay alive,

Instead of being bombed and burned
Before they've had a chance
With history's lessons left unlearned,
As death's macabre dance,

Once again takes to the floor
As so often throughout the ages,
The martial music plays once more
And we quick step into the pages,

Of new history as it is written
Never knowing who,or when,or why,
Which of us are to be smitten,
Who amongst us doomed to die.

If I had such powers under the sun
I would be sure to use them to
Change our world so it is run
For the many, not just a few.

Tom Higgins 24/05/2014
May 2014 · 350
The Mindless Blindness.
Tom Higgins May 2014
The Mindless Blindness.

Only in the minds of men do the imaginary gods dwell,
And only in the minds of men is there a capacity to create Hell.
Only in the minds of men is there a belief in fate
And only in the minds of men is the capacity for hate.
Only in the minds of men is there avarice and greed,
And only in the minds of men does desire overrule need.
Only in the minds of men is there the great ability to change
And only in the minds of men are the abstract and the strange.
Only in the minds of men is the yearning for love and peace,
And only in the minds of men is there a blessed release.
Only in the minds of men is mass destruction oft at hand
And only by the minds of men is total destruction planned.

Tom Higgins 24/05/2014
May 2014 · 283
The Road To Oblivion.
Tom Higgins May 2014
There is a road to nowhere
To a place called Oblivion
It's the opposite road to Somewhere
Yet many before have gone,
And followed that road to nowhere
Without ever looking back
They just kept heading on down there
Along hoplessness's track.
And when they arrived in Oblivion
They never ever came to know
That if they'd chosen the road to Somewhere
It was a much better place to go.

Tom Higgins 25/05/2014
May 2014 · 731
It Happened Naturally!
Tom Higgins May 2014
Big bang happened, time began,
Now here we are, the sons of man,
Discussing whether a supreme being,
Of such might and wisdom all seeing,
Could possibly be around before,
Any time existed, and what's more,
Could pick a tiny isolated planet,
And with a vast array of zoology, man it!
Now that is more than incredible,
If it was pie it would be inedible.
The thought that out of billions of galaxies,
He chose one tiny planet for the people he's,
Made in his own likeness to do his bidding,
No really he must have just been kidding,
And out there among those trillions of stars
There are billions more Earth's, where there are,
Trillions more like you and me,
Discussing how they came to be!

Tom Higgins 18/10/2012
Tom Higgins May 2014
I am eight years old, my friend is ten,
The sky is billions and azure blue,
We are walking to St Bees and the beach, when,
Suddenly a skylark soars piping his tune so true.
We watch and listen as the tiny bird,
In undulating flight trills his lovely song,
It is like nothing else that we have ever heard,
And he keeps singing for joy as we continue along
The narrow country lane down to the sea,
Where all day we'll explore the rocky shore and weedy fronds,
Knowing that there will doubtless be,
Myriads of strange creatures in their salty ponds.

I am fifty seven, my friend is fifty nine,
His health is not so good, but he battles on,
Myself, I am feeling mostly fine,
Although the best years have now gone.
The sky is billions and a bit, and sometimes it is blue,
And as I drive along the still narrow lane
Towards St Bees where skylarks once flew,
The only thing flying in the sky is a tiny silver plane,
And the only sounds come from engine noise, and BBC Radio Two.

Down on the beach the rocky pools and seaweed fronds,
All are clearly still there,
But there are not so many animals in their salty ponds,
Did they just vanish into thin air?
Or is it perhaps that I can no longer see,
Through these older and more tired eyes,
The same things I saw when I was young and free,
When with every day I would unwrap a new surprise?

Tom Higgins
May 2014 · 328
And The Law Is ?
Tom Higgins May 2014
Politicians on the attack
Two steps forward,
Three steps back.
Corporations in the dock,
They paid no tax,
Now there's a shock.

Talk to the voters
Speak in tongues.
Keep on taking corporate bungs.
Not one banker
Sent to jail
For causing the economy to fail.

So if you're going to be a thief
From the law you'll get relief.
If you wear a corporate suit
You will be allowed to keep the loot.
For anyone else who gets caught stealing
The mighty law is soon revealing
Her penalties, reserved for those
Who don't wear the corporate clothes.

Tom Higgins
Tom Higgins May 2014
The sun is out and the sky is blue,
So there is nothing better for this man to do,
Than to walk out where people are very rare,
And fill my lungs with the freshest air,
Blowing from the Southwest today
In that whistling sort of windy way.

Oh how I love to walk up here
In this valley where the air is clear,
And the birds are singing in the trees
The Hallelujah chorus carried on the breeze
To fill the senses of anyone who may be,
Close enough to hear their symphony.

Then as I climb to the Southern hilltop
Something catches my eye and I have to stop.
I look in silent wonder as I now can see
Not one buzzard nor two, but three
Circling and swooping in the sky above
This is a sight I have come to love

As I stand agog and watch them soaring
On the thermals up from the valleys pouring,
Again I find myself captivated by
The ease and grace with which they fly.
Then off into the distance all three glide
Leaving me feeling good inside.

Further on and I espy three roe deer
The first I’ve seen for many a year.
They’re grazing contentedly and unaware
That I have stopped to stand and stare
At a sight I don’t often see,
But today Mother Nature’s been good to me.

Tom Higgins 24/03/2014
Tom Higgins May 2014
A genius from the N R A,
Was on the news the other day.
He was on there to espouse the view,
That there is nothing government can do,
To stop him owning any gun,
No they'll never, ever stop his fun.
He'll have as many as he can desire,
And all of them he'll definitely fire,
At anyone he sees as a threat,
So all those poor folks best not get,
Any ideas above their station,
About equality in their great nation,
Which has the equality of those with most,
Who pray to their god,and like to boast,
Of all the things that they possess,
And ask for their materialism, their god to bless,
And keep them in their righteous place,
With both feet planted firmly on the face,
Of the millions required to toil and serve,
Those who think only they deserve,
To be allowed to live a life fulfilled,
So don't dare to trespass or you will be killed!

Tom Higgins 09/01/2013
May 2014 · 461
The Evil Ventriloquists.
Tom Higgins May 2014
Tomorrow, if I wake up again
I shall have reached the big six zero,
Which means I have lived a longer life
Than Napoleon,******, and Nero.

And if I wake again in the morn
I shall look in the mirror and smile
Because since the day I was born
I've never killed anyone, while

All around the world constantly
There has always been a war
Whilst I have been living quietly
Wondering what the fight was for.

And usually the answer came
After the deaths of millions of those
Who were born in the conflict zones
And who never really chose

To have a war with anyone
It is not the people's choice
It seems that everywhere wicked men
Usurp the people's voice.

Tom Higgins.26/02/2014
Tom Higgins May 2014
I have always had an interest in
Interests I find interesting.
Interesting interests of the kind
That stimulate the interest of my mind.
And when an interest, of interest interests me,
I stay interested in it permanently
So an interesting time I have had,
Because having so many interests drives me mad.
I’ve never had an interest in just one thing,
That’s never been sufficiently interesting.
For I find interesting interests everywhere
That my interested eyes care to stare,
Or my interested ears care to listen
I find the interesting gems that sing and glisten.

Tom Higgins 08/03/2014
May 2014 · 396
A Vainglorious World.
Tom Higgins May 2014
In a place ruled by vanity
They build huge shrines for,
The worship of pure inanity,
And here, ego is the law.

The self is the only care
For which they give a ****,
There are not heard anywhere,
The teachings of the Lamb.

The mirror is the object they
Prize above all others,
And it's where they stand and pray
For victory over their brothers.

There is no society here
They have to stand alone
And use violence, threats, and fear,
To get closer to the throne.

Tom Higgins.
May 2014 · 459
Blind Faith
Tom Higgins May 2014
I have witnessed many bad things,
solely from Earthly sources,
that tell me no compassionate god
could exude such malevolent forces,
surely a god that is good could never sit,
and watch so many die,
without sending angelic intervention,
a UN force from the sky.

'You must believe my son,
you must let faith within you dwell,
because if you don't
you will doom your soul to everlasting Hell.'
Such were the words drummed into me
when I was eight or nine,
now here I am at fifty eight,
still waiting for a sign,
some proof, a flash, a voice from god,
or something else divine.

Yet this has never happened
in the history of mankind,
through many thousands of years,
and many billions of tears,
the gods have always been deaf and blind.

Tom Higgins
May 2014 · 410
Tom Higgins May 2014
The sunrise is a golden peach delight
Melting the treacle blackness
Of the kingdom of the night.
The brightening wakens me
From my deep insensible slumber,
And outside of my window
The songbirds grow in number
To sing their dawn chorus
Competing to be heard
Each big boy trying to sing much louder,
Than any other big boy bird.
So the conspiracy of our brilliant star,
And my feathered cocky friends,
Means that now it's very certain
This is where my snoozing ends !

Tom Higgins
May 2014 · 192
Reflection Time
Tom Higgins May 2014
I looked in the mirror in the bathroom
Just after getting out of bed
I saw my father looking back at me
And this is what he said,

"You are me as I am you
And together we are one
There is nothing that divides us
I am sure of that my son."

Time has passed by so quickly
Since we last spoke for real
Life just seems like a fading dream,
At least that's how I feel.

Yes the ticking clock counting down,
Each heartbeat is the measure,
Of how much time there is left
Of this life for me to treasure.

Tom Higgins. 02/05/2014
May 2014 · 258
Book of Memories
Tom Higgins May 2014
I look forward to the future
As I look back upon the past,
And I hope I'll keep remembering
For as long as my life may last,

And I hope that my album of life
Will have an expanding trend,
And that my ability to refer to it
Will stay with me to the end.

I hope its colours never fade,
Or its bright reflections dull,
For from these is the person made
And a life can never be full.

Unless the memory stays clear
For those remaining days,
Without fading into the mists
Of an autumnal evening's haze,

To gradually disappear
Into a wintry fog bound Hell,
A man without a memory
Is a mere empty shell.

Tom Higgins 22/02/2013
May 2014 · 313
Waiting In Line
Tom Higgins May 2014
Waiting In Line

I'm in the queue with the rest of you
I'm waiting until it's my turn.
To pass on through the exit door
With two choices, to be buried or to burn.

But I don't want either choice
Not for little old me.
I want something totally different,
I want buried in the deep blue sea.

I want to be taken on a boat
Out beyond the far horizon
And to be tipped over the side to sink
Into the kingdom of old Poseidon.

And there I'll be recycled by
The creatures of the deep
Just like I recycled those of them
That were big enough to keep,

And for any of my fellow men
Who in life have disliked me.
You are all invited to
Take a trip far out to sea.

Then when you get to my resting place
Feel free to play music and rave.
Yes please all of you have some fun
And dance upon my grave.

Tom Higgins
May 2014 · 287
Love Is?
Tom Higgins May 2014
Love Is?

I am a very hateful man
So full of hate for everything.
I hate because then I can
Blame others for my shortcomings.

I hate your ginger hair
I hate your brown eyes
I hate you because you care
I hate you as you are wise.

If I don't like the way you dress
You'd better stay away from me.
Because I will leave you in such a mess.
Come close and you will soon see.

I hate those I don't know
I hate those not like me
I hate every place I go
I hate every difference I see.

If I don't like the music you play
Then that will be enough for me
To **** you as sure as night follows day
Go on, play it and then you'll see.

I hate the godless and the gays
I hate the Muslims and the Jews
I hate immigrants and all their ways
I hate all those with liberal views.

I am going to get you all.
I will ensure that you are scared.
I will make your government fall
Then you'll see me with my teeth bared.

I hate those who talk of peace
I hate the poor and the weak
I hate the law and the police
I hate every foreign freak.

So with my sneaky bombs I shall destroy
I'll make you all bow down to me
Every man ,woman, girl and boy.
You will not have democracy.

Tom Higgins
May 2014 · 438
Bi-Polar Beings
Tom Higgins May 2014
Babies dancing with Beyonce,
Puppies and kittens oh so cute
Idiots setting their hair on fire
A man beheaded by a brute.

All of these are shown on YouTube
Lots of it is purely fun
But always there is the dark side
The realm of hate, the bomb and gun.

Two sides of the human psyche
Complete opposites hawk and dove
One side shows hope for a future
Where hate does not transcend love.

The other side has unfortunately
Made fear and hate its main tool
The age old tactic used for millennia
The trick is to simply divide and rule.

Tom Higgins.
May 2014 · 635
It Started With A Bang
Tom Higgins May 2014
It All Began With A Bang.

Now here's something to make you sing
To make your heartstrings twang,
It is a story of young love,
That started with a bang.
Now by "a bang" I don't mean
What a lot of you are thinking,
I simply mean it started well
One night when Fred was out drinking.

He was in his local rub a dub dub,
"The Coney's Burrow" was its name,
And a lot of blokes who used the pub
Simply went to have a game
Of dominoes or darts or cards,
Whatever took their fancy,
Or chatting up the landlord's wife,
A brassy blonde called Nancy.

Other girls were rarely seen
To enter into the place
It was in a tiny little village
Hidden from the rest of our race.
It was in a time when history
Was being written in the skies
By lots of warring aeroplanes
Buzzing round like flies,

A time when most young men and girls
Were all away doing their bit,
But poor young Fred was left behind,
They said he lacked the wit.
But he was fine behind a plough
On his family's farm
Where he could help win the war,
Without coming to any harm.

So time passed by so slow for Fred
Each day merging with another
He wished he could meet a nice girl
With a smile just like his mother
He did not want to live all his life
Ploughing a lonely furrow
He wanted to find himself a wife
That's why he went to the "Burrow".

One Friday night whilst having a pint
There was a roaring from outside
They all rushed out to see what it was,
And poor Fred nearly died,
A great big Heinkel bomber
was falling injured from the sky
trailing smoke and flames behind
As it spiralled down to die.

It crashed into a farmhouse
On the far side of the wood
And everyone ran to see
If they could do anyone any good.
The scene which lay in front of them
Was one of sheer destruction
And there was no one there just then
To give orders or instructions,

So Fred he took it on himself,
No one told him what to do,
To run into the flaming ruins
His instincts told him to.
He ran up some stairs where he heard
A cry for help from in a room
He crashed through the door and looked around,
And in the flickering smokey gloom,

The little cry he heard again
This time it sounded more manic
He shouted "I am here for you,
You'll be fine so please don't panic."
And then he saw smallish hand
Waving from under a bed
He reached down and grabbed hold of it and
The sweet little voice then said,

"Oh thank you , thank you you brave soul
You risked your life for me,
If you'd not come in through the fire
Then pretty soon I'd be
In a situation much more dire
Than the one I now can see."
" We must go now he said to her,
Quickly we must flee,

If we are to live another day
Then like lightning we must be."
He picked her up and carried her
Out from that smoke filled room
Onto and down the burning stair
Then through flames and scenes of doom,
Out into the crisp cool air
Of the English Autumn night

And he set her down upon the ground
And was astonished by the sight,
This vision of beauty it did astound,
He stood rooted to the spot
He stammered "y you'll bbbe alright now."
And that's as far as he got
She put her finger to his lips
And gently she said "shush

We have all our lives in front of us
So there's no need to rush."
They were married in the village church
Six months after their fateful meeting
The crowds came from miles around
And the guests filled all the seating
Standing room outside many more found
Was the order of the day,

And the vicar blessed and the choir sang
And everyone knelt to pray
That this union would last and never end
Until their final day.
That is how the story ends
They remained in love for life,
And Fred always thanked that bomber
For finding him a wife.

Tom Higgins 05/05/2014

— The End —